The Dangers of Westeros

Galing kay faithfish01

4.7K 75 24

For seven years, she has kept her feelings hidden. For seven years, his feelings have built up inside of him... Higit pa

Part 1- Chapter 1
Part 1- Chapter 2
Part 1- Chapter 3
Part 1- Chapter 4
Part 1- Chapter 5
Part 1- Chapter 6
Part 1- Chapter 7
Part 1- Chapter 8
Part 1- Epilogue
Part 2- Chapter 1
Part 2- Chapter 3
Part 2- Chapter 4
Part 2- Chapter 5
Part 2- Chapter 6

Part 2- Chapter 2

212 5 1
Galing kay faithfish01

The wind tousles my hair as we sit on our horses.

Loras had walked into Renly and I's tent around midday, telling us that Stannis was approaching the camp.

My new handmaiden helped me into a light grey-blue dress with silver beading at the top of it. I'm wearing my silver riding cloak to shield me from the wind.

My horse stands in between Renly and Catelyn.

Across from us is Stannis Baratheon, Renly's older brother, his Hand, Ser Davos Seaworth, and his red priestess.

I have met Stannis and the rest of his council before.

A year after I left Winterfell, my father had sent Margaery and I to Dragonstone. It was there that I met Selyse Florent, Stannis's wife, and Shireen, their daughter.

Dragonstone had been a cold fortress, but beautiful nonetheless. The carvings of the dragons fascinated my twin sister and me.

"Lady Stark, I had not thought to find you in the Stormlands," Stannis calls out to her.

"I had not thought to be here, Lord Stannis," she replies politely.

"Lady Rhea," he greets, looking at me, "I'm sorry for the wrong that Walder Frey has done to you."

I nod my head in acceptance though I question why Stannis cares that Frey denied me my right to wed who I love.

"Can that truly be you," Renly asks him.

"Who else might it be," Stannis responds coolly.

"When I saw your standard, I couldn't be sure," Renly explains, "whose banner is that?"

Stannis's banner is a flaming heart with a crowned stag in the middle of it.

"My own," Stannis answers.

Renly smiles, "I suppose if we used the same one, the battle would be terribly confusing. Why is your stag on fire?"

"The King has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of Light," his red priestess, Melisandre, answers.

"Ah, you must be this fire priestess we hear so much about," Renly says, "brother, now I understand why you found religion in your old age."

"Watch yourself Renly," Stannis warns.

"No, no, I'm relieved," Renly says with a smile, "I never really believed you're a fanatic. Charmless, rigid, a bore, yes, but not a godly man."

"You should kneel before your brother," Melisandre states, "he's the Lord's chosen, born amidst salt and smoke."

"'Born amidst salt and smoke'," Renly asks, "is he a ham?"

Melisandre sighs and Stannis glares at him.

"That's twice I've warned you," Stannis says.

"Listen to yourselves," Catelyn pleads, "if you were sons of mine, I would knock your heads together and lock you in a bed chamber until you remembered that you were brothers."

"It is strange to find you beside my brother, Lady Stark," Stannis tells her, "your husband was a supporter of my claim. Lord Eddard's integrity cost him his head and you sit beside this pretender and chastise me."

"We share a common enemy," Catelyn says.

"The Iron Throne is mine by right," Stannis says sternly, "all those that deny that are my foes."

Renly smiles, "the whole realm denies it, from Dorne to the Wall. Old men deny it with their death rattle and unborn children deny it in their mother's wombs. No one wants you for their King. You never wanted any friends brother, but a man without friends is a man without power."

"For the sake of the mother who bore us, I will give you this one night to reconsider," Stannis offers, "strike your banners, come to me before dawn, and I will grant you your old seat in the council. I'll even name you my heir until a son is born to me. Otherwise I shall destroy you."

Renly looks across the field at the camp, "look across those fields, brother. Can you see all those banners?"

"You think a few bolts of cloth will make you King," Stannis asks him.

"No," Renly answers, "My wife and those men holding those bolts of cloth will make me King."

Stannis looks to me before saying, "We shall see, Renly, come the dawn, we shall see." He rides away, but his red priestess stays.

"Look to your sins, Lord Renly," she warns, "the night is dark and full of terrors."

All of Stannis's men ride away, back to their camp.

I can't help but wonder if there was a threat embedded in Melisandre's words.

"Would you believe I loved him once," Renly asks before we all ride back to the camp.

The sun is starting to set as we dismount our horses. I follow Renly into our tent, curious at his words.

