Fanged (Lesbian Story)

By chicago_17

52.7K 1.9K 280

When we were young our friends told us spooky stories that would keep us up at night. Those same stories our... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
New Story
Important !! (Please Read)

Chapter 16

1.2K 57 5
By chicago_17

I was sitting on the floor with my back slouched against the wall. Marie was pacing in front of me, anxiously messing with her hair. In my moment of desperation is called her, now here she was a bundle of nerves.

My thoughts kept drifting, unable to grasp one and focus on it for longer than a few seconds. I could see that Marie was talking to me, yet the words she spoke were not registering. This continued while I stared blankly into space until she finally gave up. She sat on the bed and gave me a look of pity.

Something caused her to jump in front of me protectively as I felt another presence join ours in the room. I watch as her muscles visibly relax and she steps from in front of me.

Huge hands conform themselves to my shoulders and shake me roughly. Sounds of my name being called reach my ears as if through water. A stinging sensation is felt on my cheek and I'm torn from my dream like state.

Jumping to my feet a very animalistic growl escapes my mouth. "Which of you bastereds slapped me?"

"Skye listen to me," says the all to familiar voice of Vincent.

"No you listen to me," I sneer as I grab the front of his shirt. "They have Desiree. I've done-" The ground disappears and I'm soaring through the air. My back collides with a wall and I crumple to the ground as pain racks through my body.

Vincent towers over me. "Skye if you refuse to listen to me, there is no possible way for you to retrieve her."

I remain quiet on the floor as I pant trying to regain my breath that had been knocked out of me. Taking my silence as approval he continues. "From what I've been told it is wise to believe a werewolf is behind her disappearance."

That's when things start to connect in my brain. A werewolf... She had found out about me through a werewolf. Hatred flows through my veins like poison tinting my vision red. Stalking across the room I grab my phone and unlock it before tossing it to Marie. "Trace that number."

She nods and gets to work as I turn to face Vince. "I think I know who took her."


As it turns out the number belonged to a pay phone but we were able to find out where the call was placed. With Marie at my side I sped across town to the empty phone booth outside of the train station.

I scanned the booth for any trace of Desiree's existence but found none. Quickly running to the booth inside I find a lone cashier. "Have you seen this girl?" I ask hastily showing her a picture of Des on my phone.

Her face drops as she shakes her head sadly. "No, no I haven't seen her. I'm actually just coming on duty. Are you two like cops or something?"

I nod my head as a small smirk climbs onto my lips. "Yes I'm Detective Francis and this is Detective Bernard. We are investigating a missing persons case, it is very important that we find this girl and quickly."

The young girls eyes widen and she nods eagerly. "Oh my gosh that poor girl! I know her family is worried sick. Hey Fred!" She yells calling a very skinny man over. "He worked the shift before me. Perhaps he can help you." I nod my thanks at her before turning my attention on the approaching man.

"Fred, is it?" The man gulps nervously before nodding. "Alright well I'm going to ask a few questions and your going to answer honestly. If you refuse to cooperate we can go down to the station. Understood?" He nods again. "Have you seen this girl?" I show him the picture of Des and immediately his eyes flash with recognition.

"Y-yeah they j-just caught the l-l-last t-train." He stutters.

"They? Who are they?" Marie speaks up catching that easily missed detail.

"S-she wa-was with a-a man." His eyes dart between us as his ragged breaths come out. "T-that wasn't her boyfriend, was it?"

I shake my head. "Did you get a good look at the man? Do you think you can give us a description?" He nods his head viciously and runs to the cashier counter scribbling on a receipt paper.

"Here. That's what he looked like. If you come back tomorrow the manager can show you the tapes." Marie looks over the paper and gives me a unreadable look that makes my blood run cold.

"That won't be necessary, thank you both for your help," her words are rushed and she's already moving towards the door when Fred stops us.

"Hey! One more thing! I remember him saying something about the waters edge and where it all started." Me and Marie share a look before throwing ourselves into my Audi and tearing down the street.

"I know who took her," she whispers quietly. Glancing at her silently, I shift gears and continue the trek to the highway.

The night was fast fading into day and soon we would have to stop. "There's a motel up ahead," I say through a yawn, "We'll stop there."

The only answer that comes from Marie is that of her soft snores. Pulling into the small parking lot I hop out and quickly buy the last room that was available. Scooping Marie into my arms I walk upstairs and lay her respectively on her bed before crawling into my own. Not long after do my snores join her's in a song of slumber.

When night fell once more I was woken by her shaking me. "What do you want?" I mutter into my pillow as she is relentless in her quest to waken me.

"Get up you ass wipe, we have to save Desiree." At this I roll out of bed and onto the cold tiled floor. She stares at me horrified. "Are you okay?"

Not answering the question I grab my car keys, passing them to her. "Start the car while I check us out." She nods and do as told. 5 minutes later I'm in the driver side pulling out of the lot and onto the street maneuvering expertly back to the busy highway.

Once on the open road I turned the radio down to ask the question that had been on my mind. "What did you mean when you said you knew who took her?"

She gulps and looks out the window. "He's apart of the pack. I don't know him, I just know of him. From the stories I've heard... He's a ruthless killer Skye. We have to get to her before he can finish his routine."

"And what is his routine?"

Turning her eyes on me I see how glassy they are from unshed tears. "He will rape her repeatedly and unmerciful then finally torture her to death."

My fists clench the steering wheel tighter as I press the gas harder and switch gears doing well over 100.

No way would I let some filthy mutt have his way with my Angel. It repulsed me to think that he'd probably already had his way with her. On my life when I found him I'd rip him apart piece by piece for what he'd done to her.

"Where do you think they're at?" The barley audible words seem to hang heavily in the confined air of the car.

Sighing as the memories of my past resurface I say through gritted teeth. "The island. He's taking my baby to Galveston."

This story is slowly coming to an end within the next few chapters. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for all the support you've given me, I really do appreciate it. I love you all 😊

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