
By EvelynKingsWoods

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Forgive me friends. This story is going through false promises like other stories. I do not know when the nex... More

Prologue - Guilded
Guilded - Chapter 1
Guilded - Chaper 2
Guilded - Chapter 3
Guilded - Chapter 4
Ardor - Chapter 6
Guilded - Spoilers

Guilded - Chapter 5

195 2 35
By EvelynKingsWoods

For a second, I don't believe him. I don't want to believe him. So I don't.

"Real funny, Lev," I say. "You almost got me."

"No, Ava, I'm serious," he says and he grabs my shoulders. "If you don't believe me, get dressed and go there yourself. Saheim called everyone he had contact details for, there's no training today."

He lets me go and I stand there for a minute before I run to my room, leaving the door wide open. I put on the first thing I can find which is my black dress. I put the leggings on underneath but I leave the jacket, knowing it wont be any good.

When I come back out, Lev is on the couch, waiting with large eyes for an order of some sort.

"Don't just sit here, go get dressed!" I urge him and he gets up and runs down the block to his house.

I snatch my cell phone off the charger and attempt to put it in a pocket that doesn't exist before realizing I'm in a dress--I don't have pockets. I don't want to change so I put it in my bra rather reluctantly. It feels disgusting to hold objects there, but I don't have a choice.

I grab the keys to the house, step outside, lock the door and run down the street towards Gilgal. I take the shortcut, over fences and through backyards, remembering that there's a dog in one of them. I'm not even two thirds of my way there before I can already hear sirens. They make me realize the reality of the situation and I slow down and find a side walk.

I spot the first car, a green truck, Saheim's truck. Then I spot police cars, ambulences, more cars, all lined up at the curb. I even spot a KSL News truck.

I get closer to the entrance and don't find a sign that says don't enter. There doesn't seem to be anyone around to stop me, so I go in. At first everything's the same, but then I get to the clearing and find emergency personnel everywhere, the weeping willow is blocked off with yellow tape. I head to the pavilion.

Most of the soldiers are gathered here. All of the high ranks and officers are here and they all are wearing everything from boxer shorts and no shirt to... Tony's suit. They look drugged without their morning coffee. I walk up to them.

"Guys..." I start but don't know how to continue.

"What... Why... The vassalage couldn't have meant that much could it?" I ask.

"Apparently it did," says Dante.

"He was having trouble in his family too; his parents divorced two days ago, that's why we didn't see him at training," Frank explains.

"Ava, if you have anything to say, say it now," Saheim says.

"I uh... oh, gosh... how could God allow this," I mutter under my breath. "I edged him on," I say.

"What do you mean?" asks Tony.

"While... while we were listening to Samael..." I pause and wipe a tear from my face with my palm.

I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from bawling and letting it all out. Its hard to calm down with so many things going through my head at once.

"Its alright, Ava, just tell us what happened," Carson urges.

"We were talking about how stupid this is--the vassal!" I say as I start bawling.

It occurs to me that I'm the only one crying like this and I call myself a wimp for letting it happen. Someone pats me on the shoulder but I shove them off and run away, past Lev who is just walking in with Ania. She calls out to me but I ignore her. I sit outside the fence under the sign that says Gilgal. Nobody's out here and I'm blocked from the view of the traffic on the road by an ambulance, so I feel secluded.

I close my eyes and curl up into a ball. I barely even knew him, I barely even knew him... He just became my friend yesterday, and he took his life because I edged him on? I'm almost angry at him for doing it and I punch the metal gates on purpose to make my hand hurt. The pain distracts me from the tears and eventually I'm not crying anymore. That's when Ania comes to get me.

"Hey, uh... Saheim wants to take a vote," she tells me as she helps me up.

"For what?" I ask.

"He wants to know if everyone is truly alright with being vassaled to the Dark Blood Empire," She informs me.

I get to the pavilion and sit next to Frank. Once Saheim notices I'm here, he stands on top of a table to let us have a better view.

"Everyone put your heads down," He instructs. We do so.

