Dummies' Guide to Being a Sup...

By marveled

39.9K 3.1K 3.6K

Being a superhero's sidekick was the last thing Gretal Davidson expected, and it was the last thing she wante... More

One: Chillin' Like a Villain
Two: Losers Watch it Happen, Winners Make it Happen
Three: The Heck With Capes
Four: Kick Ass Like a Bad Ass
Five: Never Stop Fighting
Six: Screw Crime, its Justice Time
Seven: Fighting Fuego With Fuego
Eight: Born to Wear The Mask
Nine: In A Serious Pickle
Eleven: Stick Figures
Twelve: Get the Ants Out of Your Pants
Thirteen: Momma has the Big Guns
Fourteen: Like a Yellow Light
Fifteen: Athena vs. Arachne
Sixteen: Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game
Seventeen: Otherwise Known as Fuego
Eighteen: Operation 101: Kick the Spider's Ass
Nineteen: Its a Effing Maze
Twenty: Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherchucker
Twenty-One: Lost it to Trying
Twenty-Two: Lets Do This, Partner
Twenty-Three: Am I Right, Mr. Little-Dick?
Twenty-Four: Lean On
Twenty-Five: You Just Ruined a Perfect Reunion
Twenty-Six: I Promise
Twenty-Seven: A Hero Altogether
Thank You!!
DGTBAS Playlist
{Bonus Chapter #1} Hello From The Other Side
{Bonus Chapter #2} The Girl Who Sees The Stars
{Bonus Chapter #3} Flaming Hot
{Bonus Chapter #4} Praise Kink
{Bonus Chapter #5} The Girl Who Found The Stars
{Bonus Story #1: Unlucky}
{Bonus Chapter #6} Hello and Goodbye
A/N: Im back?

Ten: Fuego to The Rescue

1.2K 95 221
By marveled


"I've always done what I truly believed was right. At first, people called me a hero for it. . . and then a villain. As the memory of what I've done and been - fades. I hope I will be seen in a different light."

- Hal Jordan, Final Night Vol. 1 #4


GRETAL WAS SORT OF WEIRD the next morning. She was already dressed for school and already had her mom's famous pancakes. But now as she stood randomly in the hallway by her locker so early in the morning she just felt like a stranger. To be honest, she was on a mission to see who the hell Fuego was. She hoped she could be able to recognize him. Maybe his voice or his face. Well, she barely saw his face since it was being consumed by fire but she hoped his voice would be recognizable .

The front doors of the building opened and Gretal glanced up to see Cooper striding in. He was fiddling with his camera and literally almost ran into her.

"Oh, um, hey." He said awkwardly.

"Hi. Why are you here so early?"

He scratched the back of his neck. "Um, someone wants me to take photos of the debate team. I thought now was my best shot. Are you okay? You seem jumpy."

Gretal waved him off. She was secretly afraid that if she met Fuego he might burn her to ashes. "I'm fine. Really."

Cooper looked around then back at her. Gretal could tell he was confused since his eyebrows furrow in a cute way. Wait, what?

"Um," he said, "I'm guessing you're not here to see me take pictures of the debate team, right?"

She laughed nervously. "No. If only it was less complicated like that. I'm just looking for someone."

Cooper pursed his lips and slowly nodded. "Right. Well, duty calls."

As mature as Cooper was, Gretal snickered. Right, duty. Cooper chuckled and slowly walked away, only glancing back once to smile at her. Gretal didn't know why, but she suddenly felt awkward around Doyle. She did see him in his boxers and also saw him taped to a toilet. So why was talking to him so awkward? It wasn't him, obviously. But its like Gretal's awkward hormones were on overdrive. She blamed the whole thing on the coffee shop. In that moment her heart was pounding against her chest and Cooper was looking as adorable as ever and she felt like her brain might explode.

Gretal was about to give up on her little mission until a familiar face passed by. She squinted, not really sure why she suddenly had interest on rebel Oscar Rodriguez. Maybe it was the fact that he borrowed her chemistry notes a week ago and didn't give them back. Yeah, that was it.

"Rodriguez!" She yelled.

Oscar turned, eyes narrowed into a glare. "What the hell is - oh, Gretal. Hey."

She raised her eyebrows, sort of suprised that he didn't lash out on her. "Um, you borrowed my notes. Can I have them back?"

