Law and Order SVU : Shattered...

Galing kay DavidJBooshty

3K 25 23

It is Six Months Later After Detective Benson's Run in with a Violent Criminal Gang Known So far Only as The... Higit pa

Law and Order SVU : Shattered Officer

3K 25 23
Galing kay DavidJBooshty

Present Day.....New York City.....America........

It Is Four Thirty Two p.m......New York City.......

Present Dayish............

                                                              Law And Order 

                                                          Special Victims Unit 

                                                         "Shattered Officer" 

                                                         Her name is Olivia Benson , a decorated , veteran police officer upon the New York City police force , a tall , slimmish , semi muscular , slight pudgy , statue esque , stunning looking brown eyed , cute , slight longish nosed , full lip mouthed , long faced woman. She has a semi supermodel , natural glam looking look upon her. She also has mid lengthed dark brown hair and wearing light facial pretty makeup and dark red lipstick. She has a very curvy , seductive looking barely middle aged , firm C cupped sized big round breasts and a slight pudgy set of hips and long arms and legs. She is visually slumbering , resting peacefully looking and within an atypical , white , sterile , wideish , set up , mostly silent hospital room within a local New York City hospital. She is clad only in a paper thin looking atypical , whiteish hospital gown and is laying semi propped up on two white bed pillows , under along her full backside in an atypical white , cushiony , white sheet and blanketed hospital bed. An intravenus long plastic rubbery clearish line is attacthed wrapped around her long bony , pretty right hand resting down indeed by her semi reclined rightside. 

                                                    Five long wiry white long trailing , very thin wires run up , down and around within her whiteish , paper thin gown and indeed leading trailing , hanging abit right over to her far leftside and up into an atypical , greyish , white colored metal , modern day styled Elektrokardiogramm machine. A tall squareish , glassy faced , green dark lit , metallic , electronic monitor screened machine that is indeed monitoring Olivia's right now average sounding beeping and beeping rthymic heartbeats , on and onward ahead. Right upwards on ahead , mounted by black metal framework and bolted struts is a mid sized blackish metal , square glassy faced television set , it is off and perched and angled quite well enough downward over ahead at Olivia's bed and direction. Off to the right is are two large , closed glassy squared , closed shut , black metal trimmed windows , way off over to the far left is a thin closed doored bathroom , and beyond further left is indeed the room's propped opened up door leading out into the atypical , greyish , white , fluorescently lit hospital hallway.  

Her long , pretty , well manicured , resting , long hands down along by her lower sides , an atypical intervenous plastic cathedar is poised and taped into her petite long right wrist. A very obvious big puffy , square white patch of a bandage is covering most of the back of her indeed right resting long pretty hand. Her left resting pretty hand has its three main long fingers all wrapped and white bandaged up as well. Her resting peacefull face has a few deep actual human bitemarks along and randomally her face and both cheeks , different erradic angles and different degrees of darkly red scarred deep and not as deep rows of embedded bitten puncture marks. The same type human bitemarks that also litter randomally placed looking all around various parts of her battered body. Parts of her mid lengthed light brownish bobbed styled hair is tattered and very much butchered cut up , brushed neatly as can be but chopped and butchered mostly up. Her face slightly brushed on her lower rightside , a slight fat upper lip is present as well. She is resting , deeply , slumberingly resting , the EKG machine electronically beeping and beeping onward ahead. 

(Show Intro , Music , Role Call of Sorts)

Six Months Later..................

His name is John Tobin and he is seated within the local special Victim's interragation room , seated in a folding grey metal chair behind a dark wooden average heighted , square table. Tobin is a tall , aged , short white mussed haired , withered abit faced man with dark blueish beady eyes , he also has a longish nose and thin lipped mouth. He is wearing a thin grey , clothy windbreaker , a black tee shirt , a thin black belt , grey clothy dress pants , white socks and a pair of black aged styled designed dress shoes. This interogation room is a small gareish , grey ceramic floored , mostly three walled and one walled , big glassy mirrored wall also. There are three rectangular , aged trimmed , closed shut ,dark gareish painted horizontal glassy but mesh glassed windows on each wall except the one facing him and this table. The big , shiny , reflective large glassy rectangular mirror somewhat visually semi distantly staring and facing right over at him.  

Also pacing casually , but repitively behind him from left to right , right back to left is Olivia , dressed in a long sleeved , low cut styled , black clothy shirt , a thin red belt and a pair of dark black clothy pants and a pair of brown low , basic looking flat dress shoes. A slight frustraded look upon her pretty cute , super modelished face , her bobbed stylish brownish hair flopping abit around softly , prettily as she steps , strides slowly turns back around over and over. Standing arms folded up in front of himself and standing in front of this dark wooden table's far leftside and semi facing over at Tobin is Detetive Elliot Stabler.  

Detective Elliot Stabler is a tallish , semi mid aged , steely dark eyed , longish nosed , thin lipped mouthed semi distinguished looking man with short semi spikey brown hair. He is also semi muscular and abit tough and strongly attenetive looking. He is wearing a semi crumpled looking , partially unbuttoned , light blue dress shirt , a thin black belt , a pair of tan clothy pants , white sox and a pair of black shoes. His longish , slight square jawed face expresses also frustration and abit tired stressed out abit visually and stanced as well.  

Benson then slowly stops pacing her stridingsteps and stands right next to Tobin's seated rightside and then very firmly remarks racappingly toned , " were NOT trying to "trespass" down at that place...the "warehouse" district...even though as we ALL know...typically after hours there is never "any" buisnesses or activities down there "then" all...." She pauses deeply smirks directly down over at him addingly continues on askingly , "But...uh... "yet" needed to be down "there"....rummaging around was "it" again....? And for "what" again.....?" Tobin then more so directly looks right back up at her eyecontact and soft spokenly toned answers back to her , "I was "looking" again to say...for a personal "item" of mine...a technological item , a simple camera is all....I was down there in the daytime taking photos with it....and somehow I dunno....forgot about it...or thought I lost later on...I decided to go down and at least look along the "pier" there....ok...?" 

Stabler very accusingly toned chimes in back over to him , "What IS on the so called..."camera"...? Huh? Nothing..."illegal" is "it"....? We are just "supposed" to think you "haven't" read in the newspapers about HOW recently there HAVE been duuno , why but several , so far "sexual assaults" taking place "down" in that region...?" Tobin then relooks back up and over at him and slyly smirks abit and then firmly replys back to him , "No Detective....nothing illegal...just...the "view" from down "there" exetera....the waters...the wild life..." Stabler smirks abit more so right back down over at him. Benson sighs abit deeply then firmer toned asks down over to him , "Just "seems" kind of hinky don't you "think"? For all we know you could be running a "meth lab" down there somewhere...or worse even..." She pauses again then point blankly asks , "Or even maybe you lured one of "your" teen baseballers down there for some after the game "sea side sex games"....? The kind you "don't" tell mommy or daddy about?"  

Tobin defendingly toned remarks right back up over to her , "Yes...I "do" coach a teen girl baseball team on weekends mostly..."but" of course I don't ever , never fraternise with them "at all" outside of coaching them to play "ever"...." He pauses then firmer , assuringly toned adds , "You "can" check on "that" too If you wish Detective....." Benson then deeper squints her dark alluring eyes annoyedly back down over to him. Tobin seemingly unblinkingly and unflinchingly continues staring right back up over to her.  

Just then a firm slight tapping noise happens directly over at the room's big wide rectangular shiny mirror. Benson then Stabler both glance right over at it then , Tobin just sort of sighs abit tiredly. Benson then curtly looks right back over and down at Tobin and informingly tells him , "Hold on...we'll be right back...." A dead breif silence happens as Stabler then Benson both glance directly at each other then indeed casually both step and stride over to the room's closed metal greyish door. Stabler quips over to Tobin urgingly , "Don't get "too" comfortable there "slick"..." Tobin ever so slightly smirks a thin deep smirk over at them as they both now step out of this interrogation room. 

Captain Donald Kragen is an aged looking bald , roundish eyed , longish nosed thin lipped man , with a slight distingushed longish face and calm looking deameanor upon him. He is wearing a brown three piece suit , a white dress shirt , a brown tie , a thin black belt and a pair of aged looking brown shoes. He is right now standing indeed behind this interogation room's wide glassy mirror as Benson first steppingly approaches over to him and very puzzeledly stares right over at him as she steps casually then stops a few feet in front of him. Kragen very much cutting her to the punch toned tells her then Stabler glancingly , "He's "done"...a unit found his "camera"...we gotta let him "go"....sorry....time to "press the perp" is over for today on this one." Olvia dissapointedly remarks back over to him , "That's "it"...? Did they even "check" to see "what" is "on" the camera yet?" Kragen then firmly , sharply and informingly tells right back over to her and Stabler , "Boats...the water...the local seaside , critters , rodents and wildlife..."birds"...crabs...nothing "National Geographic" but none the less "nothing" illegal on it..." Stabler now casually standing right by Benson's standing rightside , curiously asks right over to Kragen , "What "about" at least "the tresspass"...?"  

Kragen gives back over to him a total are you crapping me look and flatly semi sarcastically quips back over to him , "It is an old runned down , dilapated , probably gonna be ripped down "soon" type area and I doubt "any" judge is going not going to be "too jazzed up" over such a thing..." He pauses then firmer toned further adds back over to him suggestingly , "You can "run it through" to the D.A.if you "want" Elliot...but "I" very much doubt it'll stick much for anyone here to really care "legally" about it...." Benson buzzkillingly chimes in over to Stabler , "Considering how "backed up" the courts are "already"...."  

Kragen then glances back over at Benson then at Stabler and urgingly reminds over to them , "If you "both" want to hand ut "misdeamnor" rime tickets "be my guest"....but keep in mind usual we "need" bigger , more relevant crimes busted "here" offense..." Stabler then slightly smarmily quips back over to him , "Got it...right "Captain"...hand the smaller ones down to the "beat guys"..." A semi dissapointed look upon his squinty dark eyed long face. Benson then "oh well" type smirks abit back over at Kragen then warmly replys , "Will "do"..." Kragen then deeply dissapointedly sighs a deep breath of air as the two detctives reopen and reenter into the interogation room once again , Benson again leading the way. Tobin looks right back over at them as they renter this room.  

Benson as though congraduately toned firmly semi loudly remarks down right over to him as she again stops a few casual steps standing before his now seated leftside , "Well...oh soooo dam "lucky" for "you"...we found your camera after all....and..."you're" free to go...." Tobin relievedly smirks back up over to her , Stabler casually steps closer ahead to the table's otherside and staring back down also over at him firmly urges him , "I'd "suggest" picking "better" places to go "sight seeing"...maybe a "beach"....? A park...? Maybe even somewhere....deep out in the "woods" somewhere...?" Tobin then pauses and then firmly states back over to him , "Ahhh...noted "Detective"...noted..." Benson then as though mockingly toned adds over to him , "And...also "keep" a "way" better track of your "camera"...."  

Tobin slowly casually gets up an stands in front of his chair and staring abit more so into Benson's nearby eyecontact then firmly urges over to her , "I "suggest" you of "all people" should go down "there" again...and look at and checkout "container number sixty nine"...." Benson puzzeledly and irked looking stares right back into his dark deep eyecontact and then Tobin sarcastically quips addingly , "It "seems" there is some "messed up" looking found stuff down there..."Olivia"....while I was poking around and taking pics...saw "maybe" something that might interest "you"..." Stabler very annoyedly toned sharply asks right over to him , "What the "hell" does that "mean" mister....? You "can't" just antagonise an officer you know...?" 

