Confessions of a Middle Schoo...

By KingOfTheCarKids

201 11 2

James Smith moves from Denver to a town in Northern Virginia, making new friends. But there's a second side... More

Chapter 1: New Life
Chapter 2: New People
Chapter 4: 9T9 Lives (Part 2)
Chapter 5: 9T9 Lives (Part 3)
Chapter 6: Danger Days and Razor Blades

Chapter 3: 9T9 Lives (Part 1)

24 2 1
By KingOfTheCarKids

I've updated the Characters page after the last chapter went up yesterday, and I will again after all parts of this chapter go up. Enjoy and leave feedback!


"Where am I?" I think as I wake up. I see Dan, Gabe, Tyler, Caroline, Gaby, and a woman in white looking at me. Well, I think it's them; my vision is fucked up, and my eye feels like it got hit with a truck.

"That was quite a hit you took there, young man," the woman says.

"Who.. Where.. What happened?" I woozily manage to say. Tyler starts telling me the story, and it starts coming back; Caroline getting harassed by Gerald, him hitting on Gaby, and the punch I took for her.

"After you got slugged," Dan says, "I socked him in the jaw. Luckily the rest of the bus saw him hit you first, so I'm not in trouble. But he did get me in the lip once though." As my vision begins to focus, I see the cut on Dan's lower lip.

"You alright?" I ask, more focused now.

"He'll be fine," the woman I assume is the nurse says.
As I focus on the room, I can tell it is a school nurse's office.

"Who are you?" I ask the woman, more alert now.

"Ms. Jennings, the school nurse," she says. "When your friends here got Gerald off of you, his gang brought him to me. I asked what happened, and nearly believed their story that you and Dan started it. However, I knew better than that; I kept them until you were brought in. A bus camera caught the whole thing, and G is suspended for 4 weeks for harassment, instigation, and attack." I thought this over, and asked one question.

"How did you know to wait for them, and not believe them? You've never seen them before?" She looks to Gabe and raises an eyebrow.

"How can you not induct this kid into 9T9?" She says.
Has she met these people before? What the hell is 9T9? Induct? All these questions swirl around my mind. Seeing my confusion, Caroline speaks up.

"Dan meet us at the stop at 5 o'clock tonight. We'll explain everything."


I got an eyepatch from Ms. Jennings, as well as a note to my third period teacher excusing my tardiness.
Before I go, Caroline tells me something-

"Do not, I mean do not, mention 9T9 Lives to anyone; for your sake and ours." She walks me to my third period class, math. As I walk in, the teacher calls me out.

"Hey, kid, what's you're name?" I'm taken aback by both his casual tone and his appearance. He appears around 30, clean shaven, absurdly bright blue eyes, miniature black studs, with a sports neck-zipper sweater on,

"James, James Smith," I say, surprising myself by how calmly I responded.

"I'm Mr. Kopnitsky, but you can call me Mr. K. What happened to your eye, kid?" He says back, noticing the eyepatch. "Wait are you the kid who had the bus issue? Ya know what, forget about it. See me after class though."

For the sake of space, I'll be splitting this chapter into three parts;
What do you think of Mr Kopnitsky?

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