Saved By The Boss [COMPLETE +...

By wrappedinamystery

36.3M 1.1M 234K

He's rude, he's arrogant and downright insolent. She's a damaged good with walls built so high it's a surpri... More

Chapter 1 - All In A Day's Work
Chapter 2 - Memory Lane
Chapter 3 - Second Time's The Charm
Chapter 4 - You're Fired
Chapter 5 - Aftermath
Chapter 6 - Cabin Fever
Chapter 7 - A Shot In Paris
Chapter 8 - Secrets
Chapter 9 - His Revelation
Chapter 10 - Stay With Me
Chapter 11 - Explosions
Chapter 12 - Case Closed
Chapter 13 - Meet The Queens
Chapter 14 - Apologies At Tiffany's
Chapter 15 - Tears And Tantrums
Chapter 16 - It's A Date
Chapter 17 - Lay Down Your Weapons
Chapter 18 - Take Two
Chapter 19 - Break Down The Walls
Chapter 20 - She's Broken
Chapter 21 - Warts And All
Chapter 22 - A Stranger On The Streets
Chapter 23 - The Heat Of Hell
Chapter 24 - Never Alone
Chapter 25 - Teamwork
Chapter 26 - Pack Up Your Troubles
Chapter 27 - Lost And Found
Chapter 28 - Hide And Seek
Chapter 29 - Déjà Vu
Chapter 30 - See You Again
Chapter 31 - Wake Up
Chapter 32 - Without You
Chapter 33 - Wide Awake
Chapter 34 - Wave After Wave
Chapter 35 - Curiosity Killed The Queen
Chapter 36 - Troubled Waters
Chapter 37 - Bed, Scars & Beyond
Chapter 38 - Uncovered
Chapter 39 - Take Me Away
Chapter 40 - A Love Like No Other
Chapter 41 - CEO, Interrupted
Chapter 42 - Family First
Chapter 43 - In The Dark
Chapter 44 - Dirty Dancing
Chapter 45 - White Lights
Chapter 46 - Confessions
Chapter 47 - Partners In Crime
Chapter 48 - Prison Bound
Chapter 49 - Black & White
Chapter 50 - Rich To Richest
The Epilogue

Chapter 51 - Sealed With A Kiss

578K 18K 5.1K
By wrappedinamystery



I'm SOOOO sorry that it's so late but I had a terrible bout of writer's block and I wanted this chapter to be perfect in my eyes!

I just wanted to clarify that as I mentioned in my first ever author's note, that I would be going back to re edit the book, I'll also be editing small details of the plot such as the relationship between Lucas and Vincent. It doesn't really make sense to make them brothers so that's why Luke will have a different surname in this chapter... I will go back and edit the other details later.

(POTENTIAL SPOILER) Also, regarding the vows and shit, I have never been married and probably never will be married (love myself too much, jk) so they're like your standard vows. I've also missed out the "speak now or forever hold your peace" ish because personally I don't really like that that even has to be said - my personal opinion though! .. Just a little concerned the cliché police will start sniffing around lol.

Finally, I would like to dedicate this final chapter to AmandaMahfood for encouraging me to publish my story back in March of this year - I owe it all to her to believing in me and supporting me, thank you so much, Amanda!

Without further adoooo, here is Chapter 51 - Enjoy!

Song: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

Chapter 51 - Sealed With A Kiss

Scarlett's POV

"Absolutely no strippers," I warned Jasper, my hands on my hips. "I don't want a dozen scantily clad women dry humping you."

"Anything else, oh, dominant one?" He questioned, amusedly.

"Don't turn up tomorrow with a Mike Tyson tattoo on your face," I continued, counting my terms on my fingers "No surprise visit to Bangkok and absolutely no freaking monkeys."

"I think someone needs to confiscate The Hangover DVD's from you, babe," he laughed.

"Just, please, turn up tomorrow in one tattooless, sober piece," I said wryly as he rolled his eyes before kissing my forehead softly.

