My Boyfriend's Best Friend

By kimpyvon

517K 9.6K 1.3K

Alexis Reed, a certified good girl. Her parents died when she was sixteen years old and so, making her boyfri... More

My Boyfriend's Best Friend
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 25

9K 234 32
By kimpyvon

* Alexis Reed *

I was sitting there, stunned.

My phone is ringing and I couldn't move.

I honestly couldn't...




I'm such a horrible person.

I hugged my knees and cried..

How disgusting can I be?

I sat there bawling. There's no use crying now...

What's done is done.

I feel so dirty after what Carson did to me.

I hated myself for not stopping it when I could've.

"You okay?"

His voice made me sigh in relief.

I lifted my head, letting the tears fall and saw him.


He kneeled infront of me, taking hold of my face and brushing my tears with his thumb.

"Darren.... I'm disgusting. I'm a disgusting bitch." I sobbed.

Instead of interrogating me about it, he hugged me.

He rubbed my back and I let it all out.

"You're not a disgusting bitch.." He says, his voice so comforting.

"I am! I slept with Carson!" My lip quivered as I said that sentence.

I slept with Carson...

I said it infront of Darren--

How disgusting can I be?

Instead of yelling at me and walking away, he pulled away from the hug, leaning on the wall beside me.

"Tell me what exactly happened." He says.

"Y-You're not mad at me?" I asked, sobbing.

"I'm not. I mean, I'm not your boyfriend anyway and besides, it can't be helped if you still have feelings for him." He shrugged.

"I-I don't know if I still do. It's just that.. he told me about this place where we used to do naughty things--"

"Ahem." Darren interrupted, his face blushing crimson.

"What?" I asked, blushing as well.

"I was the one who you used to do naughty things with in this place.." He shyly replied.

I gaped at him, my mouth shaped like an "O".

"What? I forgot so much? To think all along it was Carson then--"

"Goodness, Alexis. I can't believe you forgot our first time together." He sighed, facepalming himself.

"Y-You're my first time??" I asked, blushing so much. "Then that means you--"

"Yes, Alexis. I saw everything." He teasingly smirked.

My first time is in the darkest hallway of the school?

Well, that's something.

"W-What? Then...? Your first kiss when you were fourteen is--"

"You." Darren finished for me. "I wish you remembered everything." He chuckled.

"Then that means I... you..."

"Yes, I'm also your first kiss and first time. Gee, get over it." Darren says, rolling his eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.


Why are my tears falling?

"Hey! I didn't make you cry! It was... hey!!" He panicked.

I couldn't stop myself so I laughed.


Why do I feel relieved?

Why do I feel comfort?

Why do I feel... safe?

"Oh, and now you're laughing? Gee, Alexis. You scared the hell out of me." He pouted.

"I'm s-sorry... It's just too much to take in--" I chuckled to myself.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed.

Is he tired?

Maybe he's tired of me--

I mean-- I forgot our memories together.

I shouldn't have--


"Where are we going?" Alexis chuckled as I pulled her beside me.

"Shhhh! You're so noisy." I snickered.

"S-Sorry." Alexis says, shutting up.


I grinned at her innocent face as I dragged her to the darkest part of the hallway.


"Here we are." I chuckled.

"Huh? It's just an empty hallway. What's so special about this place--"


I cut her off by pinning her on the wall and kissing her.

It was our first kiss.

Innocent and gentle. Nothing more.


"Y-You!! My f-first kiss--" She stuttered.

"I-I'm sorry-- I got carried away--"


I was cut off by her kissing me once more.


"T-That's our second kiss..." She stammered on the right words.


I blushed and she did too.

After that, we laughed.

It's been our secret place since then.

We'd skip a few classes- I know it's bad but we usually skip only on Fridays where the teachers are not so mindful of their surroundings for some reason I don't know.

We would hide here in our special place where we share special kisses.



"I'm sorry." I apologized faintly.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have been too trusting." He sighed.

"Well, I'm doing the best I can to remember everything." I smiled at him, squeezing his hand.

"I know you are. I just wish you remember me." He smiled back, squeezing my hand as well.

My heart fluttered and he closed his eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me.

It was a gentle one-- Soft, slow and serene.

