The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
23 Secrets to Know
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
Final Words
After 8 years

43 Long Story

3.7K 218 191
By melantha123

POV Kristoff

Once I had thrown Hans to my police cars back seat I drove to pick up Anna. She was the only one who knew this bastard the best. She is the only one to show so much hate towards this bastard who is just a cocky coward.

Anna was like a storm when she sat next to me. She shot sparks to back seat through the rear mirror while I drove us to distant alley. This time we need to know where his accomplices are and fast before there's more trouble. Even I feel still weak after the poison taking effect on me, gladly Punzie was around and could help everyone.

"This one seems good," I said when I opened up the driver's door.

"Good? Hah, you're nowhere near my comrades," Hans laughed.

"Yeah it does," Anna growled and glared at Hans who stared at her with hate.

I go to back door and then I dragged Hans out. I threw him to ground and I was blocking his escape and he can't get far with those cuffs on him.

"Let me handle him," Anna hissed and stood in front of Hans. She crossed her arms and glared down.

"So where are they?" Anna spat out.

"Not telling you bitch," Hans grinned. Then Anna kicked his shoulder and my mouth hang open.

"And you're not seeing this," Anna turns around to stare at me. I shook my head and lifted my hands up.

"Nope, not seeing anything," I laughed nervously as I go inside the truck.

I look at the rear mirror. Hans is putting a fight with his will against hers. However Anna is putting her whole hate against him. Then she punched him couple times.

"WAIT! NO MORE! I give up," Hans shouted loudly and Anna kneels down. Blood is running out from Hans's mouth and he is telling Anna something.

I go and get Hans and I pull up his beaten body.

"What he told you?" I insisted to know. Anna showed me the paper and I nod my head.

"Better get going then. These asshole will be caught. Call to police station and give that info to them. Ask them to watch at traffic cameras around the first fire locations. They are the arsonists," I said when I threw Hans to back seat again. Then I closed the door while Anna called the station.

Soon we got the location and we began driving there. It wasn't that far away and it could be a false lead but we need to try it out. And if it is empty, then we might find a new lead.

POV Jack

He dragged me out from the fire. It was creepy how he just stood there in the middle of the smoke and the flames that were taking over downstairs. Then he surprised me, I couldn't move as fast with my equipment as he could without anything. He just had an oxygen bottle, no fireproof clothing. First he knocked me down, then tied me up and when I got back to my senses I found myself inside a van.

"Why are you doing this," I groaned and I pushed myself to sit with help of my shoulder. He began grinning, he had quite gray skin, pointy chin and black spiky hair. However his yellow eyes were horrible sight.

"Because I hate each and every one of you," he chuckled and kicked me back to lay on floor.

"We did nothing to you. Let me go, there are fires roaming that need to be put down," I insisted and I tried to get up again. The ropes were rubbing my wrists and he pushed me back down.

"Listen, brat. We need no workers to work for the 'good' of people. Because you all are useless, god do I wish that I would've succeeded on killing you and that girl before," he mumbled and turns his back at me.

"Wait... you're that doctor? Why would doctor want to kill people!" I shouted angrily.

"Name is Pitch Black and my reason is good," he yelled and turns around sharply. He pushed me from my chest, his hand was holding me down harshly and I stared into his fierce eyes. Eyes that were full of hate.

"There is no good enough reason for a doctor to go and kill people," I hissed at him.

"How about revenge boy? You should get me anyway...," he mumbled and his other hand was toying with a surgical knife which was pressing against my neck.

"Wait.. why would I 'get you'?" I raised my voice.

"You fell into coma while acting like a hero. Sick side effects of our job, right?" He sounded bitter and he pressed the blade a bit further on my neck. I felt how he made blood rinse from the small cut he made.

"I don't regret saving that little girl," I snapped at him.

"Well I do regret of my soon to be death... I was helping those fucking people abroad and what did I get? Liver failure, can't you see," He shouted and his face got nearer me.

"Your eyes," I whispered in shock. It was a symptom of liver failure. He is dying.

"Yup and no one could do a fuck about it and since you all are just helping the idiotic civilians I just might be nice and end all of your suffering right now. No need to die as a hero. Right?" He laughed like a maniac. I was having hard time to breathe as he was pressing the blade against my neck harder.

"Stop, this is insane," I stuttered.

