Murder in the Dark

By Morningstars

15K 419 87

A simple game turns deadly when students are trapped at school during a lock in. One killer roams the halls... More

Murder in the Dark
Murder in the Dark 2
Murder in the Dark 3
Murder in the Dark 4
Murder in the Dark 5
Murder in the Dark 6
Murder in the Dark 7
Murder in the Dark 8
Murder in the Dark 10
Murder in the Dark 11
Murder in the Dark 12
Murder in the Dark 13
Murder in the Dark 14

Murder in the Dark 9

678 20 2
By Morningstars

I'm really sorry this took so long, but this time I actually have an excuse. I broke my finger 6 and a half weeks ago and it really caused me lots of problems. It was a bad break, and I'm still wearing a splint on it :( But now it's summer, and I should be able to update a lot more often. I tried making this update longer than normal, so I hope you enjoy it!

Sam hopped into the driver's seat and pulled out of my driveway. I fiddled around with my seatbelt, shy all of a sudden. Me being shy was like a fish being out of water. It wasn't ordinary in the least, and it kind of scared me. I kept telling myself that it was all nerves, nothing more.

"Don't worry, you'll have fun," Sam smiled at me.

"How do you know?"

"I'll make sure of it."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the smile that inched its way onto my face. All shyness or what I called nerves, evaporated, and both Sam and I went back to our normal selves, chatting about absolutely random things. My favorite topic of the car ride was Tasmanian devils. Sam believed that they were just cute animals, and that they couldn't be that dangerous when they looked like cuddly teddy bears. I on the other hand believed that the adorable little creatures could pack quite a punch. Not that I ever have seen a Tasmanian devil before, but look at the Powder Puff girls. They're cute, innocent little girls, but boy can they kick some monkey butt. Sam didn't like that example though. Idiot.

It felt like only minutes had passed by when we pulled up at the school. Once again, Sam grabbed most of my things, and he still managed to get the door.

"After you."

I snorted at Sam's attempt at being a gentleman. "You know I can carry my own stuff," I muttered.

"I know. Your point?" Sam asked, his eyes boring into mine.

I shook my head, not knowing what to say. With one last incredulous look, I walked past him and into the school, looking at the floor in embarrassment. I, Jess Wesley, was being pampered like a prissy little twit. I wondered if the world was coming to an end, or maybe pigs just decided that they were going to start flying. Whatever the case, I was quickly becoming very unhappy.

My spirits began to lift when I saw multiple tables with rather delicious looking food on them. Instinctively, I began to eye the food, hungrily.

Apparently, Sam noticed the gleam in my eyes and chuckled. "Let's put your stuff away first!" he laughed.

My cheeks began to heat up in a blush, which only angered me further. I charged forward so that Sam wouldn't be able to see it. The band room was the designated sleeping area for the girls. The faculty wasn't completely stupid; they knew that boys plus girls plus one room equals a whole shipload of naughty stuff that can't be stopped. Even with the separate rooms though, I still doubted that anyone would be doing any sleeping. All nighters are much more fun.

When we arrived at the band room, I silently grabbed my things from Sam and found a place to put them off in a forlorn corner, making sure that they were spread out, so that I would have lots of space at night. After everything was situated, I returned to where Sam was waiting for me, an amused look on his face.

"What's so funny?" I demanded.

"Would you kill me if I said you?" Sam replied.


"Nothing is funny, what are you talking about?" Sam stated, a smirk just visible on his mouth.

I punched Sam's arm, just hard enough so that it would hurt.

"Hey! What was that for?" Sam exclaimed, mock hurt written all over his face.

"You know what," I growled.

"Always so touchy."

"I am not. You're just a mega annoying butthead."

"Great insult. I'm going to remember that one," Sam smirked. "Now do you want to stand here all day insulting me or would you rather go do something fun?"

"Insulting you is fun," I retorted.

I was pleased to see Sam's smirk evaporate. "I'm sorry, but I didn't come to the lock-in just so you can insult me. Are you ready to be civil and actually do something worthwhile or should I leave you behind?"

"How about you just take me home?" I replied, hopefully.

Sam groaned and ran his hand through his hair. "You're hopeless!" he sighed.

