Just End It | An After Mockin...

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"Peeta, just end it. Please." ♦︎♦︎♦︎ All rights go to Suzanne Collins Warning: Contains Major Spoilers Please... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Thank You

Chapter 6

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Katniss' P.O.V.

We get out for the train heading to the Capitol at around 10 in the morning. Slowly, Peeta and I make our way out of the house holding our suitcases, joining our hands together as soon as we go out the door. After a short walk, we arrive at the train station. As we walk towards our ride, my grip on Peeta's hand tightens. There is no turning back now. We are actually going to the capitol, the place where I died inside.

The train is just like the one that took us to the capitol before our games. Only now, I know that I am not heading into an arena full of people who want to kill me. I've been on trains quite a few times after coming back home to twelve. I've visited Annie in district 4 dozens of times, as well as Johanna in district 7. I've even visited my mother quite a few times before she moved back to district 12. Nevertheless, I am still fearful. I don't want to go to the capitol. Not in a million years.

I step into the vehicle hesitatingly, clutching my suitcase and Peeta's poor hand. By this point, I would have expected him to have made me let go.

The trains in the country have severely improved for the luxury of the people. However, the ones going to the capitol are still the most luxurious. The walls are covered in light grey wallpaper, looking simple against the entry rooms features. The floor is coated in a dull shade of blue. It contrasts significantly well with the electric blue couches that are placed in the middle of the room. To the side, there is a small counter with an array of treats from the custody of the capitol. Rest of the room is decorated with mirrors, a sparkling chandelier and some colourful candles.

Peeta notices my hesitation, thus he softly pulls me over to sit on the silk covered couch near the entrance. I know he's going to have a talk with me. When we sit down, I pull my hand away from Peeta's suddenly, not caring for his embrace anymore. The stubborn part of me gets the best of me, and soon I stand up and rush to a nearby maid to ask where Peeta and I's allocated room is. Soon, I am speeding for it to avoid breaking down in front of Peeta.


After, I manage to lock the door of the room, so that Peeta cant come in if he comes after me, I sit on the edge of the bed. Then, I drag myself to the middle of the bed so that at least I wont fall off when the sobs consume me. My knees pull up to my chest, my head resting on top. I whimper quietly, trying to avoid having another breakdown. But the cries soon come, echoing around the room as they slip out of my mouth. I try to avoid the accusing thoughts, however, I cant manage that for very long, either.

I break down. I cry. I scream. A waterfall of tears race down my cheeks as Peeta bangs on the door. I can't let him in. If I do, he will be too concerned about me. Well... He is.

My name is Katniss Everdeen. My name is Katniss Everdeen. My name is Katniss Everdeen...

I pull in a sharp breath. My mind is blurry. The games. The war. The aftermath. Its like they are all blurred together in my head.

I take in a deep breath, and start again.

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I am 30 years old. I went into The Hunger Games. Twice. I survived. I never won. But I survived both. After the quarter quell, they took Peeta. Tears slip down my face without my allowance. I was taken to District 13. I was the Mockingjay. I never wanted to be their leader, but they had already given that role from the start. When we got Peeta back, he was hijacked. He tried to kill me. But I didn't give up on him. Then we went into the rebellion. Prim died. She died. I whimper. I hate admitting it. But now, I'm safe. So is Peeta. We are okay. We are bent, but not broken.

I almost laugh at the fact that I still haven't recovered from all of the horrible events in my life after 13 years. Im 30 years old!

My breathing slowly turns back to normal. I wipe my face against the back of my hand, trying to clean the tears. I keep sitting for a few minutes. The longer I stay, the more guaranteed it is that I don't look like I have cried. But the whole train has probably heard me, let alone just Peeta.

I think clearing up my thoughts helped me not have another 'flashback'. But its not guaranteed. Peeta is right about us needing help.

My still shaking hand unhurriedly unlocks the door. As I slide the door open, I notice a shaken up Peeta leaning against the wall, his face buried in his hands.

"Peeta?" I let out, my voice cracking through his name. His face immediately leaves his hands and he gets up, staring at me the whole time. I slight smile appears on his face.

"Katniss... I was so worried! Are you okay? Well I know you weren't okay but... Are feeling better? You were screaming so loud and I was afraid-" I cut him off, stopping him from continuing to throw sentences at me. I was right. He is really concerned about me.

"Peeta, Im fine," I say, softly, putting on a small smile for him. After that, he stops saying anything and pulls me back into the room. He knows that it would only make me sadder if he keeps talking about what keeps happening. He picks me up carefully, then throws himself onto the bed, along with me in his arms. I giggle. The only person I giggle for nowadays is Peeta.

Peeta envelops me into his warm arms. However, I push away, and instead, I plant my lips onto his. Its like sparks fly every time we touch. He smiles into the kiss.

After what seems like forever, we pull away, completely out of breath. Then, he pulls me back into his embrace and I don't decline.

"Peeta. I love you." I turn my head to look at his eyes. His clear blue pupils look back into mine. "You know that, right?"

"I love you too, Kat."


The next morning, we have finally arrived in the capitol. After we get up, take showers, and change from the clothes we fell asleep in from yesterday, Peeta and I grab our suitcases, and head out to the main room of the train. A small buffet for breakfast has been arranged there, so we each grab a plate a sit down on a table.

"So Katniss, after we get off we will directly go to the hospital to see Dr. Aurelius in the car he's going to send to us. I think they will give us a room to stay in," Peeta explains briefly. "Is that okay?"

"Sounds good," I reply.

Just after we finish eating, the trains gradually halts to a stop. When it has fully stopped, Peeta and I and the other passengers step off the train. My gaze drifts to the skyline. It has changed so much. The buildings have gotten taller, the train station has grown. The destruction from the rebellion has been fixed.

Leaving the train station, Peeta and I walk across the sidewalk to a luxurious black car. We know that its for us because the driver is politely waving at us. Who wouldn't know who you are. You're the girl who killed half the country.

The driver welcomes us, holding the cars door for us while we get into the back seat. The driver takes then takes his place in the drivers seat and starts to drive.

The hospital wasn't that far away. It was only a ten minute ride. I kind of wished that it took longer because I was very comfortable nuzzled into Peeta's chest. When we arrived, Peeta got out of the car before the driver, holding the door for me and leading me out wish his warm hand.

"Oh, what a gentlemen!" I giggle. I peck him on the lips before he closes the door behind me.

I look up. Im at the hospital. The place I hate being in the most. Accept for the arena. I havent gone to a hospital for a while. The last time I was in one was when I broke my arm after a fall from a tree while I was hunting. I think it happened because Im getting to old to climb trees...

Smiling at us, the driver tells us where we can find Dr. Aurelius. We thank him, and slowly walk up to the building

I take in a deep breath. Here we go.


Hi anyone who is taking their time to read my story!

This chapter is deicated to MazeRunner_Everlark (Im not sure if the dedication worked but...) for commenting such nice things on my story that it made my day! Thank you so much for that, again!

Also anyone else, if you do have any suggestions, feedback, anything, feel free to tell me!


Thanks again, everyone,


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