The kiss itself, seems pure and innocent- No sexual desires hidden in it.

He pulled away after a mere ten seconds.

I wanted more but I don't even have the right to ask for more.

I smiled and he nudged my arm playfully.

"Wanna go home? I think your head needs a lot to take in after today." He smiled.

"Yeah, I think I should." I smiled back sheepishly.

Darren nods his head, holding my hand and we exit this place.

I hopped on his car and leaned back, slumping down my shoulders.

I forgot all about Carson-- what we did when Darren came along.

It was as if- Darren cleared my mind for me...

He's my secret drug- Darren makes me happy.

The trip was silent, no interruptions but the atmosphere seems good.

When we reached Eve's neighborhood, he pulled over the car to a stop.

He turned to face me and I did too.

He leaned in and I was expecting him to kiss me on the lips but he didn't.

I caught him faintly smiling, our lips are near but we didn't kiss.

Instead, he kissed me softly on the cheek.

I smiled and got off his car, waving my goodbyes.

He waved as well and his vehicle zoomed away.

I caught myself sheepishly smiling to myself when I remember Darren's sweet and wholesome gestures.

I rang the doorbell feeling extremely glad about the events that happened today....

Of course, pushing aside the Carson thing. I don't want to remember that ever again.

The door opened and Cathy answered it, a frown drawn on her face.

"Is.. is something wrong?" I asked her.

"It's Eve. Her date with Danny is like.. twenty minutes tops and a movie is worth an hour and a half. When she got home, her eyes are all puffy and she's a complete mess! She didn't even bother going out of her room for lunch and look at the time- It's almost dinner and yet I haven't seen her go out of her room." Cathy panics.

"That's awfully strange. Eve gets hungry easily." I replied.

"Exactly my point! I don't know what to do! I tried knocking on her door several times but she won't budge." Cathy sighed in frustration.

"Don't worry, Cathy. I'll go talk to her." I say, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Alexis." She replied. "I still got to fix your dinner."

"I don't think I'm having any tonight."

"You sure?" Cathy inquired.

I nodded my head in affirmation.

"Well, okay then."

I smiled at her and went straight to Eve's room-- which is also my room.

"I'm back!" I cheerfully say, closing the door behind me.

The reason for me being cheerful is because I want Eve to atleast laugh or smile.

But she didn't.

She's sitting on her bed with boxes of tissues on her lap, crumpled tissues surrounding her. A sad song playing in the radio.

I saw the boxes of tissues she consumed for the past few hours and it ain't pretty.

All I see is white stuff all over the place.

She's still sobbing and not minding my presence and I get that.

I sat beside her.

"I slept with Carson." I suddenly blurted out.

"You what?" She eyed on me, confused.

"Thank God you spoke." I say.

"Did you just say that to make me reply?" She queried.

I shook my head in response.

"Shit. You really slept with him!? Why?!?" She asked, surprised.

"Believe it or not, we did it in school. (Shudders) And believe it or not, he's not attacking me either. I just.. I gave in--"

"You what?! How many times have I told you Carson is not worth your love, Alexis." She cut me off, frantically raising her hands in the air.

"Well, in the bright side, Darren came and I discovered Darren's my first kiss and first time. Gosh, I can't believe my first time with him happened in school." I shivered in disgust.

Was I like that before?

Doing that in random places like it's nothing?

"It's not his fault. He opposed to it but he seduced him, you bitch." Eve chuckled.

"I did?" I gawked.

"Yeah. You showed him your sexy lingerie. Poor him. You attacked him!" Eve snorted.

"I-- I did?"

Eve nodded her head.

I blushed crimson and looked away.

"Well, enough about me- What happened to you?" I chuckled.

Then she bursted into tears.

"Danny broke up with me." She bawled.

"He did??" I gaped.

I know Danny wouldn't do such a thing.

"He what?! Why?" I asked her.

"He didn't technically say it but I feel it." Eve explained, blowing her nose in a tissue.

"Then he didn't break up with you, Eve. You must've misunderstood each other--"

"But he wouldn't touch me. He avoided my kisses! Even if he doesn't tell me that's how a guy who wants to break up would react. He didn't even follow me outside when I ran. He doesn't care!" She sobbed.