Tobin abit calmer toned looks right back over at him and then casually assuringly remarks , "Just saying "Detective"...something past that was "criminally remarkable" of I "saw" down there might be of practical cold case "use" is all...." He then relooks back over into Benson's semi puzzeled deep dark eyes and then warmly reiteratingly toned adds right to her , " Might even sound "odd" or far fetched...but "I" love "helping" the "police"...when I can...." He then casually steps and strides abit past Benson's standing rightside , Stabler watches him ever so casually walk out now of this interogation room , a deep irked scowl upon his long dark squinty eyed longish face. Benson's confusedly shrugs and then wide eyed looking right back over to Stabler and then very agravatedly asks over to him directly , "Is "that guy" messing with "us"....?" Stabler then firmly assuringly toned replies back over to her , "I don't like it either but...just yaknow... let it go Liv....the guy's obviously just a random "nutball"....whatever right....? Like the Captain said..."we" got way other crap to deal with..." Benson deeper dissapointedly smirks as the interogation door slowly swings widely reshut and reclosed once yet again.  

A few moments later now Stabler and Benson are casually walking up and into the many desked , bustling at times , squad room and particularally right both up to Detective John Munch , a semi aged looking , tallish , slim , short blackish , grey haired , dark eyed , long nosed , thin lipped , kinda big eared man with a casual manner about him. He is wearing a dark blue crumpled looking three piece suit , a light blue dress shirt , a thin black tie , a thin black belt , white sox and a pair of black aged styled shoes. He is standing very inquisitively poised and looking over ahead at a seven foot tall , about ten foot long white gareish folded out , rectangular shaped and about formica type wall cluttered , stuck up and scattederedly abit all semi covered with bunches of various photos , pictures of various many several different places , locations , maps and indeed people as well.  

Seated behind his tall standing rightside and upon along the frontside of a desk is Detective Odifin "Fin" Tutuoula , a mid aged light dark skinned man with long black ponytailed hair , dark deep beady eyes , a shortish slight wide nose and a thin lipped long face. A rugged urban gruff look is upon him , he is of a semi muscular build and slim. He is casually poised and seated also glancing over at this large board of things and stuff as well. He is wearing a black and white trimmed track suit , a pair of white sox and a pair of red hi topped sneakers. He first looks over and warmly smiles over at Stabler and Benson as they now both walk up and stop standing casually smiling back over to him a few feet behind Munch's standing rearside abit.  

Tutuola warmly smiles bit more then announcingly remarks over to them both , "Well...look "who's" done with the "seaside" goosechasing..."for the day"....?" Stabler quips right over to him , "Yeah..."exiting stuff"...." He pauses as Benson casually walks right over to the coffee machine over to the far left atop a tiny dark wooden square countertop. Stabler then sarcastically toned remarks further , "Sure "not" as exiting as say..."staring" at a wall of photos and junk...."again"...." Munch speaking up sarcastically then chimes back , "Oh but "I" just "love" the "big pictures"....the "colors" the "pallettes"...." Benson then smarmingly toned quips over to him askingly , "So..."today" what IS uh.... the "big ole picture"....?" Her long pretty hands pouring herself indeed a white coffee mug full of coffee. 

Munch turns casually back over to her , "Cold type cases...well more so...stuff that might have "not" been "yet" put into database..." Tututola then flatly adds in , "From the last few months "he means" ta say...." Munch then fully turns around facing both over to Stabler and Benson then further firmer adds , "I'm trying to se if at least just how efficiant the system is updating our records..keep in mind "only" from this "hub" so to say...not the police computer "mainframe database"...something I read about in the newspapers recently made me just I dunno...curious i guess..." He pauses reglancing directly back over to Stabler and then firmly sarcastically remarks , "I'm only "now" catching up to the "late nineties" in technologies..."ok"....?"  

Stabler as though sarcastically , playfully remarks right back over to him , "Hey..."I" didn't say "anything" John...ha....ok..." Benson then curiously asks over to Munch , "Anything in "particular" are you looking "up"...?" Munch then flatly and informingly toned tells right back over to her , "Nothing "much" in particular...just searching by parameters....certain sex crimes extetera , exetera..." Tutuola then semi flatly quips back over towards Munch , "I wish we could just "catch up" to some "lunch" soon..." Munch then turns more so back over to him and then casually assuringly toned replies back over to him , "I get it "already"...your the "one" Detective here that "doesn't" eat donuts , candy , snacks at all "often"....jeesh...ok..."soon"...ok...maybe for a temp fix can "we" get you some "fruit" maybe...?" Tutuola then sarcastically muses back over to him , "Should "instead" I just "jack up" the office fridge with "tons" of my food "only" then...?" Benson raises the white coffee mug and deeply drinks from it smirking and smiling abit back over at Munch and Tutuola. Stabler semi tiredly sighs abit then remarks announcingly , "Allright..."if" nothing "hot" is going on right now..."I'll" be back....k...guys?"  

Munch relooks back over at him then flater toned remarks , "Naw...but as usual , as you do know... "stay tuned" though....Kragen thinks buisness is about to pick up considering the big basketball game at Madison Square Garden tonight...." Benson curiously asks over to Munch , "That's like five hours from now...?" Tutuola answeringly replys back over to her , "Six...or maybe at seven...the city division of course as usual is expecting lots of intense traffic from it....Munch then addingly chimes back over to him , "And "all" the city's bars WILL be quite overbusy too...fair ta say..." Stabler then amusedly quips back over to him , "No crap..." Munch very dissapovingly looks back a look right at him , Stabler laughs abit back over at him.  

Just then Benson's cellphone rings , she reaches into her thin clothy pants right front pocket and indeed now withdraws a black , rectangular , smallish flip phone. She unflips it and raises it up along her very alluring long face's rightside with her long pretty right hand , her long thumb pressing in a button upon its frontal rightside. She then aimlessly glances back over at Stabler , Munch then Tutuola as she greetingly flatly and firmly states right into her phone , "Benson..." She then losteningly pauses then firmly and casually replys back into the phone , "Oh...ok..."I'll" be down there in a few minutes thank you...byes."  

She then one handedly relowers her cellphone reshutting it back closed again and then more so looks back over at Stabler casually remarking informingly , "It's's about the "same" block where "our" smirking "Tobin" was found....nothing "vital" they say they and Warner just have a question or two for us about how we found the area he was found "in" excetera , excetera...." Stabler then semi slowly firmly remarks back over to her , "Oh...ok..." Benson then firmer toned tells him further , "I "figured" you can STILL leave...go home...whatever..."I'll" just go down biggie...." Stabler looks amusedly back over at her then Munch. Munch then curtly sharply comments , "You DO realise "now" can't "pass" that up Elliot....huh...?" Stabler then warmly adds , "Guess "not"...thanks Liv....sweet..." Tutuola flatly chimes in over to Stabler , "Lucky "duck" man..."  

He then casually turns around begining to walk indeed now out of this bustling , desk ridden squad room casually remarking behind himself back over now to the other three Detectives , "Take care guys...give a call "Liv" if ya need to....worse case...I'll see ya tommorow...." Benson warmly and semi sarcastically quips after him , " Yeah ok..... "whatever" get "some" rest.....jeezzz...."your welcome"...." Munch very drolly and jealously toned remarks then over to Benson , "Wish "I" could go "home" and rest...." Benson very amusedly smirks and smiles right back over at him. She then very accomadatingly chimes back to him , " "I" wish you "could" go "home" to rest "too" John...." She then deeply sips and gulps from her coffee mugged coffee yet again up within her poised casually gripped , pretty right hand. 

A few more minutes now Benson is now casually walking into the pathology\/forensics lab unit within this very same large aged police building. Doctor Melinda Warner is there indeed working and standing over an atypical white sheeted human female dead body laying vertically longly atop indeed a long , wide metal gareish slab down before Warmer's frontside as she stands by its covered laying , resting leftside. This labroom is a brightly lit , sterile smelling , white walled , black tiled gareish looking room with atypical medical and forensic equipment and several other white sheeted dead human bodies along other indentical long , wide metal slabs. Warner is a tallish black slim mid aged, long faced , dark eyed , cute long nosed , full lipped mouthed woman with long brown semi curly hair.  

She has a curvy , slight pudy build , semi buxom and wearing an unbuttoned opened white labcoat , a pair of blue latex gloves , a white dress shirt , a pair of white clothy pants and a pair of short ankled black boots. An analtyical look upon and long her as she squints curiously up and now from the covered dead female body right up over instead now to Benson as Benson indeed walks into this room and lowly stops a few steps before her warmly smiling.  

Warner automatically firmly remarks greetingly , "Welcome "back"...I would have "picked up" abit better for you "but"...." Benson semi playfully interupts her and asks firmly curiously "So "what" is this "thing" you said you just "had" to tell me about....? I sent Elliot home already for some rest....just want to "add" I totally "need" the same here...."no offense"...." Warner then playfully laughs a little back over at her , then abit seriously toned replies back , "I'd LOVE to say that as usual...this is just gonna be the "usual" fingerprints...body parts stuff "but"...unfortunately it is something that involves...uh... well..."you"..." Benson very much puzzeledly looks more so directly into her eyecontact and curiously asks back over to her , " As generic to ask but "so"...?" Warner then firmer toned urgingly answers back over to her , "It's one of those "you might wanna sit down for this" grim to say...." Benson then now wider eyedly , alarmedly and concernedly looks back over at her and then confusedly remarks , "Ok.....?"  

A moment later now Warner is handing over a large see through plastic evidence bag and within it is a pair of greyish metal atypical handcuffs , uncuffed and visably spotted with what appears to be a thinly splattered and small scattered amount of red liquidy dried stuff along and on mostlythe right uncuffed cuff. Benson blanly looks down at these two bagged , clink clanking uncuffed cuffs in her both long pretty hands then right back again up over to Warner , "Ok..."handcuffs" with what looks like maybe...? Traces of what...? Blood is it....?" Warner steps abit closer more so facing her directly and stops a foot in front of her and very concernedly tells right into Benson's curious wideish dark alluring eyes , "It's "somehow" your "blood"....traces of it..." Benson then very confusedly asks right back , "Uh....what...? I don't understand....?" 

Warner deeply sadly sighs a deep sad breath of air and then further firmly adds , "These were "found" with others and chains as well down at that place you and Elliot's "camera nut" was found....more so "next" to where he "was" found...." A very deadish silence happens and then Benson further puzzeledly accordingly back , "But...uh..."how" ? Can it "be"....?" Warner then grinly informingly tells right back over to her , "I ran a spectral "twice" and IS "your" blood...your "DNA"..." Yet another puzzeling deadish silece happens as Benson begins to visably be brainstorming just "how" this could even be?  

