Protector (The Ames Sisters B...

By WereGirl007

108K 1.7K 49

My name is Devin Ames and I am one of the three werewolves that is actually a witch. The other two, are my li... More



5K 284 18
By WereGirl007

"I don't think this is fun!" I laughed at Mark's serious tone as we all piled onto the roller coaster.

"You haven't tried it yet." I told him as he sat next to me. We were at Cony Island and about to ride Cyclone and he was large but fit in the cars just enough so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. We were locked in place and I noticed his tight grip on the bar in front of us and I smiled. "We won't die." I told him and he looked over and down at me.

"Very reassuring."

"Oh is the big bad enforcer scared of an amusement park ride?" I asked as we started moving and he growled and sent me a fake glare, I knew I was fake because when we started climbing the first hill he gulped and his eyes flashed.

I took his hand in mine not missing the slight squeeze when he looked over at me as I faced forward. Once we were going fast his hand tightened on mine and I smiled as he started cursing.

"That wasn't so bad was it?" I asked him once it was all over and he shook his head before helping me out of the car. "Good, now lets go on another one." I stated and pulled his arm as my sisters said something about getting their pictures.

"You know, I never knew the appeal of these things." He said as we kept walking.

"What? Rides?"

"Amusement parks." He clarified and I turned to look at him. "We never went as kids... we were too vulnerable or hard to keep track of." He said with a shrug and I gave him a sad smile.

"Every month after we went camping we would come here, mainly because my parents felt bad for leaving us in a tent in the woods but the other part was that they were scared that we would never have any other memories besides them when we were older." I said and smiled as we came to stop in front of the ride we were going on next.

"What does this one do?" He asked and I smiled. "Electro Spin? What, we sit down and it spins us really fast?" He asked and my smile moved to a smirk as we waited in line. We were the last two on and he was buckled in before me and he looked confused. "We don't sit down do we?" He asked and I shook my head.

He screamed on that ride.

We went on the Thunderbolt and he got angry that it went upside down because he almost lost his phone. Then we went on Wild River, and then The Steeplechase before getting something to eat.

"So, what is your favorite ride?" He asked after we finished eating and I smiled.

"It's actually a simple one. The swings that go up high." I said and saw it going up as it spun as I told him.

Well then, lets go." He said and tugged my hand as my sisters waved us on. "Why is this one your favorite?" He asked as we waited in line and I smiled.

"Because this ride sort of made my parents fight over me. They both always wanted to go with me and then when I tried to pacify it they would just tell me that it was unfair. Being the oldest they didn't fight over me much, but it was always this ride that got them to show their love in a way they normally didn't." I shrugged knowing it sounded silly.

"Did you ever have to choose who went with you?"

"No, they eventually let one or the other go. But the argument lasted until we gave our tickets up."

"Has anyone ever been flung off of these things?" He asked as we walked through and went towards the open couple swing set.

"Not that I know of." I told him pulling the bar up and ducking under before sitting down on the outside and smiling at him as he pulled it way up higher and repeated my actions before clipping himself in and then using his weight to check the chain.

"Ma'am do you mind taking off your sandals just in case?" The woman asked looking down at my feet and I smiled before taking them off and moving as she moved on to check everyone else to put them under my butt so they really wouldn't fall.

"This one is really just going around and around, not even too fast." I told him when we started rising a bit and the bottom went down and we started moving.

"I got that from watching, and this is your favorite?" He asked looking back at me and I nodded as we picked up speed and my hair was pushed back. His arm moved to the back of our chairs and his other caught my hand and he played with my fingers while we were on the ride.

Once the ride was done he and I kept very close just walking around the concession stands before actually going down to the beach and sitting in the sun. "Are you having fun Mr. Jacobs?" I rolled my eyes at Aurora's teasing tone before looking towards Mark who had a smile on his face still.

"I am, what about you two? Have enough candy to eat?" He asked and I laughed and then covered my mouth when Ivory gasped.

"You should have tried the deep fried Oreos." Aurora told him and then brought her hands from behind her back and tossed me the cotton candy and I smiled.

"Thanks." I opened the plastic and pulled out a chunk and stuffed it in my mouth and smiled as it melted away. "Want some?" I asked Mark and he shook his head. "Yes you do, go on take some." I told him before he smiled and shook his head before taking a bit and putting it in his mouth.

"You guys aren't going to go on the Ferris Wheel at 10 when they blow off the fireworks are you?" A asked and gagged and I laughed.

