I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Stud...

By MKA016

2.1M 48.7K 27.7K

**Currently Undergoing Major Editing** If stubbornness... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 26

43.3K 1.1K 538
By MKA016

I read your comments and seriously some of them are so funny. They all leave me smiling and I just wanted to let you guys know how awesome you are. Like a lot of people who read stories are kind of rude sometimes and don't understand that it could be difficult to write a story and have time to do so. But you guys arent like that so I'm grateful for that(: I just want this year to end already though so I could update more and just finish with all of this homework-__- okay I need to stop rambling now. Anyways, enjoy.

Chapter Twenty Six

Diem's Pov

Okay so when I said only a professional relationship between Caden and I, he really took it seriously. He's also back to calling me 'Ms. Reynolds' at all times which is really annoying. I don't think he's laughed at anything I've said for the past weekend and the shows we use to watch together, he'd be in the room "marking up papers." more like ignoring me. But at the same time thats what I wanted right?

I guess I wanted to distance myself from him because of the whole Dustin situation but maybe Caden was right and I was just using that as an excuse. What if I really was just getting scared at what Caden and I were becoming. No Diem, you weren't becoming anything. Thats why you chose what you chose.

The only actual conversation we had was over who was going to sleep where. Obviously we weren't  going to share the same bed after the heated conversation we had just a few days ago. 

"You could take the bed." I remember him telling me.

"No it's your room,  you take your bed. I'm fine with the bed."

"Don't be stupid." He said flicking through the channels on the tv not sparing a glance at me once. I think he was really upset with me this time, and I didn't blame him. But couldn't he understand why I was doing all of this. Its not like I'm getting some sick pleasure out of all of this, I'm just looking out for us.

"It's your house, you have the bed, I fit the couch better and I don't mind." I wasn't going to take his bed after all of this, and  it was probably the cause to why I'm over here stretching my back in homeroom right now as I waited for the first bell to ring. So I could go to Caden's class... if those whole situation wasn't awkward already.

"What's your problem?" Cassie asked from beside me. "You and Mr. L been fooling around and he screwed your back up?" She asked wagging her eyebrows at me.

"Cassie!" I whispered shouted and looked around to make sure that nobody heard her, thankfully they didn't. Imagine haven't to explain that. "It's not even close to that. We aren't really on speaking terms right now." I told her and then when she kept nagging me about why I finally gave in and told her. 

"Why!!!!" She nearly shouted and I avoided the curious looks. "You guys were really cute though." she then whispered.

"You didn't even see us ever!"

"So I can tell." She said and I rolled my eyes. Yeah well its over for that "cuteness" now. "I just  can't believe what Dustin has turned into. He was never like this before. It's like there was a switch that turned on randomly inside him." She said and I nodded. It really was strange. I just don't understand what made him change. Was it me? Or did something happen 'cause people don't just randomly decide to do a whole 180 in a short amount of time.

When the bell for first period rang, the devil himself was standing by my homeroom waiting for me to come out and I groaned. Everybody who walked out of the homeroom looked at Dustin and then me with questioning looks, obviously remembering his little act at the pep rally and wondering what the hell he was doing here. Well, they weren't the only ones wondering.

"What?" I asked harshly. He gripped my elbow and then dragged me to one of the coners in the hallway and leaned himself against the wall with me in front of him.

"I said I would see you later, how are you?" He asked and I resisted the urge to just go off on him.

"Dustin I need to get to class." I knew that Caden wasn't a fan of tardiness and then add on to that the situation we were in and it wasn't going to be very pretty if I was late.

"What to go flirt with your pervert teacher?" He asked.

"Dustin shut up, he's not a pervert and we aren't together!" I told him giving him a cold look and he rolled his eyes at me and when I tried to walk away he held onto my elbow.

"I miss you Diem." He said and when I looked at him, I saw the old Dustin I use to care about but I wasn't stupid enough to fall for that. I knew I would never have the old Dustin again so I ignored his words and just wanted to be anywhere but here right now. Dustin looked over my shoulder at something and then smiled. Before I could turn and see what he was looking at he pulled me towards him and kissed me cupping my face. 

I was in shock and it took me a while to register what was going on but when I did I pushed him away and slapped him. I noticed that the bickering in the halls stop as everyone was staring at us now like we were the most interesting thing on the planet. "Don't touch me again." I told him and then walked away leaving him slightly shocked and furious with my handprint on his cheek. I heard a few of the guys tease him a bit for getting bitch slapped by a girl and I gave them a look warning them that they'd be next and they shut their traps. I wasn't defending Dustin, but those guys were just really annoying.

The last bell for first period went off and I cursed under my breath. Of course! You couldn't just give me a break this one time god? I have to deal with him too now? I walked up to the door and took a deep breath and walked in. 

"Sorry I was--"

"Just sit down, I'm sick of hearing your excuses." Caden said cutting me off rudely and I stood there for a second shocked. "Don't waste more of my time Ms. Reynolds." He said and I took the double meaning behind his words. I thought we were going to be professional about this, what the hell was his problem.

Instead of giving him a piece of my mind I sat down beside Brad and he gave me a small smile. "don't worry about him, he's been in a pissy fit since he's walked in a minute ago." He whispered into my ear. 

"Do you have something to share with the class Mr. Davis?" Caden asked.


"Well then please stop talking." Oh he gets a please, of course he's not Diem.

I took out my books and binder and began copying the notes that were already put up on the overhead. "while you're  copying this, I'll be coming around to collect your homework."