Warner then even grimmer toned adds , "The higher ups also think it's from "your" most unfortunate "past" mind you...uh..." Benson right away almost defensivly toned answers back over to her semi loudly , "To my "what"... violent gangbang extreme "handcuff club" experience....? Huh...? Like some kind of a "sick" joke perpatrated by that...that "perp"....?" Warner slightly cringes away from her as then finnaly Benson deeply sighs a deep sounding exhaling breath of air then very polietly and apologetically remarks , "I'm must yaknow...uh.. realise..."any" time I even "see" handcuffs...or even "hold them" it's not easy anymore for me....yet....I nowadays have "Elliot" cuff the perps for now.....even "just" the noise of the handcuffs "zzzzipiing" coiling right up crankingly...."terrifies me".....SO ironic a seasoned veteran cop "deathly afraid" of "handcuffs"....amoung nowadays other violent imagery burned in my "skin" as well as my "mind"....from that dark....time..." 

Warner then further tells her , "The unit ran a full sweep and found conclusive evidence that "in fact" that area WAS used for "something" involving chains hanging from the ceiling , electricals and the "heat" that somehow was also "working"....but fingerprints , clues...."but" traces of "your" blood on these cuffs and other many various cuffs , shackles as well were found....."  

Benson then alarmedly and digustedly then remarks louder toned , "Oh uh....ok....jeez uh...ok then...uh... wow...uh...jeeezz...uh..." Warner then semi comfortingly tells back over to her , "Olivia "Kragen" felt "someone" had to break it to "you"....he picked "me"...believe me I'm NOT happy about it "either"...." Benson then casually walks over to a flat ,small green cushiony chair over at the breif left of her and sits down in it slumpingly staned and postured. Warner more so comfortingly walks right over closer to her and refaces her directly then tells her , "It's gonna be "ok" don't even NEED to be involved in any further investigations from "it"...ok...I promise...Kragen "promises" that too..."  

Benson directly poised again back up over at her , her dark alluring eyes semi welling up into visable wetting up shimmery looking watery tears. She then agravatedly remarks , "It's "never" really STILL "sucks" it always "will". Walking down the crowded city streets "knowing" and thinking EVERYONE "is" staring at me and "know" what I've been through...laughing , sneering at me....and I bet tons of them all have it on their cellphones...computers....tablet computers extera..." She then glances down and the back of her right long pretty hand , reseeing for the upteenth time the large circular smoldered black burnt scar deeply still embedded within it. Warner reaches out with her long pretty right hnd and gently touches Benson's poised opened fingers and firmer assuringly tells her , "Now that you "know"...time for "you" to go home and "also" get some "rest"..."  

Benson amusedly laughs a little , pauses then best as she can slowly breathedly and tear choakingly abit sarcastically and very grimly downer toned replies back up over to her , "Right.....yes...this "doctor's order's" again...I get it...then get ready for more therapy with "Wong" on Monday afternoon...right....ha...ok...and hopefully The Handcuff Club "won't" strike EVER again...oh God..." She then ever so tearfully , slightly sniffles her pretty cute longish nose and full lipped mouth. Warner then ever more so assuringly tells back down directly to her , "Dam "right" doctor's orders...if "anything" major comes up "we'll" as usual call ya..." Benson then visably straightens up abit and warmly smiles abit back up over to her , Warner then continues the warm smiling together now with her too as a seemingly pleasant feeling , comfortingly silence happens between the both of these women and this dead silenced type gareish , white colored clinical room.  

Benson now an hour later is indeed seemingly "trying" to rest at her apartment , within her plush bue walled , blue shag rugged bedroom and atop and along her white pillowy , comfortable , puffy looking blanketed bed that is centrally within this room. She is laying atop her full backside , her shirt fully unbuttoned revealing her black lacey bra , her pants are fully off of her revealing ow her lacey black panties , her work shoes are also off and she is semi sprawled out relaxingly , her dark alluring eyes are mostly closed slumberly.  

About half an hour later now Benson is sitting up and at the end of her bed , her right long curvy pretty leg poised up in front of her rightside abit. Her long left pretty hand is holding and applying a plastic shiny red cylindrical object looking type applicator with a thin tiny brush over her long now barefoot right poking aheadished , long bonyish , floppy , glam looking toes. She is gently , both dark alluring eyeing , squintingly painting them a deep shiny red pretty color. About another twenty minutes later now she is seated , propped back upon her full reclinded backside by her big square white puffy pillows and watching semi distantly her bedroom's square black metallic , thin television set that is indeed a few feet in front of her bed's lower bottom end. 

She casually is watching an atypical local newscast , it's right now on the headlines top of the show segment. About another hour later Benson's lights and television are off and she is slumbering restingly under her bed's big white comfy looking blankets and sheets sleeping deeply. An ever so very much peacefull look upon her long pretty alluring face , her long petite semi muscular arms laying down by her slender curvy sides. A very calming silence comes across and all inside this slumbering dark , plesantly resting space of a bedroom. 

It is now a few hours later , deeper into the early morning about two a.m. now , Benson is now only in her lacey black bra and panties only , and tossing and turning onto her full curvy tallish rightside , then again back onto her full backside. Her dark alluring closed eyes are closed firmly restingly still , but her pupils are wavering abit visably in a deep R.E.M. sleep....her breath is heavy and slowly paced. Benson has now started and begun to enter her dream state , deper and deeper into it she goes , into a mostly point of view type of view and ahead of herself , feeling so realwise there , tangibly she feels herself being somewhere else , far away , distantly and dreaming of where "now" she is. 

Benson right now believe she is wearing her favorite red string bikini and nothing else but red lipstick. She is seated in an atypical square wooden topped , lower metal black school desk. Her and this desk are within an empty looking atypical ice cream parlor or store with multicolred rainbowed colors all along the walls and ceiling to her. At the far left is a big long white plastic looking countertop withvarious big ice cream cardboarded cylindrical shaped drums of various ice creams. The lighting is dim and she smells chococlate and strawberry flavors in the air all around her. She then looks very curiously down at her right long pretty cute floppy , bonyish foot and sees that her long pretty toes are painted dark purple now instead of shiny red. 

Benson then right now sees herself abit standing now in front of the ice cream counter and smiling very happily , feeling a very warm flush feeling , a good one to her. All of a sudden she sees Kragen standing right in front of her but only wearing a white ice cream shop worker's paper type cap , a black suit jacket and a white unbuttoned long dress shirt. He is visably but shadowily naked from the waist down. He begins to playfully remark to her , "Almost "time" Olivia...time for a good "test"...."  

Benson sees herself stare right down at Kragen's dark shadowy crotch and now feels even more flush , pictures herself fully blushing to herself. Kragen then slowly announcingly tells her , "Now it's time for "your" stuff..." He then raises up his long right hand producing a very big almost cartoony black chocolatey looking big ice cream cone with a huge phallic , snake , oval shaped , elongated bright purple sparkily colored ice cream. Abruptly Benson feels abit scared , then abt more scared...she feels herself standing backwards a step as now the big purple ice cream cone begins thumping , visably pumping , throbbing alive somehow , breathing loudly in her ears also somehow. Benson gasps in further nervousness feeling a jolt of sudden , disturbing surprise now chilling all up along her cute tallish petite spine.  

Her warmish , casual odd dream goes now goes to fading black , she loudly in her right ear hears a set of metal clink clanking handcuffs tighten coilingly , then she hears it abit more so over in her left ear. The sound of deep male jovial , angry violent incomprehendable shreiks , grunts , curses at her. Benson just then right now awakens startled and visably in a very cold semi shaking sweat all over her wide eyed gasping for breathing face. She sits up alarmedly sharply cursing and instantly taking back in just visably where she indeed is in reality , back within her cozy blue plush carpeted and walled bedroom. Semi wrapped up in her nice warm , snug , comforting bed. Her breathing slows then slows more so down , her body semi relaxing relivedly poised , then she rests right back down along her full backside yet again tiredly. She curses yet once more aloud dissapointedly to herself and her blue plush bedroom too seemingly and the dark shadowy shadows. 

The next day mid afternoon now Benson is seated along and atop a dark brown cushiony seated elongated looking couch within indeed now Dr.George Huang's office. Doctor Hang (Wong) is veteran phsychologist with the New York Poice department and a dear freind to Benson and the other cops. Benson is now wearing a thin long black clothy coat , a white , long sleeved shirt a thin black belt , a pair of clothy black pants and a pair of low flat black , dressy type shoes. This room has light greyish colored walls and a brown rugged wall to wall floor , a few scattered houseplants are placed around this room's dual big wide window sills. 

A big white and black , atypical numbered clock , a circular one rests up upon the wall at the far right. It is warmly lit and Dr.Huang is seated within a big white comfy pillowed looking chair next to Benson's laying , resting upper rightside by a few feet semi facing down over to her. Huang is a tallish , slim semi muscular Chinese man with black short spikey hair , dark beady eyes , a short nose and a long faced thin lipped mouth , a calming but stern look upon him. He is wearing a three pieced brownish suit , a white dress shirt , a thin black tie , a thin black tie , a pair of white sox , and a pair of black shoes. He is casually seated and holding a five by tenned yellow paper pad of paper and a thin black pen within his poised down before himselfed long hands. 

Benson as though finishing one big long winded statement utters , " And.....since "then" even with still NO arrests , convictions or "anyone" found responsible... it has "mostly" gone way in the background of my everyday stuff...I'd like to think..."of course" when I'm getting dressed or in the STILL scares me sometimes...I can feel the past anxieties...the terror from it "all"...." She Visably begins welling up abit gliteningly , wateringly eyed up then pauses and thren deeply remarks semi assuringly toned , "Even "though" I "have" made peace and acceptance of the "things" outside of "my" means and "you" might put it..."doc"...."  

Doctor Huang then firmly and proudly replies right back over to her , "Yes...Olivia you HAVE made "progress"....considering the "sexual and public hell" you went through....I think it is truly a wonderfull thing that you CAN try and move "on" with your life....not to let the past dictate at all what your future MIGHT very well be or not "be".....the more positive you can be "will" help...." Benson then firmer and sarcastically toned remarks back up over to him , "Right...just try and"day by day" I can...."despite" the eternal fact that "it" is STILL online on sites , blogs , movie sites , wild public for free porno sites , magazines , police evidence tapes , exeter....excetera...."forever"....just "don't" ever click on THOSE sites kinda "solves" that part of my worrying STILL over it "too" yeah....?"  

Doctor Huang then very much comfortingly assures back down over to her , "Olivia.....uh...please do... "again"...choose to put it "past" put it in the "past"...where in some ways it actually ONLY "is" still...we both "know" we all investigated the whole incidents created by the crime spree that "indeed" happened...interogated the busboy from the coffee shop where "you" were drugged....found "if any" security footages from surrounding street cameras...." He again pauses then further firmer casually toned adds down over ahead , "Plus..."now"...the evidence found yesterday "linking" the handcuffs , chains and the old storage seaside container down at the docks where it all "might" have indeed happened "that" must be finally sort of "comforting" for you at know that the police "are" coming hopefully to a final end in this violent , horrible crime spree , you and many other abducted girls and women "had" to try and live and survive from and through....?"  

Benson reglances aimlessly around the room again then again back up and at Doctor Huang firmer remarking , "The handcuff club was and or still "is" a gang of big black violent , ex con , vengeancefull to "me" , animalistic , masked , psychopathic serial , gang rapists that went around "indeed" abducting girls and women...and "me" as "we" also know....were filmed stremed right online everywhere in the world out "arrests" , no convictions related to it...."but" at least "I'm" still here and proverbially there "swinging" right...? Bottomline wise....?"  

