luke's the type of boyfriend...

By pinkytea

6M 527K 36.5K

"luke es el tipo de novio que..." book 1 ; serie "boyfriend" ©96sharry - pinkytea [faltas ortográficas inten... More

big hug
sing me to sleep
lil squirmy
lip ring
little muffin
teddy bear
tired luke is tired
stop it satan
pout face
shy boy
oops, sorry babe
good luck kiss
luke's little cute nose
neck kisses
piggyback ride
give me a kiss!
first kiss
u sure?
when he's sick
baby blue
"come sit on my lap"
little things
"i'm all yours, princess"
holding hands
corny jokes
meeting luke's family
blowing raspberries
dating luke
red flannel
red lipstick
don't move, honey
lying down on me
"no baby, keep going"
bad day
a day on the beach
skyping with luke
luke as a father would include
benefits of dating luke
road trips with luke
she's kinda hot
such grumpy, much annoyed
singing around the house
luke on his wedding day
lovely boyfriend
"sorry, but he's mine"
pom pom beanie
touring with luke
late nights
movie night
rowyso tour
visiting the hemmings family
sex with luke
lazy nights
when luke finds out you're ticklish
tiring day
hugging luke
sweet coffee
luke's ring
making out with luke
showering with luke
needy luke
"take whatever's yours and get out"
luke trying to be funny
kissing luke would include
stealing the blankets
cute texts
love bites
a haunted house
a typical day
the rainbow
"another way"
too hot
drunk lukey
a little crush
living with luke
winter with luke
please smile, my little boy
theme park
lost in your touch
thanks calum
silly photos
jumper thief!
red wine kisses
just writing
tea with cookies
things we all love bout luke
engagement ring
the best daddy ever: luke
words or music

"shut up or i'll kiss you"

40.4K 4.3K 188
By pinkytea

luke es el tipo de novio que siempre te besaría para calmarte o callarte ((y viceversa)) por ejemplo te besaría cuando entraste en pánico por algo mientras que tú lo besarías para callarlo o algo onda él estaría como "¡michael me dio un puñetazo en el brazo! nena, ¿puedes creerlo? quiero decir, sé que sólo estaba jugando pero *lo besas*... pero uh, realmente me dolió y estoy seguro de que me saldrá un moretón y- *lo besas otra vez* y se me acaba de olvidar por completo lo que estaba diciendo"  

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