Decendeants- The New Story

By yoolils

22.9K 767 92

Auradon is safe once more, but in the dreams of one, are still haunted with warnings. When Mal gets a vision... More

The Begining
The Task
Will I What?
Hall Of Records
The Horned King Speaks
Wait... WHAT?!
Metting the Horned King
Visions and The Realization
Meeting Our Steeds
The Drowned
The Nightmare of Nightmares
Finding a Map
Getting to The Destination
Putting The Plan into Action
Plan B
The Final Battle
The End Is just The Beggining
Authors Note

One Hundred Bottles Of Milk

772 28 9
By yoolils


We started travel an hour ago.

Ben is at the lead, followed by Mal and me, then Jay and Carlos, then the Horned King taking the rear of our little group.

"So....." Jay trails off.

This is so boring.

"One hundered bottles of milk on the wall..." Mal mutters.

I laugh.

"One hundred bottles of milk." I continue.

"Take one down pass it around." Jay says.

"Ninety nine bottles of milk on the wall!!" Carlos finishes, face stuck in a huge grin.

Mal laughs.

"Guys, I hate to spoil fun, but we have to be quiet." Ben says from the front.

Mal sighs.

Its quiet for a while.

"Ninety nine bottles of milk on the wall...." Mal whispers, trying not to laugh.

Ben cracks up from the front.

"Fine." He mutters.

We cheer, continuing our little song.


We finished singing a couple of minuets ago.

"So. What are we going to do about the whole revenge thing?" Carlos asks.

Mal shrugs.

"You guys distract her as much as possible, while I attact with all my magic." She suggests.

"That's ok. But I think I should distract her alone." The Horned King says.

"As long as we can trust you." Jay says.

I can't help but wonder if Mal is right.

But then again. He has had hours of chances to attack, but he hasn't.

"So. What now?" I ask.

Carlos sighs from behind me.

"Does anyone have anything they want to say at all?" Jay asks.

Mal sighs from beside me, staring ahead.

Suddenly, my phone erupts into music.

I quickly answer.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Evie!" Doug shouts happily from the phone.

I smile a little.

"Hey Doug." I say.

"Where is everyone? I got back from my trip and no one in the kingdome is around." He says.

I sigh.

"Doug, go to your home. Something big is coming. We have gone to stop it." I say.

He gasps.

"You better not get hurt!" He shouts.

"Doug, I have to go." I say, hanging up.

If we fail, I don't want to say goodbye.

"Guys? What happens if we fail?" Carlos asks.

Mal shakes her head.

"I think we should ignore that topic. We need as much good thoughts as possible." Ben pipes in from the front.

We all understand what he means, but we all think about the question anyway.

What will happen?

Will Maleificent destroy Auradon?

What will happen to everyone?

What will happen to Mal?

Weather or not Mal was her daughter or not, if we failed, nothing good would happen to her.

She could turn her evil.... Or worse....

I shake my head, getting all these disturbing thoughts out of my mind.

We go along in silence for a while again.

"Guys. I think we should take a break." Mal pipes up when the sun starts to set.

We all sigh in relief at the idea.

"Good idea." The Horned King says from the back.

Carlos jumps at his voice, seeming to have forgotten he was there.

We walk a bit longer until we stumble across a small clearing in the woods.

We tie our horses to a fallen tree that rests to the one side of the clearing.

Mal walks to the middle and starts to use her magic to conjure up a fire.

Ben sits beside his fiancée, watching her use her magic in awe.

I sit on the other side of Mal.

Jay and Carlos sit on the other side of the fire.

Meanwhile, The Horned King seems to be observing us laughing and talinking from the sidelines.

After doing normal campfire things like telling gohst stories, eating snores and things like that, we all decide to go to sleep, knowing we have a huge day ahead of us tomorrow.


I'm dreaming. I can just tell.

I walk through a dark looking castle, that sort of resembles King Ben's.

When I get to the throne room, I hear manicac laughing.

I peek inside to see Maleificent sitting on the throne, with a girl kneeling in front of her.

It takes my brain a second to realize that the girl is Mal.

I walk inside, rushing forward, only to realize that no one can see me.

I make my way between them, so I can see them both clearly.

Mal's face is scratched and bruised.

"Mal. Why do you insist on taking the punishment for all the people in Auradon?" Maleificent asks her.

Mal stays silent, her eyes filled with pain.

"Answer me!" Maleificent shouts, shooting Mal with a small blast of lightning.

Mal screams from the pain.

"Because they don't deserve it!" She screams through the pain.

Maleificent laughs, stopping the lightning.

Mal falls forward.

She winces with pain filling her every movement.

"Now. You have a choice. This is the last time I will give it to you." Maleificent growls angrily.

Mal looks up in confusion.

"You can be evil with me, or you can die good." She says.

What does she mean?

"What happens if I pick evil?" Mal asks, barely choking it out.

Maleificent thinks.

"I let all your friends go." She says with a smirk.

"And if I choose good?" She asks, looking like she knows the answer.

Maleificent frowns, looking completely serious.

"You and all your friends die." She hisses.

Mal looks down.

"Fine. I choose evil. But you have to show me that they are all free." She says, choking a little.

Maleificent snaps her fingers and all the cells open around her.

People rush forward, but I can't see who they are.

They smash against a forcefeild and are pushed towards an exit by henchmen.

I stare suddenly at me, trying to push past the henchmen to Mal.

I look down at Mal, who stares back at dream me.

I stop trying to push through the crowd.

She is telling me to go......

I hear Ben shouting in protest from the exit somewhere.

All the people are push out of the castle, leaving Mal.

"Oh dear. You know this is all I ever wanted." She says, smirking down at the teary eyed girl.

Mal's long purple hair is covering her face.

"Just turn me evil." She mutters in surrender.

Maleificent shoots Mal with her powers.

At first, her hair starts to turn black like the first time, but if goes back to purple.

"What's this!?" Maleificent shouts angrily.

Mal looks up.

"Your too good to be turned evil!" She shouts, sounding enraged.

Before I can do anything, Maleificent chuckles.

"I should have known you would let me down again. Well. Now this was the last time." She growls down at the girl in chains.

Mal looks up, faer clouding her eyes.

Maleificent blasts her backwards, making her smash against a wall.

"MAL!" I scream, jolting forward.

Mal jumps awake beside me, hearing my cry.

"What's wrong?" She asks seriously.

I start to cry.

Was this a vision?

Hey guys. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been doing other things. But hey! We are nearing the end! I'm a little sad.... But hey! Questions! Was that a vision Evie had? Was she just dreaming? If so, what will happen next? Wait and see!


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