"I don't know, I think I could rock a Mike Tyson tattoo better than Mike Tyson," he boasted as I glared at him.

"Try it and I'll leave you crying like a little bìtch at the altar."

"I'd like to see you try," he retorted, challengingly.

"I really don't think you would, baby."

"If you two are finished here, I'd love to just open a couple of windows to get rid of the overwhelming stench of séxual tension," Melissa's voice piped up as she stared at us expectantly.

"Jeez, thanks, Melissa," I muttered sarcastically as she turned to Jasper.

"Get your àss out of here, lover boy," she clicked her fingers before shooing him out of the house. "You'll be seeing her pretty little face for the rest of your life after tomorrow, so, off you go!"

"No, not until I get my kiss," he spoke defiantly as I smiled up at him.

"Two minutes," Melissa told him before slowly retreating back to the living room.

"Guess what?" Jasper murmured softly as he caressed my cheek.

"You have a birthmark in the shape of a pénis on your àss?" I guessed as his eyes widened considerably.

"How the fùck did you know I had a birthmark there?" He questioned.

"You think you're the only one who enjoys perving on their fiancee's àss?" I giggled much to his frustration. "I only properly noticed it three weeks ago, when you were giving me that little striptease."

"Hell, why the fūck does that even matter, I should be defending the fact that it's not a díck shaped birthmark!"

"Oh? So what is it shaped like, then?"

"A fùcking upside down ice cream," he growled angrily as I bit the inside of my cheeks, trying not to laugh.

"Or a unicorn horn with balls," I shrugged, flippantly.

"If you're not careful, Miss Valentina," he began as he pinned my wrists above my head while I was backed up against the door. "My unicorn horn will have its way in you, right... Against... This... Door."

My breath hitched as he lowered his soft lips to mine, kissing me like it was our first time as I resisted the urge to take him up on his offer.

"You two are disgusting, did you know that?" Melissa groaned as I tried to get Jasper to move - to no avail, obviously.

"God, I love you," he whispered against my lips after he had finally pulled away. "You're so fùcking perfect."

"I know I am," I winked at him as he scoffed.

"I think I should get out of here before your lovely best friend follows through with the murderous plan she's plotting in her mind," he chuckled, giving Melissa a small wave. "I now wonder why the hell I ever hired her, she's batshit crazy."

"That's it, you little shit!" Melissa snapped as she strode towards the door before yanking it open to see Lucas stood on the other side, his expression of surprise mirroring hers. "Valdez."

"Kingston." He acknowledged, nodding briefly before an awkward silence filled the hall as Jasper and I exchanged knowing glances.

"I just remembered, Scarlett and I have a thing to do -"

"I don't think so lover boy," Melissa interrupted, placing her hands on her hips as her eyes bore through Jasper's soul. "You're not even supposed to see her until tomorrow!"

"Not to mention the fact that you were meant to be at my place three fùcking hours ago," Luke muttered, clearly feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Fine," he grumbled, kissing my lips quickly. "No cop or firefighter strippers, capisce?"

"As long as you keep to my terms, I'm game," I reminded him as he laughed.

"See you tomorrow, baby," he smiled before kneeling down, placing a hand on my growing stomach. "Be a good little girl for your mommy, princess. When you're a naughty girl, your poor daddy has to suffer mommy's satanic pregnancy wrath -"

"Jasper!" I interrupted, smacking the side of his head as he winced.

"She's also become incredibly rough since we -"

"It's a girl?" Melissa and Luke questioned incredulously.

"We don't know what it is," I explained as I gave Jasper a pointed look. "He's hell bent that it's a girl."

"I have a sixth sense, what can I say?" He shrugged.

"Yeah, okay, Mystic Meg, how about we hocus pocus your whipped self out of here?" Luke offered as Jasper rolled his eyes before following him out of the house.

"Bye, Scarlett," Luke grinned before awkwardly giving Melissa a final curt nod. "Kingston."