He nodded. His hair was sort of a mess, like he didn't have time to fix it or just climbed out of bed. His eyes were a dark brown, like coffee beans. Gretal ran into Oscar billions of times, but lately he seemed on edged.

"Right. Um, I have them in my locker. Follow me."

"Well." Gretal rolled her eyes. "What else am I going to do?"

Once they reached his locker, Oscar ducked his head and rumaged through the mess. Gretal just rocked back in forth on her feet. To be honest, she rather watch Cooper take pictures of the debate team.

She sighed. "So, Oscar."


"How's your mom? I heard from your friends she's not doing well."

"Its complicated. Its none of your concern."

Funny, she told herself, that sounds familiar. None of your concern. She shrugged it off and tried her attempt at communicating with Oscar once again.

"Well, Rodriguez, I was just worried about her. How's your dad?" She replied.

"Busy. The usual. Look, here's your notes. If you're so worried about my family maybe you should stop my house and give them a gift basket." He narrowed his eyes at her.

Anyone would've thought it was intmidating, since Oscar's freakishly tall but Gretal just thought that he was going through serious stuff. Though it didn't stop her from snapping back.

"Maybe I will!" She snatched her notes. "Why are you so closed up? I can't worry about you or what?"

"Look, Davidson, maybe you should worry about your dad's company burning to ashes. Fuego just might bring his company down."

She glared at him, ready to throw a punch or two. Who the hell did he think he was? She tightened her fist and with her other hand she poked him in his hard chest. (It was like poking a brick. God, she's going to have to check her finger later.)

"You think I care about freaking damn Alexander Davidson? Well, guess what, Rodriguez. I don't. Honestly, I rather see him go bankrupt than anything. That would make my day, sunshine! If you think your little Fuego threats are going to scare me, think again. All I wanted to know was how you were doing. I know you're mom's not doing well and I just wanted to make sure she's okay. But never mind. You can stay closed off as long as you damn want to."

Oscar stared at her in shocked. (God, Gretal loved it when she amazed people. That should be her new job. Well, she does it better in sidekick mode.)

"Gretal, I-"

"You want to apologize?" Gretal said. "Well, say it to someone who actually deals with your crap, Rodriguez."

She stormed off, glad that she had the last word. She had no idea what the hell was Oscar's problem. He was just like Fuego! He didn't let anyone in! He needed to fucking open up or Gretal would have to get a can opener herself. And what the hell is with the 'none of your concern' crap? Was everyone saying that these days.

As she turned the corner her phone buzzed against her side. She grabbed it, her chemistry notes practically crushed in her other hand. Once she reached her locker she slammed the papers into her binder and glanced at the message.

JOHN FREAKING SUMMERS. 7:24 AM: gretal, we caught a lead on arachne. need u ASAP

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 7:25 AM: um, im busy rn. literally in school rn. cant this wait 4 later


GRETAL DAVIDSON. 7:25 AM: y can't beatrice go?

JOHN DAMN FREAKING SUMMERS. 7:25 AM: she has 2 take gabe 2 school u hv 2 come RN

GRETAL DAVIDSON. 7:26 AM: FINE. but if im late 2 school its ur fault


. . . .

Gretal was at the scene in seconds. Lucky for her, she always brings her costume in her bag and the location was like five second away from school. John was in his stupid Electric suit and Cosby was standing around, talking to his patrols.

"Hey, Cosby, Electric." Gretal said.

Cosby turned to her. "You're finally here. Great. I wanted to know if you have any idea who Fuego is. Electric says you were talking to him at the bank."

Gretal narrowed her eyes at John, literally ready to smack him. If anything, Fuego was her business. Not Cosby's.

"No. I have no idea who he is. I thought maybe he went ot my school since he seemed familiar."

"Okay." Cosby sighed. "At least your being honest. Well, anyways, we found some clues left by Arachne. Arachne likes to carried poison knife with her, apparently. It was one of the weapons we took from her."

"What's the poison from?" Gretal asked.


"Right. I knew that."

Cosby ignored her. "Well, she must've dropped one of them in this alley over here."

Gretal looked behind him. One of Cosby's men passed by with a evidence bag in his hand. To be honest, after one fight with Arachne dropping a knife didn't seem like the spider bitch. She would probably try to distract the S.I.A. with some lame evidence.

