Dyslexia though my own eyes

By GGK1234

1.7K 66 54

this story is about a girl named Bella who has Dyslexia and her struggles thought school. how she deals with... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6

chapter 3

194 9 4
By GGK1234

chapter 3

Everyday School Life


downstairs. "OH, MY GOD, I forgot," I said under my breath. I dashed towards my desk and wrote

random numbers down.





21 and so on. I shoved it in the backpack and changed my clothes. "I must have fallen asleep while

writing a horrible song," I told myself. I rushed down stairs as I looked at the time. 7:40, I had 20

minutes to get to school on time.

"And that is why-" I heard as I slowly walk in Writing class. "BELLA, why are you so late" Ms. Joy

said with attitude. "sorry"

"i don't wont your apology, i wont your reason, in a thesis" she said crossing her arms. lets see, a

thesis, is a reason, and a solution, WHAT no, um, a reason plus answer. YES, so, Bella was snapped out



"um.. i'm late because it stared to rain" I said. I had to come up with or lie, or I would get

detention. I couldn't say I slept in. The teacher looked at me like I was stupid. "NO, try again!"

"Um, it started to rain, thats why I'm late."

"NO, NO NO, why are you trying to make scene, just try to do it correct". I told myself to hold in

the tears; I knew what I wonted to say, I just couldn't say it.

"COME ON BELL, JUST SAY IT" Someone yelled.

"Everyone settle down" Ms. Joy said turning back to the board. "OK, hope you know how to spell"

she smiled as she looked at me. I stared to shake, I HATED spelling tests, I hated writing. "Ok you

know how it works; i will say a word. Most likely you will spell it right, and if not, you really aren't

trying very hard," again she turned to me. 10 words we had to spell, I couldn't get an F again, my dad

said I wouldn't be abel to take guitar lessons anymore, and I cant have that happen.

" ok first word punctuation" she smiled. already I was running my hands though my hair in stress.

" Number one, punctuation" she repeated.

1) puncksuwation. a tear ran down my face, I will never be able to be successful in life.

"second word, rambunctious"

2) rambucshis


3) abnomal


4) averige

" last one Bella, don't cry, Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia," she smiled a sinister smile. Was she

serious, was she frikin serious?! i cant even pronounce that, how the hell can i sound it out. ok random


10) hexakorakadexstferobia. thats not right, i hate this, i hate school, i hate the teachers, i hate

the students, i hate myself.

"Ok, i'll hand out the spelling check list" Ms. Joy passed out the paper, but she didn't give me one.

"Um, Ms. Joy, i didn't get one" she walked over to me and laughed.

"do you really think you need one, you got all of then wrong" she said writing a big fat red bloody

F on my sheet. "see you next year, someone isn't going to the 7th grade" and walked away. I use to be

a happy child, what happened to her.

When class was over i ran to the bathroom and did something i though i would NEVER do. Cut. i

told myself NEVER to do this, but of all hopelessness i felt, of all the pain i felt. i got a par of scissors

that were in the class room and brought then to the bathroom during lunch and went in the second stall

and cut. i saw the blood run down my arm, saw the pain run down, like a wild horse free at last, but

still slaved in my own thoughts of who i am. I cried as i realized what i just have done, but there was

no other way of letting the pain out.

the bell rang and the cut was still bleeding. i put tons of pressure and it finally stopped, my class

was right next door so i wasn't late. Everyone noticed that i have been crying, by my big puffy blood

shot red eyes. they caused this pain in me, they caused me to feel this way, they caused to me to cut


"look, who is a little cry baby" Jo jeers at me. Everyone laughs, while i just sit there at my desk

and put my head down. "she has a learning DISORDER!" he yells. everyone knew i learned differently,

and they just loved to make fun of it.

"Bella, why are you so late, class stared 2:00, it's now 2:17, where have you been" the grammar

teacher asked me. '

oh i was in the bathroom feeling miserable so i stared to cut myself because of how bad i felt, and

you teachers aren't helping me' i wanted to tell her, but i couldn't, not here, not now, and defiantly NOT

her. "Um, my locker wouldn't open", witch was true, my locker NEVER opens.

FACT: a Dyslexic knows what she/he wants to put on paper. DK why, we just have trouble getting the words out in the right way.

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