"Nah... and I'm going to start by killing you or I actually don't know if those two fire fighters did die already in the fire," he chuckled.

"What," I gasped.

"They got into my trap. The girl and that cripple... now it is your turn," he muttered and began sliding the blade lightly on my neck. He leaned over me.

"Elsa," I whispered in shock.

"What did you say?"

"BASTARD!" I yelled as I used the opportunity. I managed to bend my knees in a way that I was able to hit into his groin. When he was squirming in pain I quickly got to sit and then I pushed him against the wall with my shoulder. That's when he hit his head and was unconscious.

However I was tied down still and he had fallen to lay over the knife.

I managed to crawl to my helmet which was on the van's floor. I hear Hiccup calling on it, telling that they're in trouble. Elsa isn't speaking at all. I have a bad feeling.

"Hiccup! What's going on," I called through the helmet radio. Nothing happened.

"Piece of shit is broken," I groaned. Then I look back at Pitch who is still knocked out.

Every moment I can feel how my friends are getting more in trouble. My fiancée is not speaking in her radio.

"Maybe she is," I gulped when I picture her lifeless body in front of me. No she can't be dead, I swear that I would know if she is but on the other hand...

I close my eyes and focus. Focus into our connection, my heartbeat slows down and my head feels heave against the floor of the van. This leaves me vulnerable but I've got to reach to her.

Then I felt light as air and I open my eyes. I see my body laying on the floor and I'm back into the state where I was when I was in coma.

"I'm coming Els," I spoke to myself as I went through the van.

I spin around in the air, everywhere I look there are clouds of smoke rising. Everywhere in the city are fires and I just need to locate the right one. I float higher and I look around, I see that there are fire trucks speeding on the roads. Now we're not fighting against the disaster alone but I just need to find them.

Couple blocks away is a familiar truck and a building in strong flames. I used the speed of wind to reach it and I saw Merida laying on the ground. I go check her out and gladly she's breathing and only unconscious.

However I realize that Hiccup and Elsa must be still inside in the second floor that's in violent flames. I run and then jump up. I go directly to the second floor.

The flames are roaming in the inside, the sound of it reminds me of the rumbling thunder. At first I didn't see a thing inside the smoky burning room where I got into. It was the beginning of my search room by room.

Then I went inside one room. At first I saw a figure leaning against a wall. It was Hiccup. My eyes began searching after Elsa. She was nowhere but then I look underneath me.

There's rubble and pieces of broken ceiling. And she is underneath it all.

Quickly I go to her to find her unconscious. Her forehead has blood running on it and it's mixing to her sweat. The heat must be overwhelming and everything on her is being eaten by flames. It is only matter of time before it would bite through her fire proof suit.

"Wake up," I beg of her. My heart is aching as I watch her and I cool down some of the space around her but I can't get her up like this.

The devastating feeling hits me, how she was calling my sleeping body and begging me to wake up.

Then I got the solution, how I could help her out better.

"Please forgive me," I gulped as I dived inside her body. The feeling was weird like before but I must do this and do it fast. I can't let Pitch kill me while I'm on my spirit sort of journey.

I blink and I see the world through her eyes. Gladly there's some oxygen left inside her oxygen bottles. I quickly got rid of her gloves and I heard Hiccup's voice repeating of how he is sorry. I glance to his direction but he is impossible to see through the smoke.

I cool down the flames and next I created ice spikes. She had inspired me to do it when she nearly pierced me with one. The beam on top of her lifted up and that's when I was able to crawl away and get up.

Now that some of the flames are dead I can see Hiccup clearly. Flames are approaching him from his right and I use ice power to freeze them while I walk towards him. Elsa's body feels so weird to move around again after some time.

I see a weak spot in the outer wall and I wave her hand towards it. Now the wall froze and I made it shatter by expanding the ice crystals inside it.

"Get up," I told to Hiccup with Elsa's voice when I got to him. He stares at me in shock but I gave him my hand.

"How?" He gasped when he took my hand.

"Long story," I muttered as I dragged him to the opening in the wall.

There was a large drop but I created a slide down from snow. I pushed Hiccup down first and then I followed after him. The snow was melting quickly and it made our clothes wet.

"Elsa! Hiccup!" Hiro's voice shouted . He ran to us, he was wearing his fire fighter uniform. We ran towards him and met him in the halfway. Some of his friends were coming too.

"We're fine," Hiccup sighed.