"Cosby, I think she's toying with us."

"What?" John blinked. "We finally have a lead on her and you think she's messing with us?"

Gretal glared at him. "Well, Electric, what are you going to do with a knife? I think its a distraction. You can't get much from it, anyways. Its basically bait. She's playing a game."

"You think Arachne is smart and quick enough to plan all that while we're on her tail?" John raised his eyebrows. Apparently, he's been doubting her lately.

Gretal rolled her eyes. "She's Arachne. She almost killed us both last time. And she's smart enough to escape with a spy in Cosby's men."

Cosby rubbed his chin. "It makes sense. But we'll keep the knife for evidence. I'll have men in all directions."

"Arachne wouldn't just lead you to an alley by mistake. She has to be messing with us. If anything, her lair must be somewhere we least expect."

"Well, Athena," John said, "maybe you're wrong."

"And maybe you're wrong about Fuego." She snapped back. "I don't have time for this. Next time alert me for a fight, not some stupid distraction a villain left for you."

With that she ran off. She was tired of Summers' damn attitude. And she was sure Arachne must've been toying with them. Its not like a her to just leave a knife by accident. And John was against her for everything now. She didn't know what it was, but she hoped he would grow some balls and take her advice. She sort of wished Oscar and Fuego would grow some balls to trust her too.

. . . .

The day went by quickly and Gretal found herself at the warehouse. Cooper texted her saying he had some photography stuff to do, which Gretal tried very hard not to be a part of. Beatrice was cooking something up that suspiciously smelled like tacos. Gabe was doing his homework on the counter behind Beatrice, his tongue sticking out as he did his math problems.

"Hey, kiddo." Gretal ruffled his hair.

Gabe grinned at her. "Hi, Gretal."

Beatrice turned and smiled. "Great. You're just in time for tacos."

"I knew it!" Gretal grinned. "Where's Johnny boy?"

Beatrice rolled her eyes but answered anyways. "He's with Cosby. They're trying to find more clues about Arachne."

Gretal sat beside Gabe, correcting him on the math problems he did wrong and encouraging him to try again. "What's up with Summers, anyways? He's been dissing me for no reason. Its like he doesn't trust me. He can trust me with his secret identity but he can't trust me to handle Fuego on my own?"

Beatrice sighed. Gretal finally noticed that her apron said, "Hot Chef". She tried to keep a straight face as Beatrice sat across from her and Gabe.

"Honestly, Gretal, I think he's just worried about you. Which is strange, I know. You can handle yourself just fine. But he doesn't think so."

"Well, John needs to man up and get his damn-"

Beatrice glared at her.

Gretal laughed nervously and nodded, glancing at Gabe. "I mean, he needs to man and get his dang senses checked. I can handle myself just fine."

"Well, John can be a little overprotective," Beatrice explained, "when we were dating he was totally flipping out when I did superhero missions. I couldn't even act as Beatrix for a full hour without having him call me to make sure I was okay. Its one of the reasons why I broke up with him."

Gretal winced at the last statement since it seemed kind of harsh. Then again, Summers did deserve it. Beatrice noticed her expression and shook her head.

"John's been through a lot of stuff. He lost his parents when he was seven and lived under the S.I.A's protection ever since. Cosby practically raised him."

"Well," Gretal said, "he still needs to learn that I can handle myself just fine. I don't need him sending me texts twenty-four-seven. I can take care of Fuego myself."

Beatrice gave a quick glance at Gabe's homework and grinned at him. "Good job. But like I was saying, John just thinks Fuego is influencing you. In a bad way, of course. He has this idea in his head that you'll go rogue and join Fuego and Arachne. That's why he doesn't want you going solo on this."

Gretal sighed. Men were so complicated. Did John honestly not trust Gretal enough to stay on the superhero side? He was basically doubting her entire motive of being Athena! Its not like one day she's the superhero Athena then she's the villain Athena. She rolled her eyes at the idea. If anything, she will be the one doing the influencing. She'll try to bring Fuego onto the good side. That was her mission and the base of her entire plan.

Beatrice patted Gretal's hand reassuringly. "Just try not to think hard on it too much."

The red head went back to the stove and hummed lightly. Gretal looked down at Gabe to see him looking up at her.

"Is everything okay?" He asked gently.

Gretal sighed. "I'm not sure."

