Forged: A Spark

By Leigh_6

33 7 2

When she was sixteen, Beatrice Prior's best friend transferred to Dauntless, leaving her heartbroken and conf... More



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By Leigh_6

The following morning Robert wakes up as to not disturb me, but I stir anyways, and turn over. He has risen to get dresses for the morning. The sun barely comes in through the small, cracked window in the bedroom.

"Where are you going?" I question, and I almost regret it. He jumps at the sound of my voice.

"Curiosity is selfish, Beatrice." He says, turning around to put a shirt on. Abnegation people do not normally sleep in the same room as their spouses, but I find it comforting to have Robert beside me sometimes.

But his tone is what surprises me most, and it makes me cringe. I feel like he has something to hide in the way he hurries. "Just tell me this... is everything alright?"

Robert smiles down at me and kisses my forehead. "Everything is fine, Beatrice. Do not worry, alright?"

I nod my head, and he smiles at me. "I'm going to Dauntless for a visit. One of the leaders wishes to see me. Would you like to come?"

Would I? My heart soars higher than an eagle in flight. Being there, in the one place I would be free, it seems too real and something about it all almost makes me question the truth. But I shake my thoughts off and nod my head.

"I would love to go to Dauntless with you."

He smiles at me and hands me some darker clothing. It's almost black, but not quite. "Well, get ready than. We have to catch the train in a few minutes."

My heart flutters with excitement as we walk through the Abnegation streets. People pass by, nodding, and a few people shake hands. I see a couple hug once in a while, but mainly it's to watch their children head back off to their homes in different colors. I walk beside my husband at a slow pace, passing by others along the way.

The platform isn't too far ahead, and is within distance. When the train horn sounds, it startles me at first. I see Robert run. I don't know why he is running, and I follow after him. I realize that the train is coming around the corner and we have to catch it.

I've never seen Robert do anything like his before. His shaggy blond hair frames his face. He hasn't cut it in a while, and maybe he will later if I mention it. The train whizzes past me in a blur, and before I realize long Robert is calling my name. I take off toward him.

The pins fall from my hair, and I can't help but let them. I have one day to be free, to be entirely myself. I have one day to let go and be something entirely different. We have a secret all to ourselves.

I grab the handle and pull myself up, and Robert takes my hand, keeping me steady and pulls me inside. The platform falls from underneath and now we are just riding the train against the rails.

Robert softly smiles at me, and stares at my face for a moment. "I don't say this often enough, but you are something else, Bea."

Bea. It's weird to hear a nickname like that. But I don't like it. I frown a little. "Have another nickname idea?"

A voice speaks from across the car. "How about Tris?"

There stands Tobias, alongside Christina, who gives Robert and I a shy smile. There's also a slim, handsome man with dark skin and a snake tattoo. He has warm brown eyes and a big smile.

The corners of my mouth turn upright. "I like it."

"I do too." Robert replies, taking my hand.

The man standing beside Tobias and Christina smiles at us warmly and steps toward Robert, extending his hand as a formal type of Dauntless greeting. He wears all black. "Uriah Pedrad and you are?"

"Robert Black." He replies, and then looks at me. "And this is my wife, Beatrice."

Uriah smiles at me, almost as if he doesn't need to stop. His smile is contagious and lifelike. "Robert speaks of you on occasion. It's nice to finally meet you, Tris."

I smile a little back at him and shake his hand. "Pleasure is mine, Uriah."

Uriah lets out a chuckle, "I can see why you married her." He says to Robert, his eyes flashing across the car.

Tobias is standing awkwardly off to the side. Robert and Christina seem to get along well, talking and muttering to each other. Uriah is trying to talk to Tobias, but he doesn't notice. Robert comes back to my side, and every time I look at him he looks at me.

"So Tris," Uriah states, breaking the awkward silence against the dead, hollow wind. His arms are folded across his check. "Tell us about you."

The statement is a little nerve-wracking. I lean back against the wall with Robert. "Well, I grew up in Abnegation." I say.

"Did you ever consider leaving?" Christina asks me.

The thought makes my stomach churn and my head buzzy. How do I explain this? Of course I thought about leaving. I wanted to leave, to go to Dauntless, to hid my strong divergence, to follow Tobias, but now I see that he didn't need me as much as I didn't need him.

"It's a lot to explain." I finally say. Robert's hand finds my shoulder.

"I'm sure you can explain." Uriah said, shrugging his shoulders. "Tell us one reason why you stayed."

I'm about to speak, but Robert notices my discomfort and looks for a way out. "Look, we're approaching Dauntless." And the train horn signals on cue. My husband takes my hand and gives me a forced smile when Tobias's back is turned. I look up to him, unmoving, unyielding. I watch them file off the train, and then Robert and I jump together.

The sensation is nerve-racking. Your immediate impulse is to grab for something, but there is nothing but air for a few seconds. My feet find the rooftop, and I slide against the gravel. A pair of strong arms holds me steady.

I look up and expect Robert, but I find Tobias. His warmth sends goosebumps trailing my arms underneath my dark gray dress, his navy blue eyes staring intently into mine. Christina is helping Robert up, and Uriah stands beside the ledge.

"Are you alright?" Tobias asks me, his voice rough.

I pull my arms away from his, despite the fact I want to feel the heat from his body. He is warm, and strong, and still caring despite the circumstances.

Christina comes toward me and grabs my hand. She drags me toward the ledge with a smile. "Would you like to jump first?"

My breath catches in my throat. "Jump?"

"In order to get into Dauntless..." Uriah begins, moving to stand on the ledge. "There is only one way in for initiate access. You jump into the gaping hole."

"Is there water or something at the bottom?" Robert asks.

Uriah shrugs his shoulders. "I guess you'll find out."

Tobias had taken a stand on the ledge as soon as Uriah stepped down. "I'll go first." He says, and then he steps off. His body falls through the gaping hole, the sound of the wind against his black clothing, which is tight on his defined body, but still flaps from the force. I watch his body until all I see is the darkness of the hole.

Robert picks me up with ease and puts me on the ledge. I turn sharply to him. "What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Just jump, Beatrice." He says. "I'll be right behind you." I don't understand why he did that, I really don't. Uriah has gone after me, and it is just the three of us up there.

I take a deep breath and fall. The sound of flapping against my own clothes and the wind only pushing me down sends me terrified. I close my eyes and open them, until I hit something that moves underneath me. It's hard and bounces, and knocks the wind out of me.

A strong pair of arms grabs my arms underneath and hoists me from the net. Blonde hair is brushed back behind my ears, and his fingertips against my face send warmth throughout my body. His smile is warm, and his eyes are bright.

His voice is stern, "Did you get pushed?"

I shake my head. "No, Tobias. I didn't get pushed."

He smiles a little at me. "What's your name?"

I think for a moment back to my nickname. "Tris." I say, and the corners of his lips turn upright.

"Well Tris," he says, releasing my arms. His lips brush my ear almost as if he is going to kiss my cheek. His whisper makes me shiver. "Welcome to Dauntless."

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