"How is Merida?" I asked because last time when I saw her she was unconscious on the ground.

"She is good. Honey Lemon is taking care of her," Hiro smiled.

I nod my head to him and I turn my back towards them. I concentrate and freeze the burning building and the flames were down.

"WHATTA HECK!" Hiccup yelled in surprise.

"Elsa's little secret," Hiro grinned.

Hiccup was about to ask a question but both Hiro and I said in unison, "Long story." I glance at him in surprise. I guess that he knew Elsa's secret as well as I did.

"Okay, I'm checking on Merida. Where's Jack by the way?" Hiccup asked from Hiro.

I was about to respond when I felt sharp pain on my right arm. I glance at it but there's nothing wrong here. Then I felt similar pain in my left one.

I took off Elsa's helmet as I knew that I needed to go. Something was wrong where my body is.

"Take care of her... me," I said to Hiro who was staring at me in shock. Elsa's face was covered with blood.

"Catch," I whispered just before I left from her body. Hiro managed to grab Elsa's body just in time as her passed out body fell. My heart is aching of leaving her but I'm not planning anyone to let me leave her for good.

Then I scream, now the pain feels even more real. My guts are aching and I'm panting. That's when I speed towards the van and I dived inside my body again.

Then I woke up, just to see how Pitch was stabbing me to my leg next.

"Finally you woke up brat," he chuckled and was sliding the blade in my leg. He had tied me down better and I couldn't move at all.

Suddenly the van door smashed open and daylight came inside. Bullets were shot and Pitch rolled down, his head was pierced by a bullet. Then Kristoff ran inside, he began untying me and saying that everything is better now.

"How did you find me?" I pant out with my mouth being as dry as desert.

"I interrogated one bastard named Hans by using these," I heard familiar voice saying. Then Anna peeked inside, she was showing her fists to me.

"It turns out they had this van and he told us license. We used traffic cams to track it," Kristoff explained.

"Thanks," I sighed and then my eyes widened.

I told them to take me into the fire location where everyone from my station is. They did as I asked and when we got there, there were couple ambulances at sight.

"Where is she!" I shouted as I limped forward and to the ambulance where Hiccup was with Merida who was conscious and getting oxygen from paramedic.

"Elsa? She is in the next ambulance," Hiccup said and I quickly got in.

Her eyes were open and Hiro was holding her hand.

"Whoa. What happened to you?" Hiro said while looking at me.

"Long story," I gasped and went to sit next to Elsa. Hiro nodded and got out from the ambulance.

Anna got in and went to her sister for embrace. Elsa lifted the oxygen mask from her face and told her sister that she was fine. One paramedic got inside too and saw my wounds. He started to treat me but I kept on staring at Elsa.

Then she noticed me and I smile. However she was a bit scared looking and I reach to her hand.

"Who is he?" Elsa gulped and glanced at Anna. She was clearly meaning me.

"He is your--," Anna gulped and stares at me but I realized what had happened.

"I'm your fire stations bigger chief. You're chief of fire station 313 Elsa," my smile turns into sadder one. I had interrupted Anna when she was about to say that I'm actually her... her fiancé.

"Oh. What happened to you?" She asked and narrowed her eyebrows.

"I stumbled upon a bad guy," I laughed a bit.

"Speaking of which. Kristoff took the three of them to police station. He will get your stories later when everyone is feeling better," Anna smiled. Her wounds had healed up a bit.

I nod my head in gratitude to Anna. The feeling of sorrow is deep in my heart however. Who knows how long it will take for Elsa to heal from her head injury. She might never remember me again.

I visit the hospital every day. She's been inside the hospital for a week now and her scar is healing up in her head slowly. She didn't remember anything from the happenings, her first memory was still in Norway. Sometimes I just stay outside her door and watch her sleeping. I don't want to creep her out by going there to speak with her every day.

Today all of our gang from the station are coming to see her. Anna had convinced Elsa to see everyone. She had told her how they moved here, how Elsa got a job at the station and was taking care of everyone when I was hospitalized. This is now a special occasion because Punzie will bring her daughter here with Eugene.

I greet Hiccup and Merida who arrived together. Their friendship has deepened after everything. Hiro told me how he found out about Elsa's powers when I brought it up with him. Well, he only did it because I told him of my adventure as a spirit and how I managed to use it on that day that nearly ruined Burgess.