Doctor Huang slyly smirks abit back down over at her and then deeply tiredly sighs abit back down over to her. He then saemi defeatedly toned replies , "Ok...sorry if I tend to sound so repetitive...but "I am" still trying my very best to help you untangle the wires in your mind over this for the better as "shouldn't" have to suffer daily , weekly exetera..."no one" should is the bottomline "too" NEEDS to go it can for all of "us"."  

He yet again pauses then further adds down over to her , "Just take your time with it...definately come back "here" whenever you "want"....go get some "maybe" long needed rest...take some time off...go "gardening" , writing , more yoga....whatever it takes to bring "Olivia" back to being well...just..."Olivia"...." Benson warmly sniffles her nose and breath abit and smiles and smirks back up over to him and then also now taking a deep breathing sigh of deep tired sounding breath , her pretty dark brownish alluring eyes semi closing once again , her full long , tall , curvy , busty body visually rerelaxing as well still along this long , very cushy , wideish , comforting deep , plush brown couch. Just then Benson's cellphone rings its electronic , musical ringtone , then again and again. Benson's dark , deep alluring eyes reopen once again. She then warmly , semi contently aloud states , "At "least" work can always keep me "busy"...."  

About half an hour later now Benson is casually striding , walking right up to and along Stabler's standing far leftside who is right now standing right in front of an atypical mid sized blue and white trimmed house , front , large square shaped , greenish , grassy lawn and a few dark , scatteredly placed , shadowy , overgrown looking green leafy aged trees. Stabler is standing along the frontsides long aged cement sidewalk somewhat at its mid section and facing ahead semi distantly at the house. It's front big aged wooden front door wide open. Various aged and looking uniformed police officers are moving , striding , walking in and out indeed of this house's front opened upped doorway. 

All parked behind Stabler are three parked sideways , two facing left , one facing right , their lights on blue and white flashing cyloed , atypical black and white painted copcars. Stabler warmly looks right over at Benson as she then casually stops in her tracks a few feet away only semi facing over to him and then greetingly asks over to him , "Good to "see" you out getting some "air"....something "big" or something "blah"....this time...?"  

Stabler warmly replies back over to her , "Maybe something "big"...hard to exactly say for "right now" anyways....we tracked down and found the shipping container "rentee" on his permission we're just running a "quick" search of this place for cuffs , vids...anything that might be connected to The Handcuff Club...or any crime at all....." Benson's dark aluring brownish eyes light up abit and then she then firmly , semi happily toned remarks , "Wow...ok allright then....nice...mad "cool"....jeez..." Stabler then informingly remarks back over to her , "A "Mister Marice T. Thompson" ex local middle school priors found "yet"....but at least right now..." He casually reglances back over ahead to the house once again and further adds , "At least we "found" him to ask him a whole bunch of things....ran his "if any" past police records.....but...uh nothing came up "yet"..." Benson then curiously and then as though semi sarcastically asks right back over to him , "And "how" is "that" going Elliot...?" Stabler relooks and resquints smiling back more so directly to her and then flatly , dissapointedly answers , "We've been here at least fifteen minutes....nothing "yet" here..."either" yet..."  

Benson reglances semi distantly also now back over ahead at the house and then curiously and casually asks , "Sooo..."where" right now is "our" little "guest"....?" Stabler reglaces again back over to the house yet once more , but now with her casually remarking back , "He's already at the "guesthouse" being processed by Munch I'd imagine by now..." Benson warmly smirks again back over at him , Stabler further comments askingly , " Are you "up" for yet "another" meet and "greet"....?" Benson then very much so slightly amusedly laughs a little right back over to him and very much agreeingly toned replies back over to him , Before I go home and take a long well deserved "nap"....I would "love" to....."  

About forty five minutes later now indeed Stabler , Benson and Marice Thompson now as well are all within the smallish poice interogation room.Marice Thompson is a fat , grossly faced , dark deep beady eyed , balding man with a short nose and a thin lipped scowling looking roundish face. He looks abit shifty looking , slight nervous too at times. He is wearing a black thin jacket , a blue stretched tee shirt , a big black belt , a pair of blue sweatpants , a pair of white socks and a pair of black hi topped sneakers. 

Thompson is seated accordingly now at the table and within a black chair , an opened up manilla folder is wide opened before him with scattered documents and various five by tenned photos of what appears to be a large darkly lit space and structure. He is seated somewhat leaned back in his seat and as though annoyedly is looking , watching up and over at Stabler mostly and Benson also as they pace and take casual stances around him and this table. Right now Stabler is standing directly across from him and leaning his open hands down flatly atop the table and very attetively looking right ahead at Thompson's dark beady eyes. Benson is casually standing with both her slender cute long arms folded , poised down before herself and standing over by the room's door's leftside facing over towards him by a few feet as well.  

Stabler almost sharply , barkingly asks right point blank ahead at Thompson , "Ok...we are NOT going to..uh... "coddle" you on "this"...Mister Thompson.....tell "us" what you "know" about "The Handcuff Club"....ok...? Just cut through the "crap" and tell us what you "know"...and all depending "what" you give us...tell us , or even show us....then just "maybe" you can just "walk away from this"....maybe...." Thompson kinda nervously faced now looks right back slightly up to him and then firmly replies back , "Uh....well...I "don't"...know about "anything" like "that"...I "only" rent seaside containers...uh storage units....stuff like that....I have no priors...uh..I'm only a "buisnessman" as reedundant to say to youse both er ah... guys..."right"....?" 

He thinly then smiles abit , Stabler then more so squints his steely dark eyes right back over at him. Stabler then very dissapointedly stands more so up and loudly , smackingly bangs his both hands firmly boomingly simultainiously down upon the table. Stabler somewhat propels back and upwards a step glancing around abit scowling , then turns around deeply , tiredly sighing abit before turning back around to reface Thompson. Thompson looks more so alarmedly spooked facially. Benson semi annoyedly smirls then chiming in from her casual leaning position , "Right...."noone" gives you ANY "look the other way" money...?" 

Thompson turns right around up and over to her and then semi sympathetically toned replies , "Not at "all"....I ONLY rent...then send around a few security details to check on if ANY noise complaints...fires...break ins , trespassers ....wild they are rented for over a day or more periods of time , the dockside police...some Coast Guard..." Stabler very accusingly toned then chimes right back over to him , "Jees...seems as like "your security" measures "somehow" missed quite a few "wild partys"...if our suspicions are confirmed...and "they" so far have been...little bit..." Benson then very firmly , grimly adds further over to Thompson , "We "already" found handcuffs with "my" own blood traces on "them"...that's a "bad" start for "you"....real "bad"...." Thompson then defensivly toned replies back over to her then , "Transients...bums , hobos...squatters...drifters...all those types go "junking" down all around and along the docks "daily" , nightly...maybe they found a few and happened to "drop" them off there...I dunno....?"  

Benson very dissapointedly sighs back over to him , Thompson then politely sounding further adds over to her , "All due respect Officer...I'm NOT a detective "here" wouldn't believe the "oddities" , trash , garbage found all around and down at those regions...especially the "ones" I'm not "liable" for...sorry...." He then trys his best to look at her without cringing spooked but kind of just can't , Benson notices this obviously and deeper sighs even more so dissapointedly. Stabler then further accusingly toned adds right over to Thompson , " DO realise even "if" you "didn't" know what was going you even "remember" the person who "rented" it from you and your cheap ass company.....? Hair color...? Race...? Come on here...."  

Thompson then defensively answers back up and over to him "I "told" you "both" was a "he" a big black older shirt , black boots...short black hair....beady eyes...big jaw...huge hands....kinda looked like a basketballer type...had only a very breif meeting with him at my I just gave you the "invoice" related to it...and his signature....I just don't know what "else" to tell you....?" Benson then very firmly chimes right over to him , "How "about" you tell "us" we have "permission" to "toss" your "home"....just so we can see... just "what" kind of an "honest" citizen "you" really are...? Huh...?"  

Thompson then very much directly looks up over more so into her direct eyecontact and plainly states askingly , "How about...I need to call my own "lawyer" again...see if "he's" here "yet" does THAT grab ya..."officer"....?" Stabler very disapointedly curses and looks right back over to Benson , Benson then scowls , and then looks apologetically right back over at Stabler. Benson tiredly looks back down over at Thompson and then curtly quips , "Grabs "me" as you seem "worried" alla sudden....?" Thompson then matter of factly replies back to her , "I'd ONLY be worried if I "did" something "illegal"....officer...." Benson gives him right back a "are u crapping me look" , Stabler yet again reglancing also back over at him and then sighs a deep tired disapointed sounding deep breath. Thompson semi blankly smirks back over up at him. 

Just then there's a knock at the closed greyish colored interrogation room's garish door. Benson first perks up and turns casually around and indeed now casually steps back to the door , reaches and firmly opens up this door now , Stabler watches on as well as Thompson both also turning towards this room's opening up doorway. It's Kragen he flatly and very informingly tells Benson , "Sorry to interupt..."but" we got a "guest" out "here" as well..." Kragen then steps back out of the room as Benson stares first agai ahead and annoyedly curses right under her breath , Stabler looks puzzeledly further ahead through the open doorway.  

Bayard Ellis walks in , a very winning , prestigious black mid aged , defense male lawyer , with short whiteish curly hair , black deep roundish eyes. He also has a longish face , a semi wide nose and a thin lipped full mouth. A very stern , buisness vibe , and persona is very much present soon as he stridingly steps and stops a few feet away from Benson and Stabler. Ellis is wearing a thin black three piece suit , a white dress shirt , a thin black tie , a thin black belt and a pair of aged styled looking shoes. Benson and Stabler have dealt , worked against and somewhat long with so far a few times and only , so far with very mixed results and feelings , most times ending up on the losing side of one of his many legal courtroom defenses.  

Ellis looks more so directly ahead into Benson's eyecontact and then very insistently and sternly toned tells over to her , a slight ever so sly smile upon him , "Ah...I "should" have "guessed"....two of "my" favorite detectives....." Stabler then semi sarcastically chimes right back over to him , "We just "love" reunions "too"...." Benson smirks abit back over at Ellis and then drolly asks him , "So...looks like to "me" especially going to bat for a "real" possible "winner" here today....." Ellis courtly then replies back over to her , "My syphathies of course "detective"....even as "you" just put it a "possible" whatever..." Benson then very flatly quips right back over to him , "Right......." Thompson smirks a very warm type smile up over to Ellis. Ellis semi warmly looks back down over at him and then concernedly toned asks over to him , "I believe you are "ready" to "go" yeah.....? Mister Thompson?" Thompson then contently smirks and then replies back up over to him , "Yes....."indeed"...."  

Just then a cellphone rings its electronic ring tone rings , rings and rings , it is Stabler's own cellphone. Stabler indeed reaches down to his hip's lower rightside and unclips this phone up off of his thin black belt. His long right hand raises it up along to his face's lower rightside , his long right fingers pressing a frontal rightsided button upon it answering this call simultainiously too. He semi loudly remarks into the phone , "Stabler...." He then listeningly pauses , his deep , dark squinty eyes staring abit back over at Benson , then directly more so over at Ellis again. Benson looks so curiously back over at Stabler's listening poised self , an ever so slight , sly smile actually appearing over across his face. 

