Runaway | August Alsina

By AkiraMiCole

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Meet Aoki Lee Alsina , unknown daughter of August Alsina and Rayuana Aleyce but child of the foster system. ~... More



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By AkiraMiCole

Plz excuse any mistakes :)


"Brenda!" I whined. "Come on before we get left."

She was spending the weekend with me, and August was waiting on us outside the school.

"Ok. Let's go." She inter whined our fingers as we began walking out the school building.

I spotted my dads truck and walked towards it. Brenda let go of my hand and tried to open the passenger door before I could.

"I know what your doing." I smirked closing the door back.

I pointed to the back before she turned her face up at me. She shot me the middle finger and I laughed and opened my door before getting in.

She thought she was slick. I knew she had a crush on my dad. That's why she tried to sit in the front. I should've let her then she would have gone mute the entire ride from being nervous.

"Hey Aiko's dad." Brenda sung from the back.

I tossed my bag at her and mouthed her to be quiet.

"Brenda, nice to see you." He smiled, showing off.

I turned around in my seat and slouched down. I had second hand embarrassment but I did think my friend crush on my dad was hilarious. Now wait till Justin and Yelana meet him. That's going to be even worst.

"Make dem' seat belts click." Dad looked at me.

"Fine." I mumbled.

I had a bad habit of not wearing seatbelts. That's only if I feel comfortable with your driving. I also had a phobia of someone else being in control of the wheel.

We pulled off and Brenda kept annoying me the whole way to the house. Whispering in my ear from the side of the seat and everything.

Once we got to the house we went inside and Brenda was shocked like I was when I first came inside. Puffy came around the corner wagging his tail and I scooped him up. August shook his head and started towards the stairs.

"Don't be mad cause he don't like you." I yelled behind him.

"He betta' be glad you around or his ass would've been outside some whea'."

"Don't listen to him." I covered puffy ears.

"And you still don't know what your dad do?" Brenda looked at me crazy.


"Show me around this mansion." Brenda exclaimed.

"It's not a mansion." I laughed.

"Ok you tell me what you call a house with six bedrooms, pool, double staircase, high ceilings, and big as hell." She straight faced me.

"I guess come on." I giggled.

I showed her the house and discovered some new places I haven't seen myself . That gave Brenda all the right to say "told you so".

I opened my room door after giving her the house tour. She looked at me as her eyes widened and stepped inside.

"You think your dad would adopt me?" She asked and I started laughing at her dramatic self.

"Your laughing, I'm so serious." She nudged me.

"Well then I don't know." I shrugged, sitting puffy on my bed.

"Then I shall become your stepmom." She smirked.

"Right." I copied her London accent.

"So there's a little party going on tomorrow. You want to go?"

"Not really. You know it's not my thing." I kicked off my shoes.

"Come on don't be divvy." She pouted.

"Fine but how are we going to get there?" I folded my arms.

"The bus unless your dad wouldn't mind taking us."

"Fine I'll go ask."

I walked down the hall to my dads room and walked in since the door was open. He was laying on the bed, relaxing for the first time ever. I climbed onto the bed and laid next to him.

"The first time I've ever seen you not working." I laughed.

"Gotta keep grindin', can't stop till you get whea' you wanna be and even then still gotta keep goin." He said, wrapping his arm around me.

I always felt secure and safe whenever I was with him. I loved how close we were. I always dreamed about being under my parents and them holding me as I were a baby. Meeting my parents was the best thing that happened to me.

"Your right dad. I have a question."


"Can Brenda and I have a ride to a party tomorrow." I cheesed.

He turned his head and looked down at me. He grinned and laughed to himself before shaking his head.

"Tryin' to leave me already. This supposed to be our time. I already let your friend come ova." He fake pouted.

"How about since there's no school Monday we spend it together, whatever you want to do?" I suggested.

"Whatever I want to do?" He grinned.

"Nothing to crazy dad." I laughed.

"Aight we can do that. Now get out ion trust your friend by herself she seem crazy, whisperin' so I couldn't hear her in the car."

"That's so mean. She's not crazy. She just has a crush on you." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"And I'an finna catch a case so she betta' keep ha distance." He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah. I'll be back to check on you." I kissed his cheek and got up before he retaliated.

"Aiko." He said sternly.

"Yes daddy." I peeped my head around the door.

"Close my door, daddy baybeh." He laughed.

I did as he said and smiled to myself. I knew he wouldn't say anything. I'm his only daughter and he did anything to make up for lost time. So if giving him a kiss when he didn't like "germs" made me happy he didn't mind.

