Silence Falls on 221B

By AstudyinKhan

226 13 9

When John comes home from getting milk, he comes across a forgetful Sherlock on the couch. But when he finds... More


Doctor Who?

58 2 2
By AstudyinKhan

A whirring, scraping noise sounded from the street infront of the flat.  Startled, John glanced towards the front door.

"What the hell was that?" John asked, standing against Sherlock's better judgement.

"John, just hold on-"

A tall, thin man burst through the front door of 221B.  His long legs bounded up  the stairs in virtually no time flat, placing him in the sitting room, standing tall in his pin striped brown suit.  Tossed over his shoulder lay his chocolate brown tie, looking as though it had been haphazardly loosened.  From his inner jacket pocket he pulled an odd looking devise that shared the appearance of a high tech house hold appliance.

"Excuse me, is that a screw driver?" John inquired, moving infront of the man.

"Oh, hello!  You must be the John-doctor Sherlock talks about!  Very nice to finally meet you.  Quite the pleasure.  Oh, I've heard wonderful things about you, other doctor!" the man babbled, shaking John's hand enthusiastically.  He examined the blogger quickly, eyes full of wonder.  "Brilliant!  Alright then, Sherlock, I got your text.  Don't tell me where to look, tell me all you know right now."

"It appeared about an hour ago when John went out for milk.  It's just been standing there, staring at me.  Whenever I look away, I completely forget that it's there.  I figured out a system of tally marks for when I look at it.  It seems to connect to the energy in the room; every once and a while the lamp that it is standing next to will dim slightly as if it were undergoing a power serge an-"

"Thank you, Sherlock.  No time for deductions now."  The man fiddled with the devise from his pocket for a moment.

"Wait, who are you?"  John turned and faced the corner Sherlock had been staring at.  There stood a pale creature in what appeared to be a dirty old suit.  The large head seemed disproportionate to the thin featured body.  The small, black, deeply set eyes peered at Dr. Watson as the creature slowly tilted its head to the side, sizing him up.  Its long, thick fingers hung down almost passed the knee.  The entire being had an eery sense of familiarity encircling it, as if it had been seen before by all.

"What the hell is that?!  Sherlock what is th-"  John's eyes moved from the corner to his friend's face.  He turned back to the man as if he'd forgotten his train of thought.  "Who are you?"

The man held the device over his ruffled head of silky brown hair.  A shrill, electronic sound pierced the air as the device lit up.  Everyone but the man in the pin-striped suit covered their ears in pain.  The creature in the corner darted passed the small group of men.  All of the lights dimmed significantly and what appeared to be static crawled over the being's form, as if it had stolen the electricity from the lamps.  The sound stopped.  Sherlock and John stared as the man twirled the device between his thin fingers and grinned.

"I'm the Doctor."

Sherlock turned to face him.  "What are you doing here?"

The Doctor quickly reexplained the whole situation, glancing around the room to make sure the creature had definitely gone.  "Alright, let's go, boys," he exclaimed, clapping his hands together and moving towards the door.

Sherlock wrapped his blue scarf around his neck, grabbing his coat with a still rather confused John hot on his heels.  The Doctor led the way to a tall, blue Police Box that sat a few feet to the left of the door of the flat.  Pulling out a small silver key and unlocking the door, he moved to go inside.

John raised a skeptical eyebrow.  "Making a call, then?" he questioned.

Grinning, the Doctor pushed in both doors and stepped to the side for the two men to get a look.  John took a step closer, poking his head inside the impossibly large interior of the box.  He frowned, pulling his head back out to look up and down at the outside.  Brow furrowed in frustration, he stepped inside the box, looked around then stepped out again; walking a lap around the exterior.  Slowly he glanced between the Doctor and his Police Box.  The Doctor grinned and nodded.

"It's bigger on the inside..." John murmured, looking at the man in disbelief.

"I know."  A huge grin spread across the Doctor's already happy face.  "Let' go then, inside now."  He ushered the blogger inside excitedly

Sherlock, who had already gone inside for closer inspection, stood facing a wall,  fingers tracing over the patterns.  He stopped and turned around, eyes focused on the Doctor.  "How?

"Well it's quite complicated actually-" he began, but was suddenly cut off by a sudden wailing sound from what appeared to be the control center in the middle of the room.

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