Stabler then very contently toned and more so returning back over to him remarks right down over to Thompson , "Ah...whoa..."wait there" Mister "Thompson"...." Thompson all of a sudden more so on his end of things now , stares right back up over at him his face looking abit suddenly crestfallen and very concerned. Stabler pauses then semi loudly remarks back into his cellphone , "Ok then...thanks Detective...." He then relowers his cellphone and reclips it down back onto his belt. Ellis automatically looking back over at Stabler more so as well now casually toned asks right over to him , "Something "revelant" to "my" client's....well being....?"  

Stabler sharply , proudly replies back to him , "You "could" say "that" ...." Stabler then stares right back down and over to Thompson yet once again and then but louder and prouder toned tells to him , "Mister least "for now" "are" under arrest....for possession of possible "criminal evidence" involved "directly" with a past case of New York..." Benson lights up as though very attetively and quickly asks right over to Stabler , "What is "it" Elliot...Something "good"...yeah?" Stabler pauses relooking back over at her and then casually firmly replies back , "Hopefully something..." He repauses yet again then restaring yet once more back down over at Thompson firmer toned adds , "Hopefully something....."slam dunkable"....." Thompson then very much so dissapointedly scowls abit back up over to him.  

Ellis very informingly toned tells right back over to Stabler , "As Per usual..."as" you do realise that ANY new evidence will have to be run by and through the presiding nowadays "D.A"....once it is official...only till then...." Benson then and as though firmly , smarmingly , and semi interupptigly remarks right back over to him , "But yes...of "course"....Ellis...of course..." Ellis then very flatly looks right yet again into her direct eyecontact.  

About half an hour later now , Benson is at indeed now the recent acting , presiding District attornies office , Alex Cabot. She is seated behind her dark wooden desk within her large , greyish walled , black tiled floored , tall ceilinged atypical looking office. She is seated within a black cushiony desk ergonomic looking desk chair and looking up and over right at Benson who is standing a foot away in front of her over and across Cabot's desk. Cabot is youngish looking but almost mid aged , a tall , dark blond , long haired , dark blueish eyed long faced , semi buxom curvy , statueesque woman with as almost a natural super modelish look upon her. She is wearing a pair of thin brown roundish rimmed pair of eyeglasses , a dark brown , well tailored , woman's cut two piece suit , a white dress shirt , a thin brown belt , a pair of white sox and a pair of brown aged styled shoes. a very deep pretty alluring look upon her and a somewhat very stern persona as well is quite all upon her as well. 

Benson very informingly tells down over to Cabot as though continuingly toned now , "So...they found the possible "same" inernet capable cameras that very well "might" be the same ones used back "then"...they found them inbetween the container and even closer though right next to this possible "scumballs" office trailer down at the docks...."his" very own property...and the lab determined it had some of the extreme "footage" on the disc found still in it of "me" and a few others we "can't" find or recognise as other "victims"....." Cabot slyly smirks a little looking back up over to her , "Well..."no" fingerprints of "his" on the disc...or the "camera" kinda makes it..."dicey"...I true the guys have obtained the security footages of any down near and there...maybe they can still fin "who" mighta dropped the camera "there" right? IOf courese "you're" hoping that yeah?"  

Benson then as though defensively abit toned replies back down over to her , "Right...but just the "fact" it is on "his" doorstep practically..." Cabot interupttingly but casually muses , "Ok...I "get it"...trying to "make" the connection "stick"....seeing maybe even if you can make this "guy Thompson" sweat so much "more" he gives up something "usefull"...or maybe even the "guys" involved then..."  

She pauses then concernedly urges , "Well...I will cal and "try" and run it by the "judges"....see "which" ones are around....see if they can "run it" enough to bring him to "court"...sounds like uh... you have at least...some "incriminating evidence" far...if he "shows" up on the footage...THEN that of course "would" be a slam dunk for conspiracy , accomplice...guilt by association...maybe even "more" but only if "then"....just top of my heading at it..."  

Benson then firmer toned furher adds back down over to her , "I'm telling you "Alex"...Elliot is going to mostly run with "this" just so "I" don't have to be involved with "it" so as we ALL know I have WAY more case loads to work on....I'll show up "testify" what I "do" remember about that "same" looking camera I watched them "use"....sit back and I "promise" won't get any "further" into it all of this "again"...during the extreme whole "hell"...this Thompson guy is really "already" sweating...just matter of time , I think..." Cabot then deeply tiredly sounding abit , sighs a deep sighing breath back up over to her.  

Cabot then firmly urges back up over to her , "Just "don't" fly to close to "the proverbial sun" on this one "Olivia"...make sure that you are "able" enough to "testify" in any court case "for now"...this subject and criminal case are way as you could agree...none the less so "close" to you....even STIll of course understandably so....remember to call Doctor Huang again before you go to court with all of "this" if need we all are "forced" to do nowadays to deal and cope the best we can..."  

Benson then accomadatingly toned replies back down over to her "Luckily....very as of a "minor" consolation it "has" been at least six "months" since then.....not by any means makes it at all better "much" , but helps me "cope" with it at times...good days and "bad ones" so to say....but I "know" I have to go "on" no matter if I "could" at least "help" nail those Handcuff Club members all the so much better "too"...those sick demented , animals....there's NO way anyone can or should ever let them continue on..."God" only knows where they all are "nowadays"....still. Maybe finding , locking them up "still" would help my stop such an "evil" violent sexual crimespree who knows if still "when" will we pick up any more evidence of theirs again....or what if we find even "more" unfortunate ongoing victims of theirs....."still"....?" Cabot then firmer toned semi agreeingly toned remarks right back up over to her , "For the "greater good" well."  

Meantime Stabler is seated within the police locker room , seated atop along a dark aged , wooden bench inbetween two parrelel atypical thin blue metal horizontal lockers. Standing casually looking down to him from his far rightside is Detective John Munch , Munch is explaing down over to him , " "can't" beat yourself up...over "this" "can't" keep worrying to an extreme "point" for Olivia...if she is ok with "wanting" to IS up to "her"....maybe Huang told her it is cathardic...or "theraputic" to "do"....yakow?"  

Stabler semi warmly smirks back up over to him , "Yeah..."I" know all "that"'s just I'don't want her to "relapse" or anything if "even" possible...some random effect or memory triggering "her" deep tramatic psychosis in "bad" backstepping , regressive ways..."yaknow...? She obviously went through "hell" with those like twelve or whatever "violent animalistic" gangbanging rapists...and...I "know" she WILL always "have" to deal and cope with it "best" she and all of us around her "can" too...." Munch slightly quips back down over to hi , "Obviously...the good doctor Huang "does" say she so far... "is" making "progress"....albeit rather "slowly"...but ahead is "ahead" none the less....right...?"  

Stabler then musingly and grimly remarks , "Let alone "her" career as a "Detective" of course is at "risk" here too....sure she "has" been basically "fine" on the beat so to say... since back "then" after it happened...after her sixth month recovery too and had the strength or so to just "go on" with things as she always puts it to me nowadays..."  

Munch then semi sarcastically toned replies right back down to him , "Of "course" you "care" so much..."we" all "do" here for her....." He pauses then assuringly further adds down over to him , "Give "yourself" a break sometimes "too" Elliot....mostly "try" and leave the therapy musings Olivia stuff to Huang...after "today's" proceeedings...remember very much still that..."everyone" needs their "rest"...even "you"..." Stabler flashes back up to him a warmer smirk and deeply sighs a deep sounding breath of tired air. He then semi sarcastically replies back up to Munch as Munch casually turns over to his far right and begins walking , striding away through this locker room. , Stabler warmly replies , "Rest...? Now "that" is my "favorite" "try" the "most"....definately...." Munch just keeps warmly smirking as well continuing along his casually stepping way back out this particular locker room.  

The local judical courtroom is now in session with indeed now this very case of Mister Marice Thompson versus the City of New York , against found evidence directly linking him to The Handcuff Club. The courtroom is an atypical tall celienged , dark wooden walled and aged arcitechured designs and aged styles. Rows and rows of long wooden aged benches , a very long wide central open aisle along this place's greyish , gareish shinyish , marble aged looking floor.  

Accordingly there is a common witness stand of a squared off looking dark wooden section and a big black cushiony chair. Right next to that is the judge's dark wooden rectangular horizontal bench. Behind that is a big black cushiony chair , a round brown dark wooden circular coaster looking object is atop centrally of this benches topside , a dark wooden , long slender handled gavel resting semi atop along it from left to right. Next to that gavel's resting leftside a large , slender glass handled water glass roundish pitcher , a tall , half full drinking styled glass next to it's rightside. The courtroom is seemingly really filled with various citizens , uniformed police officers , Detectives , witnesses , press people , local news reporters , magazine and newspaper reporters of several various ages and types.  

Judge Mary Clark is seated and presiding over these proceedings , she is a youngish looking , almost middle aged looking shortish , petite , cute , dark alluring , long bobbed brown haired , brown eyed , cute little nosed full lipped woman. She is wearing the atypical judge's cloak and attire and poised semi attentivly ahead down out and over this fully populated courtroom including her tall black youngish ,dark blue and black police uniformed and black booted bayliff , the all seated jury , the prosecution off to the far frontal leftside of her and her bench there is an empty dark wooden chair and an empty dark wooden rectangular lowish set table. 

Way over to the far right is the defense same type table and instead of one but two dark wooden chairs , side by sided by a foot of space inbetween them each. Seated from left to right is Ellis and Thompson. Thompson , his shlubby shortish dark brown hair slicked back abit neatly , and also right now is wearing a crumpled brown two piece suit and a red tie , a pair of white sox and a pair of black shoes. Ellis and Thompson are both quietly talking to one another and all the while barely glimpsing over at each other as they do it. Seated behind these both spaced tables is the main crowd seated aoungst largely congregationally emassed here. The various local assigned and precinted detectives and some uniformed police officers including centrally Benson and Stabler.  

Judge Mary Clark then very much solemly and very announcingly toned looks all down further along and ahead of herself , "Please be paitient...the assistant district attorney shall be here "momentarily"...the court apologises for this minor delay. Miss Cabot "couldn't be present therefore is sending a "substitute"...." A few long silentish moments pass and then from the very rear of the large spacious but fully populated courtroom now one of it's rear tall , dark aged wooden doors opens up. Some of the seated and Judge Clark all accordingly begin to glance and right up and over to this large tall opening up doorway.  

As a matter of factly now indeed walks , strides and steps into this courtroom the substitute assistant district attorney for this particular case. It is Casey Novak , a well known by the New York SVU. A young looking but middle aged slender woman wearing a dark maroon female tailored suit , a thin black tie , a thin black belt and a pair of slender black boots. She has mid lengthed auburn hair that is styled into a cut bobbed fashioned style , dark brown eyes , a slender long cute , short nosed , full lipped , red lipsticked mouth. She casually continues walking , striding , stepping right on ahead through along this courtroom right up to the procesecuter's open table and dark wooden chair.  

She pauses and looks right back distantly abit back over at Benson , Munch and Stabler , then right back on ahead up over semi distantly to the main bench and Judge Clark. A semi confident ever so smiling look upon herself. Judge Clark then informingly remarks aloud , "Ok...allright then..."we" can now "begin"...very good...welcome counselor Novak." Novak then polietly replies back up over to her , "Good and glad to be here Judge Clark....thank you." Ellis then casually glimpses right over at Novak then slowly stands up now by his chair's rightside , he then flashes Novak a semi warm smirking smile , Novak then slyly smirks back over at him.  