"You're making that face again," Renly says as he sits down.

"What face," I ask him.

"The face that tells me you want to scream at me," he answers with a smile.

I roll my eyes, but my face falls serious, "why did you say that?"

"Say what," he asks me.

"That I and those men holding those bolts of cloth would make you King," I clarify.

He smiles, "you're the best warrior here Rhea. You will have a big part in making me King."

"What big part," I ask.

"I'm sending you back with Lady Catelyn to Robb's camp," he says.

Again, Renly surprises me.

"What," I ask.

"I trust you to do whatever it takes so that there may be peace between the Starks and the Baratheons," he says, "I'll listen to what Lady Catelyn has to say tonight and then you two will leave at dawn."

"Why send me to negotiate when Lady Catelyn has brought Robb's peace terms with her," I ask him and he grins.

"You're dying to see him," Renly states the obvious, "I'm giving you a chance to go."

"Haven't you heard the rumors about his wife," I ask.

"Of course I have," Renly says, "she's a beast. It's bad luck that he had to marry her."

"It's bad luck that Walder Frey was born," I murmur.

Renly offers me a sympathetic smile and I can't help but smile back.

"Why can't you invite them here," I suggest, "I'd be more comfortable, knowing who I can and can't trust. Besides, I don't think the baby would like it very much if I was on horseback all day."

He sighs just as Brienne walks in.

"Your Grace," she bows her head, "Your Grace, Lady Catelyn requests your audience."

I look to Renly and sigh.

"Let her in," I say as Renly goes to sit in the chair behind his desk.

I stand next to him as Lady Catelyn walks in and takes a seat in the chair in front of the desk.

Brienne stands behind us, her hand on her sword.

"Your Grace, Your Grace," she greets, "I would like to discuss the peace terms my son offers you."

"By all means," Renly says with a smile, "please."

"My son has been proclaimed King in the North by his bannermen," Catelyn starts, "he simply wants the North to be free from the rule of the Iron Throne."

"You swear it," Renly asks.

"By the Mother," Catelyn answers, "my son has no interest in the Iron Throne."

"Then I see no reason for hostility between us," Renly says, "your son can go on calling himself King in the North. The Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty."

"And the wording of this oath," Catelyn asks.

"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert 18 years ago," Renly answers, "Cat, their friendship held the Kingdoms together."

She sighs, "And in return for my son's loyalty?"

"I'll annul his marriage to Derwa Frey," he says, "I'll annul my marriage to Rhea. In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army. When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together as they have done many times before."

Renly gets up from his chair and walks over to his mirror. Brienne helps him to take his armor off.

"Our two houses have always been close which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle," Catelyn says, rising to her feet, "negotiate a peace with your brother."

"Negotiate with Stannis," Renly asks with a laugh, "you heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind."

He turns to Catelyn, "please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies. I hope he feels the same. Together we could end this war in a fortnight."

He turns back towards his mirror as the wind picks up.

I look to the entrance of the tent and see a black smoke floating in.

Catelyn looks to me in panic as it materializes into a shadow figure behind Renly.

Brienne gasps, but does nothing.

"RENLY GET DOWN," I shout at him, drawing my sword.

Renly ducks in time to miss the shadow's sharp tail.

Brienne finally draws her sword and swings at it, but when it touches the shadow, her blade shatters into a million pieces.

The shadow roars and I get a look at its face.

There is no doubt about it; its face is Stannis Baratheon's face.

It turns its attention back to Renly, but I swing my sword at its head.

As soon as my blade touches it, the shadow vaporizes into nothing, screeching as it disappears.

The four of us stare at each other in disbelief.

What was that?

Renly walks over and hugs me, "you saved me."

"I wasn't going to let you die," I whisper.

"Thank you Rhea," he says, pulling away from me, "the baby?"

I place my hands on my stomach, "the baby's fine."

"Why did her sword shatter and yours didn't," Catelyn asks me.

"I don't know," I answer, turning to her.

"What is your sword made out of," Brienne asks me.

"Valyrian Steel," I answer, "it's the sword Robb gave me."

Renly turns to Catelyn, "I'm sending you back to your son along with a summons. Rhea and I are summoning him to the camp. If he wishes to discuss peace terms, we shall discuss them face to face. He has a fortnight."

"Robb is north of Harrenhal," Catelyn says.

"He should be able to get here if you leave at first light on the morrow," Renly tells her.

Catelyn sighs and nods her head, some of her hair falling from her braid.

