Prison Loving


45K 1.8K 1.9K

Supernatural/Destiel Jail Au. Castiel and his brother Gabriel are new to Lawrence prison and they become frie... More

The Novaks
Hey Blue Eyes!
Maybe He's Not A Stone Cold Killer?
What Might've Been
We Need To Talk

Cadam isn't happening!

3.4K 157 47

Castiel's POV

Dean leaned forward on the bed, now that I look at him he's quite handsome. Sure, when he looks at Adam Dean looks like a stone cold killer but when he looks at me or his brother I see someone with warm, green, candy apple eyes. Soft freckles dance over his chiseled face making him look like a Greek god.
The way he licks his perfectly shaped pink lips, makes me melt. I feel... safe around Dean.

But I was wondering, Dean knew about Adam's story. Like he'd heard it a million times before. Like Adam told that story to everyone, what if he was lying? Dean seems to think he is.

"Well, Adam tells everyone that story... the one making him seem like the hero! That's bullshit. He twists the original story just to get friends making him look like some innocent guy! Not the case." Dean said scowling.

"What did he do that was that bad to have to lie about it to other prisoners?" I wonder out loud.

"Well, his mom was in the hospital, not for Cancer. He broke her leg and fractured her risk by throwing her down a set of stairs. His step dad wanted to press charges against him but Adam, he's a very skilled criminal. He made sure that his step father couldn't press charges and that no one knew about him hurting his mom. He said he was sorry and that it was an accident. Adam is a compulsive liar so the man being gullible fell for it. One night Adam and him were having dinner and... he put rat poison in the food." Dean sighed.

How was Adam capable of this? He seems so nice and trustworthy. But I guess that's just the compulsive lying.

"He died, and Adam made it look like he hung himself. Then, Adam was broke... so he robbed a huge bank. He grabbed a shotgun and disabled all the alarms in one of the town's banks. He went inside and started shooting all the customers left and right. He didn't care if they were women or children, he just wanted the money. He took nearly all the money probably figuring he'd need it if he was gonna be on the run for a while.
He went to his mother's hospital room after he robbed the bank to 'tie up loose ends'. He uh, he put a pillow over his mother's face and suffocated her." Dean looks at me looking to see if my expression had changed any.

I was terrified of Adam now. I know that was probably Dean's intent but I don't care at the moment. If all of this stuff is true about Adam, what is he capable of doing?

"So he ran, he eventually got caught. Listen Cas, I'm not saying this to scare you or to make you stop hanging out with Adam. I just wanted you to know the truth about him, and to warn you about who you get close to." Dean smiles at me, "I could be lying for all you know! You don't have to believe me."

I smile back at him, "I believe you. Is that the only reason you wanted me here?" I ask kind of half-hoping he wanted to have sex with me. I mean I'm not with Adam and I probably won't be with him even as a friend for a long time and let's face it... Dean's sexy as hell. I wonder what's under that jumpsuit of his.

"Mostly, unless there's something you'd rather do." Dean says with a wink.

It was meant as a joke, I know that. But I just want to touch that masterpiece he calls a body. I lift my hand up to his face and stroke his cheek. He gasps softly and looks at me with a strong gaze. Not with lust or desire, but with love and passion. Something I'm not used to.

"What are you in for Dean?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

Dean laughs and pulls away from my hand, "You don't want to know."

I wonder what Dean could have possibly done. Maybe Adam was telling the truth about Dean. If so, Dean wasn't that bad. Not as bad as Adam anyways. I don't think I trust Adam.

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