Whithin a half an hour now the case has begun and right now it is at the point where a uniformed officer is seated upon the witness stand. A thin young short , short black haired man with dark eyes , longish nose , thin lipped mouth. He has a serious look upon himself and is being cross examined and questioned by Ellis. Ellis is asking over to this officer , Officer Mcfarlane a few curious questions right now relating to the found camera at the scene of the docks , near the seaside container too exetera. Ellis is looking somewhat curiously over at this officer and is asking at length , "So...the "camera" in question "was" found "there"....was "anything" else of "odd" nature found "there"?" Officer Mc Farlane firmly , breifly replies back over to him , "No sir...there was "not"...nothing else..." Ellis pauses the further asks back , " No can we say... footsteps in the cigeratte butts found...?" Officer Mc Farlane then firmly answers back , " No...again..."nothing else"...."  

Ellis then relooks back up and over to Judge Clark and then casually semi loudly remarks , "That should be "it" from me on this part your honor." Novak then stands back up casually and steps a few steps ahead towards the witness stand , then within a few feet she stops and asks over ahead to Officer McFarlane. " the tech guys opinions so far...considering also the found extreme pornographic footage "was" found on "it"...that considering the "area" it was very much adjecent too...on the top of your mind..."we" all could estimate that the "camera" could very well "be" one of the very same cameras that "has" been used in conjuction with the extreme crimes of "The Handcuff Club"....persay...?"  

Officer Mc Farlane pauses then firmly answers back , "Well....on the "surface of things" "would" seem as like that "could" or would "be"...but "again" it could have been discarded from a "car"...tossed there by "kids"....or maybe as people today "here" might be lead to believe that "Mister Thompson's renters" could have even also "dumped" it there...for whatever reason..I wouldn't couldn't even guess of though...despite it "yes" also being found almost at Mister Thompson's trailer side... " Novak then semi firmer toned further adds back over to him , "Or by "that" line of thinking even "Mister Thompson" could have put "it" there..." Officer Mc Farlane then as a matter of factly toned replies back , "Anyone aroud or not from that area "could" have...considering there was , and is no evidence otherwise was found." Novak then ever so slowly semi dissapointedly , very thinly scowls slightly back over at him then back distantly abit over at Judge Clark.  

Novak them somewhat pressingly asks back over towards Officer Mc Farlane , " have been with the "seaside" police details....for "how" long now officer...?" Officer Mc Farlane curtly answers back , "Seven Years..." Novak steps a few casual steps further ahead over to him and then again pauses in her tracks. She musingly asks right back over to him , "Sooo...since all of "this" on duty time you have "spent" down "have" come across such "oddities" I'm sure..."right to say"....?"  

Officer Mc Farlane blandly but informingly answers back over to her , "Yes...broken down cars...old appliances...trash...garbage...dumped all over and all around the docks....uh...few broken carts...stuff like "that"...." Novak then curiouser toned asks even further back over to him , "Ok...anything say..."beyond" televisions...and old dicarded "appliances"...? Ever "so far"....?"  

Officer Mc Farlane pauses abit longer , and then flatly replies back , "Not...uh "particularally" that I "can" think of....that come to mind...mostly again besides t.v.s , if anything else...yes , the odd appliances , fridges...old regular sized ovens....ancient thrown or tossed looing stuff...." Novak then almost reiteratingly toned further asks flatly , "But not "never" so far..."cameras"...that you can "remember"..." Officer Mc Farlane then flater toned replies , "Not that I can "recall" , no." Novak following up toned further asks then , "So "in" your very own opinion...a "camera" is not a common found "thing" down at the docks..." Officer Mc Farlane then agreeingly flater toned replies breifly back to her , "Yes...a camera is not a common trash item found down "there"...." Novak then pauses once again looking back up over to Judge Clark once again.  

Many minutes later now , Thompson is now on the witness stand , seated , abit nervous looking still and Ellis is cross examining him , semi facing pacing around in front of this stand by only a few feet. Ellis very firmly , curiously asks right over to Thompson , "So...Mister Thompson...."I" think you know what...? I am "just" going to "simply" ask you a "direct" question..." He breifly pauses then further casuallyer toned asks then over to him , "If "you" don't mind...?" Thompson then very casually replies right back over to him , "I don't mind...go ahead counselor..."  

Ellis semi warmly smirks glancing all around this courtroom , and then firmer toned asks back over to him , "Is that "your" camera....that was "found" down at "the docks"....?" Thompson pauses then thinly smirking ever so slightly replying , "No..."it" is "not" my camera...." Ellis then semi squints his deep , dark beady eyes back over at him , "Again..."Mister Thompson"...." Thompson sits up even more in his black cushiony seat and even firmer , slightly louder tonedly answers back , "No..."that" is indeed "not" my "camera" counselor..."  

Eliss slightly smirks abit slyer now reglancing slightly right distantly way back towards the seated spectactors and SVU seated officers. Ellis then paces abit back around to more so semi distantly face Thompson and the witness stand and then point blankly toned firmly asks further over to him , "Mister Thompson"...then...since we do "have" this open line of questioning...let me ask...." He again breifly pauses then firmly toned asks , "Are you a "part" , an owner , a high ranking official or whatever...."of" The Handcuff Club , a very notorious , local , unsolved "crime spree" of a "supposed" organised brutal gang of vicious rage filled serial rapists and sadamachisists...?" Thompson longer pauses reglancing nervously all around at Judge Clark and then the courtroom's large various , seated crowds. He then assertivly toned plainly , semi loudly replies back , "No..."I am" not...and "never" ever "was" I'm just a local "buisnessman , that's "it"....obviously it was my "renters" that rented the spaces and...container sixty nine there....that..."that" musta..." 

Novak very interupptingly chimes outwards ahead loudly toned , "Objection..."speculation"..." Judge clark looks more so directly down over to and at Thompson and then curtly , suggestingly toned tells to him , " "Just a reminder...Mister Thompson"...please "do" keep to the topic of the question please only for "now"..." Thompson then apologetically remarks back over to her , "Ok...sorry Judge..."  

Ellis pases once more and then firmly curiously reasks , rephrasingly over to Thompson , "Ok...well then Mister the "best" of your own "knowledge" were NOT and never WAS a part of a "possible" or if even "any" violent crime spree...locally recently...?" Thompson then very assuredly answers back over to him , "No...AND "never"...." Ellis then looks back up over to Judge Clark and casually tells her, "Tha is all for "now" Judge Madam..." Judge Clark nods her head abit agreeingly back down over to him , Ellis then turns around casually striding stepping back over to his defense table and black cushiony seat. Novak stands bak up and begins rewalking back ahead over towards Thompson and the witness stand. Thompson semi nervously watches her do so , stepping , striding closer and closer again to him.  

Novak again stops a few feet away from him , semi facing him and firmly curiously asks over to him , "Mister Thompson...we already "know that yes you "do" have a security detail company that "does" indeed patrol the container "areas" and the nearby grounds "including" your property..."correct"?" Thompson firmly answers right back over to her , "Yes..." Novak pauses then thinkingly smirks abit then further asks over to him , "Do "they" report say....bad maitenence issues?..Unknown "parked vehicles".....? Vandalism....? Trespassers....?" Thompson then flatly replies back , "Yes...of course they "do"...that's "their" job." Novak then very musingly further then asks , "Ok..."besides" the security team you "have" down there...are there "any" other options of security down "there" as well...? Dogs...? Motion sensors...?" Thompson again pauses then glancing more so back over to her replies , "Not "any" that I "know" of....I don't have much money to afford such things like "that" besides the security team guys there..."  

Novak then semi glances distantly back over at Ellis , then slowly returns back over at Thompson and then curiously asks over to him , " "we" were all to "guess" how this found "camera" on "your" property "was" put "there"..." She semi dramatically pauses and then firmly muses on ahead , "Either...someone else" put it "there"...dropped it off....the camera was NOT at all "damaged" so I'd gather it was "placed" down there...but "yet again" by "who"...? Somebody you would "think"...would have "seen".... or maybe even heard say down there , the "renters"...even sporadically...? Maybe...." She then steps a few steps even closer over to Thompson and the witness stand , she more so directly looks into his direct eyecontact and now further , firmer toned adds musingly , "Maybe...there "are" security cameras positioned on various , scattered telephone poles "out" towards the "main" street leading up and out of "there"..."  

Thompson very puzzeledly remarks fiercely as though annoyedly back over to her , "What does "that" supposed to "mean"....? After the camera was "found" there were NO cars or anything parked "down there"...only "my" car...maybe the security teams vehicles..."only" can I "police" anyways what could have driven in "there"...?" Judge Clark rewatching abit over down at him , then urgingly toned remarks right down back and over to him , "Mister Thompson.."please" lower "your" tone..." Thompson then reglances back up over to her and apologetically toned replies back , "Sorry Judge..."  

Novak then firmly asks over to him , " "about"...if I "may" "about" a topic that IS rather say...contreversial...?" Thompson further puzzeledly looks right back over to her and then flatly replies back , "Ok...? you "may"...?" Novak then point blanly toned asks further over to him , "How about...."sex".....?" Thompson abit wide eyedly smirks , and Novak calmly casually adds ahead , "I "mean" "you" have sex "regularaly"....?"  

Ellis suddenly loudly remarks out loud and ahead , "Objection..."revelance"..." Judge Clark flashes down and over a slight dissapproving look , Novak humbley smirks abit glancing back up over to her , then right back over to Thompson yet again. Novak then musingly further rephrasingly toned asks , "Only in the "topic" of graphic nature , only to estimate your present day...a character study of your "psychie"... so to "about"...when was a "last" time you "had" mutual with a "someone else" kind of a traditional or say somethings beyond...."sex"...? Do you "watch" hardcore extreme type pornographic films?"  

Novak then relooks back up and over at Judge Clark , she looks back down at her again and firmly remarks , "If the "witness" allows "it"..." Thompson then rubs his right fattish hand's fingers across his big brow abit , relowers his hand and then alarmingly looking now back over at Novak.  

He then firmly and agreeingly remarks , " big "whup"..." Novak then flater toned quips , "Ok...?" Thompson then informingly answers back over to her , "About...I'll say....I kind of dunno....year ago..."maybe" uh.... less...believe it or "not" this "fat" kinda guy doesn't "score" much....and "duh" yes...I "watch" regular "type" pornos...." Novak slightly smirks mockingly right back over at him , she then further states and further asks over to him , "Ok...Mister Thompson..."for now"...I only lastly "must" ask...." A slight deadish silence happens and then Novak firmer curiouser asks , "Have you "ever" bumped into any "renter's" of "your's" down around "there"...randomally...? Especially leading "up to" the finding of the "camera"...?"  