She thought about his mom and how she could be anywhere right now. She was probably tortured. Or even worse. Gretal tried not to dwell on that thought for too long. Just seeing Gabe with his light eyes and blonde hair made her cringe in the inside. If I don't find his mom soon this kid will have nothing left.

"C'mon," she said, "you never got the chance to show me your room. I was told you decorated a bit with Beatrice."

Gabe grinned and sprung up out of his chair. He grabbed Gretal by the hand and pulled her into the hallway. Once they reached his room (which was two rooms down from John's) Gabe started showing her all the stuff Beatrice bought for him. To be honest, Gretal couldn't be more grateful of having Beatrice in the warehouse.

Gabe ranted on about the Marvel and DC Comics decorations. He had Spider-Man sheets and pillows. On the walls were the Avengers stickers and there was Batman frames. There was even a figurine of the Flash on his dresser. Gretal thought it was cute.

"Guys, the tacos are ready!" Beatrice shouted from the kitchen.

Gabe glanced at the door. "C'mon, Gretal, let's go!"

She followed him with a smile on her face. She just hoped that they would find Fisher's mom.

. . . .

Gretal had to admit that Beatrice made the best tacos. And the sauce was fantastic. She sort of wished she could take Beatrice home for a day and have her cook anything she wanted. Then again, her mom is great cook herself.

Gabe munched on his tacos while Gretal just shoved the entire thing in her mouth. Gabe started laughing as Beatrice handed her a napkin with amusement in her eyes. The trio talked about anything. At first the conversation was directed on Beatrice's life and Gabe even asked a few questions here and there. Then all of a sudden the topic was directed on Gretal.

"So, Gretal," Beatrice said as she sipped her soda, "you got any lucky guy in your life?"

"Yeah, its Gabe." Gretal laughed nervously.

Gabe Fisher looked up at her and narrowed his eyes. "Answer the question."

Gretal's eyes widened. The kid could be persistent when he wanted to. It sort of reminded her of Cooper.

She sighed. "Its complicated. We're just friends. His name is Cooper Doyle. He goes to my school but also has a job as a photographer, which doesn't help with my Athena situation."

Beatrice hummed. "What's he like?"

"Well, despite the fact that I saved him a few times, he's pretty great. He's a bit dorky, but I think that's the sparkle of his personality. And he's not such a jerk like most guys. He supports me in anything I do, honestly. He's great."

Beatrice grinned at her, a glint in her eyes. "How do you feel about him?"

Gretal shrugged. "Well, I - wait, no, this is not happening. I don't have feelings for him."

Beatrice rolled her eyes. "Denial."

She gaped at her. "Denial? Its the truth-"

"More like a lie."

"I'm not lying! I don't like Cooper!"

"Right, because you love him."

"Uhh, what the heck is wrong with your brain? I do not- in any way - have feelings for Cooper Doyle."

Beatrice smirked. "Right."

Gretal eyes widened. This is payback. Screw her.

"So you don't feel your heart racing when you're near him?"

Gretal bit her lip. "Uh, um, no?"

Beatrice rolled her eyes. "You're in denial."

Gretal murmured under her breath. It was the truth! She didn't have feelings for Cooper "Asshat" Doyle in anyway. She didn't like, like him. She didn't love him. . . Right? Wait, no, Gretal didn't feel that way. She was way to young to feel love. And if anything, if she did have feelings it would be hopeless. Cooper's a photographer and he's secretly hunting for Athena. Athena and Gretal and Cooper together? That didn't mix. And what happened at Pestos coffee shop was probably from the mocha. She didn't like Cooper's gorgeous smile and the dimples on his cheeks. She didn't love the light that was always in his hazel eyes or the way he stuttered.

(Let's be honest with each other. Gretal was in too deep.)

. . . .

John was back at seven p.m. Which was also the time Gretal was leaving. When Gretal saw him she narrowed her eyes. She tried her best to avoid him, even when he stopped in front of her and said 'hey'.

"Um, Davidson, are you okay?"

"No. I'm the opposite actually. I need to go. I'm going job searching with my mom."

John froze. What she just said could mean plenty of things: she was quitting her job as a sidekick and becoming a villain, she was quitting her job as a sidekick and just trying to live a normal life, or she was quitting her job as a sidekick to become a superhero. Even if she was already one. Well, it was none of those options. But she liked seeing John's reaction anyways so she gave him a smug smile.

