Late Summer Rain

By nooneishome1234

4.6K 117 31

How can something feel so right when it's so wrong? Kaylee is a relatively normal teenager, with normal teena... More

Late summer rain
Late summer rain
Late summer rain
Late summer rain
Late summer rain

Late summer rain

2.6K 31 4
By nooneishome1234

"It's never any fun being normal, and besides... all the best people are crazy."




Kaylee POV

We stepped through the open doors and were hit with warm air. The smell of chlorine emitting from the pools, was almost too overpowering. We walked along in a bunch, until we came across the one that we were looking for. We all counted to three and jumped in.

As soon as my feet left the ground, the air rushed past me, and soon I was hurtling towards the ground. I curled my body up into a tight ball, and sent a wave of water everywhere when I hit the surface and fell under. The warm water sent a shiver of delight down my back. When I felt that my head was completely submerged, I opened my eyes and watched as my brother yanked his friend's feet under the water. The bubbles around me started to multiply so that I couldn't see anyone anymore, I kicked my legs furiously and my head broke the surface.

"Savannah, did you see Nathan pull Mark under?" I yell over the noise, to my best friend bobbing next to me.

"Yeah! Bet he was pleased! Knowing Mark, they are probably wrestling under the water!" She shakes her head at the immatureness if my brother and his friend.

"You wanna do a couple of laps before the boys chase us down?!" I ask my beautiful, olive skinned friend.

"Ok, but only 'cause you asked me!" I smile at the comment and dive under. The water pushes past me greedily and I kick my legs, propelling myself forward. I break the surface to breath and then continue with my front crawl. When I swim, I'm completely focused. It's my favourite sport, as you can probably already tell, i love it so much because I just crave for the way the water glides past you and you feel like you weigh nothing.

I feel the wall just beyond my head and do a perfect tumble turn and kick off from the wall. I pass Savannah, who is doing a gentle breast stroke, obviously deep in thought. I swim past the place where we jumped in, but as soon as the wall is near enough for me to tumble turn, I feel a hand close round my ankle, I bring my head up to yelp. I kick furiously at my attacker, meanwhile, he is slowly pulling me away from the wall and under the water. With one last yank, they pull me under and I stop struggling: I'm face to face with Nathan, my brother. He smirks at me and puts his arms around my waist, he leans forward, entangling me in a bear hug. It's his way of saying sorry for scaring me. I smile to myself and hug him back, my body moulding to his perfectly. Too soon, he pulls back and looks at me curiously. I can't help but take in his messy chocolate, brown hair, friendly emerald eyes and toned stomach. He smirks when he sees me checking him out and pushes me playfully. I push him back then suddenly realise that I have run out of air. I kick my legs and use my arms to break the surface. I take a huge gulp of air and feel Nathan coming up to do the same. He turns to me and smirks.

"See something you like down there?!" He laughs at me.

"In your dreams, lover boy!" I kick him in the shin, knowing that since we are in water, he won't feel a thing.

I glance around and see Savannah and Mark talking in a corner of the pool. Me and Nathan give each other knowing looks and then dive in synchronisation. We swim side by side beneath the surface and we stop about a meter away from our friends. We mentally count to three, I grab Savannah's ankle and Nathan grabs Mark's. They both scream and kick at us while we drag them under the water with us. Soon enough, Savannah breaks away from my grasp and surfaces. Once she has caught her breath, she pouts at me.

"You are SOOO getting it!!" She screams and then pounces. She jumps on top of me, pushing me under. We wrestle each other, trying not to laugh at ourselves. Soon enough we go up for air.

"Oh no, Kaylee! We are just like the boys!!!!" She looks panicked.

"NOOOOOO!" I howl.

We both burst out laughing and look around and see other swimmers looking at us and shaking their heads. This scene makes us laugh even more and we are almost crying before we notice a pair of white trainers standing on the wall next to us.

"You two! Get out! You have caused enough of a scene already! Get OUT!" A loud voice booms at us and we become stock still. As soon as we realise that the large, bald man in front of us is talking to us, we grab the wall and slide out. Unfortunately, the lifeguard did not move out the way in time, and we spray water all over him.

"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?! YOU HAVE GOT ME WET!!!" The rage in his eyes is almost scary.

"Hey mister! We payed good money to be here and now you are yelling at us to get out! Then you practically roar at us because we ACCIDENTALLY got you wet when we followed YOUR orders! For heavens sake, your in a swimming pool!! Of course your gonna get wet!" Savannah folds her arms and squares the lifeguard up.

"Right, that's it! I'm calling security!" With that last statement from the lifeguard, Savannah and I run for it, trying not to slip over in the process. We hear the lifeguard roaring behind us. As soon as we turn into the changing room, we stop and burst out laughing. Nathan and Mark lean against the opposite wall and raise their eyebrows at us.

"You got kicked out too?!" Mark is the first one to speak.

"I guess you could call it that!!" I laugh at their faces of disbelief. You see, me and Savannah are usually the 'good girls', but recently we have been becoming 'rebels' as Nathan calls it.

Nathan POV

Seeing Kaylee there in front of me, looking so cute in a sage green, frog bikini was almost too much. I couldn't help but look her up and down. Her dirty blonde hair was in a wet ponytail and was dripping down her back. Her chocolate, brown eyes were looking at Savannah, almost crying as she had laughed so much. Kaylee's heart-shaped face and her cute little upturned nose, and her light scatter of freckles on her nose that I love so much, her lips were plump and inviting.

'WAIT!' I think to myself, 'did I just check out my sister? What is wrong with me today?' I shake my head at myself.

"Guys, we should probably get changed and go before they find us and really do call security!" I say already turning towards the boys changing area. Everyone nods in agreement and we go out separate ways.

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