"Alright, if you are alright with the vassalage, raise your hand," he pauses to count the hands. Then I hear him writing on a white board, the marker squeaking. "Alright, if you disagree with the vassal raise your hand," I raise mine as high as I can go.

There's a long pause, in which a lot of squeaking is heard. Eventually I hear the marker lid snap shut and I realize that other than the low voices of the authorities, it's absolutely silent.

"Alright, put your hands down, you can look up," Saheim says.

I look at the white board. One person voted for the vassal, everyone else voted against it. Immediately, people start talking. They seem happy.

"Alright, settle down. I'll have a talk with Samael today. You're all welcome to come along, but it's not mandatory. We want to respect the events of today," Saheim tries to continue but is interrupted.

"Excuse me!" A woman says, walking towards the pavilion.

She's followed by two men, one with a camera and the other with a voice recorder. I notice the half dressed soldiers back away from view of the camera. The woman seems to be in her early forties and she wears more makeup than needed . Her blond hair is short and stacked and she wears a bright blue dress with heels.

"Excuse me," she repeats as she trips on a rock and falls to her knees with a scream. We all stare at her, a few chuckles going through the soldiers. She looks at the man with the recorder. "Don't just stand there, help me up!" He does so rather reluctantly.

After brushing herself off she continues. "My name is Claudia Evanston. I'm a reporter for KSL News and we have a few questions to ask."

Saheim jumps down from where he stood and walks up to the woman. He holds out his hand to shake hers. She grins nervously at his sweaty palms, but shakes it, only to wipe her hand off on a handkerchief from her pocket on her chest.

"I'm Saheim Saab, the Emperor of Ardor. I'm afraid we can't answer any questions right now. If you want to, you need to schedule it with me later," Saheim explains.

"Ah, yes, Emperor Sawhim was it?" A couple of members chuckle. "Now, darling, smile! You're going to be in the newspapers tomorrow and this evening's television news as well," Saheim's expression looks confused, the same way it did when Michael walked out.

"He's not the only one running this place. Not anymore, that is," Says Samael who appears from behind the news reporters. The cameraman pans to him as he walks over next to Emp. Instead of facing the crew, he faces us.

"I heard you lost a member of your team last night," Samael begins.

I tell myself to calm down. Saheim looks up to him, I can't just refuse him. He looks at me and comes up to my face. The news crew follows. He puts his face inches away from mine and I stare into his eyes without flinching, to show him I'm not scared.

"A band-aid? Ava, that's not necessary," He says as he pulls my band-aid off. I don't move. I don't blink. I simply glare at him. Then he turns to the other soldiers. "What a nasty coward; that man. He couldn't even face his own problems, tsk tsk."

I can't take any more.

"Samael," I say, standing up. He turns back to me.

"What is it, Junior Knight?" He asks.

This time I get in his face, up and personal. "Let's get one thing straight," I begin formally. "I don't like you," I state firmly. "But that doesn't mean I disrespect Saheim for looking up to you. I don't think you're respecting my Emperor or my friend, and I think you better stop."

Samael laughs. "Did you hear that? Did you hear that?! She disrespected me!" He says to the camera. "This chick talked back!"

I don't fight back. I've defended Saheim and Michael, there's no reason for me to engage in a useless battle of insults.

I look around, everyone is looking at me. Even a couple of police officers stopped to have a listen at what was said. I blush.

"I'm not gonna fight you," I say in a lowered voice. "There is no reason for me to insult you back, sorry to disappoint you."

I feel myself about to cry, so I walk to the firepit so I can hear anything that's said but still be hidden and cry alone.

From what I can hear, Samael is arguing with the other members. I can hear that the Claudia lady trying to get attention but failing desperately.

"Samael, you need to cool the flip down," Frank says.

"Are you kidding me?! One of my vassal's soldiers just killed himself, I can't just stand around and do nothing! We're going to have to recruit to replace him! He was a high rank, was he not?" Samael argues.