"Thanks. It takes lots of practice, trust me!"

"You're staying at this lock-in no matter what. Wouldn't you rather make the best out of it?" Sam asked to no avail. "Krista's waiting for us," Sam added, hoping for a reaction.

It was my turn to groan. "Oh fine. But just you know, this isn't my choice. I didn't want to come here, and I'm only doing this for you and Krista. Both of you owe me big time, and I want payment!"

Sam grinned "Whatever you say." He then took my hand and began to lead me away from the band room. "Follow me."

'It's not like I have a choice,' I thought to myself, glaring daggers at our intertwined hands. I didn't like it one bit, but I decided that I'd made a big enough fuss as it was for the day. I would let the holding hands slide.

Grudgingly, I let Sam guide me through the school. A strange sense of excitement made its way through my veins. We met Krista by all of the food, which definitely raised my spirits. My stomach grumbled, and I eagerly filled up a plate with all different sorts of food, which I dug into immediately. 

"Pig," Sam laughed.

"A girl has to eat," I retorted.

"You do more than just eat."

"You're right. I also punch peoples' faces in when they annoy me. Would you like me to demonstrate?"

"No need to go all ninja on me. I was just stating a fact!"

"You can just shut your mouth!"

Sam held his hands up in defeat and laughed. "Okay you win! How am I ever going to beat that comeback? It's even better than the 'mega annoying butthead'. You're on fire today!"

"I always win," I muttered. "I'm surprised you haven't realized that already - you hang out with me enough."

"I must've just forgotten," Sam chuckled.

"What's up with all the bickering?" Krista asked, amusement clear in her eyes. "Did I miss something earlier? Because right now the two of you are acting like an old married couple."

I gasped and quickly glared at Krista. "You take that back!" I exclaimed. "I was just showing my superiority!"

Krista shook her head, a smirk still on her face. "Whatever you say."

I turned to look at Sam for backup, but he was conveniently turned away, pretending that he hadn't heard a thing. However, I knew better. "Thanks for all the help," I mumbled.

"You were doing just fine without me," Sam replied.

"Are you blushing?" I asked, flabbergasted as I saw the light pink tinge on Sam's cheeks.

"No! Why would you think that?" Sam denied quickly.

I narrowed my eyes as I studied Sam's face, but all traces of pink had disappeared.

"Are you guys almost done eating?" Krista asked.

"I'm done," Sam answered.

"Me too," I added, throwing away my empty plate.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Krista inquired.

"I've got an idea," Sam grinned and once again led the way through the school.

I followed him, curiously. On the way, we passed lots of kids hanging out. Movies were playing in most of the classrooms, but some had different activities inside.

"How do you know which activities are in which room?" I asked.

Sam held up a piece of paper. "I have a list. If you had decided earlier that you were coming, you would've gotten one too."

"Can I see that?"


Sam handed me the list and I began to glance over it. "What room are you taking us to?" I asked.


I looked for the room C132 on the list to see what we would be doing. Much to my chagrin, I learned that we were headed to a room for playing scrabble.

"You're seriously going to make me play scrabble?"

"Just wait and see," Sam replied, making me want to slap the annoying smirk off of his pretty little face. Did I just call his face pretty? My gosh, something must be wrong with me today.

We soon arrived at C132 and entered the classroom. I saw various scrabble games scattered around the room with words on them, but no one was actually playing them. Instead, everyone was in a large circle of desks.

"Have you come to join us?" a junior asked.

"What are they playing in here?" I asked Sam, "Because it sure doesn't look like scrabble."

"Truth or dare," he grinned. "They just want it to look like scrabble, because the teachers thought that truth or dare could get 'too inappropriate'. Well the joke's on them."

I smiled, mischievously. Playing a forbidden game helped to pump the blood in my veins. Not only that, but I was good at this game. My competitiveness led me to accomplish any dare, no matter how gross. "Count us in," I declared, quickly finding myself a seat.


A/N: Please comment and vote! I'm going to try something different this time. If I get five votes, I'll immediately post a new chapter if I have access to the computer. If not, I'll just take my own time to upload. I hope this is okay! Thanks again for reading, it means a lot to me!

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