"Valdez." She responded, her voice stoic as she closed the door behind them.

"Want to tell me what that was all about?" I quirked an eyebrow as she gave me an all too nonchalant shrug.

"It's just been a while since we last saw each other."

"I'll bet it has," I muttered, folding my arms. "Would you care to elaborate?"

"Another day," she dismissed before grabbing my arm. "Hurry up, we have to get you ready, the girls are waiting for you and I have to call mom to check up on Avery!"

"Can't we just stay here and -"

"No, we most certainly cannot," she cut me off as I groaned. "Come on, let's go!"

"Fine," I grumbled as I staggered up the stairs to change.

I couldn't believe I was getting married - tomorrow.

I couldn't believe that by this time tomorrow I would actually be married to the love of my life.


"Scarlett," I heard someone whisper harshly in my ear.

"Jasper, please, we just had séx, let me sleep," I whined into the pillow, my voice coming out muffled.

"Ew, Scarlett!"

"Melissa?" I asked groggily as I lifted my head off the pillow, already feeling out of breath.

"No, it's a freaking ghost from the afterlife," she droned sarcastically before throwing the duvet off of me. "Are you planning on getting up anytime soon? You know, seeing as though you have your own wedding to attend in a few hours?"

"Oh, shit, it's today!" I gasped as I furiously rubbed the sleep from my eyes before scanning my surroundings. "Where are the others?"

"Half of them left after dinner last night and the others left a couple of hours ago."

"Where are your mom and Avery?"

"They spent last night at my sister's, but they'll be back soon," she replied impatiently as she tapped her foot against the floor, watching me.

"I'm getting up, would you quit glaring?" I muttered as I got out of bed lazily.

"Okay, so, the dress has been sent for you change into, as discussed; Serena will also be there for -"

"Melissa!" I screeched like a mad woman as she rushed into the bathroom behind me. "Look at this! I've grown a fùcking planet right in the middle of my forehead!"

"Scarlett, it's not that bad,"  Melissa soothed, rummaging through her bathroom cabinet as I sobbed hysterically. "This is your karma for laughing at my pregnancy hormones."

"You're not helping!" I cried loudly, feeling as though I'd completely lost control of my emotions.

"This should do the trick," Melissa announced in an accomplished tone as she tossed me a small tube of cream. "Now, stop crying! You think a stupid pimple will stop that insanely whipped fiancée of yours from marrying you?"

"No," I sniffled pathetically as she handed me my toothbrush.

"Done?" She questioned while I rinsed my mouth. "Right, you get into the shower while I finish with the final arrangements and then we'll leave to sort out your hair and make-up."

"Thanks, Melissa," I smiled, wiping my eyes, as I gave her a hug. "Thank you for everything. Yesterday couldn't have been anymore perfect."

"You deserve it, Scarlett, you really do." She replied before pulling away. "Shower. Now."

"I'm going, woman," I grumbled as she left the bathroom.

I showered quickly, desperately trying to relax my tense muscles but it was useless. I was feeling incredibly jittery and nervous, but thankfully, the nerves were more down to the excitement and anticipation of marrying the only man I have ever and will ever love.

I slipped my underwear on before quickly changing into a pair of pants and an oversized shirt.

I placed my hands on my rather prominent bump, grinning like an idiot as I walked back into the bedroom.

"Let's go get you married," Melissa winked, taking my hand as we left the house.

Forty minutes later, we arrived at the manor. It was a beautifully grand abbey which was usually surrounded by acres of greenery and roses but as it was just past mid November, it was obviously not as bright and summery as it would have been a couple of months back.

"Hi, Scarlett!" A soft voice greeted cheerily as I saw Serena approaching.

She was in charge of my hair and make-up and she had done an impeccable job during the dress rehearsal two weeks ago.

"Hey, Serena," I smiled as she gave me a quick hug before ushering me into one of the rooms behind Melissa.

"I still can't get over how beautiful your dress is, Scarlett," Melissa sighed dreamily, admiring my wedding dress. "I can't believe it was custom made by freaking Zuhair Murad."