He is so disrespectful. I try to stiffle my tears but I fail and they sound like quick hiccups and sniffles. I wipe a tear from my face. Someone sits next to me and I quickly try to pull myself together. I look at who it is, I barely recognize him, but I match his face to the guy who shared the scary story the other night.

"Uh, N-Nathan, right? What's up?" I ask.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright. We could hear you crying all the way over there," Nathan tells me.

I feel my cheeks and forehead heat up. Could they really hear me?!

"You're turning red," He says.

I look away. How come he came to talk to me instead of Ania or another high rank? I look for his sash out of the corner of my eye but I realize he isn't dressed for a meeting. He's wearing a green v-neck shirt, gray beanie, and gray pajama pants with black coffins as the pattern.

"What rank are you?" He asks me.

"Um... I'm pretty sure I become a mid rank today," I say. "What about you?"

"Senior Scout," He tells me.

"A newbie huh?" I ask, wiping my face with a sigh. "Things move fast here. If you blink, you'll miss everything."

"Figured that out this morning."

"Pardon me, darlings!" A voice I'd wished didn't exist chirped happily.

"Gosh dang it," I whisper angrily.

She comes up to us, trying hard to walk on the uneven path without tripping then takes a seat across from us, the cameraman and recorder on our right.

"Can I ask you and your boyfriend here a question?" Claudia says cheerfully.

Nathan and I look at each other and scoot away quickly.

"We...we're not dating," I say.

"Is that so? Now tell me, do you know where this Samael keeps his fort at?" Claudia asks.

"Memory Grove Park!" Nathan and I say together. If Claudia checks out that place, she'll probably never leave them alone.

"They love to talk, you should check them out!" I say.

"Really now? I just might do exactly that later today. What's your name, darling?" She asks me.

"Uh... Ava Kinsley," I reply.

"Ava, did you know you have the bravery of a lion and the heart of a rabbit?" She asks.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Oh, nothing. Just make sure you keep those boys off you! Alright, we're done here, let's head back to base," She tells the crew.

On her way out, her ankle twists, not breaking her. Just her high heel. "You have got to be kidding me!" She exclaims, hobbling out.

I look at Nathan and we both laugh. What a strange woman. I scoot back over to Nathan and let my frown appear again.

"Aw, don't frown. You laughed no more than two seconds ago and your smile looked good! Be happy for me?" He asks.

I can feel my face warm up again and I look away. There's no way I think I can ever smile after today. I'm not sure a smile would look pretty.

"No, not right now," I reply.

"Aw, alright. I won't force you, then. Well, looks like everyone's clearing out. Will you be coming to the meeting?" he asks.

I shake my head. "I'd rather clear my head. Should we trade phone numbers?" I ask.

He nods and we swap numbers. Before I leave, I also get Lev's, since Ania's is grounded, I can text Lev since he is usually around her. She had her phone yesterday, I'm not quite sure why she doesn't now, but it's not my problem.

I walk out and head towards the University of Utah to find a place where I can freerun without being bothered.


I find myself using a lot more energy than I expected. My adrenaline seems to be unlimited and I do things I never thought I was strong enough to do. But I get a text so I take a break on the edge of a flat roof, dangling my feet over it.

My phone tells me it's already 3PM, which scares me. I haven't had any water, but I don't care. I don't mind ruining my body at the moment. The message is from Lev. I open it.

Lev Makari

Ava, what's up?

Ava Kinsley

Just freerunning. Why? Is something going on with the group?

Lev Makari

Yeah... Actually, Saheim had his talk with Samael, most people hated him so much they didn't come.

Ava Kinsley

Alright, and...?

Lev Makari

And... we're vassaled. Also, we're supposed to tell everyone that Michael's funeral is Sunday at 10:00 AM.

Ava Kinsley

Was that a typo? Did you forget the word 'not' in that sentence?

Lev Makari

No, we're vassaled. Saheim agreed to it.

Ava Kinsley


Lev Makari

I don't know why you guys have such a big problem with this. We're going to be totally fine.

Ava Kinsley

Samael trained with me at the park yesterday.

Lev Makari


Ava Kinsley

So I got the scar on my face because he hit me.

