Precious Dreams (Sequel to Hi...

By olipoppy

1.9K 157 13

Even love can fix a damaged, but sterling soul. More

Born Again
Blissful Euphoria
Lover Dearest
What Now?...And Wedding Vows
All Love and Doves
Morning Glory
Love Me Two Times
You're Not the One
It All Feels Right
Hearts Gone Missing
How Do You Love Me
Cocoa Butter Kisses
New Story !
You and I
The More You Ignore Me...
Sad Face
Subtract 3 From Life
One-Two, the Devils Coming for You

Us means Me

66 5 0
By olipoppy

Arabella POV

I walked to work in the rain, without an umbrella. A raincoat with a hood was good enough. After arriving at work, I later realize that I left my phone, so, I was pretty much bummed the entire day so far. 

Klaus had brought me donuts and coffee around noon. The giant glass window behind me made a cute little silhouette of me on the floor since the sun began to peep through the grey clouds but soon, it went back it. 

It was a slow day today and I wasn't up for set designing and well, basically doing my job. I sat in my chair and twirled around with a sigh. 

I heard knuckles tap on the doorframe of my office which I paid immediate attention to. I caught my dizziness and sat up. 

"Yes?" I ask to the unfamiliar face.

"You're Arabella Vliet, correct?" the woman says turning her head a bit showing off her perfect jawline if I may add. I nod with a smile. "Mind if I take a seat?"

"No, sure, sit sit,"

"I came for a job here in this studio, from the Art Institute. Well, an internship. I'm transferring to the New School next week and hopefully-"

"The New School?"

She nods. 

"I went there, great school. Sorry for interrupting,"

"No problem, but as I was saying, is there any way I can intern here? I made a portfolio that you'd like to see,"

She hands me her photography portfolio that I skim through. "You didn't have to make a portfolio," I say before looking at her.

"Well, i didn't make it for this internship, it was for college but I though it would, raise my chances of working here,"

I furrow my brows. "Who sent you?"

"Tim Gunn,"

"Tim Gunn? From Project Runway?"

She nods with a small smile. 

How the hell does she know Tim Gunn? 

"What's your name?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Paige Bosanger,"

"And how old are you Paige?"

"I'll be 20 in a few days,"

"Well, Ms. Bosanger. Welcome to studio 12. Come in tomorrow around 12. I'll show you around and teach you the basics,"

I stand up and she follows. "Thank you so much!"

"Not a problem," I smile. 

"See you tomorrow,"

I sit back into my chair and nod to myself with satisfaction. Wow. I am onto bigger and better things. I am more than sure than Tim Gunn will be calling me tomorrow, giving me some gig of some soft for fashion week. He appreciates higher authority giving chances to people who aren't so well known. 

I cannot wait to tell Chris.

Chris POV

"Babe, babe!" Bells yells walking into the door. She places her purse on the kitchen table and runs over to me on the couch. "Guess what happened today?"

"You did a photoshoot for Vogue magazine?"

"Nope, even better,"

"Better?" I smile. 

"Yes. So you know Project Runway right? Tim Gunn. Heidi Klum?"

I nod. 

"Well, guess who will be the set designer at fashion week next week?" 

My eyes go wide as I gasp in shock. "No way! That's amazing baby, I'm so proud you. How did this happen?"

"Well, Tim Gunn of Project Runway himself called me up today saying that he wanted me. Do you know what this means for me? I will be traveling from here to there every week, in the fashion world. Photographing celebrities and supermodels everyday,"

Traveling every week? That's, thats not good for me...Of course I'm more than excited for her but we'll be away from each other for weeks at a time. 

"Is everything okay?" she asks waving her hand near my face. 

I nod with a sigh.

"Uh oh, something's wrong,"

"No, nothing wrong babe. Everything is okay," I say lacing my fingers with hers. "Its just that you said you'll be traveling every week,"

She nods. "Yes, I will. But you traveling for your band didn't stop you right? You leaving me behind so you could leave your dream didn't stop you from living your dreams right? Right! So I'm not letting no guy stop me, from doing what I want to do-"

I cut her off before she finishes. "No, thats where you're wrong. I don't want you thinking that I wouldn't want you to travel and do that you do, I'm more than happy that you're doing what you've always wanted. Its just that the traveling puts a strain on our relationship-"

"So when you left to wherever you went, I never thought that since you're not here, this relationship isn't going to work. I was more than confident for our relationship. I never thought that us being apart put a strain on us, I never thought that,"

I pause. "Thats because I care-"

"Oh! So you're saying I don't care about being with you, and living with you, wanting to have a future with you, being the mother of your kids!? You think that I wouldn't want to be your wife someday?" she shakes her head looking away from me. "Chris I just want you to be happy for me-"

"Baby, I am happy for you. I'm more happy for you than you are for yourself. I just hate, more than anything, being away from you. I don't like being miles and miles away from the love of my life,"

"I hate it too. We just have to get over it. You know that you have me, forever,"

"Okay," I say in defeat. I kiss her forehead. "I love you, future wife,"

"I love you too, future husband," 

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