"It's Monday, even if we did go they would not have fire works." I told her and ate my cotton candy. "Go play in the water or sit down, you are going to give me a funny tan line." I said noticing how their heads were only cast shade on parts of my legs.

"You want to go in the water?" Ivory asked but didn't wait for an answer as she pulled Aurora along.

"How old are they?" Mark asked from my side and I looked at them.

"I'm 25, A is 23, and Ivory is 21." I stated and watched as Ivory jumped onto Aurora's back as they got knee deep and sent them both into the water.

"And how long ago did your parents die?" He asked softly and I swallowed.

"Three years ago."

"On your graduation day?"

"Yep. They were going to catch a cab to the graduation and meet up with A and Ivory but instead we got the call, I missed walking the stage and a week later I got the diploma in the mail." I said and watched my sisters play in the water.

"They were both underage, how did you all stay together?" Mark asked and I knew that he just wanted to get to know me and I get that this was the hard stuff and he probably wanted to get this over with, and thinking about it some more, I did too.

"I had a job right of being the top student and even be the youngest to graduate but also my parents had it worked out that any money would go to paying off the house and then to us. I had a job, Aurora was already 19 and turning 20 the next month so she was seen as an adult, so really I only gained custody of Ivory. She was going to start her last year of high school and then off to college too." I said and watched them take turns pushing each others head down under water as they got farther out.

"I'm sorry that you went through all that." He whispered and grabbed my hand before scooting closer and then wrapping one arm around my waist and rubbed there slightly.

"What about your family? What are your parents like?" I asked leaning on his shoulder but he sighed.

"My dad wasn't royal, he grew up on a farm in Montana and he didn't come from any Alpha line or even a Beta, so it was a chance that he ran into my mother. They were happy in love, ruled fairly, and once my brother found his mate they went back to my dad's family farm in Montana. My brother is 4 years younger than me and my sister is 6 years younger."

"And what does your sister do?"

"She's uh- when our brother found his mate she kind of was so happy to not be the one to be queen that she moved away and only contacts us on birthdays, Christmas, and any big thing. She hasn't found her mate yet, unless we don't know about him." He shrugged and I turned my face up to look him in the eye.

"Wouldn't she call you if she did?" I asked knowing that my sisters would call me if they broke their favorite heel.

"She thinks that I am all that is wrong with our world. Being an enforcer. She calls to be nice."

"Is she like a hippy werewolf? If everyone is equal no one would have a problem?" I asked him and he laughed lightly but nodded.

"Something like that. She doesn't keep in contact and last I heard she was living in Seattle. But I know she doesn't stay anywhere too long." I nibbled my lip and leaned my head on his chest and he kissed the top of it.

"And your brother? What is he like?"

"You think I was a pompous ass I can't wait until you meet him." He laughed lightly and moved his thumb in strokes on my side where his hand was still.

"Oh really? And his mate? And daughter?"

"Well his mate is a quiet girl. Each time I see her she nods her answers, or let's my brother talk for her. She has a lot of nasty stuff in her past, I know that much, and their daughter is the rebel princess. She tried to run away because she doesn't want to be queen, taking after Raven." He sighed and I laughed lightly.

"Did you want to be king?" I asked as an after thought and that really made him laugh.

"No, hell no. I never liked the thought of telling people what to do... I was more of a go and do something kind of kid." He told me and I laughed and pulled away and looked over his face. "What?"

"What are you doing in New York? Aren't wolves supposed to be in love with the mid west?" I asked knowing that my parents were from Oklahoma.

"Being an Enforcer I go where I am needed. Recently it was to help get a hybrid back to her mate, who was an ex-Enforcer. Then I was locked up when I confessed to the accidental explosion. And then I met you." He shrugged and looked over my face.

"What's a hybrid? A witch and werewolf?" I asked hoping there were more of us so the myth would be even more untrue.

"No, Vampire and Werewolf." He said and I sighed. "Why?"

"Just hoped there were more of us out there you know?" I said and he narrowed his eyes.

"You mentioned a myth before, what myth?" He asked and I sighed and turned to him so we were face to face.

"When I accidently set a fire with my powers in a library I took my sisters to a witch. She was acting so amazed and enamored and I was getting a weird vibe or just feeling."

"And she told you about some myth and you don't think it is true do you?" He asked before I could continue and I nodded. "So what is it?"

"Once one finds her mate the other two will as well. When the dead rise, one sister will fall." I said and licked my lips before shaking my head. "The witch tried to explain that it was a sacrifice for peace type of thing." I said and shook my head again and l looked over when I heard a squeal and saw Ivory running towards me while Aurora threw some seaweed at her running figure.