"Back and we have a ride." I told Brenda as I entered the room.

"Good now can I borrow something to wear." I laughed and nodded.

"I knew you would say yes. I already picked it out and yours." She grabbed the clothes from behind the pillow.

I laughed at her and grabbed the outfit. She was always one step ahead of everybody. That's my best friend and I wouldn't know what to do without her. We've been through everything together ever since she came to the U.S.

"Anyways so Chris is going to be there."

"Who's that." I played dumb.

"Bitchh you know, your boo."

I scrunched my face up and stared at her. She was crazy if she thought I liked someone like him. He is rude and obnoxious.

"Stop assuming, he's really not my type."

"And that would be?"

"I don't know someone totally opposite of him."

"Your just stuck up and bougie. You fit right up in this house. I wouldn't be surprised if you transferred to a school out here."

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." She gave me an evil glare. "But I wouldn't leave my best friend." I smiled and she clapped.

"I love you girl." I jumped on her.

"Girl get your fat ass off me." Her accent grew louder and I rolled onto the bed.

The rest of the evening we talked and even went swimming. My mom came over and brought pizza so she could meet Brenda. Dad was flirting with my mom the entire time on the down low. I was amused by it but of course Brenda was a little salty.

We were in the entertainment room watching movies and eating junk. Dad left us here after dinner. He said he had some errands to run and his house better be the same when he come back.

I honestly didn't want to go to the party tomorrow but I guess I could loosen up and step out of my confront zone. I just hope I wont regret it.

R A Y U A N A ( R A Y A)

"August what are you doing here? Where's Aiko?" I asked him.

"She good. She at the house."

"You left them by themselves?"

"You actin' like they five. You gon' let me in?" He smirked.

"Fine." I mumbled, stepping to the side.

"Where's Mr. Jackson?" He joked.

"Still at practice. You want anything to drink?"

"Nah, but you do." He grinned, sensing the nervousness in me.

"I'm fine." I smiled putting on my poker face.

"What you nervous for?" He smiled, stepping closer to me.

I stood straight like nothing was bothering me but in reality I was a nervous wreck. Something about him just made me nervous or it was just I knew what could happen when the two of us were alone. He didn't force me to do anything but he was damn sure tempting and I don't think I can control myself around him.

"I'm not August." I sighed.

He hovered over me and put his hand on the side of my face. I looked up at him slowly, making eye contact. He put his face closer to mine, his lips just inches away from mine. He knew I wanted him to kiss me but he insisted on playing.

"Kiss me." I begged.

I felt his lips connect to mine and my knees got weak. He wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall. Just when I was about to pull away his tongue slipped in my mouth. We French kissed for a while before pulling away to catch our breath.

"We have to stop. I'm getting married August."

"You happy?"

"Yes I am." I smiled, thinking about Aviory.

"You love him?"

"Yes I love him."

"Tell me to leave you alone and I'll leave you alone for good."

As bad as it sound I didn't want August to leave me alone. I missed him, his kisses, and his touch. I was happy with Aviory but with August being around I couldn't help but to revisit my teen days.

"Tell me." He demanded, breaking my train of thought.

I shook my head and ran my hand through my hair. I looked down only for my head to be lifted back up.

"Raya talk to me."

"I don't want this to stop but I know it has to."

He nodded his head and stepped back a little.

"Aight I'll leave you alone."

"Ok." I whispered.

He was about to walk out the door but I pulled him back. He picked me as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter. I removed my shirt and August trailed kisses down to my neck.

Before I attempted to remove his shirt I heard the front door shut. August and I stopped and looked at each other. I jumped down from the counter and put my shirt back on.

"Baby where you at?" Aviory shouted.

I was freaking out and August thought this whole thing was funny. I mouthed for him to shut up and follow me.

"Aviory down here." I yelled back.

I fixed my hair and straighten my clothes. Aviory came down the steps and looked August and I over.

"How was practice." I ask, hugging him.

"Good wassup man?" He dapped August up.

"Nothin' much, just stoppin' by to get somethin' for Aiko." August played it off.

"Oh alright. Tell her I said hey for me?"

"I gotchu'. I'm bout' to get outta hea'."  

"Ok tell Aiko to call me before she goes to bed." I walked to the door with him.

"Aight' goodnight." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door after him. My heart was beating like crazy. I slipped up and that couldn't happen again. We almost got caught. I was procrastinating on telling Aviory about me and August and I knew the longer I waited the worst the situation was going to be.

"You good?" Aviory questioned.

"Yes." I smiled.

"You want dinner babe?"

"Yeah hungry for you." He tossed me over his shoulder and headed for the stairs.

