Snape's Daughter is a Prankst...

By CourtzManica

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Snape's Daughter is a Prankster!?! (A George Weasley Love Story)
Chapter Two

Chapter One

657 12 0
By CourtzManica

Chapter 1(HP owned by J.K.Rowling. I added it as a twist)

I was wandering down a street with my baby boy, Marco, in my arms, a backpack containing all my possessions as it began to rain. I spotted a boy walking down the street furiously. I focused my energy on calming him down. It clearly worked when he stopped and looked at me. His emerald green eyes sparkled at me under a mop of unruly black hair. I recognised this boy anywhere. “Harry,” I yelled. I ran to him and gave him a hug. Marco suprisingly didn’t awaken.

"Bellé, I thought you were at Beauxbatons? What are you doing here?" Harry said with a concerned look. "Oh. I was until the head boy of Noxtons, the neighbouring school, got me pregnant by immobilising me and putting a spell on me that stopped anyway of getting rid of the baby. I had to go through the pregnancy and I haven’t told Dad yet. He’s only six months and he was born pre-mature. But Madame Maxine thought I wouldn’t want to be ridiculed at Beauxbatons so she wrote a letter to Dumbledore and he accepted me. But he said he wasn’t going to tell Dad and that Marco could stay with me at school. But I had to get away from that horrid school. So I came here. I just haven’t found a place to stay yet." I replie

"Well then. You’re coming with me the Bellé. Oh and Bellé?"


"Where’s your wand?"

"Oh. It broke when I apparated from France to London."

"You apparated from France to London and you haven’t had anything happen to you?"

"Well yeah. I have Elvish blood in me so I can pretty much get away with anything, plus I have a whole bunch of shit wrong with me."

"Oh. Okay then."

Harry stuck out his wand over the curb then pulled his hand back suddenly. A triple decker bus came zooming out of nowhere and I automatically jumped backwards. Once we were on the bus Harry asked if he could hold Marco. I gave him the baby and sat cross legged on the bed. I closed my eyes for a minute then felt myself start to rise. In my head I was telling myself to go down not up. Eventually I felt the bed underneath me again. I heard Marco begin to wake up so I opened my eyes then got a bottle of formula out of my bag. I began to blow on the bottom of the bottle to heat up the bottle. I checked the temp then handed it to Harry who was cooing at my baby boy in his arms. I watched them for a while then asked the question I had been wondering for about 20 minutes.

"Harry? Where are we going?

"Oh. We’re going to the Leaky Cauldron. I have to meet the Minister there to explain why I blew up my Aunt."

"Blew up as in boom or blew up as in like a balloon?"

"Blew up as in like a balloon."

"Darn it. Aunt Marge was always a horrible person."

"Yeah. I know. Do you have enough money to get school stuff?"

"Yeah I should do. I have a separate account so Dad can’t access it which means he can’t keep track of it. But there is like 50 million galleons around about in it."

"That’s good, and I think your baby likes me. Hey, his eyes are changing. WOW!!!"

"Yeah. They do that. It’s the Metamorphamagus genes. I have the same abilities. You should have it too."

"What? Why should I have it too?"

"Oh. Yeah forgot to tell you. We’re siblings, half-siblings. We got the Metamorphamagus genes from Mum. Turns out we have Elvish blood in us too and all this other stuff. Oh and I have a scar to match yours. Yeah we we’re in the cot together when Voldemort tried to kill you. Mines on my shoulder though under my strap though and I am planning on getting a tattoo to cover it."

"Oh. That’s cool. Well this is our stop. You take Marco and I’ll bring the trunk."

We got off the bus waving at Stan and walked inside the Leaky Cauldron talking about the reaction the Minister would have when he sees a fifteen year old girl with a thirteen year old boy and a six month old baby. Marco giggled as Harry pulled a rather odd face. Tom, the bartender, came over and showed them to the Minister’s room.

