I'm Not Cinderella

By dirty_slut69

137 12 0

The Hart family is big in the name of everything. The oldest three girls even have their own television show... More

02- Solo Albums
03- The Beach
04- Articles
05- Its Official
06- I Love You Niall! Wait! Did I Just Say That?!

01- One Hart

36 2 0
By dirty_slut69

I'm Naomi Hart, yes, The Naomi Hart. Some of you may know me, some of you might not.

I'm kind of a big figure, well, my family and myself.

I'm seventeen years old with two older sisters and two younger.

There's the twins Ashley and Kayla, 19, then myself, then Kierstin, 14, and Anna, 11. My parents are Marc and Lele Hart, they aren't that big anymore. I guess you could really say our family's born and raised in Hollywood.

Oh so in our band you have our drummer Jacob, our lead guitar Steven, our base guitar Tyler, and our pianist Michael. Then there's us, me and my two older sisters Ashley and Kayla, and our two best friends, Casey, 18, and Mackenzie, 17.

Were young but we've been over the world more than enough times.

Currently we're living in London England, the place we were born and raised.

Well me and my band mates are living in London. Mum, dad, Anna, and Kierstin are in California living currently.

"NAOMI!" Four girls and four guys yell at once bringing me out of my thoughts.

I look at them.

"Tatum" Our manager, "Wants us to get ready, she said we have a meeting in ten, then we're going to dinner with guess." Kayla says.

"You girl go! Us guys have to meet at the studio for your new singles beat." Steven says and they leave.

We all dress in performance clothe and then pile into the limo which takes us to the management meeting place.

"My baloney has a first name is o-s-c-a-r my baloney has a second name its m--y-e-r-s and if you ask my why I'll say...." Mackenzie and I scream down the hallway until a security guard tells us to be quiet and get into the meeting room.

We walk into the meeting room and see Tatum, Simon Cowell, One Direction, and a bunch of people I've seen a thousand times but still don't know.


One Direction?!

"One Direction?!" Casey says.

We may fan girl over these boys! But shhhh, don't tell them.

"Yes, now your late girls. Set your arses down now." Some guy yells.

I set down with Niall and One Direction to my left and Mackenzie and the girls to my right.

I turn to them to talk.

"Girls, Now that the five of you have done solo albums, we'd like to talk business with One Direction here." Tatum says.

Ashley looks down past us at the guys.

"So talk business with them, us girls have more important things to do. Like look at poor Naomi here, we had to wake her from her beauty sleep." Ashley says.

"We all know how much us girls hate being woken up, by anyone for any reason." Kayla says.

"I punched the last person that woke me up." Casey says, "Sorry again about that Tatum."

"Can we just get this over with?" Mackenzie ask.

"Yes! Let's get this over with! Talk business and I won't interrupt you because I won't be listening! Go!" I say.

I go to look over at the girls again to talk but Niall taps my shoulder and I look at him and Louis setting next to him.

"Pretty girls!" Louis says happily.

I can't help but smile at him.

"Hansom boys!" I say mocking him and causing him to blush, Niall too.


We end up joking around and laughing quietly until Simon grabs the attention of all of us.

"Lads, girls!" He hits his hand on the table. I flinch and look at him.

"What is with people interrupting me today?" I sigh.

"You'll have all summer to get to know these lads Mimi." Tatum says.

"What Ya mean Tatum?" Mackenzie ask.

Casey's the smartest out of us all and she doesn't even get it.

"Look, Naomi and I are still in high school so we aren't smarticals yet! Explain please curly red." Mackenzie says earning laughs from myself and a few of the guys.

"Speak for yourself. I like to think of myself as highly smarticals when it comes to me and my edumacation!" I say.

Now all the girls and the boys laugh finally paying attention.

"Shut up!" Simon yells.

Again I flinch.

This guy scares me.

"Okay, Tatum speak." Simon says.

"We have arranged it and in exact a mouth you two groups will be touring together with Hannah Christian as your opening act." Tatum says.

Louis raises his hand and I chuckle at him.

"Yes Louis?" Simon ask kind of annoyed.

"Who's Hannah Christina?" Louis ask.

"She's a Youtube star that has risen up and will be recording her first album soon. Look her up." Tatum says.

"Yes ma'am." Louis says.

"In the mean time, the lads will be living with you so you all can bond and all. Now I'm glad everyone's at least halfway decent because you're all going out to eat on Simon and I." Tatum say.

"Food!" Niall yells and hops up.

Kayla and I laugh at him.

"Calm down, it's like he hasn't seen food before." Ashley says.

"Do you not feed this lad?" Casey ask.


We pull up to a restaurant, the boys are already there.

We walk in and to the lady who will set us at our table.

"Excuse me, we're suppose to be meeting One Direction here?" Mackenzie says.

The girls looks up and covers her mouth to keep from screaming loudly.

Someone's a fan.


"Well, Uh, thanks." Casey says, she's still not use to the fans. "Can we maybe get seated please?"

The girl nods and leads us to our seat. The boys are already there.

Once she leaves we all look at each other.

"Uh, before Simon left he suggested maybe we play some games to get to know each other as people and not performers?" Liam says.

"I think it would be fun to know One Hart a little deeper." Harry says.

"Harry!" Zayn says and smacks Harry's curly head.

"What kind of game?" Casey ask.

"Let's start by just saying our full name, age, and nickname maybe?" Louis suggest.

We all nod.

"I'll start." Kayla says, "Okay, I'm Kayla Alexandra Hart, I'm nineteen years old, and I go by Kay."

From there we go in a circle.

"I'm Ashley Crystal Hart, also nineteen, I go by Ash."

"Casey Gamma Taylor, eighteen, and nicknames Case."

"Mackenzie Madeline Lace, seventeen, I go by Mac or Kenzie either works."

"Naomi Jamie Hart, seventeen, Uh, most people just call me Mimi."

The boys all say their name, age, and nickname. I'll skip over that seeing you already know it.

"Favorite color, place to be, animal?" Zayn says next.

The guys go first this time.

Then it's our turn, "Favorite color, red, place to be, with the girls, cheetah" Kayla says. The other girls answer basically the same way. Except me.

"Favorite color is blue, my favorite place to be is either in my room or the recording studio working on music, and my favorite animal would be the fox." I say.

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