Thompson gently casually scratches his left fattish hand with hi right fattish hand and then relooking once again back over to her casually replies , "No...I "don't" go out much "at all"...during the day I go out lots to run buisness related errands....lunches...exetera...., I always figure the "renters" are probably at "work" weekly at least...I dunno...and I "don't" care to "meet" and greet them much , doesn't interest "me" long as the renter's are "happy"....nothing bad or illegal happens...AND I "get" paid..."all" is fine...."down there"...if "I" knew "anything" criminal "don't" you "think" I would "tell" you....and the police too....? Crime is NOT good for "any" legit , outstanding , average buisness....I've "never" been arrested for "anything"...and I "shouldn't" be arrested either...some officers finds a "dumped" camera on my land and everyone assumes it's mine "automatically"....even though there are NO fingerprints or anything connecting "me" to "it"...?"  

Judge Clark automatically and seemingly , warningly quips breifly down over to him , "That's quite "enough" Mister Thompson..." Novak sighs a semi tired deeply sounding sigh of breath back over at him , she then semi sarcastically remarks then , "Ok "then"...besides "what" the police already questioned you "of" too...for now I suppose I'm at least "content" for now...thank you for your time then." Thompson then annoyedly more so and sarcastically smirks abit right back over at her.  

It is now a few minutes later now and Benson is now up upon and on the witness stand , Novak is cross examining her ,Benson is seated and looking basically relaxed. Novak is semi pacing around slowly in front of Benson by a few feet and right now firmly , curiously stating then asking over to Benson , "So..."again" we thank you deeply for being "here" today...considering "your" most unfortunate past wih the "crime spree" that was "alleged" down at "Mister Thompson's" seasside docks..." Benson strongly smirks a slight smile and casually remarks back , "It's "ok"...I wanted to "be" up "here" today...I want to "see" if somehow..."we" finnally have "caught" the "right" people that "were" involved..."  

Novak then musingly , sympathetically toned further asks musingly , "To "see" if indeed you "could" find "any" closer...of "this" horrifying incident you "surely" struggle "with" daily..." Benson then pauses and then semi firmly replies back , "Good days and "bad" ones times..."every" time I look in the "mirror"...,brush my teeth , every time I sit down a certain "way"...even when I even "glimpse" at my big cigar burned "scarred" "any" time I stare at myself "naked" in a mirror and see "all" the deep "human" bite mark scars..." A very dead silence happens as Benson pauses again and then apologetically toned states , "But..."I" definately "try" my best...." Judge Clark ever so sympathetically more so faced , glimpses down over at her.  

Novak seriously looks back over at her and then sympathetically replies back , "I am "sorry" Olivia...I'm "only" trying to "show" indeed to Judge Clark , the jury and "everyone" here today...." She then semi dramatically returns back all around slowly to the silentish filled courtroom and its many various people. Novak then firmer toned adds , "To "show" just what effects "this" crime spree "took" and very much "takes" so far from the girls , women and...our beloved , well esteemed Detective well..."these" are very much psychotic , violent animalistic , sadist , gross , criminal "bad" men..." She pauses as yet again and then further firmly toned adds , "This very "camera" "at all" considered one of the very cameras you can plainly "see" would be and is SO very , very "important"..."this" crime spree HAS to be "ended" before "anyone" else suffers or even way worse...."  

Novak seemingly aimlessly glancibg around , then deeply sighs a sad type sounding sigh of breath , she then returns way back over to Benson and then further asks , "Have "you" seen THIS particular "camera" before...during "your" victimizing and brutallising?" Benson slowly pauses then assertively toned replies back over to her , "I have "no" hundred percent idea...I "think so" but even "I" realise that it is just pure "speculation" or a guess on my part...I saw a "few" cameras that day...for those ten hours or so , I think it was...."that" one though definatly "could" be one of them...I "knew" by watching them that they "were" black similar styled cameras with "discs" instead of tapes in them...I watched them "reload" the cameras a "few" times during it "all"...." Novak then slowly recatches more direct eyecontact with her and visably , ever so slightly sadder for her looking , she slightly scowls abit hearing Benson say all of this on and onward.  

Novak then reglances back around glancingly of the large crowds of seated people , jurers , policemen and officers yet again , she then firmer toned asks further to Benson , " So..."Detective"...are there "any" leads "besides" this possible "actual" camera....?" Benson slowly replies back over to her , "In the last few months....unfortunately not much...only "untill" in the last few days...even this week , actually..."finnaly"..we "have" found the very much "possible" place the severe crime to "me" and others took place...." She once more pauses then flater toned adds , "And..."now"...this "camera"...oh and of course...."  

She directly looks right past Novak's semi facing her leftside distantly ahead way over at Thompson's watching , dumbish looking fattish , nervous face. "Him...he "possibly" could be "involved"...maybe "not"..."Mister Thompson"...maybe he's just a slacker if anything , or also of a slumlord of a bunch of seaside...containers and real estate....maybe "who's" to say "yet"....maybe even somehow total innocent...I guess any factor cannot be ignored..."right?" "  

Judge Clark then dissapointedly and very urgingly then remarks right down over to Benson , "Enough with "that" particular "tone" Detective....please now..." Benson then very much apologetically glancing back up over to her replies firmly , curtly , "Sorry Madam Judge..." Novak then yet once again reglimpses way back over at Thompson , Ellis catches their semi distant eyecontact , Thompson cringes a slight bit visually. Ellis then puzzeledly stares back over at Novak. Novak then plainly , semi loudly then remarks , "Ok "then"..." 

About another few long minutes and a few questions more so Ellis is now cross examining Benson , he just as similar to how Novak did is semi pacing slowly abit a few feet away in front semi facing over to her. Benson seemingly annoyedly is watching Ellis glance and pace abit more so untill right now he asks firmly over to her , "So..."Detective"....I was curiously "wondering" "you" know "much" about "cameras"....point and shoot ones or video general....?"  

Benson then semi puzzeledly looks right back over at him and then slowly replies back , "Uh...not really...persay particularally..."but" I "do" know "which" type of ones...that I "have" seen..."especially" as of "recent" very personal "bad" times...." Ellis then pauses and then firmly but casually toned remarks back over to her ,"Ok...."but" in fact you "did" say you "could not" truly "identify" the camera in evidence "as" one of the possible "many" several ones "you" encountered during your most unfortunate "time"....correct..." Benson thinkingly pauses then flatly replies back , "Right..." Ellis swiftly comments back over to her , "Again...sorry about your "past" victimised you can realise..."we're" just trying to connect the dots well....."  

After yet another longer dead silentish pause Ellis then shifting gears sounding asks over to her then , "How about...past "victims" as well...did "they" ever "notice" or identify..."the cameras" that were being "used"....?" Benson flatly replies back over to him , "No...not that I at all "know" of..."no".." Ellis pauses once more reglancing back all around at the full courtroom then assuringly remarks back over to her , "Ok...I almost feel compelled to "ask"...but..."  

He yet once more pauses then plainly and curiously asks further back over to Benson ,"During "your" past most "unfortunate" victimised time with these "alleged" criminals known as The Handcuff Club...did you "at all"...see my "cleint" Mister Thompson..."there" all....?" Judge Clark then a tad warningly tells down over to Ellis , "Please "do" read carefully counselor..." Ellis then warmly smiles back up over to her and assuringly toned remarks , "Of course Judge Clark...just trying to establish just "how" innocent "my" client very well "might" be...." He then curiously still relooks right back over ahead to Benson , Benson slowly semi annoyedly replies back over to him , "No...I did "not" see Mister Thompson "there"...." Ellis then ever so non chalantly asks further over to her then , "Have you "ever" met Mister Thompson "before" this investigation...? Or Been even "down" at "those" seaside containers....the docks , areas...? Maybe "during" at some other time , some other.... criminal case and or investigation...?" Benson then sharply tiredly replies right back over to him , "No...never."  

Ellis contently smiles abit and then slowly turns back over towards the seated jury distantly and begins to state , "Just come "again" to "mind" "this" particular revelant "this" camera....that the renters are the "ones" that are responsible....when they "sign" the contract , including a waiver of liabilties to the "property" managers..." 

At this moment Benson reglares semi distantly right way back over ahead at Thompson still seated at the defence table , he shiftlessly is somewhat visably watching Ellis's motions and whatnot along the courtroom floor. He right now though soon as Benson stares distantly over to him , seemingly simultainiously happening. Benson almost searchingly catches slight direct eyecontact with him. Thompson just only blankly seemingly stares right back into her distant eyecontact. Just right then exactly so , from Thompson's seated lower leftside a very split second circle of bright halogen looking light happens , then again. Two real quick , spilt second , real sudden breif , circular bursts of flashing halogen light.  

Benson full abruptly feels a warming feel coming all up along her spine , she begis breathing a slight heavy , then heavier. Thompson then ever so casually relooks right back over towards Ellis. Ellis is still talking informingly ahead over towards the jury about the responsibilties of the owner or property manager's duties and so forth , on and onward now. Benson is visably now more so abit writhing , shifting her waist around abit within her big black cushiony seat. Benson then begins huffing , biting her full bottom lightly red lipticked lip , her arms , legs begining to look as though being twitchy and writhing around more so.  

Judge Clark goes from also now watching Ellis to instead very much puzzeledly looks down and back over to Benson and then very much concernedly asks down over to her , "Uh....Detective..."Benson"....?" Benson slightly relooks back up over to her , simultainiously her huffing breath getting heavier and heavier , a very sudden flush look upon her dark eyed , long pretty modelesque face. Benson licking her lips back and forth sexually also begins then moaning , groaning , exhaling deep long breaths of very huffed , almost grunting loud air , her whole body cringing , convulsing and shuddering. Her deep dark eyes widening and widening , her pretty lightly red lipsticked mouth gasping and gasping louder and louder. Judge Clark alarmedly watches Benson gasp , huff and yes right now even begin to squeak and squeal her breath also , louder and louder ahead. Her petite tall waist begining to buck and gyrate wildly , rythmically , up and down at moments and side to side bouncily as well.  

Ellis already just turned back arounded very much confusedly watches on as well as the rest of the full courtroom , the news media , the fellow police and citizens too. Benson is in fact if the others don't know it by now is very obviously , visably having a very intense , tingly ultra sexual , very deep guttural orgasm. Benson right hand death squeezes the witness stand's chair's right arm , her full body still shuddering and twitching , moaning , groaning , building and building. Benson claws her long red nails grippingly with her right long petite hand curlingly inward into a death clutching fist upon it's wooden arm. Her hips are now bouncing , bucking foward fast and faster , Benson's moans and groans building building , louder , louder into indeed more of a squeaking squeal.  

A slight frenzy of way more faster full body shuddering happens and then Benson very loudly screams out , "OH MY FRIGGEN......GOD....!!!!!!!!!" Her dark deep alluring eyes widened out , bugging out as much as they can. She then gasps very sharply and basically relaxes very crumpledly backwards into her black cushiony seat and dark aged wooden chair. Her face sweaty glistening , her alluring , dark deep eyes very dazed and glassy looking. Her mid lengthed long brown hair somehow looks abit mussed up and abit out of place in places. Benson collapses her arms and leans reclines all the way backwards as she can go within this seat and chair , then very loudly , "Whhheeeeeeewww...." , and visably begins to try and sit back up best she can and catch her breath and "any" compusure she can find.  

The entire courtroom is dead silent , including an even way more puzzeled looking Judge Clark. Benson looks so lost looking , and very blannkly expressioning all back over at Ellis , the jury , and the rest of the courtroom , then right back slowly up at Judge Clark yet again. Benson very much still dazed eyedly and flushly faced remarks then , "Uh...whew...uh....I "really" ha..."don't" know..."what" uh..."that" uh... all..."about" here...uh....?" Judge Clark right then firmly clacks her gavel right down upon her gavel coaster's surface indeed clacking it loudly , then again and again. She then very confusedly right back down and over at Benson sarcastically toned , "Are you "quite" done...."Detective"....? With...uh... "whatever"....that "was".....?"  

