Once upon a time (Edit in pro...

By CharmOwl27114

573 57 12

Sheena's life was great, she has friends that anybody would die for! She was popular, or the said "queen bee"... More

Once upon a time.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 (part 1)

Chapter 11

7 2 1
By CharmOwl27114

I AM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING IN A LONG TIME! I was vacationing in Singapore for a month and a half then a week in Malaysia, then when I returned to the Philippines our Internet was going whacko! School started (junior year) im inky writing this because im absent for the day... (im sick) so.. Sorry for the long wait. But here it issssss... FINALLY!


CHAPTER 11 (italics = *)

I felt groggy and I had a massive headache, yet all I think about was if someone (who is of importance to me) hit?

"Josh?" I asked wincing as the pain on my head intensified.

"Yes?" Came his muffled reply. His head was resting on an extra pillow and his hand was gently placed in mine.

It's déjà vu all over again. Hospital, hand in hand, Josh...

"What happened?" I asked. A sense of uncertainty fell over me, where are my parents?

"You were shot, the bullet hit your bulletproof vest and the impact made you stumble and hit your head on the railing of the stairs."He explained.

"My parents?" He seemed to hesitate which only made me freak out even more.

"Josh. Tell me where mom and dad are!"I panicked, he held me down while I thrashed in his grip.

"Just tell me!" I yelled. He quickly pressed a button by my bed and moments later a nurse came bustling in.

"No! My parents! Where are they?!" The nurse looked at me in pity.

"Tell me!" I growled, she grabbed my arm and injected something, immediately making me woozy.

"Where-where a-are m-"I exhaled, relaxing.


"Hello love." My mom said, standing in our garden.

Wait. Our garden? Why are we here? Weren't we at the hospital?

"I want you to listen." She said soothingly. I tried to walk to her but an invisible barrier separated us.

I punched the wall, kicked it with all my might but nothing.

"Calm down." She whispered. Looking at me lovingly.

"What's happening?"

"I don't have much time sheena. I'm only here to tell you not to do anything irrational."


"No buts." She cut in, her voice stern and commanding.(in a good way)

"Take care of your father. Protect him." She started to fade, as If her form is being carried by the wind.

"I love you darling." She said. Flowers, and not just any flowers; daisies. Started to blow her direction.

And she was gone.


"MOM!" I screamed.

I jumped out of bed before anyone can stop me and rushed out he door, running to the emergency wards.

I ignored the pounding headache. I ignored the stares and I ignored the feeling of wanting to faint.

"Dad!" I called. My father was sobbing helplessly on by the floor by the door of the emergency operation room, his head in his hands.

"Dad!" I called again, sinking down on the floor beside him and engulfing him in a hug.

"You-you're mother." He muttered, confirming my suspicions.

A doctor came out, looking gravely at us.

"You can see her."

I can't. I might not be able to do it. But I entered the room anyway. Where my mothers body lay on a table, covered in white cloth.

"Mom." I choked. Lifting up the cloth to see her beautiful and pale face.

I broke down into sobs, clutching her dead and lifeless body.

"No!" I bellowed, tears streaming down my face.

Someone tugged my shirt. Hands grasped my waist and pulled me back but I didn't budge.

"Sheena." He sighed.

"Let me go."


"Stop it! Let me go."

"She's gone." He whispered.

"No! Josh! I said let me go!" I snarled.

He complied and stood by my other and more professional guards.

Time passed. I didn't know how long I just held my mom's dead body and sobbed for all I was worth, I didn't know how long dad just stood there in shock, silent tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

My mother meant the world to me. She cared and loved me more than anyone has. She loved me as any mother would have love their daughter; if not more.


There was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Sheena." He sighed, "Please open up."

"Sheena isn't here." I muttered.

"Don't be so childish."

"My mom is dead."

He sighed,"I know."

"And it's all my fault."I whispered.

"No it's not-- please open the door."he pleaded, knocking on my tightly locked door.