I hugged her, rubbing her back tenderly.

"You've come to conclusions without listening to his reason. I know he has an explanation for that. You should talk to him and clear it out with him--"

"I don't want to! It would hurt me more if I hear the words 'Let's break up' or something like 'I don't love you anymore' coming straight from his mouth." Eve cried out.

Her eyes and nose are all red. Her face is red because of all the crying.

"I'll go talk to him." I stated.

"No!! I don't want to know it-"

"What? You're just gonna sit here and cry all the time. You don't even know what his intentions are." I spat.

"Well, but--"

"Nu uh. Your best friend is not going to allow that to happen. Whether it hurts or not, you have to know what he thinks." I say, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Maybe you're right... I should know what he thinks." Eve sighed.

"Exactly! So what do you say let's go there right now and talk his ass over--"


"Go on. Answer it." Eve smiles fainty.

"Sorry." I say, reaching out my cellphone from my back pocket.


Danny Castillo

"He's calling." I say, holding the ringing phone on my hand.

"Who? Danny?" Eve asked in wide eyes.

I nodded my head and she buried her face on both of her hands.

"Put it on loud speaker." She says softly.

"Okay." I replied, answering the call.

Me: "Hello?"

"Hey, it's me... Danny. Um--"

"Oh yeah, you got a lot explaining to do!" I angrily say on the other line of the phone.

Danny: "..."

"Well? Explain now!" I growled.

"Can we talk personally? Do you mind dropping by my place today..?" He asked.

I was shocked and so is Eve.

Danny seems serious and it's really new to us--

"Okay, I'll come over today. I'm on my way right now. Is that okay?" I asked, waiting for his response.

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay. Bye." I say, hanging up the phone.

I raised one brow at Eve.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." She sighed.

"I don't think he wants to break up with you. Why would he call me of all people..?" I tell her.

"You got a point." She sighed. "Just go and get this all over with."

"Sure. I'll be back, okay? You better eat when I leave." I say, grabbing my car keys and eyeing on her.

"I'm not hungry--"


"The stomach doesn't lie." I chuckled.

"Fine." Eve sighed in defeat.

I laughed and bid my goodbyes.

I went downstairs and bidding my goodbyes to Cathy.

"Oh right, cook dinner for Eve. She seems to have a change of mind." I winked at her.

Cathy happily smiled.

"I'll go straight to the kitchen."

I smiled at her once more before going to the door.

It's such a nice feeling seeing Cathy love her daughter so much.

I missed the feeling of having parents.

A tear sprung on my cheek but I quickly brushed it away.

I hopped in my car, driving.

Off to Danny's neighborhood in a few. ;)

When I noticed the usual yellow bricks and the smell of freshly coated paint-- I knew I was in the right street.

Danny's street.

It took me a while to find his house since all of the houses here are painted yellow. Yellow bricks, as you can see.. And the usual white doors.

It takes a sharp eye to spot his number 27B.

I spotted it though, 27B.

I stopped the car and got off.

I rang the doorbell, stretching my fingers and ready to kick his butt if he plans on breaking up with Eve.

Oh, he's going to be unable to bear children after I kick his ass.

The door opened after my third doorbell and I gasped at the sight I'm seeing.

"Hi Alexis-" He hiccuped.

Danny's a mess!

His hair is all disheveled, his eyes are puffy as well and he has a bottle of beer on his hand.

His speech is slurry and I wonder what happened to him.

"God, Danny. You appearing all messy like that is not really a good impression to make." I replied, holding my nose.

I hate the smell of alcohol. That's why I avoid drunkards as much as possible.

"Do you think I care? Please come in." He hiccuped.

I did as he said and got in.

I plopped myself on the couch and crossed my legs.

"You better explain right now." I growled.

"Okay, I--"


Cliffhang!!! :))

Oops! I'm very sorry, I'm just a fan of cliffhanging people.

No, don't hit me with tomatoes;)

Well, vomments?

What do you think?

Why is Danny like that? Comments? Any wild guesses?:)

Send some love everyone!

Love = vomments. <3


Me and Zayn. <3 :="">

We're married. (Shh, it's a secret) ;)

Just kidding, Zayn fans don't kill me. (;

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