"Ah, Harry, my boy. There you are, and you’ve brought a friend. How lovely,." the minister said in a annoying tone. "No, he brought his sister." I snapped.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the plush purple couch. Marco reached for Harry so Harry picked him up and played with him. I saw Hedwig and put my arm out for her to fly to. She flew straight to me and stood on my shoulder surveying the room to check for any suspicious activity.

"So Harry, we are dropping all charge for the accused actions. Your family shall be obviated and returned to their normalcy. You shall still be able to go to school in September," the minister said.

"Thanks Minister. Well, my sister and I best be going so we can put my nephew down for a sleep. He has been awake for an awfully long amount of time and needs his rest so we don’t have a grouchy baby in the morning. Goodnight Minister," Harry said in a calm voice 

I stood up and shook my head changing my look whilst I was at it. My blonde locks turned into a sheet of purple hair going straight down my back grazing the top of my tailbone. My green eyes went into a dark purple and I had pale skin. I walked out of the study in an angry gait. Harry was hot on my heels. I turned my hair red and shoulder length with eyes that matched Harry’s. I turned and caught the Minster’s eye before I went through the door. He had a full on astonished look on his face. I winked then turned invisible. Harry had hold of my right hand and led me out of the room. Marco began to cry as he couldn’t see me anymore so I became visible again.

"Wow. That was incredible sis. Shall we go to our room now?" Harry asked in a happy tone.

I nodded and Tom led us to our room. I focused on the bedside table and turned it into a crib then got Harry to lay Marco down then sat on the bed.

"Harry. There is some explaining to do. Our mum was with your Professor Snape 18 months before you were born. I was born the first 9 months by complete accident and Mum left my dad when I was 9 months old. She didn’t mean to leave but she was told that if she didn’t I would be killed. My dad was a death eater but he loved Mum heaps. I was taken by Bellatrix one night from Dad and he went to Dumbledore for protection. He didn’t want me as he thought I was the reason Mum left. He then found out Mum married James, his arch-enemy and that she had you. He tracked down Bellatrix and got me back. By this time I was 17 months old. Bella had done nothing bad to me but treat me like a princess. I became her adopted daughter in her mind when some bad stuff began to happen. When I was 29 months Dad rescued me then took me to Mum. He left me there saying that he was unable to look after me. Mum was going to ask Remus Lupin to take care of me. That night I was with you in the crib when Voldemort came and killed your dad and our mum. I turned into a puppy as I had learnt to be an Animagi and sat next to you. A really bright white light flashed out of you when he shot the killing curse at you. Dad rushed in around 10 minutes later and wept over Mum. I changed back to human and Dad saw me. He took you to Aunt Petunia’s and left me with Aunt Alyssa. Aunt Alyssa was seeing Uncle Lupin at the same time. Aunt Alyssa wasn’t a death eater. Aunt Alyssa and Uncle Lupin got married. When I was 7 Aunt Alyssa was tracked down by Voldemort and killed. Uncle Lupin and I moved to France and that was the last time we saw each other. When I turned 10, Beauxbaxtons sent me a letter for acceptance into the school. Until last year I have been going there. We both have extra-ordinary talents. My talents that we know about are; Metamorphamagus, Parseltongue, Animagi, Elementist, Empathist, Shape Shifter, IQanthion, Wandless Magic, Lingual Dystonia. I am not sure what talents you have yet but I’m sure you have the Metamorphamagus, Parseltongue and Empathist qualities." I said quietly and cleary so he could fully understand

Harry nodded than took a deep breath. “Wow that’s quite a bit to take in. And I am already quite tired. How about we go to sleep and talk more in the morning. And we can go shopping.” He said the last part with a whole lot more enthusiasm than the rest of the sentence. I nodded and we slid into the beds. Harry was shaking really badly so I got out of my bed and pushed it against his bed. I waved my hand and the beds joined together and created a massive bed. I heated up the bed and the duvet and cuddled into Harry. His arm wrapped around me protectively and I smiled before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

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