Regretted Choices

By shannontracey

460 9 5


Regretted Choices
-- Chapter 1
---Chapter 2
---Chapter 3
---Chapter 4
---Chapter 5
--Chapter 6
--Chapter 7
--Chapter 8

--Chapter 9

50 1 0
By shannontracey

I'm so so sorry I haven't updated in weeks, I suck I know I'm trying!

Please comment and vote <3


Shannon's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing, I had 5 new messages I unlocked my phone and checked them.


Jai Brooks: ANSWER ME!

Jai Brooks: YOU ALIVE!


What the hell, What's wrong.



I started to panic, I got up and ran over to the boys house and banged on the door, Beau finally answered.

" Holy Man, I'm trying to sleep Shannon it was a long night".

"WHERE'S LUKE", I yelled at him, very impatient.

" He's upstairs in bed but Sha-", I didn't stay to listen to what Beau was gunna say, I bolted past him and upstairs, I peeked into a dark room and saw Jai and Luke both in the bottom bunk. Luke's face was all red and scratched he had a huge black eye.

"Oh My God, What happened", I said louder than I wanted, Jai opened his eyes.

"Ugh, What , Oh Hey Shannon".

"What Happened", I said quiet this time so I wouldn't wake Luke up, Jai got up out of bed and we both walked to the living room.

"So Jai, What Happened", I asked for the second time, He finally told me about the fight and how Luke protected me and Sam.

"OMG he shouldn't of done that".

"I know, I think he really likes you", I blushed when he said that, I got up off the couch and went back to the twins room, I quietly snuck in and layed beside him, He opened his eyes and pulled me in closer I wrapped my arms around him and shoved my face into his chest, He started tracing his finger down my spine I was so comfortable and safe I wanted to stay like this forever, Finally I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Luke's POV

I heard my door creep open, I saw a small figure slowly walking over, I than realized it was Shannon she got under the cover's I looked at her and pulled her close she rested her head on my chest she was so warm and comfy, She was so beautiful, I've never liked a girl this much I heard her breathing get slower and noticed she had fallen asleep, I brushed my fingers threw her long brown hair and fell back asleep next to her.

~~2 Hours Later

Sam's POV

I woke up too see nobody beside me on the couch I yelled out too Shannon, But no answer I started getting worried I looked everywhere I saw that her phone was on the counter, I checked it seeing Jai had text her so she must be over there, I went to the front door and walked over to the boys.

~~Beau's POV

*knock *knock *knock

Who was that we weren't expecting anybody, I opened the door Sam was standing there still in her pajamas her hair was all messy up in a bun.

" Hey Sam, What's up".

"Is Shannon here", She looked really worried.

"Ya, She's upstairs with Luke, Is everything okay".

"Ya I'm fine", I could see she was lying but I didn't say anything, She smiled and nodded her head and walk to the couch. I brought her over her coffee and a muffin.

"So what do you guys wanna do today", Sam asked.

"We should go to the beach", Our house was 20 minutes from the beach, I looked at Sam, She looked worried.

"Umm ya that sounds awesome, Im going to wake up Shannon and Luke", She than got up and ran upstairs, something is really weird with them.

~~Shannon's POV

I woke up and looked up aperfect his pretty hazel eyes were staring back, I flashed him a smile he was blushing threw my hair.

"Good morning beautiful", I could feel myself blushing his morning voice was so hot.

"Good morning handsome, How are you, Do you feel better", I was still laying in his arms.

"Yes way better, Thank you for coming over".

"Your welcome, I was worried I didn't want you to be alone if you were hurt".

"You didn't have to worry about me", He played with his lip ring, which made me want to kiss him even more I was about to say something back but then there was a few knocks at the door and than Sam walked in.

"Heey guys sorry for interrupting but it's almost lunch and we're going to the beach later".

"The Beach", Ugh now what am I gunna do, I can't swim and I hated wearing a bathing suit, Fuck.

"Um okay", I kissed Luke on the nose and than got up and walked out of the room into the hallway with Sam.

"THE BEACH, I HATE THE BEACH", I screeched at Sam.

"Ya I know but Beau asked and I couldn't tell him, I'm sorry what was I suppose to do".

"Fine but I'm not going in", Suddenly the bathroom door flung open and Jai walked out smiled and walked to his room, I hope he didn't hear us.

~~Jai's POV

I heard footsteps in the hall I walked over to open the door than stopped, It was the girls they were having a serious conversation.

"THE BEACH, I HATE THE BEACH", I heard Shannon yell at Sam.

"Ya I know but Beau asked", What are they talking about, I opened the door they both looked at me, I smiled and walked to my room, Luke was sitting on the bottom bunk on his computer, I walked to him and shut his labtop.

"Heey, What are you doing, Dickhead", He yelled at me.

"I was about to leave the bathroom when I heard the girls yelling at eachother-".

"About What", Luke interrupted me.

"I don't know but something about how Shannon didn't like the beach and that Sam lied to Beau about going cause she didn't want him too know something".

"I wish they would tell us, So we could help", Luke looked dissapointed.

"Ya I know, Soon hopefully come on let's get ready", Me and Luke got our swimming shorts on and grabbed our sunglasses and waited for Beau. 5 minutes later Beau screamed.