"Devin make her stop." Ivory cried moving to sit behind me and get me all wet as well.

"A, we both know she will get a rash if you actually touch her with that and I won't be the one putting anti itch cream on her." I called out and Aurora sighed and left the seaweed where it was.

"Can we go home now? I am ready to take a shower, nap for an hour and then hit the bar." Aurora said falling to the sand and I rolled my eyes.

"Can I come with you?" Ivory asked making both Aurora and I's head whip around to look at her. "What? I am 21 now, maybe I want to have a little fun." She said and crossed her arms and I looked to Aurora who just shrugged at me and then nodded. "Good."

"Shall we go then?" Mark asked and I looked over to him and smiled before he helped me up. We walked through the amusement park, to the parking lot and into the tunnel so we could get on the train back into the city.

We walked home instead of wait 20 minutes for the bus and only 5 block ride. Once we were there A and Ivory had a shoving fest all the way up the stairs while I kept telling them to knock it off. Mark had followed me into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him and he loomed over the counter as I got myself some water.

"No, I'm fine." He smiled and I almost let myself stop breathing. "Do you plan on going out with your sisters?" He asked almost like he had to force himself to and I shook my head.

"I don't like going to bars unless I really need a drink." I told him and hopped up on the counter. He walked closer and put his hands on either side of my legs and his gaze made me flush.

"Then what were you planning on doing?" He asked almost whispering.

"I don't know... do you have anything planned?" I asked him and he smirked almost.

"No, I don't have anything planned."

"Good, we can just stay in then." I told him and bit my lip wondering if I was assuming too much.

"Are you a movies kind of girl or a TV series?" He asked me and I smiled.

"TV series." I told him and he smiled.

"Which one?"

"CSI Miami." I said and he smiled.

"Cop series. You know, I do have a badge." He said and I laughed and then licked my lips.

"I like it for the mystery, not the men in uniform." I said and he backed up slightly and I hopped off the counter before walking towards the living room and sitting cross-legged on the couch. "Come on." I said slapping the side of me as Mark leaned on the doorway.

He came over and sat down and I started playing where I left off, which thankfully wasn't an episode that ended on a cliffhanger.

"Alright, we are going... awe, you guys look so cute." Aurora stopped and then waved Ivory over and they both cooed.

"Alright, stop with the 'aww' it is annoying." I said getting up and giving her a hug. "Watch over her." I whispered to her seeing Ivory messing with her lipstick. "Have fun. Be careful, and if you need a ride call me." I said hugging Ivory now before walking them to the front door.

"You sure you don't want to do with them?" Mark asked as I walked back in to sit with him.

"I am very sure." I said and laughed. "Aurora always gets me way too drunk and I have to do some work tomorrow before going in on Wednesday." I said and he just looked over my face. "What?"

"Nothing, you sort of just sounded excited to go to work." He said and I nodded and smiled. "Why did you want to be a lawyer?"

"I have always liked the thought of helping the innocent and I don't think I could ever shoot a gun so that cancels out being a cop." I said and pulled my legs up but he caught my ankle and pulled so they were on his lap.

"And you sad something about being youngest in your class? When did you graduate high school?"

"I graduated when I was 15, went to college, and then right into Law School." I said and he smiled. "What about you, what kind of schooling did you have?"

"Well I went to human high school, a private school though, then I was being prepped to be king and then Lewis found Stephanie and he took over and I waited about two months so he wasn't alone in the palace before going to boot camp."

"When you say palace I keep imagining a stone castle with a draw bridge... or like a huge mansion." I said and he laughed.

"Its huge, it's the palace of the werewolves but it is basically a huge mansion. About 400 rooms, but they fit about 4 guys each room." He said and I still couldn't imagine it. "I'll take you there one day." He told me and I just smiled.

"Where is it?"

"Oklahoma." I blinked and opened my mouth but closed it. "What?"

"That is where my parents were from." I said and he looked over my face. "Is that the only pack in Oklahoma?"

"Yeah, that's why it's so big." He told me and I looked down at my hands. "Did either of them have siblings or parents do you know?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I knew they were going to see my dad's parents when they left before coming back. But I don't know their names, we never met anyone and they didn't talk about them that much." He gave me a small smile and I sighed. "I don't even know their names." I said as an after thought and started playing with my nails.

His hands came around my waist and I looked up to his face as he lifted me until I was straddling his lap and my head on his chest. "I'll help find them." He told me and I just relaxed into his chest as his hands rubbed up and down my back.



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