Running Away

By drueariellegonzales

11.3K 590 90

This is the sequel to "Destined to be Together" It all started when Bella's flight landed on London where sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Next Book!

Chapter 9

628 35 1
By drueariellegonzales

"Mwomi? Can we see Dwadi"

Those are the words I am afraid that'll come out on her mouth. That is the hardest question Renesmee could ask me. Though that wasn't from my daughter, it's from the twins.

Eleazar isn't always  home and I know what the answer is. I am terribly sorry for Carmen that she experienced it too.

Going out and going to the park with kids are fun.
Emmett makes jokes and acts like a child. All we did was laugh. I was thankful that somehow the twins forget about their father for a day.

When we came home Carmen is on her way to the door. She was from the grocery store. The twins and Renesmee we're both carried by Emmett and Jasper. And Renesmee on my arms. Rosalie and Alice by their sides. They look like a family.

Carmen and I meet at the porch. We both giggle when we heard Renesmee's cute little snores. Our enjoyment didn't last long since we heard moans and curses.

At first Carmen and I thought it was a thief so Emmett and Jasper where the first and who opened the door. They passed the twins to Rosalie and Carmen.

"" Emmett said. Jasper is still frozen from his place. I gave my bany to Alice and stood beside the two frozen 'men'.

My eyes are wide facing the kitchen. Carmen's favorite place here in the house.

I didn't knew that Carmen was with me when I get inside. I looked at her concerned. Her face is already waterfalls.

Emmett walked around and get Irina from her arms. Carmen was shaking.

"Just go upstairs in my room. You won't be able to hear anything from there" I whispered to Jasper's ear and he nodded.

Eleazar and the girl is still on the kitchen counter
doing things. Rosalie and Alice tip toed going upstairs. When we know that they had reached my room I nodded to Carmen, signaling that it's okay now to shout.

A few months later, Renesmee is growing up so fast she can now stand up on her own and walk straight. Carmen and I decided to have a long vacation away from all the memories we saw.

I never heard one bad word came out of her mouth even when she was a teen I didn't heard any. Now I know why Carmen doesn't want to be angry. When she started shouting Emmett and Jasper came downstairs and hold Eleazar. I on the hand get the blondes red dress and Eleazar's clothes. Carmen told me to burn it same with all Eleazar's clothes in their room. The blonde hair girl is shouting mean word to me. That's what I think. All she shouted is

' your husbands doesn't love you that's why I'm here!'


'you don't have the body to show your husband'

And this is what I said.

I walked straight to her and whispered to her ear.
"If that so why are we a super model?" I looked at her straight to the eye

"You're Bella Swan and Carmen Denali?" She said eyes wide looking at Eleazar in disbelief her jaw hanging down. I patted her naked back
"Make sure you know who you are messing with" I said in a sweet voice. "By the way my husband is already with another stupid blonde like you" I spat and smile sweetly then walked to the side giving Carmen the spotlight.

"Next time you should now who you will be messing with,honey." Carmen said and look at Eleazar "I'll deliver the divorce papers from my lawyer" she look at him with disgust no more love.

"I did the right thing" Carmen said with a smile on her face. After the event Carmen started her new life and burned her old clothes and replace it with new ones. She looks like in twenties like me.

"Well we need to go and do some work" Rosalie and Alice's vacation are finished same goes to my brother and Jasper.

"Bye.. Will be in Arizona for a while" I said.
Carmen and I decided to be on our home and visit our grandma's grave.
"Yeah, Bella and I decided to give the kids some sunlight" I nodded.

The truth is fifty percent of the decision is about me and Carmen. We missed the heat and the sunlight on Arizona. We remembered our childhoods there and hoping that our daughters will have a good one too.

"You do realise it's on states right?" Alice said and of course Rosalie will add "and only a few hours from forks if you take a jet. I rolled my eyes.

"Edward wouldn't know I'll be there" never once I said that we we're from Arizona and I didn't told him I have a property there.

✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉✏✉Dear Everyone,

Thanks for the votes and comments everyone!!

Special thanks to : itscoco_ , littlered1970 and rsupersmart for voting,commenting and adding my story on your reading list.

Thank you very much!

Anyway here's a new chapter for everyone hope you'll like it!


P.S please follow me
P.P.S don't forget to comment and vote!
P.P.P.S Read my other book and also do not forget to leave a comment and a vote "The love I once knew"
P.P.P.P.S Everyone!! Am I the only one who's getting crazy? I just read a news a few days ago about Rob and that _____ . I've posted something about it on my page. Hope everyone will comment and I would love to talk about it..

"My hearts is broken, it's in pieces and I don't know what to do!"

Love, Drue Arielle

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