Evernight high

بواسطة silverdaydreamer__

408 10 2


Evernight high school for special kids
Chapter 2:Welcome to evernight pretties!
Chapter 3: the rejection
chapter 4:fist day of school(breakfast!!)

Chapter 1:bye bye house!

77 1 0
بواسطة silverdaydreamer__


     “Wake up, we are going to be late for the new academy if you don’t get that lazy but of yours up this freaking instant, Will!”, Gabriel screamed at me.

“Fuck off”, was my smart reply in which ended me a slap on the head as a reward from him. “Damn it that hurt Gabe!” I bellowed at him. That boy has a serious heavy hand, I thought.

      “I’m sorry, it’s just that you shouldn’t cuss Will its bad for you, stupid. I’ve told you so many times before.” he said exasperated that I still haven’t learned.” Now get up or I will throw you over my shoulder and carry you to that class in your pj’s” he threatened me as he narrow his eyes into slits which made his eyes get a mischievous glint.

            “Nah I’m good” I responded and went back to sleep enveloped in the warmness of my sheet cocoon. Suddenly the warm was replaced by the cold I shivered and then stopped it was horribly quiet.” Gabe, babe, we can work this out right I mean i-ahhhh”I was interrupted because he decided to carry me over his shoulder.

            “I warned you will” he told me, I felt him shrug underneath me .We passed the white corridor. Then, finally my lucky break was there an open door. I latched my finger on the edge of it and pulled with all my might.” Fuck Willow. Let the damn door go!” he grunted out as he was trying to pull me away.” Shit! Stop! I’ll put you down I swear I will just stop! “He screamed once I started kicking with all my might trying to be put down on the floor by him.

He then did something I didn’t expect, he just threw me off his back like nothing I clenched my teeth as I fell on the wooden floor.” Gabriel that freaking hurt you dumb-butt! I screeched as I glared at a smirking Gabe.

“Just go get ready babe .We have approximately forty-five minutes to go better hurry your arse ta-ta darling” he spoke in a posh accent and ran away.

            I huffed and stood up,”damn angel demon I swear” I grunted out as I walked back to my room to get ready. Once I got to my room I looked around it. I was going to miss this place I thought. My eyes roamed over my dark blue painted walls each one of the walls in my room had writing on all of them being random thoughts, poems, lyrics, life lessons Etz. The room that was once cluttered in clothes and sheets of paper was now clean. All that was left was my beautiful guitar and new pair of clothes that I was going to change on. I took a quick shower and dressed myself in a grey v-cut shirt that had a hoodie attacked to it, a pair of black leggings and finally some beat up old combers that I’ve had since I was in ninth grade. I straightened my hair and applied eyeliner on my blue eyes pop out. My blue eyes were one of the things I was proud to inherit from my mother in which I loved oh so much. I looked at my reflection and asked “Why? Why is it that I can’t be a normal human?” I shook my head for my stupidity.

“You’re destined for great stuff willow. I understand, being a hybrid is something you don’t like. I know you hurt because you’re not normal, but hey I’ll be there with you being no normal with you right? “He whispered as he came behind me and hugged me.

'           Yes you heard right I’m a hybrid. My mom being a very powerful witch who everyone was and still is afraid of messing with. I’ve been living with her ever since I was born learning magic with Gabriel. Where’s your dad you may be asking. Well he’s with the vampire council being punished for his actions. What actions? Me I was that action, I was a mistake. My mother is my father’s mate yes, but because she was a witch she was never allowed to be pregnant in fact she couldn’t be pregnant. I was a miracle I guess you could say, you see vampires could only have children with other vampires when my mother became pregnant with me the whole council was baffled by it.

           The council was afraid of this and decided to punish my dad for being the one that created me, as for the witch council they were excited and intrigued by me, the supposed miracle. They let my father stay with my mother during her pregnancy and they also let him hold me when I was born but not a minute later after that my father was take away from me and I never saw him again all I have are pictures my mother has of him and her in their weeding and the ones they took when she was pregnant with me.One that I always keep close is the one picture my aunt took of my mother when she was pregnant with me. Her beautify blond hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, her cheeks were pink, her blue eyes were shining in happiness.She had a huge smile painted across her face,she was sitting down on a couch my dad was behind her, his arms were holding on to my mother’s waist  on of his hands was on my mom’s belly ,his jet black hair was messy and all over the place, he had beautiful violet eyes in which were shinning bright with excitement his ivory skin had a pinkish blush on his sharp cheekbones .My mom had told me that was when I had first kicked. My father was so excited at that time that he couldn’t help the grin on his face.I wanted to meet my dad so much, my soul yearned for my father’s arms to be around me and hold me telling me how proud he was of me, but that was never going to happen.