"It's late," Renly says to all of us, "we all have a big day tomorrow. We should get some rest. Brienne, escort Lady Catelyn back to her tent and you may retire for the evening."

I gave Catelyn a smile as she followed Brienne out of the tent, leaving my husband and me alone.

Renly sits down on his desk and I stare at the mirror that had been shattered by the shadow.

"What in the seven hells do you think that was," Renly asks me quietly.

My brain immediately points to Lady Melisandre, "I don't know what it was. Something born out of dark magic. That I have no doubt about."

"You think my brother's red priestess had something to do with this," Renly asks, looking up at me as I turn around.

"I won't say for sure, but I wouldn't dismiss it," I answer him.

Renly sighs and gets up from his desk, walking towards the bed.

"You're summoning Robb here," I say with a smile.

He looks up at me with a grin, "it was the least I could do after you saved me."

"Thank you," I say, "for doing this."

"I just ask one thing of you," Renly says, "do not be seen with him."

"What are you talking about," I ask him.

"Robb's married now Rhea," Renly says.

"I know that," I almost shout.

"If you're seen with Robb, alone, his wife will be furious," Renly snaps, noticing my anger, "you've heard the rumors about Derwa Frey, I know you have! You know what she does to people who anger her!"

I say nothing, knowing that Renly is right.

Derwa Frey is known for attacking those who anger her and those whom she attacks do not walk away unharmed.

"People will start to question the true parentage of the child if you're seen together," Renly says, his voice much calmer, "please, just be careful."

I nod my head, "I will."

I had seen Lady Catelyn off at first light the next morning.

It was cooler than normal so I decided to wear a thicker dress. It's blue-green, with a thick top layer. Flowers decorate the top and bottom with a lace under-skirt peeking out.

I didn't want Lady Catelyn to leave and she especially didn't want to leave, seeing as how she'd be back here within the fortnight, but Robb needs her more than I do.

Before she left, Catelyn promised me that everything would work out in the end and that all I need to do is be strong.

I want to believe that everything will work out, but what if it doesn't.

What if Robb doesn't want to annul his marriage to the Frey bitch at the end of this war?

What if he actually develops feelings for her, feelings that are stronger than the ones he feels for me?

What if Renly dies in the battle against Stannis today?

There are too many 'what ifs' in my life; that is why I am going to see Stannis.

I took a horse after Catelyn had left and am riding straight to Stannis's camp.

Renly doesn't know where I'm going, no one knows except for Margaery.

I don't trust Loras to not tell Renly where I'm going, but I trust Margaery.

After all, she is my twin.

The second I arrive in Stannis's camp, the men all stare at me.

My handmaidens had put my crown on my head, which is probably why they're all staring at me.

They know I'm Renly's Queen, the enemy.

I dismount my horse just as Ser Davos walks over to me.

"Lady Rhea," he greets with a smile.

"Ser Davos," I reply with the same amount of kindness.

"I assume you're here to see Stannis," he rightfully assumes.

I nod my head and he hands the reins of my horse to one of the men next to him.

"Make sure Lady Tyrell's horse is properly taken care of," he commands.

"Right away My Lord," the man says quickly, taking my horse to the stables.

Ser Davos offers me a smile before we both start to walk towards Stannis's tent.

"It's good to see you," I tell him.

"How many years has it been," he asks, "six?"

I nod my head and he smiles.

"The time really does fly, doesn't it," he asks me.

I smile, "it seems like yesterday when I first arrived on Dragonstone with my sister to meet Stannis and you."

"You were so tiny," he teases, "I'm happy to see that you've grown up to be a beautiful woman. Congratulations on the baby. Your husband and you must be very excited."

I briefly smile at his words, "thank you Ser Davos."

"I'm sorry about Walder Frey," my smile disappears at his words and I only nod my head.

"I feel like everyone knows about it," I tell him truthfully.

"It may be because everyone does know about it," he answers sadly, "everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows you were in love with the Young Wolf and that he was in love with you."

"And then the war happened," I finish his thought for him, "if Joffrey hadn't arrested Ned Stark, Robb wouldn't have been forced to call his banners."

Ser Davos sighs, "Stannis and I know that you only married Renly because your father told you to."

I look up at his face, but my face holds no surprise.

Everyone in Westeros must know that's the reason I married Renly.

Not because I loved him, but because I had to.

"He wants to help you," he continues.

"No one can help me," I cut him off before he can say any more, "unless Stannis plans to march on the Twins and kill Walder Frey, he can't help me."