"Well, see you tomorrow. Or maybe not. I don't know. Bye."

She left before John could say a word and to be honest, it made her day.

One thing true about what she told John is that she was going job searching with her mom. Next Friday, of course. Right now she was at the coffee shop, Pestos, again with Cooper. They decided it would become a daily routine. They could do their homework and talk and just chill. Okay, Gretal was freaking out. Like what if she looked at him for too long or what if her breath stinked? Its not like she carried breath mints twenty-four-seven! She sighed. She'll just have to deal with it.

Cooper smiled when she entered. They sat in their previous table from last time. Cooper ordered the regular mug of coffee and Gretal ordered a mocha. Cooper talked about how his job was going and how the meeting with his boss was coming close. He talked about photography like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Then he took his camera out and told her how you can take the best shots by trying to take the perfect angle.

Gretal sipped her mocha and took a bite of her donut. She glanced at her English homework and sighed. And she had an essay due next month. Luckily, she had some time. While Gretal took another sip of her mocha a flash of light blinded her for a moment. She glanced up to see Cooper with his camera in front of his face. Once he put the camera down he grinned at her.

"Sorry. You just look so peaceful and comfortable. Plus I don't have any photos of you." He smiled.

Gretal nodded as her heart thumped against her chest. He just got more cuter and cuter and Gretal just wanted to slap his gorgeous face but she also wanted to kiss him.

She smiled awkwardly. "Its fine. So, um, did you get any pics of Athena lately?" Well, he just did.

He shook his head and took a bite of his donut. "Nah. It was a lucky shot. Lately I haven't got anything. But I am doing some regular photos here and there. This morning was an example. And next week I have to take a photo of the football team. They have a game in two weeks. But for now I'll think I'll just practice on you, if you don't mind. . ."

Gretal blushed. She was basically a practice dummy for Cooper, not that she took that in an offensive way. But having Cooper stare at her in different angles with his camera made her cheeks flush red.

She shrugged awkwardly, cheeks slightly red. "I don't have to be naked or anything. . ."

Cooper's eyes widened and it look like he was going to pass out. "I-I - u-um, n-n-o. I - you - no. K-keep your clothes on. And i-its just during school or even now. Just do regular stuff."

Gretal bit her lip. To be honest, she probably looked just like Cooper: red cheeks so flaming hot and ready to pass out. And she never seen Cooper stutter so much before. She swallowed and continued her homework, leaving Cooper starring at her awkwardly.

If a simple conversation between them was this awkward, how was she going to handle Cooper coming over to her house for dinner? God, she really was in too deep.

. . . .

Gretal was home in two hours. Apparently, her mom was a cooking class. (Gretal was actually glad that her mom was fullfillng her dream and not chasing after billionaire Davidson.) So while her mom learned the basics of cooking, Gretal was sprawled over her bed in her bunny pajamas and watching Bob's Burgers.

It was probably almost ten at night and she felt like she was going to pass out, limbs wired out. So far nothing about Fuego or even Arachne popped up. She just wish the men of the S.I.A would find that spider bitch and she could handle Fuego herself. Then again, Electric has a way of convincing Cosby. She huffed, eyes narrowed as she grabbed her phone. So far she had no messages. She gave a sideways glance at her bag.

In minutes Gretal was in her Athena costume, mask over her face and gloves over her hands. She grabbed her grappling hook and jumped out the window. God, I need a better escape route.

. . . .

Gretal sat on top of a bank, watching as people slipped in and out. She twirled the grappling gun in her hands, sighing. The superhero life was supposed to be exciting. This wasn't exciting. Well, yeah, she did love breaks every now and then. But she was sort of tired of waiting for news on Arachne. How was she going to stay on alert when she wasn't even being alerted in the first place?

Suprisingly, a scream errupted from the south. Gretal's eyes snapped up and she stood. A crowd ran the opposite way, looking back and forth. Gretal's eyes narrowed and she leaped, landing on her feet. (YES! Wait - no.) She ran towards the scene.

A large freaking man was picking up cars and throwing them to the side. He growled as he lifted and threw, destroying everything in his path. For a moment Gretal thought it was Hulk gone wild. Then she that was stupid and grabbed her long blade.