"Babe don't drop me." I giggled.

"Have I ever?"

"Yes, when we was drunk that time and-"

"Alright I won't this time." He laughed.

We went up to the bedroom and had a heated session but the whole time I was thinking about August I hadn't realized I called Aviory, August.

We were laying in the bed with our backs facing each other. Neither of us shared a word and I felt like shit. The looked on his face when I called him August kept replaying in my head. I just hope we can get through this and I had to tell him the whole truth now.

"How long?"

"Just once."

"You expect me to believe that?"
"Yes Aviory it's the truth." I turned around so now I was facing his back.

"I knew this would happen." Aviory sat on the edge of the bed. "And he came over here to "get something" but didn't leave with anything in his hand." He argued.

I tried to grab his arm but he moved and stood up. Aviory was everything I needed in a man. He was great to me and I did this to him. I don't think he will forgive me. I wouldn't blame him if he even called off our engagement.

"Aviory I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I covered my chest as I sat up. He chuckled before walking around.

"Every day I'm working or doing something for our family and you got the audacity to go and fuck that nigga!" He yelled.

"Aviory calm down please."

"Calm down! You know what Raya I could've treated you like one of these hoes on the street but naw I became a better man for you. For you! And you go behind my back."

He stopped walking and just stared at me. I didn't know what to say. He was right, all he's ever been was good to me.

"I'm sorry Aviory I am. It won't happen ever again." I tried to convince myself.

"You right it won't but I'll be sleeping in the guest room for now." He walked out, making sure he slammed the door.

I sank into the bed and just stared at the ceiling. I knew August would cause trouble in my life. I just didn't think it would happen this fast.

My phone buzzed on the night stand and I rolled over to pick it up. It was late at night so who would be calling me at this time. I read August name and rolled my eyes before sliding the answer button over.

"What do you want?"

"Damn I can't call you?" He laughed.

"Kinda busy right now."

"Then why you answer the phone?" He smacked his teeth.

"Look August it's really not a good time for me right now." I sighed.

"What's wrong baby mama."

"Aviory and I aren't on good terms."

"Oh damn you told him?"

"Yes but it's a long story."

"Aight come over and we can talk about it."

"August no you got me in enough trouble."

"I didn't make you do anythin', so take my name out of it."


"My door will be open." He said, with that stupid smirk on his face.

I locked my phone once he hung up and debated on wether I was going. I got up and showered and through on some leggings, uggs, and my jacket after I put on my top.

I turned off my light and opened the bedroom door quietly. Making sure Aviory wasn't up I tip toed down the stairs and out the house.

The freezing cold hit me once I stepped out of the house. I hurried, got in my car, and let it warm up before I pulled off.

On my way to August I thought about turning around but my hands kept stirring me in his direction. Once I finally got to his house I put in his gate code and waited for it to open before driving down his driveway.

I turned the car off and got out. August was waiting at the door with a smile on his face. I tried my best not to give him the satisfaction of smiling back, but he had already received it just by me coming over here.

"Shut up." I told him.

He laughed and closed the door and we walked upstairs to his room.

"Where's my baby?" I asked walking towards Aiko room but he snatched me back.

"Now why go and wake them up?"

"Sorry." I giggled.

"Come lay down with daddy." He led me to the bed.

"Your nobody's daddy but Aiko's."

"You wasn't sayin' that when we was up in here a couple of weeks ago." He said, removing my jacket for me.

"Grow up." I mumbled, sliding my boots off.

We got into the bed and August pulled the covers over us. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head in the crook of my neck.

"This whea' you should be every night."

"Yeah if you would've stopped playing back then."

He smacked his teeth and sighed.

"Aiko would've changed me if you told me the truth." He stated.

I didn't respond to him cause he was right but I was sixteen and I thought I knew everything.

"I called Aviory your name earlier while we were having sex." I huffed, finally speaking.

I felt his chest moving like he was laughing but I couldn't hear him. I nudged my elbow in his stomach and he stopped moving.

"Oops I was trying to pull the covers."

"I should fuck you up." He said, biting my ear.

"August." I groaned.

"Say my name." He whispered in my ear, sending chills throughout my body.

He kissed my neck rubbed my booty. I could feel his friend waking up but he better put him to sleep cause I wasn't going down that road tonight.

"Goodnight August." I giggled.

He got the clue and calmed down. He rubbed my thigh up and down, soothing me. Before I knew it I was asleep.




Brenda in MM

What does August do?... Lol

Sorry for taking forever and this chapter is dedicated to @love_miyah123 , thankyou girl for pushing me to update lol

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