The look on Davos's face tells me that I let my anger get the best of me.

I sigh, "I'm sorry. I've just been stressed lately and I'm still upset."

Davos gives me a small smile, "it's ok. You're allowed to be upset." We reach the biggest tent in the camp and we stop.

"There is something you should know before we go in," he says, "Stannis's red priestess, Melisandre, she never leaves Stannis's side. If you request to speak with him alone, she'll say that you're going to try to kill him."

"Why would she say that," I ask him.

"To manipulate him," he answers, "she'd tell him that she's seen it in the flames that they're going to try to kill him."

"And it works," I ask.

He nods, "just be careful with her."

I nod my head and he gives me a smile before walking into the tent.

"Your Grace," I hear him, "Lady Rhea is here. She'd like to speak with you."

"Bring her in," I hear Stannis command.

Davos walks out of the tent, motioning for me to follow him.

When I walk in, I see Stannis and Lady Melisandre standing behind a desk.

"You may go Davos," Stannis commands.

Ser Davos bows his head and gives me a small smile before walking out of the tent, leaving me alone with Stannis and the Red Woman.

"Lady Rhea," Stannis greets, "has my brother sent you to surrender?"

"No," I answer, "Renly is unaware of my whereabouts at this moment. I'm here on my own accord."

"And why is that," Melisandre asks, staring at me with awe.

I sigh, keeping my face serious, "Renly has summoned Robb Stark to his camp. I beg you, please reconsider this battle against your brother. If the Baratheons are fighting each other, no one is fighting the Lannisters who are the real problem. The two of you can fight over the Iron Throne after the Lannisters have been defeated."

"What does this have to do with Robb Stark," Melisandre asks.

"If Renly is killed in this battle, Robb will have no reason to come to the camp," I tell them, hoping they catch onto me.

It seems that only Stannis does.

"I remember when I first met you six years ago," Stannis says to me, "you and your sister were simply awed at the carvings on Dragonstone. You gave my daughter hope when she had none. You brought my wife out of the dark pit she had been sulking in. You brought my family out of the dark. It's time I repaid the debt. I will not attack Renly's forces; I will continue on to King's Landing."

I sigh with a smile, "thank you Your Grace."

"Congratulations on your pregnancy," Stannis says, offering me no smile, "I'm sure you and my brother must be very excited."

I smile weakly, "thank you Your Grace."

He offers me a sympathetic look, "I heard about Robb Stark's wife. Derwa Frey, the nastiest of the Freys."

"Please don't tell me anything you know about her," I plead, "I can't bear to hear anymore about that woman."

Stannis nods, "whichever Baratheon sits on the throne at the end of this war, I promise you that you and Robb will be together. I will annul his marriage and yours to repay my debt to you."

"Thank you Your Grace," I say with a smile.

"Renly seems very convinced that you will win his battles for him," Melisandre says.

"Renly understands me and I him," I tell her, "he understands that I want to fight and I understand that I fight for him. I could beat Renly in single combat and everyone knows it. That's why he said what he said at the clearing."

I turn to leave out of the tent, but I stop, "I know you sent that thing after Renly last night."

I look back to see Melisandre frowning.

"I killed it," I inform them.

"Impossible," the Red Woman says, "you can't have."

"I did," I snap, "with my sword."

"Your sword," Stannis asks.

"It's Valyrian Steel," I state, "when Brienne's sword touched it, the sword shattered, but when mine touched it, the shadow vaporized."

Stannis and Melisandre look at each other in worry.

"I don't know what that thing was exactly, but I do know this," I step closer to them, "the shadow had your face, Stannis."

Stannis looks at me with a blank expression, but I can see him thinking.

"If word gets out about what the two of you did, there will be an uprising in your army," I tell him, "men do not like to follow Kings who use magic from a religion they don't believe in to win their wars."

"My King's men believe in the R'hllor," Melisandre protests.

I smile, "Do they? Every child in the Seven Kingdoms is brought up believing in the Faith of the Seven. Do you really think they'd desert their gods for yours?"

Melisandre stares at me with a cold hatred while Stannis smiles.

"I'll rue the day you marry Robb Stark," he says, his smile still present.

"Why is that," I ask him.

"With his war tactics and your strategic mind, the two of you would be an unstoppable force," he answers, "if you were by his side right now, he would win this war."

"It's a pity I'm not by his side then, isn't it," I ask, curtsying to him, "Your Grace, Lady Melisandre."