A few cars flew past her and Gretal dodged and leaped, jumping as more objects and automobiles were thrown at her. Gretal's patience was waring out.

"Hey, buffalo! Over here! I got a few words for you!"

The big buff turned, his eyes narrowed and filled with fire. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?"

Gretal smirked and raised her blade. "Look, I don't know who the heck you are but trying to imitate Hulk isn't very wise. Especially in your case."

The buff guy froze then grinned wickedly. "Ahh, Athena, is it? You think you're so wise, huh?! Well, think again!"

Gretal rolled her eyes. "That's all I do. Think. Less talk and more fight, big guy!"

Buff raised a hotdog cart and threw it. (Why would there be a hotdog cart on the sidewalk at this time of the day? You know what, forget it.) "My name isn't 'big guy', its DESTROYER!"

Gretal closed her eyes as she felt beads of spit smack her in the face. "For a destroyer you suck at destroying," she muttered. Gretal ran towards him, slashing her blade at his feet. Destroyer yelled in pain, swinging as he tried to grab her.

Gretal grinned. This guy is a piece of cake. Well, not that anyone would have him in a cake. Ew, gross.

Destroyer grabbed a lamppost and swung. Gretal dodged, eyes wide as the metal pole flew over her head. Okay, maybe not so easy. She threw her blade and watched it impale itself in Destroyer's left arm. He glared, yelling and pulled it out.

Gretal could literally die if she didn't destroy this guy. Ha, destroy. How could she destroy the Destroyer? Its not like she had Hulk on speeddial. Gretal fumbled for her phone and sent Cosby and John a quick message.

"Come here, you brat! I'm going to squash you like a bug!" Destroyer shouted.

Gretal rolled her eyes. "The correct term is squish, not squash."

Destroyer roared.

Well, teaching a criminal grammer was definitely off her "To Do" List. Gretal threw another blade. But like the other one it really didn't do anything. Gretal turned and her eyes widened as Destroyer pulled out a wip. He slashed it at the ground and the pavement cracked.

In other words, she was dead.

Gretal's heart raced and she pulled out her grappling gun. Destroyer lashed but fortunately, Gretal was quicker. She slashed her blade and watched as the wip broke in two. With a satisfying grin, she lashed at the Destroyer.

She smirked. "Ugly Destroyer say what!"

He glanced at her in confusion. "What?"

She laughed. Now I can cross intelligence off the list.

She could do this. She could. This is what she was waiting for. She didn't need a call about Athena, there was a lot more other criminals to take down. And-

Gretal's side felt like it was on fire as she flew into a store, glass showering around her in tiny shards. She looked up, head pounding and eyes clouded over. Destroyer was stomping toward her, a grin on his face. To be honest, it made him a lot more uglier. She slumped back, her entire body feeling broken.

A wave of heat passed over her. Even if Gretal's other sense were basically turned off her hearing was still good. The Destroyer yelled and she heard the sound of his wip. She glanced up. Everything was blurry but she could see a form of orange and red. Like fire.


Gretal felt herself being lifted up, her body still feeling broken. She hoped it was John here to rescue her or even Cosby but the voice sounded strange and familiar all the same. Gretal felt her vision clear a bit and her eyes widened as she stared at a pair of dark brown eyes.


He wasn't on fire, though. He was in his orange suit and a mask covered his face.

"What the hell are you doing? Aren't you with Arachne?" Gretal whispered.

He hesistated. "I thought about what you said. But this doesn't clear anything. You're lucky I came to the rescue."

Gretal felt herself being lowered down and another wave of heat passed through her. She watched as Fuego lit up and disappeared, smoke trailing behind him.


a/n: well, srry for the long wait but school has been a pain in my ass. But despite that, tell me ur thoughts. Like what about Cooper and Gretal? Think its going to go anywhere? And Oscar Rodriguez. . . What do you think about him? And that rescue at the end though? Fuego to the rescue. And Ugly Destroyer. If you liked it, good. I tried to make it interesting but idk. And this is literally 4k words long so u're welcome. And I'm making an 8tracks playlist for this story. Of course, I will just upload some songs with the chapters here but most've them no. Btw, this chapter is dedicated to @mgrayson and this is unedited so srry for the mistakes.

Now time for Q&A!

Q: if you were a superhero what would your name be?

Thanks for checking this out and until nxt time, my superheroes.

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