
By chaosgroupie

186 2 0

Isabelle loses everything, including memories of who she is. Even through that, can she find and keep love wi... More

Author's Foreward
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Seven

6 0 0
By chaosgroupie

Alright, this is going to be the last chapter for a couple days because I'll be out of town for work. If you like it, please comment and/or vote.


The next morning, the bright sun woke me up. In the night, Danny had shifted onto his back and I was completely on top of him. I could feel his morning arousal pressing against my thigh, and one of his hands was underneath my shirt, high on my back. Thankfully, it wasn't cupping a breast, but it still stirred feelings in me that I was trying to ignore.

Danny stirred so I pretended to still be asleep, "Shit."

Feigning like I just woke up, I yawned, "You seem to be saying that an awful lot around me."

He quickly extricated himself from the awkward position we were in, and slid as far away from me on the couch as he could, while at the same time trying unsuccessfully to his arousal by crossing his legs, "How did this happen?"

I smiled as I remembered the feeling of his arms around me, "Well you fell asleep on the couch last night after your shower. I brought you a blanket and I think you forgot for a moment it was me, because you grabbed me and held me against you." His face flushed, "You were in such a deep sleep that I didn't want to wake you up. Since I was tired and your arms were warm and comforting, I fell asleep."

Danny looked skeptical, "And all we did was sleep?"

I decided not to tell him that his arousal had been pressing against my thigh when I woke up, or that if his hand had been any higher up my shirt it would have come off, "Well first of all, if we had sex, I would really hope that you would remember it. But yes, all we did was sleep. Trust me, as hot as you are, I'm not ready to do more than cuddle up next to a guy especially since I'm pretty sure that I was raped the night of the car crash."

"You were raped?" his embarrassment was quickly replaced by anger.

I looked at him sharply, "Melody didn't tell you?" I was kind of shocked that she had let me go home with him without telling him about the bruising between my hips that indicated I had been raped.

"No," he said with a weird look on his face. "I was there for a little while because you had an iron grip on my hand, but once you passed out she made me leave. She didn't even tell me what your injuries were, just the stuff that I needed to know for when you came and stayed with me. Like how often to give you pain medicine."

"Honestly, I couldn't say for certain that I was, and Melody didn't say anything to me about it. But I was extremely sore down there the morning after the accident and there are some bruises that couldn't be explained from the accident."

Danny looked really uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going, but at least his arousal was diminished somewhat. "Well..." he started.

"I'm sorry," I said at the same time. Danny nodded for me to continue, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable by bringing up such an awful topic. I wouldn't have said anything at all if I hadn't thought that you already knew." He made like he was going to say something but I stopped him, placing a finger on his lips, "Really, it's not that big of a deal, it's not like I remember it anyways. I just don't want to get flashbacks to a memory that I have repressed or forgotten in the middle of sex." I blushed and said quietly enough that he pretended not to hear me, "Especially if it is as good as I think it will be."

"If you would have let me say something," Danny said impatiently. "What I was going to say is that I don't make a habit of jumping into bed with women that I've just met. While you are very attractive, and obviously my body reacts to you, I would never try to make the moves on someone who was injured as badly as you are." I gave him a look, "Hey, I was asleep remember? I can't control what my body feels or what my subconscious tries to do while I'm sleeping."

I laughed loudly, "Are you saying that your subconscious wants to do bad things to me?"

"Uh..." Danny laughed and changed the subject, "I have to go back to work tomorrow for a four day shift, but I was thinking that I could take you out to do some tourist stuff today." He stood and stretched, his shirt rising above his low riding sweatpants giving me an excellent view of his strong flat stomach and those indentations by his hipbones that I just wanted to lick. "I know that you've probably done most of the tourist things, but since you have lost your memory..."

"I'll be like a tourist virgin," I finished for him. Too bad other things can't be like the first time, "I'm going to freshen up and change before we go."

Danny looked down at what he was wearing, "Yeah, I should probably change as well. And you might want to wear the boots that you from Daisy's, it will make things easier for today."

"Where are we going?"

"Let me surprise you." He looked me up and down as I stood, the lust evident on his face, "Your bruises are much better. You can barely see the one on your face after the last couple days."

