The Niqab Diaries

By niqabi

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This is a diary of life as a Muslimah for me in a place filled with fitnah, trying to learn what is important... More

The Niqab Diaries
06.03.16 Back To Niqab


691 51 15
By niqabi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

8:00 PM

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu,

So I know I haven't written in these diaries for a long while, and that's only because I haven't been wearing niqab. But in sha Allah, I'm going to begin wearing it again in a few days. (By Thursday in shaa Allaah) And I'm married now so that's even more to write about! Lol, and boy will I have some interesting stories.

Only huge thing is, since my husband and I are so young and working towards going to study in Saudi (Al Madinah University for him) and/or Egypt, we're trying to save up at the moment until we have enough to just go and stay permanently to just focus on being Taalibul Ilm (Students of Knowledge) In shaa Allaah and so because of that, we're living with his family right now. We have our own room of course, but he has two younger brothers, and one of them is of age so I already have to wear hijab in front of him. I'm slightly anxious and nervous about doing that with niqab since it's already so difficult with the hijab. But I know Allah will make it easy for me by His Will.

How was everyone's Ramadan and Eid? Maa shaa Allaah I enjoyed Ramadan, although I must say it didn't feel so much like Ramadan. My Eid was nice, too. Went to a barbecue with my zawj/Bae lol. It was kind of weird for me, however, since it was my first one without my family.

So from now on, I'm going to end my entries with a small Hadith or ayah from the Qur'an or a saying or reminder from a noble Shaykh/Shaykah. So here's today's:

Sufyaan Thawri (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
ياتی علي الناس زمان تموت فيه القلوب و تحيي فيه الابدان
There will come a time when bodies would be living but hearts would be dead.
- Hilyah al-Awliya wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya, no. 226

Until next time in shaa Allaah. Stay strong and steadfast, beautiful.


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