Royal Blood

By Ouatobsessed

114K 5.3K 942

Daring, mysterious, smart, cunning, overly rich and most of all; breathtaking. Men in every realm wish to be... More

Part One Chapter One: The Proposal
Chapter Two: Young Bride
Chapter Three: Masquerade
Chapter Four: New Journey
Chapter Six: Young Child
Chapter Seven: Welcome Home
Chapter Eight: Follow Along
Chapter Nine: Set Up
Chapter Ten: Fight or Flight
Chapter Eleven: Another Day
Chapter Twelve: Night Terrors
Chapter Thirteen: Travelers Town
Chapter Fourteen: Hidden Secrets
Chapter Fifteen: Drifting Away
Chapter Sixteen: Fresh Look
Chapter Seventeen: Harsh Awakenings
Chapter Eighteen: Sweet Reunion
Chapter Nineteen: Goodnight Kiss
Chapter Twenty: Choosing Sides
Chapter Twenty-One: The Arrow
Chapter Twenty-Two: Royal Blood
Chapter Twenty-Three: Holding On
Part 2 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Husband
Chapter Twenty-Five: Royal Duties
Chapter Twenty-Six: Search Hard
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Scream
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dark One
Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Lesson
Chapter Thirty: Fitting Right
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Major Setbacks
Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving
Chapter Thirty-Four: Evil Queen
Chapter Thirty-Five: Found Out
Chapter Thirty-Six: Rise Up
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Commanding Troops
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Waging War
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Kill
Chapter Fourty: Your Majesty
Chapter Fourty-One: Man Hunt
Chapter Fourty-Two: Broken Repair
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Dungeons
Chapter Fourty-Four: My Queen
Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace
Chapter Fourty-Six: Balancing Love
Chapter Fourty-Seven: True Colors
Chapter Fourty-Eight: True Love
Chapter Fourty-Nine: His Choice
Chapter Fifty: Four Weeks
Chapter Fifty-One: Magic Baby
Chapter Fifty-Two: Growing Near
Chapter Fifty-Three: Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice
Chapter Fifty-Five: Farewell Bidding
Chapter Fifty-Six: Miss You
Chapter Fifty-Seven: One Night
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Days Past

Chapter Five: Safe Haven

3K 143 9
By Ouatobsessed

Regina had been told stories about the villages as a child. Zelena used to scare her with tales she heard the maids whisper in the halls. Stories of deaths and crime. She had been told that men weren't the same once you left the castle walls. They weren't well behaved. They took women and saw them as property- although that didn't really differ inside the palace walls either. Men abused and murdered. Zelena had said that women didn't care of their children. That they left them for the wolves and passed rumors behind others backs.

But Katherine would tell stories as well. Whenever Regina was troubled late at night with thoughts of slumber, Katherine would stroke her hair and tell her stories from her own life. Stories of music and family. Little cottages and small towns with shops. Dancing children who had picked wilted bouquets of dandelions just for her.

As regina grew older, it was hard for her to decide what was real and what wasn't. Zelena's stories seemed so far fetched while Katherine's seemed almost too happy. But she had nothing to base her own opinions on. Regina had never really met too many men her age or even children for that matter. Sometimes her mother's guests would have sons or children of their own but Regina scarcely ever met them.


Pain. Regina swore she could hear her heart beat and feel it throb. Her neck was sore as was the rest of her body. The floor underneath her jostled and bumped constantly, causing her head to bang up against a wall. It was dark but Regina knew she was somehow moving.

What had happened?

Panic flooded her veins as Regina recalled the last memories she could. Leopold had come into her room and confronted her. She had breathed in some kind of herbal mix to knock her out. She hadn't been safely shipped off by Graham and Leo had threatened her life.

The cart she was in slammed to a stop, throwing the princess as well as other objects around. A box fell to her left, trapping Regina in a small corner. Light suddenly shone through as the noise of fabric being ripped broke the somewhat silent cart.

Regina froze.

A way out. If she could escape, she could be free. Safe even. But where would she go? Jefferson and Graham hadn't been clear on the instructions for her after she left the palace walls. She surely couldn't go back home. Back to her horrid mother. Back to Leopold. Who knows what he was doing right now, what he was telling people.

Fear surged inside Regina's body, making her fingers numb as if she was putting them in a bucket of ice water. Voices swirled around outside of where she was kept captive. Footsteps pounded the gravel roads next to her. A single light shaft shone into the small space regina was kept in, making dust particles dance for only seconds before slipping away into the darkness.

