Don't Walk Away

By Psycho_Lollipop

8.6K 323 59

AU D. Gray Man (Most likely gonna be a Yullen, but fluffy) Allen Walker is the newest student at Black Order... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4

1.5K 74 33
By Psycho_Lollipop

Allen opened the door to his room, looking around for his roommate. Thankfully, he wasn't in. Allen went right to his dresser and took out the black bag. He opened it and looked through the three different pill bottles. One was for his insomnia, which he only took when he didn't get sleep for a few days. Another was for his anxiety, which he tried to take everyday. He decided to skip that one, since he had enough anxiety for one day, meeting Jake. How much more could he get? The last was for his hallucinations. That was one he was supposed to take everyday. If he took them all together, he could actually get a good nights sleep for once. But he wouldn't ever take them around Kanda. The samurai would think he was crazy. Allen laughed as he dropped a pill in his hand.

"I am crazy though. Why would I worry if someone just assumes I am?" Allen said to himself. He put the bottles back into the black bag, zipped it up, and put it back under his clothes. He went to the bathroom, filled a plastic cup with enough water, and took his pill. It would take a bit for it to kick in, so he'd have to deal with the blood dripping down the walls.

"It's weird that I'm so used to them. Some don't even faze me," Allen laid on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, watching the blood drip down. Some landed on him, and he resisted the urge to wipe it off.

"Red is not one of my favored colours," he said to himself, watching the blood make shapes in the ceiling.

"I really don't care about your opinions," a voice said, and Allen looked over to see the samurai closing the door. Coincidentally, he was wearing a red shit. 'He probably thought I was talking about his shirt.'

"I wasn't talking to you. I was just stating a new observation I made." Allen watched the blood drip onto Kanda, soaking his hair and darkening his shirt. Allen looked away.

"Like I care," Kanda replied, grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. Allen looked back at the ceiling, watching the blood shape into Kanda. Allen decided to change before Kanda got out, deciding to take a shower in the morning. 'Oh yeah, I got lost on my way here, so its already night. Should I get something to eat?' He decided not to, since his dreams sometimes make him sick. He quickly changed out of his clothes and put his night clothes on, careful to remember his gloves. Kanda emerged a few minutes later, already dressed.

"So Lavi and Lenalee took me to town today. I met an old friend there," Allen said, trying to make conversation. Kanda looked at him with a look that said, 'And I care why?'

"And I care why?" Kanda said. Allen rolled his eyes.

"Cuz we are roommates and should at least try to be friends," Allen replied.

"Why would I want to be friends with a Moyashi like you?" Kanda replied, laying on his bed and pulling up his covers. "Turn off the light, would you?" Allen stuck his tongue out and got up, flicking the light switch down and walked to his bed. He laid down, pulled up his covers, and waited for sleep to come.


Allen was walking to the cafeteria, following behind Kanda. After getting a somewhat good nights sleep, Allen had gotten into the shower. When he got out, Kanda was eyeing his gloves, but didn't say a thing. Allen was thankful for that. When they entered the cafeteria, Lavi and Lenalee waved and showed them where to sit. Allen smiled and waved back, walking to the line to get his food.

'Missing dinner last night wasn't good. I'm starving,' he thought. 'I wonder how Jake and the rest have been. Even though I was four when I last saw them, I still remember a lot about them. Those where my first memories of my life. Jake was the one who took care of me. He was the closest thing I had to a family. I kinda miss him."

"Hey, hun. What'cha ordering today?" Jeryy asked, smiling at the white haired boy.

"I'll take three of everything. I really like your cooking Jeryy. Its the best I ever had!" Allen smiled.

"Aww, thanks hun! You're so sweet~!" Jeryy said, smiling as he went back and cooked the food. Allen noticed that Kanda was sitting at the table, sitting next to Lenalee. Lavi was saying something, making her laugh. Kanda had his usual scowl on.

'They look like they're good friends. Even though Kanda doesn't look it, he must be happy. If not, he wouldn't sit with them.' Allen's gaze was caught by Kanda, and Allen quickly looked away. Thankfully Jeryy was walking back with his food.

"Here you go, hun! Eat it up~!" Jeryy said, making Allen smile.

"Thank you, Jeryy. Have a nice day." Allen walked over to the table where his friends were, pushing a cart with all his food.

"Hey, Al, whats with all that food? You feeding an army today?" Lavi asked as the white-haired boy sat next to him.

"No, I missed dinner last night and if I don't eat right now I will die of hunger," Allen smiled and started to eat his food, looking like a more like a vacuum then a human. Lavi was shocked at how much the boy ate.

"Why didn't you eat dinner Allen?" Lenalee asked, looking concerned.

"I actually got lost on my way back to my room, and by the time I found it, it was already late. So I decided to just go to bed," Allen paused to talk, then continued to scarf down his breakfast. Kanda glared at him and kept eating his soba slowly.

"Well I had fun yesterday. I am glad to have meet your friend from when you were younger," Lenalee said, smiling as she took a sip of her tea. Allen finished eating and smiled back.

"Yea. Its nice to know everyone is okay. That takes a lot of unanswered questions away," Allen replied, and then got up to take his plates and food cart up.

"That Jake guy was a total jerk. He acted as if Allen wasn't allowed to have any other friends. And what was with the part about the circus? Jake implied that something bad happened, but Allen brushed it off as if it was nothing," Lavi spoke up, taking a bite of his cinnamon roll once he stopped speaking.

"Well Allen said that Jake blamed himself for what happened, so I guess all those years put a lot of pressure on him. It must of been tough to live with the disappearance of a four year old on your back. Its been what, nine years? That's a lot of time to not know anything," Lenalee slowly set down her tea cup on the table.

"But still, what did he mean by 'rumors' about the circus. He was implying something, and it seemed like Allen didn't want to bring it up," Lavi leaned his head on his hand and looked in thought.

"Well that is something you shouldn't bring up if you know I didn't want to talk about, right?" Allen's voice made Lavi jump and hit his knees on the table.

"Hey, Al! I didn't mean any harm. Just curious is all," Lavi rubbed his knees to relieve the small pain

"Well curiosity killed the cat." Allen said, taking a sip of his own tea.

"But satisfaction brought it back. Maybe if curiosity killed me, you'd bring me back?" Lavi smiled, rubbing the back of his head now.

"No, I think I'll let you stay dead," Allen replied.

"So mean," Lavi whined and Allen smirked.

"Well I prefer to keep my past in the past. Mana told me to keep walking and moving forward, so that is what I intend to do." Allen replied, setting his now empty cup down.

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