Lev Makari

That's not really his fault... You didn't defend yourself.

Ava Kinsley

You don't get it, do you?

Lev Makari

I don't know, but look, Samael wants to talk with you. I have his number, I'll add us to a group chat.

Ava Kinsley

I don't want to talk to Samael.

Lev Makari
Give it a chance. He wants to talk to you about what a vassal is.

Ava Kinsley

Lev, I said no.

Lev Makari has added you to a group text with 801-555-4623.


Ava, save me to your contacts.

Fine. I might as well. I save him to my contacts as Samael with the nickname The Lucifer.

Ava Kinsley

Darn you, Lev. I said no.

Lev Makari

Calm down, chick, Gosh.

The Lucifer

Ava, listen to me. Just listen, vassalage isn't as bad as it sounds.

Ava Kinsley

Why should I listen to you? You cut me. No one should have to obey someone who hurts them on purpose.

The Lucifer

I want you to understand what the vassal is. I've talked to the others and they know what it is.

Ava Kinsley

I refuse to listen to you. You treat me like a slave!

The Lucifer

Will you listen or not?

I give myself a moment to think. If I say yes, he'll simply leave me alone, won't he?

Ava Kinsley


The Lucifer

Good girl. Here is a link to how our vassalage works. Read it over and maybe then you'll change your mind on how you feel about vassalage.

A link? Are you kidding me? No. If he can't even tell me himself, I refuse to even skim through the document. I stick my phone back in my bag and continue running.

This is madness. I should've never joined the Empire in the first place. I never thought politics would interest me, but now they do. I will not allow Samael to get away with this.

As I jump down from the roof I'm sitting on, I hear that dreaded feminine voice call out from behind me.

"Yoohoo! Ava, darling, is that you? Come get a copy of our paper! You're on the front cover, girly!" Claudia trumps. " The main headline: Girl Stands Up to Her Empire's Enemy Alone!"

I stop dead in my tracks, my heart skips a beat. This is a joke. I turn around and instead of seeing her, I notice that her booth is flooded with customers of obvious high ranks, they have to be Clan enthusiasts. Some still wear their Clan uniform, even though they are off duty.

"Get tomorrow's paper early! Simply pay a small extra fee! This is a limited offer!" I hear her crew call out.

I walk up to the stand. I don't have to say anything, the crowd notices me and grows quiet. They part to let me through, whispering and pointing. I blush. They're looking at me like I'm an amazing new Apple product. What could Claudia possibly have written in that article? When I finally get to the front of the crowd, they all stare at me as if I'm about to declare a wonderful speech. Claudia grabs me in an embrace and pulls me behind her stand.

"Here she is, ladies and gentlemen, in the flesh! Ava, sweet heart, look," she hands me a paper and I grab it before she can let go.

The Weekly Clan
Girl Stands Up to Her Empire's Enemy Alone

Sept. 4th, 2015

Yesterday morning at around 7 pm, the quiet community road of 500 S was interrupted when sirens rushed through to get to the cute park known as Gilgal Sculpture Garden after a call was made about a suicide.

The death of a shy member of the clan The Empire of Ardor named Michael Brutus was reported. He had tied a rope from a weeping willow tree and hung himself there the night before. Claudia Evanston, reporter for KSL and President of the KSL Weekly Clan newspaper, reported "The members that had gathered could bring a tear to any grown man's eye! Not one member was missing to see off their friend. It was just tragic."

Howard Brutus, Michael's father, says "He was always a kind kid, never leaving anyone out and always making sure everyone felt welcome, inside and outside of the Empire." When asked about relations at home, he said "Well, my wife is usual out at work, having to earn the money. Hard times, you know. With both of us working, Michael rarely had someone at home with him."

Their neighbor, whom asked to be anonymously quoted, mentioned that "They may tell you that their family was fine, but I don't think so... Usually at night, I can hear arguing from next door. It doesn't end till someone leaves the house, I can hear the door slam and the car drive off... Howie usually has visitors over when she [referring to Howard's wife] is not home."