I stood up, walking over to the door. When I opened it Josh stood there, looking worriedly down at me.

"It IS my fault. I could have just given myself up! She couldn't have died! She could have lived--"

"And suffer in grief? Knowing that her only daughter was kidnapped?" He retorted.

He grabbed me gently by the wrist,"Stop blaming yourself, love." He whispered.

I shook my head indignantly.

"Why don't we do something fun huh? Why don't we go on a date?" He asked.

I sighed,"No.."

"I won't take no for an answer." He sung in a weird tone.

"Fine. I won't go with you."

"I thought I said I won't take no for an answer?"

"I didn't say NO I said I WON'T. There's a difference."

"We'll you don't have a choice."

"My mother just died yesterday and you expect me to go on a date with you? Are you stupid." I snapped. He ran a hand through his hair, "I want to cheer you up. I'm sure your mom wouldn't like it if you just sulk in you room all day."

"You don't know her as well as me."

"I know her enough to know that she would want her daughter to be happy."



"Sure." I answered nonchalantly.

"Wear something warm."

It's kind of weird, going on a date when your mothers funeral is days from now.

An hour later I was dressed in a green tank top, black jacket some jeans and green flats.

"Are you ready?" Josh asked from the other side of the door.


He was wearing a green shirt and a black jacket like me.

"We'll what do you know, we match." He chirped.

"Why are you so damn happy?!"

"Because I need to be happy for your sake."


"If we were both sad then what kind of first date this would be?" He answered, leading me further into my room.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to the roof, duh."

"What are we doing there?"I asked.

"Going on our date." He whispered; suddenly lifting me off my feet and swinging me on his shoulder. I tried to turn but he wouldn't let me.

"Ah ah. It's going to be a surprise." He said climbing up the ladder without dropping me.

When he finally did he covered my eyes and pushed me towards somewhere.

"If you push me off the roof I'm going to kill you." I said, biting my lip.

"I'm not going to kill you princess."I ignored the nickname and sighed impatiently.

"Alright! I'm taking my hands off. Jeez you're so impatient." He chuckled, and his hands disappeared, to say I was shocked was an understatement.

There in the middle of the roof laid a blanked, and a small table that was surrounded by pillows, there was a candle in the middle of the Japanese style table.

My mouth hung open, gaping at the sight before me, had he truly prepared all this?

"You like it?"

I shook my head no.

"Love it?" I replied by attacking him then wrapping my arms carelessly around his neck and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"I'm glad that you love it." He said, leading me toward the blanket.

"What's this bell for?" I asked picking up golden bell which was on the side of the table.

"For this." He said grabbing it then shaking it.

I nearly screamed when suddenly a trap door opened where a beaming Carly was carrying two trays of food.

"He made it." She whispered before drifting away back to the trap door which I hadn't known about.

"That's your mom and dads study." He said, giving me a sad smile at the word 'mom'


"Let's eat." He said, cutting me a piece of steak and putting it on my plate along with some green peas. As soon as I took a bite I moaned.

"mmm! This is good. When did you learn how to cook?"

"During freshman to junior year. Home economics class and a few extra cooking lessons." He shrugged.

"Your amazing!" I said taking another bite of my steak.

"So I've been told." He said taking a swig of the wine Carly had left us.

"Your so modest." I replied shaking my head in mock indignation.

"But you love me anyway." He winked.

"I love your steak."

"That's all you love?"

"Yeah. I'm going to marry your steak in the future. Then live near a beach house with it." He doubled over, laughing at the statement I just made.

"What makes you think I'm going to give you and my steak my blessing?"

"Because if you don't, I'll throw you in the ocean."

"Not of I throw you first." He retorted.

After we have finished he rang the bell again and Carly appeared, taking the used plates and trays with her then replacing it with another tray, which held dessert.

"I think this is a slice of heaven." I said once I had taken two bites of his homemade chocolate truffle.

"I think I put Nutella in there somewhere..." He said. His eyes raking from the fork I was holding to the slice of cake, then to my happy face, then back to the cake.

