Living With Mr. CEO

By lovergirlcrissy

567K 14.3K 1.5K

Xavier Heartford is one of the youngest billionaires in New York. He pursued his dream of following in his fa... More

➳ Hello ✑
➳ Living With Mr. CEO ✑
➳ Chapter One - Dinner ✑
➳ Chapter Two - Wrecked ✑
➳ Chapter Three - Surprise ✑
➳ Chapter Four - Dirty Thoughts ✑
➳ Chapter Five - Office Drama ✑
➳ Chapter Six - Face To Face ✑
➳ Chapter Seven - Terrified ✑
➳ Chapter Eight - Sooner ✑
➳ Chapter Ten - Like Brothers ✑
➳ Chapter Eleven - We Should Celebrate ✑
➳ Chapter Twelve - Chef's Choice ✑
➳ Chapter Thirteen - Girl's Night ✑
➳ Chapter Fourteen - Office Kisses ✑
➳ Chapter Fifteen - Japan ✑
➳ Chapter Sixteen - Japan part two ✑
➳ Chapter Seventeen - Japan part three ✑
➳ Chapter Eighteen - Home Sweet Home ✑
➳ Chapter Nineteen - Nervous ✑

➳ Chapter Nine - Floating ✑

25.6K 845 66
By lovergirlcrissy

Nicole's POV:

"Come on," he said.

"I don't know about this," I said.

"It'll be fine I promise," he added.

"It's cold," I complained.

"You'll get used to it," he said.

Okay it's so not what you think.


"Tell me something else about yourself," he said.

"Like what exactly?" I asked.

"Anything," he replied.

Couldn't we just walk around in silence? I mean it was awkward enough that the dress I was wearing kept getting blown by the wind exposing my legs. I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious.

"Want to go for a swim?" he asked out of nowhere.

"No thanks I'm good," I replied.

"Why not? Live a little," he said.

"I um.. can't swim," I said.

Yes I owned several bikinis which got destroyed along with the rest of my things. Living in LA it was kind of essential to own so I still bought a few. Whenever I went to the beach, with was not that often, I usually stayed on the sand.

"Want me teach you," he said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," I said.

"What? You don't trust me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"This is weird," I blurted out.

"What is?" he asked.

"This!" I gestured between both of us. "I mean here we are talking like normal people," I said.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize we were aliens," he replied sarcastically.

So now he was being a wise guy.

"You know what I mean, you're my boss, the owner of this big company and here we are acting as if we're old friends," I said.

"You know what I think you're stalling," he said reaching for the hem of his t-shirt and pulling over his head.

"And if you want to continue our little chat you're going to have to get in the water," he added.

"Demanding aren't we," I said raising an eyebrow and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"You seem to be forgetting that we're not at work, which means I don't take orders from you," I said with a smirk on my face.

"But you will," he said.

"And why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because I'm going to ask nicely," he said.

Now I was curious and I'm sure it was prominent on my face.

"Will you please get in the water?" he asked with the hint of a smile on his face.

I have to admit that was cute but there was no way I was going to tell him that.

"Wow you actually sounded like a gentleman that time," I replied.

Truth being part of me didn't want to get into the water because I couldn't swim but the other part of me came to the realization that Xavier would see me in nothing but my bathing suit. And I couldn't chicken out and say I didn't have one either because it was pretty obvious I was wearing one.

"When have I ever been anything but a gentleman?" he asked.

"Fair enough," I replied.

"You're wasting time," he said.

~~End of Flashback~~

Which brings us back to my dilemma.

"Look there's no need to worry the water is barely reaching my knees over here," he said trying to convince me and I finally gave in.

"Okay okay," I said taking off my dress and placing it on sand.

Then I slowly got in the water and made my way towards him. It wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Alright before you to learn how to swim, you basically have to learn how not to drown" he said.

"Easier said than done," I replied.

"Lean back,"he said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm going to teach you how to float," he said. "Trust me, now lean back," he added.

I leaned back as slow as I could. Then I felt the water coming up over my ears. I panicked momentarily before I felt Xavier's hand on my back pushing me upward enough to keep my head above water.

"Now lift your legs," he said his voice a bit muffled by the water.

He placed his hand under my knees as I lift my legs off the ground. But I quickly put them back down.

"Just relax," he said reassuringly. "Close your eyes," he added.

"Okay," I replied nervously.

Then I did it again but I didn't stand back up this time. I was floating, sort of.

"Were you in any sororities in college?" he asked randomly. His voice was still muffled by the water but I managed to understand what he was saying.

"Uh no the whole sisterhood thing just wasn't for me, college was more about studying and graduating rather than partying," I replied.

"Can't say the same, college was the only place I got to do my own thing so of course I had to take advantage of it," he said. "The work was easy because I already knew most of the stuff," he added.

"So you could have graduated early?" I asked.

"Yes but I chose to do it the normal way," he replied.

"Because you had an abnormal childhood?" I said but it sounded more like a question.

"I guess you could say that," he said.

"Sorry I didn't mean to pry," I replied.

"No it's fine, you can open your eyes now," he said.

I looked up and saw both of Xavier's hands in the air and I immediately started to panic. And I was under the water. I quickly stood up, coughing up salt water.

"What happened you were doing so well on your own?" he asked.

"How about a warning next time?" I suggested.

"Alright let's try again, just remember to stay calm," he said.

I leaned back in the water again and kicked up my legs. His hands returned to my back holding me up and I was able to relax again.

"What about back in high school any clubs or hobbies?" he asked.

"Well there were a few things," I said.

"Oh really, like what?" he asked sounding intrigued.

"I used to dance," I replied. "What about you," I asked to change the topic off myself.

"I did kickboxing until my mom made me quit she said and I quote 'you can't be the face of the company if you don't have a face' so that was that," he said.

I guess he was more than just a pretty face then.

"I'm going to let go now," he said and I nodded so he knew I heard him.

I opened my eyes and tried my best not to sink.

"You're doing it, you're floating," he said smiling down at me.

I was floating! All by myself. I started enjoying the feeling of the sun on my face and I returned the smile.

"Okay what was something you hated to doing," he asked standing near me.

"I was a cheerleader," I replied with no thought.

"You're kidding right?" he asked sarcastically.

"Sadly no," I said.

"You just don't strike me as the cheer-leading type," he said.

"Neither do I, my mother forced me into it," I explained.

"You're still lucky my mom forced me into cotillion," he said making me giggle.

"Oh you think that's funny?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Nope," I said trying to hold in my laugh as I stood up.

He brought his hands against the water and I felt it splash on my face. Then we began laughing and splashing each other like a bunch of five year olds. I have to admit I haven't felt this relaxed in a long time.

With two strides he grabbed my wrists. And for a moment we were completely still, just staring into each other's eyes. I was desperate trying to steady my breathing.

"We should probably head in, it's getting late," I said but he didn't say anything.

"Plus we have work in the morning and I don't think my new boss would appreciate me being late on my first official day," I added.

"I don't think he'll have a problem," he said. His eyes not leaving mine for a second.

He finally let go and started walking out of the water. I was still breathless. Then he turned back around.

"You coming or what?" he asked.

What the hell just happened?


19K!!!!! WTF you people are awesome. So my plans didn't turn out as I had hoped and I took like forever to update I know but I did some editing. I changed Nicole to a blonde (in case you missed that). Thanks so much for reading and voting your little hearts out :)

1387 words

Picture of Xavier at the top

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