If I stay here, Regina thought to herself, who knows what Leopold has planned. But I escape, if I leave, where will I go? What will I do?

In fact, Regina didn't even know if people knew what she looked like. Her mother had kept her so hidden from her own kingdom that it was only until more recent dates that Regina had met others formally. That the opportunity to be exposed was given to her.

Movement. The wall that pressed against Regina's back shook, startling the young girl. She scampered to the other side of a large box before letting herself stand in the light. All around her were boxes and bags. Arrows and clothing. Trinkets Regina couldn't identify. Above her, a tear in the cloth ceiling allowed the light to be cast inside. The wall, Regina now realized that was the door to get inside the moving compartment, jiggled again as if someone were trying to get inside.

More light. Regina ducked behind a large bag, clamping her hand over her mouth to stay silent.

"...moving down to her mother's." A male voice said. "But we certainly can't take all of this stuff. That's why Imma sell most of it."

Regina swallowed. Out. She had to get out. Being on her own, she decided, was better than living in fear of who she might be living with. Besides, Graham would be back in a couple of days to find her.

"Well at least come rest for a bit. Give your horses a break and come inside." A woman's voice offered before more footsteps. But this time, they were walking away from Regina. Not towards.

This was her chance. Regina kept forwards, her nightgown catching onto something sharp. Stumbling, Regina fell onto her hands and knees, hearing her cotton dress tear. The palms of her hands burned in pain as blood warmed her skin. Wincing, regina stood and absentmindedly wiped her hands on her white nightgown.

All around her, there was commotion. Horses with wagons and people galloped past, women and children walked in groups- laughing and calling to one another. Little boys ran with sticks as their mothers scolded from their shaded spots under a vendor's cart. Men talked outside of shops and on the dirt roads. Not one single person seemed to notice her.

Where would she go? Having no idea where she was in her kingdom, Regina had no way out. No way back to her home. But did she want to go back? Back to being a slave? Back to the torture and the rules? Or for once, could Regina be free?

The only familiar thing around her was the coat of arms that hung from several buildings. That was her sign. Something that Regina had seen every day as a child. The white background with the seven blue flowers, a red strip and then the lion. It comforted her to see something so familiar in a place so foreign to her. At least, Regina thought, she knew she was home. Somewhere in her giant home.

Hearing the voice of the man from earlier throttled her into action. Regina kept behind the cart. Not knowing where to go, her eyes found a small path that lead deep into the forest. It was her only hope.


Leaves and branches cracked under Regina's bare feet, leaving them scraped and dirty. It had become dark and then light again since Retina fist started down this path. But now it wasn't a path. She was lost. Too scared to stop, too tired to walk, Regina had trudged on in hopes of finding help.Her whole body was warm and pink, her skin roasted and tight.

If this was what her kingdom was like, then Regina wanted out. She wanted to get away from the constant fear of the unknown. She wanted to leave all the pain behind and go back to her palace. Go back to the comfort of her own home.

But then there was noise. A faint cheer followed by laughter. A door closing and then opening again. Carts rolling against dirt paths.

A village.

Regina walked with all the purpose she could muster. Fear and exhaustion and complete hunger hit her all at once. What if these people tortured her, used her for granted? What if they weren't like Katherine and Jefferson? Would they feed her? Allow her to rest?

Breaking free from the trees and bushes, Regina limped her way to the first open door she could find. It was back in a little alley, right by the open road. There were glass windows that permitted her to see inside but Regina didn't bother. She stood at the door, watching the commotion around her.

Men sat everywhere, drinking and eating, some of them laughing. In the corner was a small assembly of men, playing instruments Regina had never seen before. There were no strings or bows to these instruments like the ones in her castle. Some of them were tiny and would be held to the mouth to play. Others were large that a man best on, satisfied with the full thuds that came along with his actions. But nobody else seemed intrigued by this assembly. Women, only a handful were in the small bar, scattered themselves among the men. Some talked, some danced and two ran from the bar go the tables.

Before Regina knew it, the older woman she had seen earlier, the one who was running back and forth between the bar, had approached her. "Can I help you?" She asked in a hushed voice. With no response, the woman spoke again. "I'm Granny. Dear, why don't you come inside. You seem awfully sick."

Hey guys! I hoped you like this chapter! Please give me feedback on how you like this book BC I really do take your suggestions. Anything you think I should change or write about, please let me know! Thanks so much!

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