"There's more in the fridge if you want to eat more later or tomorrow."

I did a fist pump to which he chuckles slightly.

As soon as I was done eating my (very yummy) dessert he called Carly again then moved the table off the blanket. Revealing a stereo under it.

"May I have this extraordinary pleasure of dancing with a very beautiful and extraordinary girl?" He said, offering his hand.

I took it. Smiling like a madman while saying,"Yes you may."

He pressed play then wound his arms around my lower waist, while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

We both started to sway gently to the intro. It was a song I was familiar with.

He slowly leant his head towards mine, his mouth was near my ear and he was whispering the lyrics in smooth and dulcet tones.

**When you try your best but you don't succeed.

When you get what you want but not what you need.

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep.

Stuck in reverse...

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace.

When you love someone but it goes to waste.

Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home.

And ignite your bones.

And I will try to fix you.

When high up above or down below.

When your too in love To let it go.

But when you never try you'd never know.

Lights will guide you home.

And ignite your bones.

And I will try to fix you.**

We continued to sway to the music, but this time I was already silently crying. Tears of sadness because I had lost my mom; tears of joy because he was such a sweet and thoughtful guy.

**Tears stream across your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face


Tears stream down your face..

Ah ah ahhhhh

Light will guide you home.

And ignite your bones and I will try to fix you.**

"I love.." I started uncertain.. What was I going to say. He pulled back to look at my eyes.

"I really love this song and the food..." I said, there was a flash of disappointment in his eyes but it quickly disappeared.

"It's alright..." He said, smirking down at me. I know what his words meant, he didn't mean; the date was alright. He was discreetly saying that its alright, I don't have to say those three big words now.

My eyes wandered down to his lips, and when I looked back he was looking at mine too. He leant down and I reached up on my tiptoes. Our lips brushed for a moment; he was smiling against my lips.

"I think I'm falling really hard for you." He whispered, before crashing his soft lips down on mine completely; preventing me from answering.

Our lips moved in sync, we fit perfectly together and I licked his bottom lip. He opened up and we fought for dominance. He won though.

"Why don't we go stargazing." He offered.

"We do that all the time."

"That's why we should do it. It's kind of a ritual for us now."

"It's our thing." I agreed, lacing his fingers with mine.

We laid down on the blanket next to each other, looking at the stars.

"Look. A shooting star." He whispered. I closed my eyes to wish.

*'I wish in the end we could catch Alex without anyone getting hurt again.'*

When I opened my eyes Josh was staring at me.

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asked, completely out of the blue.

"Er.. Sure."

"Favorite color?" He asked. Well that was a dumb question.

"Let me see... My sheets are green, my pillows are green, my phone's casing is green.. Most of my clothes are green.. So my favorite color is *Blue!" I laughed.

"It's green isn't it?"

"Thank you captain obvious." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome lieutenant sarcasm." He replied.

"You seriously didn't know my favorite color?" I asked.

"I did. But I don't think it will be good if I started with the more personal questions."

"Right. My turn!" I chirped, "how many relationships--including the non serious ones have you been in?"

"Five.. Six if it includes this." He gestured towards our selves.


"I have the same question as you." He said.

"About four, including us."

"Alright... Shoot your next question."

"Have you ever got drunk?"

"Oh yeah, loads of times.. Since I was sixteen I think." He chuckled.

My eyes widened, "But that's illegal!"

"I never said I followed the rules just because my father is a cop." He winked. I stared at him wide eyed, mouth hanging open.

"I have the same question." He mimicked.

"Once.. I was dared to do it! it was during the start of this year!"

"And you accuse me of doing something illegal."

I stuck out my tongue.

We fired question after question at each other and I found myself starting to drift off.. Until I fell asleep.


SORRY IT'S SHORT. BUT SCHOOL FIRST RIGHT? I love you all. I'm uploading the next chapter soon. Comment and vote.. VOMMENT. Or COMMOTE! :)

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