The full jury and courtroom now begin to murmur , laugh and start chattering louder and louder. Judge Clark reclacks her gavel again and again aggravatedly. She then very announcingly , "We WILL be right "now" take a twenty minute "recess"...." She glaringly stares again right back down over to Benson and very accusingly toned further remarks , "And if "you" do not "very" quickly "explain" yourself "right now"...or you WILL be held in deep "contempt" of court..."fined"....AND thrown in the "clink" for an "undeterminable" amount of time set and "placed" by "me"...." Benson very dumbfoundedly gazes right back up over to her somewhat stammering , "Uh...whew...uh...I am so "sorry" Judge Clark...uh..." Just then swiftly Stabler walks right up towards the witness stand and Benson as well. A very concerned shocked look upon his long steely eyed , squinty youngish face as he steps , strides and walks closer and closer right up towards Benson and the witness stand.  

He stops a foot away from Benson and stares right up and over at Judge Clark nd very apologetically toned remarks assuringly up over to her , "Sorry Judge Clark...uh......"my" partner" here ...suffers from an ongoing type "existing" bad times"...mayhaps she "just" had some kind of a...."mental break"....uh.."we" can definately call Doctor Huang to very much "confirm" this..." Judge Clark squints her deep dark eyes abit back down over to him , and then semi fumingly replies back down over to him , "Whatever "her" current "condition" all means..."curtly but "very" quickly "remmmmoooveee" her from my "dam" courtroom...and bring her "immediately" to the medics outside located in "our" main lobby..." She then restares right back down at Benson and then further adds firmly , "Before "I" really get "annoyed" here....I have "NO" remorse for "anyone" who disrupts "my" trials and or courtroom...."understood"....?" 

Benson very horrified replies right back up to her quickly , "Yes..."understood"...." Stabler then very much so suggestingly asks right back up to Judge Clark and then asks , "Cn "we" just have "her" checked out "right here" to show "you" anything that might have "happened"....up close instead of "you" waiting around...." Judge Clark semi dissapprovingly catches more so direct eye contact with him , he pauses then very firmly and casually states , "Plus ,uh... your honor...we "do" all here assembled do uh... indeed have "half an hour" recess "here" "right" now....too...?" Judge Clark then very much deeply sighs a very deep sigh of breath and air back down over at him.  

Indeed right now a few minutes later now most of the courtroom is empty for now and Benson is indeed being visably checked out by two white shirted , blue pantsed , black shoed paramedics , she is still seated within the big black cushiony witness stand's seat. One paramedic is checking and holding a tounge depressor outward ahead of himself and upon Benson's stuck out long pink wideish tounge , the paramedic doing this is a thin tall , short black haired , dark eyed , long nosed man. The other paramedic is a shorter , fatter older man with short brown hair and a roundish dark eyed face , and he is knelt down next to a wide opened up longish , red metal cylindrical medical looking toolbox resting down upon this aged marble floor before himself. 

Stabler stands stoically abit watching the first paramedic now remove the tounge depressor then reraise his long right hand which is now clutching casually a long thin red pen light that's beamingly shining ahead into Benson's big open gaping , full lipped cute pretty mouth. He curiously peers further ahead then nods his head over at her , she closes her mouth then. The first paramedic then curiously asks over to her , "And Detective.... as you previously "just" "was" totally an involantary "intense" sudden , crazy wild "orgasm"....?...."Correct"....Detective?" Benson assuringly toned remarks right back over to him , "Very much..."yes"...very "involantary"....I "can't" understand "it" at all....It's "never" happened before...ever...." The second paramedic then casually recloses the longish , red metal cylindrical toolbox looking medical box with both his fattish hands , then fingeringly click clacks the two thin tiny metal locking clamps on it reshut , reclosed. 

Stabler then very much suggestingly muses , "Maybe "something" hallucinagenic" is on "that" witness chair...or "it's" arms or something...."somehow....?" Benson then looks alarmedly back up over to him and then firmly remarks , "But "how" would Thompson....or if "after" Thompson....he "mighta" put something on the..."chair" here...?" The first paramedic suggests then plainly over to Benson , "You "should" definately go "right down" to the medical station and "get" tested right away...."if" it is a "drug" by any means.....which I "don't" believe "is" at all....there are NO signs of "druguse"...the eyes aren't dialated at all...nothing unordinary looking so far...."could" also be who knows... "retriggered" at some future point or "not"... by some kind of catalyst being as like say a"  

Stabler very agreeingly toned remarks right back over to him , "We are "totally" going "there" right after "you" both are "done" here...." The first paramedic casually turns and faces over to him and then nonchalantly replies back over to him , "Cool then Detective..."we" are "done" very carefull...." Stabler semi sarcastically smirks back over at him as he now turns casually over looking right up to Judge Clark still seated behind her bench. The first paramedic then firmly and informingly states , "Miss'am...there "so far" was NO drug use present or accounted for...we have instructed Detective Benson to and get further "tested" as she now has complied to do so "immediately" ..."  

Judge Clark semi tiredly relooks back down over at Benson , Stabler then finnaly down over ahead at the first paramedic. She then firmly flatly replies back down to him , "Very well then.....thank "may" go now." The first paramedic then polietly smirks back up at her then him and the other paramedic standing back up , now right fattish handedly holding the medical kit down by his right chubby side casually strides and steps , walking back through and out of this very aged spacious courtroom. Judge Clark very strictly toned remarks right back now over to Benson , "Whatever it "was" or "is" Detective..."get a grip" on it....consider yourself "extremely" lucky I "don't" just right now "throw" you in so much legal "red tape" , fines and overall bullcrap legal mumbo jumbo trouble beyond belief...your "grandchildren" will STILL be talking about "it" when they are "your" age right "now"...."  

She somewhat glares right back then over to Stabler yet again , she then firmer toned adds , "And Detective "Stabler"...go on....tell "her"...get a "grip" "both" of you...right "after" the verdict..."go" and get your blood or whatever "tested"...." Benson very humbly replies back up to her , Stabler warmly smirks back up to her and then thankfully toned replies back to her , "After the "verdict"...thank you "Judge "madam"..." Judge Clark gets up from her seat and rests down her dark wooden gavel upon her bench and proceeds to casually step and walk away to the far right and down towards the judges , black doored judges chambers. Stabler then nonchalantly quips over to Benson , "At least "we" get to stay for the "final" act..."cool" huh...?" Benson then amusedly and also semi sarcastically quips back over to him , "Swell..."  

Indeed now about fifteen minutes later a tall aged , long faced , short brown haired man wearing a pair of thin brown glasses and a crumpled dark blue suit , white crumpled dress shirt and black tie and black shoes is standing and holding a piece of white squareish paper casually held in his opened bit right long hand before himself. He is within the now very much refilled up jury section and rest of the courtroom back in place as well populated and such of this courtroom and he is very informingly toned reading aloud , "We the jury find the defendant...."not" guilty"...of any crimes linking or pertaining to any crime...and find there is NO clear cut evidence linking him to the alleged camera in question of this case." Ellis first warmly smiles grins right over at Thompson reseated by his seated leftside , Thompson very warmly smirks and smiles right back over to him. Benson is very much rolling her dark alluring eyes , Stabler looks somewhat unphased.  

Judge Clark clacks her gavel once again and then very degreeingly down over ahead she decrees , "Well then , ladies and gentleman of the court...the defendant is officially found..."not guilty and is free to go..." She pauses and then restares distantly over down ahead towards Benson and Stabler's seated direction and then firmer toned urges , "Oh...and of course "Miss Benson"...Do GO right "now" to Doctor Warner's office...or any very nearby hospital to be "further" teasted for such....possible "health" issues....I so order "it" to be...if you "do not" comply within the next hour...well "you" know...." She then firmly reclacks her dark wooden gavel yet once again upon her gavels coaster , and then puts it down and then begins to again today get up from her seat behind her bench and podium. The rest of the full populated courtroom begins to also rise up and get up out of there seats and begin murmuring and chattering lots amoungst each other as they do. 

A few more minutes later now Benson and Stabler are both side by side walking down along the front of the courthouse's wide , aged frontside. Many others that were also inside the courtroom are also walking past and all around them both averagely so. Benson pauses then stops in her tracks , Stabler then does the very same semi facing her from the leftside towards her very concernedly looking at her simultainiously all the while.  

Benson then sarcastically remarks , "Well..."that" was fun"....I you "can" , you know... imagine I "feel" SO..."humilated"...degraded...I "can't" understand at all...what the "heck" was that intense crazy , tingly , hot sudden orgasm what "was" it?....At all...? Totally out of nowhere....I was looking around the courtroom...wasn't "drinking" anything as you could plainly "see"...." Stabler semi comfortingly toned replies right back over to her , "Olivia..."we" will find out "what" it really "was" or maybe "could" have "been"....again...Doctor Huang...Warner...they "both" can help..." He pauses and then warmer toned adds further over to her , "Plus..."duh"...we "are" one of the "best" police stations "around"....right...? Huh....? "Detective"...? Right...?" 

Just then Novak walks right up to them both from down along the stairs a firm striding walking as she then abruptly walks right up holding her flat thin rectangular cellphone up in front of herself somewhat pointingly poised , a very concerned look upon her face. Benson looks concernedly right back over at her and puzzeledly remarks askingly , "Casey...?" Novak sighs a deep sad sounding breath and then firmly apologetically tells right over to Benson , "You "will" find out about "this" no matter what..."I am "so sorry" far there is NO way to "stop" it....from circulating , running and transmitting it allover "every and anywhere"..." Benson then even more puzzeledly stares ahead at Novak's handheld poised cellphone's screen. It is footage , up close , real digital good looking very clear crisp of Benson's courtroom loud , intense , shuddering , twitching orgasm.  

Benson's dark alluring eyes begin even more so widening and widening very alarmedly , Stabler fiercly glimpses right over and curses then sharper even more toned again. Benson's orgasm building breathedly , louder and louder from the handheld cellphone. Benson then firmly turns around to her left abit and then aggravatedly toned remarks , "I "got" to go..."thanks" Casey...."  

Novak looks so sadly after Benson , Stabler reaches over and open armedly partially hugs Novak's leftside and flatly tells her something assuringly sounding. As Benson steps one step foward a bright halogen type photo flashbulb goes all off right ahead and engulfing her face catching Benson quite visably off guard ever so cringingly. It indeed is a large looking old aged styled black camera with a big round upper rightsided glassy whiteish flashbulb. It is lowered right before the picture taker's facial frontside , it is John Tobin , ever so slyly smirking. He then warmly looks right over ahead to Benson and then very warmly toned remarks thankfully to her , "Thank "you" Detective"...." He then casually continuingly looking steps , strides and walks right off and away from Benson's paused right frontside. Benson very much squints her deep dark alluring eyes very aggravatedly then ever more so.

(Fade to Black)

(The Name and Title : Creative Consultant in White Bold Fonted Letters Appears : Dick Wolf  

Centrally in Screen.)

The End.....???????

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