Real - An Everlark Fanfiction

By melanieloves

131K 3.9K 1.7K

"It's been a year, Katniss. People actually heal if they understand how lucky they are to be alive." More

Real - An Everlark Fanfiction
Part One
- Chapter One -
- Chapter Two -
- Chapter Three -
- Chapter Four -
- Chapter Five -
- Chapter Six -
- Chapter Eight -
Part Two
- Chapter Nine -
- Chapter Ten -
- Chapter Eleven -
- Chapter Twelve -
- Chapter Thirteen -
- Chapter Fourteen -
- Chapter Fifteen -
- Chapter Sixteen -
- Chapter Seventeen -
- Chapter Eighteen -
- Chapter Nineteen -
Part Three
- Chapter Twenty -
- Chapter Twenty One -
- Chapter Twenty Two -
- Chapter Twenty Three -
- Chapter Twenty Four -
Radiant - An Everlark Fanfiction

- Chapter Seven -

5.1K 172 56
By melanieloves

I open my eyes and squint at the bright lights pouring in through the blinds. I had no nightmares last night, which is very rare. The last time a night like this happened was over a year ago, if I remember correctly. The only dream I can vaguely remember last night was pretty good. Happy, even.

In the dream, I was with Finnick. And Flynn. He was telling me about how amazing having a child is. How you just get to watch them grow up. Learn. Love. How the best feeling in the entire world is to hold them in your arms. Thinking about how Finnick said this a little strange, considering he's never even seen his child.

I remember Finnick saying something like, "I just wish I could be with my son everyday." And then he walked off, happily, with Annie by his side. Flynn in his arms.

I roll over to see if Peeta's awake.

"Happy Birthday," he whispers with a huge smile on his face. Wow. I didn't even realize that is was my birthday. I don't keep track of the months anymore. Or the days. I don't find a purpose in it. There's nothing I'm waiting for that requires me to memorize a calendar. No more reapings to keep track of. All I worry about is the moment I'm living in. Peeta, on the other hand, loves getting exited for events that are in the future.

"It's my birthday?" I say groggily, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes!" He laughs, planting a quick kiss on my forehead. "Now come on. I've been planning this day for months."  I know today is going to be a treat, so I get up and get dressed.

I look at myself in the mirror. Am I really 20 years old today? It's crazy how fast time goes. It feels like it was just yesterday that I volunteered for Prim. It feels like it was just a few days ago that I was starving. In the rain and cold. Next to Peeta's bakery. I remember seeing the loaf of bread land with a splash in the mud a few feet away from me. I remember thinking that someone was going to try and take it before I could. Or that someone was going to steal it right out of my hands. I grabbed the bread and ran as fast as my 12 year old legs could take me, without saying anything to Peeta. I think my "thank you" was pretty obvious when I saved his life in the arena, but I still don't think I ever officially showed my gratitude for him that day. For saving my life.

Today I decide to put my hair in two braids. I know Peeta will love it. I used to wear my hair like this everyday until I was about 13. Then I moved on to just one braid. It was simpler and looked a lot better framing my oval face. The 12 year old Katniss look doesn't look great on me today, but I keep the braids in for Peeta's sake.

I walk down the stairs to find my living room and kitchen fully decorated. Streamers and balloons everywhere. This is the first time in a while that I'm actually exited for my birthday. Peeta knows just what I like. He won't direct all the attention to me, but he'll make me feel special in a way that only he can.

I remember my last great birthday was when I turned eleven. Mainly because of what my father got me. He had a huge present, beautifully wrapped, sitting on the table. I don't know how or where, but my had father found shimmering green wrapping paper to encase my present in. I remember thinking how breathtaking the paper was, not even imagining what could possibly be inside.

I let Prim rip open the present, since she was so young and wanted to be included. She took out the gift and handed it to me. I was speechless.

A beautiful hand crafted bow was in between my fingers. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. The gorgeous wood was made to last, considering it's the same bow that I use today when I hunt. I just remember thinking that there was nothing in the world that could have made me happier. And at that age, there wasn't.