I basically should have just put a sigh on my forehead saying kill me now. How worse could this get for me right now. I didn't do the work, for one, I had no idea how the hell to do it, and two, I couldn't concentrate on anything. When Caden walked up to my desk waiting for my homework, I looked up at him and was met by his cold pools of blue and green. "I--uh, don't have it." 

"and why?"

"I didn't know how to do it."

"Isn't that what help was for?" He said obviously drawing attention to the two of us. I saw some of the guys give me sympatheic looks while others, mostly Asheley and Faith smirking and enjoying every minute of this. When I didn't say anything he walked down and put the stack of other peoples homework assignments on his desk and then leaned on it.

"So you show up late and now you don't have your homework."

"I don't see why you are only calling me out for. I usually always do my work, AND I doubt that I was the only one who didn't do the assignment."

"And now you're talking back to me." He said and I gripped the pen in my hand to keep myself from lashing out on him. Seriously, I know that he could be awesome sometimes, but there are times, times like this when he is a complete jerk. These are the times that I hate the most. "Do you want to go to the office?" He asked obviously as angry as me.

Do you want to go to hell?

I thought I said it to myself but by the wide eyed look Brad was giving me and the snickers I heard around me, I looked around and they were all looking at me in shock. I then looked at Caden and he was furious, you know that picture of the guy on those sour things, thats what he practically looked like right now. 

"GET OUT" He said and I rolled my eyes and then started packing my stuff away. "NOW!" He added.

"I'm obviously getting my stuff!" I shouted back at him. Now I couldn't take his bullshit anymore. He could be mad at me all he wants for whatever reason but I wasn't going to just sit there and take it. I was never like that, and I never got into arguments with teachers before so everyone looked pretty shocked. I thought it was immature when students fought with their teachers, but everyone didn't understand. Caden wasn't just my teacher, he was way more than that and thats the reason behind this argument, not a damn homework assignment.

I decided I was way too pissed right now to stay for the rest of the day. So I went to my locker and grabbed the rest of my books and then left the school through the music entrance where there wasn't any security to catch me leaving early. But where was I going to go? Obviously not to Caden's.

God I wished my dad would just come back already. The case was taking even longer when Caden's dad left for two weeks after his wife passed away so my dad had more work to do, but he wasn't going to complain. Not after what his partner was going through.

I decided to just go to the park near my house and lay in the playhouse contraption they had. I must have been laying there forever but I didn't care much. I always use to come here whenever my parents would have their arguments. I wouldn't want to be listening to them and considering I was the only child, I just snuck off by myself and chilled out here for a couple hours until I thought they were done arguing. 

I felt someone lay down beside me and turned my head to see Braxton there. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard about what happened and knew where you would be since you weren't in school or lunch." He told me and I sighed. Brax knew about my parents arguments and how many times I had to come here to escape it all. He came with me a lot of the times because he didn't want me to be alone and get kidnapped or something.

"How'd you know?"

"Everyone knows."  He told me. "You're the trending topic in the halls. Word is you and Livingston just kept going at it and people thought you were going to hit him." He said and I rolled my eyes. People were unbelieveable. The rumors and lies they created ridiculous. Did they really find gossiping that fun? "You really told him to go to hell?" He asked.

"I didn't mean to! I thought I only said it in my mind but I guess I actually said it outloud. And it was just a reflex, I was pissed, I didn't mean it." I told him and I really didn't.

"I heard he was quiet for the rest of the class." He said. "I don't think he even taught, he just gave them their next assignment and told them they had the rest of the block to work on it." He said and I sighed burying my face in his shoulder. I really did not want to go back to that apartment later.

"Wanna chill for the rest of the day?" I asked him with a pleading look and he smiled and nodded.

"Anything for you D."

For the rest of the day we just relaxed and watched some tv at Brax's house. Such a productive day I thought sarcastically. It was now ten o'clock and I groaned. I really just wanted to stay here but I knew that Caden would have a fit if I didn't show up at all. 

Once I got back I took a deep breath before walking in. Caden was sitting on the couch with the same skank from a while ago. Oh god this should be great and they were pretty much laying on my bed, aka the couch and invading my room, aka the living room. I'm glad I could joke during all of this awkwardness.

"Where have you been?" He asked as I hung my jacket on the hook. I decided to ignore him and go grab something out of the frige considering I was starving. I didn't even want to think of what he possibly was doing on that couch with her. Ugh, but now I was and couldn't stop. "Hello? Do you hear me?" Yes I hear you, I just don't care.

"None of your business." I finally said taking a bite of my sandwich and he had this angry look on his face but thats what he gets I don't care.

"It's my business."

"You're not my father."

"Thank god."

"Screw you Caden. Or maybe the bimbo next to already has." I said and the girl scoffed. 

"Your sister is so rude." The blondie said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not his sister." She looked confused at us. "Now if you don't mind but you guys are on my bed." I told them and Caden wasn't getting up. I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't letting this go and I wasn't going to talk about it either so this was just useless. I sighed and grabbed my jacket. No reason to stay here so I was going to go back to Braxton's.

"You aren't leaving" Caden said just as I was about to open the door he put his hand on it to keep me from doing so. 

"Move!" I shouted resisting the urge to cry. I hated it when we fought, it was just the worst feeling and what the hell was the reason behind all of this?



"I said no." I tried to shove him but he grabbed a hold of my hands to keep me from doing so and held them against his chest while I tried to rip away from him. "What the hell is your problem!" I nearly shouted.

"You kissed him." He whispered.



Let me know what you guys think(: 

I don't know about you guys but Diem is my favorite character, she's to fun to write about! 




love you guys(:

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