Royals Through Time 4: The Eg...

By 4daisies

1.8K 124 6

When Gracina, a princess of Egypt, learns that the priests of her country are misleading the people for their... More

Part One- The Priest and the Princess
Part Two- Unexpected
Part Three- Meet and Greet
Part Four- Influential Enemies
Part Five- A Fork in The Path
Part Six- Fit for a Queen

Part Seven- Gracina's New Life

241 16 1
By 4daisies

The seven had gone halfway to the middle of town when the realization hit them: they didn't know where they were going. At least, the girls were. Amet seemed to know exactly where they were headed. His confidence reassured Gracina, and if she was okay with following him, so were the others. So it was that they ended up at the last place they would have gone at a time like this. The Temple of Isis in Philae. They had walked and run and sailed, but it all seemed a blur. Why a temple? Amet looked at Gracina, searching her face for recognition of the place he he had brought her. And in a moment, she did: it was the place she had found the first door to the Stone Circle. In the blink of an eye, she was off. Gracina ran through the gardens of the temple, with the others close behind. Then all at once, she stopped. There it was. The tree. And there was the keyhole. Was that there the last time? Gracina pulled her key from her headdress without another thought. Grasping each other's hands, they passed through the door....
Amet didn't gasp as he came with the Royals through the Arches. Yet, he was still in awe. Something had caught his attention. Or rather, someone. Gracina was most resplendent to him in her dress. Of course, he would love her the same in sackcloth. And in that moment, they were in agreement on that. It was there and then that the future of Gracina and Amet was decided, as Amet did what he had wished to do for a long, long time. He knelt before his Princess, and asked her to be his wife.

And she said yes.

They found enough stones to build a house with three rooms nearby the circle. Day after day, if you could call it such in a place like that, Amet worked with the other Royals to build a house. And they did build the house, with enough rooms for everyone and more. All that was left was the wedding. Charity was there on the day the house was finished. She smiled at the thought of how amazing this was, how she had gone back 8n time to save a princess, and was now standing with six people from times and places before and after her own. She was the last one to leave the Stone Circle.
Averia stepped into her own world with a smile on her face. How great was her life? Seriously! She walked aimlessly around her home, the gorgeous palace of Arabia. Everything was perfect. Except for one thing...

But that could wait for another day.

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