"COME ON BOYS LETS GO!", Beau ran out of the house and up the girls path.

~~Luke's POV

I think I was really starting to like Shannon she is so easy to talk too and I couldn't keep my eyes off her, But she was hiding something and I wanted to known soon. Beau, Jai and I walked up to the girls house and knocked, 30 seconds later the door swung open and Sam was standing there in her bathing suit, I could see Beau's eyes wide open and staring.

"Wow hello! Beau are you okay", She asked laughing.

"You look amazing", Beau said Sam smiled at him, Beau than ran at her throwing her over his shoulders and ran into the house.

"LET ME GO FAGGOT", I heard Sam yell. Jai and I walked in and sat on the couch waiting till Beau and Sam were down fighting, Sam walked back in and sat down.

" Where's Shannon", I asked.

"Umm, I think in her room".

"Okay , Thank you", I got up and walked upstairs I knocked once on Shannon's door than walked in, I saw Shannon laying on her bed, I heard her crying I ran over to her and layed next to her.

"What's wrong babe", She didn't say anything she turned around so she was facing me, looked at her and pulled her close.

"Luke", She silently said.

"I know you know something's up, I promise I will tell you just not now", I looked at her and smiled, I moved my head closer and Shannon grabbed my face and pulled me, Our lips crashed against each other, My stomach felt like butterflies kissing her felt right she pulled away, I looked in her beautiful brown eyes, She was blushing now, But I thought it was cute.

"You're so beautiful", Her face was cherry red she smiled and wiped away her tears and got up and went to her wardrobe she grabbed her bathing suit and ran to the bathroom, I saw her labtop on I grabbed it and checked her tabs, She has Tumblr and Twitter, I looked at them and started scrolling through her twitter and I froze, I saw a girls post it said 'Luke's new girlfriend' I opened the picture it was of Me, Jai and her in Shannon's car when we went to the store the other day I saw it had 1000 retweets and I went to the comments, People were saying done rude things which made me mad and some people were nice, I heard the bathroom door open so I closed her tabs and threw her computer back on the floor, Shannon walked in she had bikini bottoms on but she had her chest and stomach covered which I didn't know why she was perfect, I ran up to her and gave her a hug she wrapped her legs around my waist, I spun her around and we landed on her bed she kissed me on the cheek than grabbed some shorts and ran downstairs, I chased her down where the others were we both flopped down on the couch.

"Are the other boys coming", I asked.

"Ya, Daniel and James are coming bringing there girls", Beau answered.

"Okay should we go than".

"LET'S GO", Everybody yelled and ran to the car, Shannon and I got in the front, Beau, Sam and Jai were in the back, Shannon blasted the radio and her and Sam started singing, We all joined in and sang the whole way there.

20 Minutes Later

~~Shannon's POV

We pulled up too the beach and we all got out, It was a beautiful day it is warm but not too warm, We ran threw the sand I pulled out my blanket and put it down and sat down, Luke came and sat next to me. Beau and Jai ran into the water Sam looked at me and I nodded and than she ran after the boys I heard her screaming because Beau splashed her and dragged her underwater, Luke grabbed my hand are fingers in-twinned together.

"Are you going in, It's really hot", I asked, He looked at me.

"Only if you do".

"Ummm, NO!".

"Why not".

"Cause I can't swim and I don't like water".

"WHAT!, How can you not like water", What could I say, So i lied.

"When I was younger I fell in a pool and almost drown and ever since I never liked it".

"Oh, That's scary".

"Ya it was", Luke lifted up my hand that he was holding and kissed my hand I gave him a smile. Suddenly I heard screaming behind me I turned around to see James and Daniel walking towards us they had two girls with them.

"Heey boys, How are you". I asked.

"Awesome", They both gave me big bear hugs and introduced us to the girls.

"This is Sophia, Me and her went to school together", James said, Sophia was gorgeous she had long blonde hair with bright green eyes.

"And This is Elisabeth, Me and her have been friends forever", Daniel explained ( okay a while ago a girl ask to be Daniels gf and this is her name but I'm not sure what she looks like so I made it up but if your reading this and your Elisabeth tell me what you look like and I'll change it :) ) , Elisabeth was gorgeous too she had long brown hair with sparkly brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you girls, I'm Shannon", I pulled them in for a hug, We all walked back to our blanket they all ran into the water with the other.

"Wanna go for a walk", Luke asked he grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I jumped on his back making him carry me, He walked 10 minutes and than dropped me, We fell to the ground, Luke was on top of me we were staring into eachothers eyes he than leaned down are lips crashe together we were now in a heated make out session, We were rolling all over the sand I was now on top of him, Luke than did something I'd never expect him to do he pulled up my shirt that I was wearing on top of my bikini top I pushed myself off of him and backed away.




If there's any spelling mistakes sorry I didn't check it because I'm really tired!

so if you liked this please please please comment and vote it would mean so much :D and sorry again for not updating quicker I'll try to do better <3 I hope you liked it I will try to update next Friday xo love ya

An if you have any ideas of what you want to happen tell me in the comments or message me xx <3




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