I smiled at him and went into my room to change. Daisy had talked me into taking a pair of hiking boots as well as the other multitudes of stuff she made me take. For once, I was glad that I had let her talk me into buying something I thought was too expensive. I took off my clothes and contemplated what to wear. Since Danny had told me to wear the hiking boots, I was assuming that I probably needed to wear jeans again.

I grabbed the second pair of jeans I had gotten with rhinestones on the butt pockets. I threw on another one of the sexy bra and panty sets Daisy had picked out and pulled on the jeans. Picking a shirt was more difficult than it seemed. I wanted to look nice, but not too sexy since the bruise on my neck was still pretty gnarly looking. The one on my face had faded, but not the one on my neck. Luckily, with the exception of the dress and the negligee Daisy put in my bag without me realizing it, everything was fairly sensible and not too revealing. I grabbed a camisole and one of the button down flannel shirts and put them on, grabbing my jacket as well.

Taking a deep breath, I left my room and went back into the living room. Danny was sitting on the couch again, this time awake with a pair of tight jeans and a V-neck blue sweater with nothing under it. I couldn't help it, my hormones kicked into overdrive again making me think that maybe I sleep around more than I would probably admit to. At least it wasn't thin enough to see if his nipples were as hard as mine. I rubbed my sweating palms on my jeans and cleared my throat.

Danny jumped to his feet and I could tell how hard he was trying not to let his eyes stray from my face, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I wasn't so circumspect. I let my eyes rove up and down his body, enjoying the sight or his hard muscles under his sweater, "You look good. The blue really makes your eyes look... good." He actually looked good enough to eat, but I wasn't about to tell him that. I needed to remember that falling into bed with the first man that was nice to me since the accident is probably not the best of ideas.

"You look beautiful," he said, voice rough with arousal. His eyes looked me up and down real quick before saying, "I see you have your boots on, that is good. Where we are going, you will definitely want them."

We got into his truck, me without assistance this time, and started the drive. The sexual tension in the air was so thick, neither of us said a word to the other. We drove in silence for about thirty minutes until I couldn't stand it anymore. I reached for the radio, my eyes asking the question. He nodded slightly and I played with the radio dial until I found a station with a song I recognized. I started singing along, laughing with delight because I knew the words.

Tears sprang to my eyes as I had a flashback to driving down dark roads with someone I assumed was a friend in the passenger seat, singing along with this very song. I reached over and turned off the radio.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked me, the concern evident in his voice.

"I just..." I turned my head to look out the window so he wouldn't see the tear roll down my cheek, "I remembered something from the night of the accident."

He reached over like he was going to turn the radio back on until I laid my hand over his, pulling it onto my lap, "You should continue to listen if it will help you get your memory back."

"Trying to get rid of me?" I asked, laughing lightly to let him know I wasn't being serious. I rubbed his palm with my thumbs, "I know that immersion is sometimes the best therapy, but it just freaked me out a little too much."

Turning to give me a look, he said in an offended voice, "You can stay with me as long as you would like, Rose, even if you get your memory back." He paused, "I just think that even if the memories aren't pleasant ones, you should try to get them back. One memory might bring back more, and then you would know who you are. Maybe you have family out there that is looking for you, missing you, worried that you might be lying in a ditch somewhere dead. You almost were you know."

I turned away from him so he wouldn't see the look on my face and released his hand. He drew it back slowly, like he wanted to keep touching me, "Danny, my memory will eventually come back. I've already had a few flashes of my life, most of them were not that pleasant." I wrapped my arms around my waist and tried to contain a sob, "I have this feeling that I am not a nice person. I'm terrified that if I recover my memories, if I remember who I am, that I will go back to being that horrible person. Maybe the person I am now is nothing like what I used to be."

Danny reached back over and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, "I have a feeling that even if the person you were wasn't nice, that somewhere deep inside of you was the person that you are right now. Even if you get your memories back and realize that you were that kind of a person, you can always choose to change."

"What happens if I get my memories back and I don't want to change? What if I like who I was?"

He paused like he didn't know how to answer my question. Clearing his throat, he gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand, "You'll do whatever is best for you. If that means going back to your old life and forgetting that all this ever happened, then that is what you will have to do."

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