To add to the stress, Michael's Clan, the Empire of Ardor, has been having a serious dispute about allying with the Dark Blood Empire. The Emperor of Ardor wishes to ally, but after a unanimous vote against him, Emperor Saheim of Ardor argreed to the alliance.

The alliance being negotiated is what they call a "vassal". In other words, an Empire (in this case, Ardor) becomes a slave under a larger Empire (the Dark Blood Empire). The relationship allows the higher Empire to control trainings, raids, and alliances of the lower Empire.

Ava Kinsley, a high rank in Ardor, decided that this was not okay. "I just met you, but one thing is clear. I don't like you. I don't agree with Emperor Saheim. And you better mind your business," she told the Emperor of the Dark Blood Empire. After those words, Michael stood up to throw his uniform and sword to the ground. Many members, including Ava, followed him out.

"She [Ava] used to be such a responsible member," says Paul, Ardor's second-in-command. "She made sure she was doing everything as correctly as she could. She's our Tris Prior." Paul's reference to the popular new movie Divergent has inspired many members to see her as a public weapon. For the Dark Blood Empire, she is their target. To get an alliance, they will need to take her down.

With one member down, will the Empire stay strong? Can Ava carry the Empire to a victory along side Emperor Saheim? Or will the satanic Dark Blood Empire prevail in this quest for dominance? KSL's Weekly Clan newspaper will keep you informed.

I look up after skimming briefly through the article. All eyes were on me, quietly waiting for my reaction. I don't say a word until Claudia nudges me.

"Say something, darling..." she laughs nervously.

"How many of you own a clan?" I ask. About half the crowd raises their hand. "How many of you find this outrageous?" A few samurai-looking men lower their hands. "What Emperor Saheim has been doing is wrong, obviously. If war breaks out because of this vassalage disagreement, my friend Michael will not be the only death. This argument hurt my friend! I refuse to allow this to continue!" A few cheers erupt from the crowd and then it gets quiet again.

I'm about to continue my speech when a familiar voice calls out among the crowd. "Ava, you're wrong!" I scan the crowd to see a familiar man. It's Paul. "Emperor Saheim is only doing what he thinks is right for us! Don't you have parents? They are the same way. Shut your damn mouth and think of it from his point of view for a second! You can't just go around raising all hell for us! You're just a member, leave the big things to the leaders. Stop preaching false doctrine to the public."

The crowd parts and he walks up to me, still wearing his uniform. "Shut my mouth? I'll have you know, my dad passed away not more than a month ago! You have no right to speak to me that way!"

He laughs at me rather nastily. "I'm a higher rank than you," he grabs my arm and pins me to the glass wall of the KSL building behind us. "Not only that, but you're just a girl. What can you do? You're as skinny as a stick and your words are confused with your patriotism of your own country. I know you came from New Mexico, but Utah's clans work differently!"

"They may work differently here, but no one should be so full of grief to take their own life," I hiss.

Once again, I never see his hand move. He hits me and I'm thrown to the ground. I feel the cold drip of blood where my face hits the concrete floor. I'm outraged, I stand back up. "Hit me again! Do it! I dare you!"

He does. This time I'm prepared for it, and he hits me on my cut. It stings painfully. I knew my face wouldn't stay perfect forever. Now that it's ruined, I don't care how much more is done. "Is that all you've got?!" The crowd goes crazy. Some try to pry him off. Others argue between themselves and start fighting each other, punching and scratching their own brothers. "You coward, striking me first... You're such a coward, and this whole crowd will remember that! Are you done, coward? Will you use words now?"

He grabs the front of my dress, slamming me to the ground, but he doesn't realize his own strength. That's the last thing I remember.

Forgive me for being so absent from this project! The story line is based of a real experience that I, as an author, went through. I dont want to spoil anything, but the experience I had took a downfall. I was very upset. I lost all motivation to write. It wasn't till my boyfriend Kattyctas started writing his stories that I finally decided if he could write stories, so could I. Thanks, Katy, for giving me the motivation to keep going. I love you.

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