A beautiful dress it was, I nodded in agreement.

It was specifically created to cater for my growing bump. It was an ivory lace gown with small embroidered flowers neatly aligned across the bodice while the skirt flowed beautifully to the ground.

"Right, let's get to work on you, my dear." Serena spoke as she pointed to the chair beside the window for me to sit.

After three and a half hours of teasing, veil adjusting and applying my makeup, I was finally ready. Serena had also done a magically fantastic job at hiding the ninth planet which was currently on hiatus from its orbit upon my forehead.

"How pretty is your Auntie Scarlett, baby?" Melissa asked Avery as she sent a cheesy little grin my way.

"Scarlett," a new voice called out as I saw Aunt Carla walk into the room. "You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart. It seems my nephew might just have a pair of balls on him after all."

"Nice to know you're doing great, Aunt C," I grinned as I stood up to give her a hug.

"Your boobs have certainly gotten bigger," she commented as I blushed. "Pregnancy suits you very well."

"Thank you," I laughed just as Melissa came back in.

"You ready?"

Oh my God.

"I'm ready."

I'm not ready.

Shut up, I am ready!

"I can tell you're arguing with yourself, you freak," Melissa laughed as she linked arms, leading me towards the door of the grand hall where James was stood waiting, proudly.

"She's all yours, James," she grinned as he took my hand.

"My son couldn't have chosen a more courageous and beautiful woman as his wife," he spoke seriously, without cracking any wise ass jokes which immediately bought tears to my eyes.

"No crying!" Melissa yelped, glaring at me as James pressed a small kiss on my head.

"I'm so proud of you, Scarlett," he smiled before looping his arm through mine. "Now, what say we go and give my idiot son the boner of his life? Can you imagine the look on the priest's face? There'll be nothing holy about that, I'd be willing to bet!"

"James!" I sniggered as the large oak doors opened.

This is it, I thought to myself as we walked down the aisle.

I allowed myself to survey the endless rows and tables of people before my eyes landed on my family.

Although it hurt that my own mother and father were not in attendance, I knew that the family I had now were more than I could ever ask for.

I was now stood opposite Jasper who was dressed in a charcoal black tux with a white rose corsage tucked into the breast pocket.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jasper Xander Queen to Scarlett Avery Valentina," the priest started as Jasper and I held hands.

"Hi," he whispered stupidly as the priest carried on. "Is it wrong to say how much I'd love to take you right here, right now?"

"Jasper!" I whisper yelled as the priest glared at both of us.

"The vows, Sir," he prompted Jasper through gritted teeth.

He cleared his throat as he held my hands tightly before his eyes locked with mine.

"I, Jasper Xander Queen take you, Scarlett Avery Valentina to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."


I swallowed the lump forming in my throat as I tried to steady my breathing.

Just like we practiced.

"I, Scarlett Avery Valentina, take you, Jasper Xander Queen to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

After letting out a shaky breath, the priest presented us with our wedding rings as Jasper held my left hand up.

"With this ring, I marry you: with my loving heart, with my willing body and with my eternal soul." He vowed as he slipped the ring on my finger.

"With this ring," I repeated. "I marry you: with my loving heart, with my willing body and with my eternal soul."

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

Jasper lifted up my veil before pressing a slow, passionate kiss to my lips as the amass of people in front of us clapped and cheered.

Taking my hand, he slowly led me down the steps of the altar where we found ourselves lost amidst the sea of guests before finally reaching James and Estelle.

"My baby is all grown up!" Estelle gushed as she hugged her son, tight, before turning to me. "Congratulations, both of you."

"Thanks, Mom," Jasper grinned as Aunt Carla came up behind him.

"Here's your hundred dollars you smug bàstard," she muttered handing over a one hundred dollar bill to James. "You won."

"What exactly did you win, Dad?" Jasper asked skeptically.

"The lottery?" James answered sheepishly.