Now you might be wondering how is Gabriel not normal? Well just like me he’s a hybrid, a hybrid between an angel and a demon. Cliché huh? His parent fell in love with each other eighteen years ago. Where are they now? They’re dead, the council of demons and angels found out and wanted to kill them on the spot. Luckly they both ran until Seraphiel Van Allen, his mother gave birth to him. Azazel Llewellyn Fayte then handed Gabriel to my mother, Schuyler Theodora Elizabeth Chase Tallyn to take care of. My mother of course being pregnant with me at the moment decide to save Gabriel’s life, my father Stephen  Charles Tallyn tried to make my mother refuse but nothing worked. She convinced my father by telling him,” what if it was our child in his place love? ”He melted instantly and took care of Gabriel as if he was his son.

One of the reasons I’m jealous of Gabe was because he had meet my dad, my dad was with Gabriel for a whole year yet with me he was only a few seconds. After I was born my mother found out why fate had given Gabriel to her. He had inherited his mother’s guardian angel gene, and his father’s powers. She found this out because the minute after my father was take away the vampire council had planned an attack on the little village I was born in. It was a plan they had to kill me but they never expected Gabriel to be there. My mother said that it happened when the room we were in had started shaking from the explosives that were being thrown on the outside. My mom had quickly handed me to Gabriel who held me close him. He then tilted me to look at my face, as our eyes connected  a blinding white light started to surround and lift us, or so my mother told us that happened. After the ball of light let us go on the ground Gabriel sprouted beautiful white wings ,his eyes became red and and he stated to look around in a hurry as if trying to put me in a safe place he never did find that place. A vampire, Drexel to be exact, came in as he blew the wooden door into pieces. The wood had made a huge noise that startled my newborn self. Whenever my mom told us this part of this story she always said it with a a very proud and awe stuck voice.

Gabriel pressed me closer to him and I had buried my tiny little head in his neck and magically stopped crying. My tiny little hands clung on to his neck and he started to rub my back in a circular motion. All my mom could do what stare at what was happening right before her eyes. The guardian spirit of a 1 year old boy coming alive to protect his charge, a new born baby girl, her new born baby girl. Gabriel’s wings spread you could see he had some black colored feathers he started to fly in the air keeping me away from danger. Drexel threw a sharp piece of wood that was in the shape of a stake. Gabriel had dogged it with a growl. He then flew in front of my mom and handed her me. He took a protective stand in front of us and growled. He growled so hard the room started to shake more. Drexel didn’t know what to do at all so he did all he could he started to charge towards Gabriel with a silver knife. Gabriel saw and started flying towards him, he dodged the attack and with one touch of his hand Gabriel, a one year old boy incinerated Drexel, head warrior of the vampire council. Ever since then my mom knew Gabriel was and is my guardian angel.

“Come on will we have to go before mom notices we aren’t gone yet” he breathed out. Yeah, Gabe called my mother mom I mean she raised him right. He still knew she wasn’t his real mom, I guess he wanted someone he could call mom.

I nodded my head but at the same time I had stated nodding my head we head mom shout from down stairs” Willow Raven Tallyn and Gabriel Alexander Fayte it’s freaking late get your butts down here and lets go now!”

We both swore and ran down the stairs, me almost tripping in the process. My mom stood there looking as beautiful as ever with her golden blond hair whipping every were because of the wind he blue eyes filled with tears she had a smile on her face but I could tell she was sad that Gabriel and I were leaving. Gabriel looked at me as if saying oh lord she’s going to cry again do something. I stepped forward and wrapped my mother in my arms she immediately flung her arms around me and hugged me tight.” awe! My babies are going away! I’m going to miss you two so freaking much!” she sobbed out. I instantly hugged her and stroking her back.