I hugged my father for the longest time, continuously whispering quiet, "thank you's" into his ear.

The happiness I felt that day is the exact feeling that I feel now. The effort Peeta has put into my birthday is exquisite. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" he yells, blowing some sort of kazoo. I laugh at the funny sound it makes, and sit down in the chair that Peeta has made look like a throne. Thought it's nowhere near as expensive, the chair reminds me of what I sat in when I was crowned victor of the 74th annual Hunger Games. Peeta delicately places a cardboard crown on my head, and I know this is what he's trying to replicate. As he does this, he notices my braids and smiles.

Eventually, he leads me to the kitchen, where there is a delicious looking cake. Made by Peeta himself, of course. I blow out the candles, but I don't make a wish this year. I'm surprisingly the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. Even if all my loved ones aren't here for me. I have Peeta. And that's all I need for right now.

Out of nowhere, Peeta starts singing "happy birthday" to me. We usually don't do this in District 12, but I don't mind. He's so adorable as he tried to hit the higher notes. I've never heard him sing before, and he's not the greatest, but I shouldn't be talking.

When he's finished, I clap and he bows. I look at the decorations, and wonder how long this took him to put them up.

"How did you do all this?" I say, pointing to the balloons and streamers.

"Last night!" He says. "With a little help, of course."

"Help?" I ask, puzzled. "From who?" I figure it must have been Haymitch. He's the only person Peeta would go to for help. But could that drunk mentor of mine really decorate something so beautifully? And then I here a knock on the door.

"I think she's here right now!" Peeta smiles, standing up to go get the door. She? I don't know very many shes here in District 12.

I look towards the door and see a familiar face. A face I haven't seen for years. I hear a happy squeal when we make eye contact and I know it's Madge.

"Katniss!" She yells, running towards me. She gives me a huge hug and holds on for what seems like forever. I don't remember her being this peppy and exited when we were in school. It's kind of overwhelming.

"Oh Katniss, happy birthday! I've missed you so much." She's says, a lot more calmly. And I relax, knowing that my old friend is back.

"The last time I really talked to you, Madge, was on reaping day." Her smile fades.

"When I gave you the pin," she realizes, and her eyes widen.

"Thank you for that, by the way," I say, looking at the floor. "It really helped." Her smile finds its way back and we hug again. I'm not really the hugging type. Unless it's with Peeta. Even then, it gets a little obnoxious. But this hug is different. And I'm not annoyed by it at all.

"Well, I have to go finish setting up." She says, letting go.

"Setting up what?" I ask.

"Your birthday breakfast of course!" She says. But then she quickly covers her mouth with her hands and I hear a muffled gasp.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Peeta!" She says, unusually fast. She obviously wasn't supposed to tell me about this "birthday breakfast," but Peeta just laughs.

"It's okay Madge," he smiles. "Just go and make sure everything's ready."

"Alright. See you soon, Katniss," she says heading towards the door. Before I hear it close, Madge jokingly calls out, "Oh, and by way, I love the hair,"

Peeta sees me turn bright red. I'm so embarrassed and furious. I totally forgot my hair is styled like it was when I was a child. I know Peeta's enjoying it though. I look at him hopefully, and he just laughs.

"It's your birthday," he says. "Style your hair how you want." I nod at him, saying thank you. Before I can take the braids out, though, Peeta leans in and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'd love you either way." I smile bigger than I have in a very long time.

I do my hair as we walk over to the door. He helps me put my old jacket on.

"Let Katniss Everdeen's 20th birthday commence!" He says, holding the door for me like a gentleman. I love how hard he's trying. He takes my hand and guides me out of Victor's Village, following the path that leads to town. I don't put my head down this time. I'm not going to hide from anyone. Today is going to be an amazing day.

I hope you enjoyed! Be sure to vote, comment, and follow me! Thank you!

-Melanie 🦁

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