"You bet on my marriage? Was I only worth one hundred fucking dollars?" My husband questioned, clearly horrified as I stifled a laugh.

"I made a bet that you'd püssy out of marrying this wonderful girl while my brother gave you the benefit of the doubt," Aunt Carla shrugged as Estelle tutted in disapproval.

"This is what you've signed up for, Scarlett," Gabriel laughed as I shook my head. "No backing out now!"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." I murmured as I looked up at Jasper, losing myself in his beautiful blue green eyes.

"You two are so sickeningly adorable," Elena scoffed jokingly as Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Hi," a small voice greeted as we turned around to see Emily stood behind us.

"Emily." Jasper sighed as he looked at me. "Where are Heath and Keira?"

""They'reover by that table," she pointed, clearing her throat. "I just... I just wanted to apologize for the way I've been behaving towards both of you, more so to Scarlett."

"Why'd you do it then, Em?" Jasper questioned in frustration.

"I was upset and angry with you, Jasper, for treating me differently after Vincent. It was subtle at first but when you finally snapped at the hospital, I realized that this was a grudge you never really let go of."

"So you tried to ruin my relationship with my wife to try and get that point across?"

"I - I'm sorry, Jasper, what I did was incredibly petty and selfish," she apologized before turning to me. "I'm so sorry, Scarlett, I shouldn't have used you to hurt my brother, he really does deserve someone like you."

"I forgive you, Emily," I said sincerely as Jasper blew out an exasperated breath.

"We both forgive you." He smiled as he hugged his sister.

"Thank you," Emily beamed as I pressed a small kiss on Jasper's cheek.

"If you don't mind, I'd like a couple of moments with my wife - in private." He spoke sternly to his family.

"Jasper, bear in mind that this is a church," James reminded him as I blushed knowing where this was going. "So don't feel obliged to christen -"

"James," Estelle warned as Jasper led me out of the hall, holding me by my waist.

"Hi, Mrs Queen," he grinned, kissing my lips softly. "You okay?"

"I'm more than okay," I replied as he rubbed his hand across my stomach. "And so is the baby before you start with twenty one questions."

"Just think," he began as I raised an eyebrow. "I'll be having séx with my wife tonight."

"Is séx the only thing on your mind?"

"It's been the only thing on your horny little mind for weeks now, hasn't it?" He retorted cleverly I blushed beetroot red.

"I'm pregnant, I have an excuse!" I replied feebly as he laughed. "I'm glad Emily came."

"Me too, baby, me too."

"Don't you think we should go back inside? You know, since it is our wedding, after all?"

"Fine," he sighed dramatically as we stepped back into the hall just as Ed Sheeran's, Thinking Out Loud started to play. "May I have this dance, Mrs Queen?" He asked, knowing this was my absolute favorite song.

"It would be my pleasure," I replied a little breathlessly as I placed my hand in his.

"Words cannot describe how complete you make me feel, Scarlett," he said as we danced slowly. "I love you so much."

"I love you even more," I whispered as he smirked.

"I love that sexy pimple of yours even more," he laughed as I groaned into his chest.

We carried on dancing, slowly as if there was absolutely nobody else in the hall - as if nothing else even mattered.

"Who would have ever thought?" I mused out loud as Jasper gave me a curious look.

"Thought what?"

I grinned, as he twirled me around, before pulling me back into his chest as I cupped his cheek, leaning in a little closer to his lips.

"That I'd end up being saved by the boss."





I cannot believe I've finished it!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed the ending!

For those of you who were asking - yes, there will be epilogue :)

The epilogue will most likely feature Scarlett and Jasper's baby so you get to decide what to name the little potato!

Leave a comment with a name for a boy and a girl and I'll pick the best one to use in the epilogue - all credit goes to the winner ;)

I'll also be posting details of a new story I'm currently working on with the epilogue which I'm hoping will be up by Monday 31st August!

Thanks again for all your support, it really means the world to me.

Love as always,


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