Gabriel came and put his arms around both of us and said,” Mom were going to be fine okay? I swear we will oovoo, call, and text you every day momma please don’t cry we hate it when you cry!”

“I can’t help it Gabe!”, she pouted as she sniffed.

God my mom could be such a child at times.” Mom were going to be fine okay we love you so freaking much but we have to leave or else we’ll be late and remember me and Gabe are roommates sowe’ll always have each other back okay no harm will come to us you know why? Because we have a bad ass mother who taught us how to fight that’s why!” I told my mom. The smile that appeared on her face made me smile the brightest.

She then took out a camera and told us to pose and we did, I jumped on Gabe’s back and smiled making a peace sign with my hand. My mom took the picture and kissed both of our cheeks she whispered a protection spell over both of us and with that we jumped in our nice 1965 mustang. I stared out the window looking at my mom’s frame as we drove farther away from her. Inside it was killing me to leave my mom alone but I had to I didn’t want to but she wanted us to go to that school so we could finally fit in. Once her petite frame was no longer noticeable I looked turned to look at Gabriel who also had a look of worry on his face his eyebrows were scrunched up together and his mouth was pursed. I touched his knee and smiled at him. He turned to look at me and smile back. I turned on the radio and then feel asleep to “hunt hunt hunt by there for tomorrow”

I heard Gabriel laugh and whisper” Jezz sis, you’re obsessed with the damn song” With that I was taken by the calming darkness.


“Wake up! Ryder it’s time to go to Evernight! Come on wake up!” I screeched as I jumped up and down on a sleepy looking Ryder. I gripped my hair in irritation I mean damn this boy sleep like a damn log.” Rider help! Their after me stop em’!” I yelled from the top of my lungs.

Ryder shot up from bed and fell on the floor his messy black hair sticking up from everywhere his black eyes searching everywhere for potential danger once he noticed there was none he turned to me and glared.” Why mead? Why in the fucking world would you wake me up that way?!” he bellowed.

“You wouldn’t wake up and-and I’m sorry Ry!” I cried I never like it when Ryder was mad at me. Well I’m guessing all of you are wondering why the hell am I being such a child. Well you see I’m a hybrid an angel vampire hybrid to be exact. I’m a miracle child im told by daddy and mommy. The vampire council is okay with me being alive the same for the angels. I was always in danger that is until I found Ryder he saved me just like I had saved me. He fought against a rougue and almost died but I healed him with my angel powers.I was only fourteen and he was fifteen.  Since then he decided to be my guardian. He’s like an older brother to me. To mom and dad he’s like the son they never had.

Ryder looked at me and stretched his arms out for me to hug him I I immediately ran into him and embraced him.” It’s okay mead just don’t do that again I almost shit myself for fucks sake.” He sighed and buried his face in my hair. He let me go and turned around “Go tell mom that I’ll be down in five kay’ just let me change real quick” he told me. I nodded and went to tell mom. I came up stairs and decide to go to the restroom. I looked at myself, I was pretty, I had pretty wavy blond hair, rosy pink cheeks and violet eyes. Yes, violet it was a manifestation of my angel’s presence. They were also one of the reasons I never fit in with the kids. I had a ruffled pink blouse and some evergreen shorts I had on some gladiator sandals. I gave myself a nod of approval and walked out. I fell hard on to the floor and looked up, there was a smirking Ryder there. He helped me up and we both walked down stairs. My mom was there with her back turned to us as she was making coffey her black hair pulled in a sloppy pony tail. I had inherited my violet eyes from my mom the rest was all dad. I smiled at both of them once they saw me and Ryder and came to us. They both hugged us and had told us to have a safe trip. My parents weren’t that much talkative sadly.

We both climbed into Ryder’s 1997 Charger, I leaned my head back and sighed.” hey everything’s going to fine okay take a nap and ill wake you up when we get there” he told me. I nodded and turned the radio on I feel asleep to “hunt hunt hunt by there for tomorrow”

I heard Ryder turn it up more I opened my eyes and glared at him. He looked at me and scratched the back of his neck sorry mead it’s my favorite song” he told me with a  sheepish smile. I just grumbled and closed my eyes and was instantly pulled to my amazing dream land.

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