"I wonder how the baby looks like," Hiro cheered.

"Hopefully more of her mother," Merida laughed.

"Hey! I heard that!" Eugene cheered. I turn around and see how he and Punzie are walking towards waiting room. Punzie is carrying their baby girl who was born the night after the incident.

"Sorry," Hiro laughed.

"She has her father's nose but she is more like me in other way," Punzie giggled and showed us the tiny bundle. I smile when I watch at the yawning baby.

We all were staring at the little one and then Punzie broke the silence. "Should we go to Elsa now?"

We all agreed and went to Elsa's room. They held her longer in the ward because of her large head trauma but I was able to get out quite fast. Pitch meant the wounds he did to torture me back to consciousness.

"Hey!" Hiccup laughed and went next to Elsa. I kept my distance but I saw how Elsa was smiling and greeting everyone.

Everyone stayed for one hour. Elsa held the baby and she chatted with everyone. However I noticed how confused she was. Then the time got to the point when everyone left.

Hiro was last one to leave before me. That's when Elsa asked me to stay for a moment. The look on her face was serious.

"What's the matter?" I asked and she frowned.

"I've seen you staying outside my door. Why?" She questioned.

"To make sure that no one hurts you," I reply quickly. It is half true but mostly I stay because I want to see her.

"I see but something tells me that I've not been told the whole truth about everything," she muttered and looks away from me.

I sigh and go sit next to her. I glance at the flowers that have been brought to her, my throat has a large growing lump inside but I gather my courage.

"I'm not only your chief," I whisper insecurely.

"Then what are you?" She gulped. I see how she crumples the bed sheets with her hands and tenses up.

"I'm your fiancé," I say quietly and I stare down. I can't look into her eyes, everything is too painful.

"So you are the one I'm engaged to," she sighed and showed her left hand with a ring in it. I lift my eyes to watch her eyes and then I place my left hand over hers and now she sees my ring.

"Yes and I love you. Being part from you has been so hard," I smile to her faintly.

"But I don't remember you," she sobbed a bit and pulled her hand away.

"That's why I feel like a ghost again," I laugh bitterly and turn my head away. Tears are burning my eyes.

"Ghost?" She replied in surprise.

Then I remember how she always was sure of one thing. One thing that might bring me back.

"True love," I exhale silently.

"Huh?" She gulped.

"Can I kiss you?" I say with enthusiasm as I take her hands.

"I... I don't know," she said reluctantly.

"Hit me if you hate it," I said quickly and then I got up.

I placed my right hand behind her neck and my left one held her left hand. Her fingers squeezed mine when I lean forward. For a moment I stayed put and enjoyed being close to her, inhaling her scent.

Then I kissed her. Now I couldn't help the tears any more, they were running freely as the missing of this sensation got over me. I moved my lips against hers, they were soft and warm. She was making me feel numb, so full of love.

She was so tense, to the point that I was sure that she would push me aside. But I kept going, then she moved her lips against mine. It was a perfect sync, like we were made for each other. We took one breathe and continued, her hand was going inside my hair. My heart was bouncing inside my chest and I smiled. She wanted this too.

When we parted I stare at her. A healthy shade of pink rose is on both our cheeks, the kiss made us feel warm inside. My eyes look at her, questioning if she felt anything.

Then she opened up her sweet mouth.

"Jack? My own Poltergeist?" She laughed and I stare at her in misbelieve.

She threw herself at me, her arms were hanging from my neck and I fell to her bed. We were laughing and embracing each other. Her heart monitor went wild and nurses rushed in but they left with a smile on their face when they saw us.

"You remember me?" I chuckled and held her close to my chest.

"I see and feel you Jack. I remember you and love you.... " She whispered and held me tighter.

"What happened?" She then asked.

"When?" I ask and sit on her bed. I tuck her hair behind her ear and smile.

"After we got into that fire. We were the only team to go into field," she said and was clearly thinking.

I sigh and smile to her. "Everyone is alright as you saw just before but... that day... well it's a long story. Let's just enjoy this moment a little longer," I whispered gently before I kissed her forehead. She entwined her fingers with mine.

We found each other again.


How did you like the final chapter before Epilogue?

Your feelings?

I love you guys and even though I wasn't sure if I could manage to write this during this week I made it. Now I'm going to start typing the Epilogue next and keep my other two books on hold while doing it.

What you think that takes place in Epilogue?

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