I take my leave to find Davos waiting outside the tent.

He's smiling at me, the expression consuming his whole face.

As soon as we're far away from the tent, Davos starts to laugh.

"Not once have I seen anyone talk to the Red Woman the way you just did," he tells me.

I laugh, "is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Both," he answers, "it was time someone stood up to her."

I smile as we walk to the edge of the camp.

My horse is already waiting for me, saddled up and ready to go.

I turn to Ser Davos and offer him a smile.

"It was good to see you again Ser Davos," I politely tell him.

"And you as well Your Grace," he bows his head before pulling me into a hug.

I cherish the Onion Knight's embrace, happy for the feeling of safety.

He lets go of me and I mount my horse, gathering the reins in my hands.

"We'll do what we can about Walder Frey," he tells me.

I smile, "thank you."

He nods, "don't give up hope just yet Rhea. In the end, everything might just work out for you."

I nod my head and kick my heels into the side of my horse.

As I get farther and farther away from Stannis's camp, the smile on my face grows wider and wider.

Not only had I convinced Stannis not to attack Renly's camp, but I had confirmed who had sent that thing after my husband last night.

Stannis is willing to use black magic to erase his enemies.

That makes him dangerous and unpredictable.

Lady Melisandre has become more confident over these past years, which makes her just as dangerous as Stannis.

The two of them have the power to bring down the entire realm if they wanted to.

As I approach the camp, I can see Brienne on her horse, moving towards me.

"Your Grace," she greets, "your husband had sent me to find you and to escort you back to him."

I smile, "there's no need for you to escort me. I was headed to my husband anyway."

She nods her head and follows me back into the camp.

We both dismount our horses and hand them to man waiting for us.

When I start to walk towards Renly and I's tent, I notice that Brienne is still following me.

She's probably following me to protect me.

I know she doesn't like it when Renly and I dismiss her and I can understand why. I've seen the way she looks at Renly.

She loves him.

Even a blind man could tell you that.

Brienne and Renly have known each other for a long time, though I cannot say that I know how they met.

When I reach the tent, I stand outside for a moment.

I can hear two different voices in the tent- Renly's and my brother's.

"Are you all right Your Grace," Brienne asks, taking notice of my pause, "is it the baby?"

I look at her and shake my head, "no, I'm fine. Go get some rest Brienne. We won't be going to battle today."

I walk into the tent, leaving Brienne to absorb my words.

I find my brother and best friend arguing at the table. They're both standing, their faces mixed with anger and worry.

"You don't know that she went there," Loras shouts.

"I do know that," Renly retorts, "I agreed to summon Robb Stark here and now she's gone to Stannis's camp."

"Do you really think my sister's stupid enough to risk someone hurting her or the baby," Loras shouts at him.

"No one would dare lay a hand on her," Renly screams back, "Stannis's men may be loyal to my brother's gold, but they know that Stannis and Rhea have a history. My brother would take off the head of the man who merely thought about laying a hand on Rhea."

"Why would she go then," Loras demands, "She knows that we're going to battle today."

"Because I needed to," I answer him.

Both of them turn towards me abruptly.

Clearly neither one of them heard me walk into the tent.

"Where have you been," Renly demands.

"I went to Stannis's camp after Lady Catelyn left," I answer him, walking over to join them.

"Why," Loras asks.

"You didn't surrender did you," Renly asks hysterically.

"No, I didn't," I sigh in annoyance, "I did what you could not."

"And what is that," Renly asks.

"I convinced your brother not to attack us today," I inform both of them, "Stannis owed me a favor and now, he's repaid it."

"Why would you do that," Loras asks.

"Think about it Loras," I almost scream at him, "The Lannisters know that Stannis plans to attack King's Landing before we do. I say let him attack the capital first. I have no doubt that Cersei and Tyrion have some sort of secret weapon ready to unleash on him. Stannis will attack King's Landing through Blackwater Bay, thinking it will give him the advantage. When he falls, King's Landing will be weakened from his attack. That is the time we should strike."

"And what if Stannis doesn't fall," Renly asks, "What if my brother takes the Iron Throne for himself because we waited to attack?"

"No one wants Stannis for their King," I state, "you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. If Stannis does manage to take King's Landing, it won't be long until the rioting starts. He'll be forced to step down."

Renly smiles, "I certainly hope the Queen of Thorns is proud of her granddaughter. She's more cunning than Cersei Lannister."

I grin at his comment, but don't say anything.

If I'm not careful, my cunningness could get me killed.

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