Just you & me against the wor...

By cambam_1

11 0 0

Nicole had a dark past with love she never really got attention from her parents so she always did crazy thin... More

Chapter 1:saying goodbye

11 0 0
By cambam_1

"Lets go Nicole get up or your going to miss your flight remember your flight is at 10:30"

"I am up I will be down in 5"

Yeah might be wondering who I am. So let me tell you. My name is Nicole roads  I have brunet hair and blue eyes .I have a twin brother Nate roads blue eyes blond hair. My best friend is Isabella but she likes being called Bella for short she has blond and green eyes what can i say every brunet needs her blond best friend. Bella and i meet at a line for a bathroom at a lame house party and we started talking about how boring it was and she told me she was going to a college party so she told me to come along and I did and the rest is history know and  I cant live without here she's like a sister i never had. And is to why am I going o the airport so early well i might of been caught pulling a prank a day before school started so know my mom is sending me to one of her closest friend Gina Dallas.

My outfit: black leggings, white shirt, leather jacket, maroon beanie, my black and white converse and my black purse

yeah if you haven't notice one of my favorite colors is black. with my makeup I didn't really care how I looked I had no ne to impress so I just applied a light coat of mascara and lip gloss.

"So I guess you are leaving hue"

"yeah I am Bella but I will text you trust me all the people over their are goodie goodies and rich kids not my type of people"

"why cant you stay it wasn't all your fault and its our senior year  "

"yeah I know Bella but me and my short legs cant really run hahah but hey your still a bitch for leaving me behind"

"no no don't pin this on me you whore because you said it  yourself everyone for them self's if the cops show up or anybody catches use"

"uggh I know don't remind me and hey im not a whore you are lets be honest your the whore here "

"I  fucken hate you Nicole roads "   "jaja no u don't you LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVEEEE me"

"no I don't I hate you " she comes running to me and in braces me in a tight hug "don't leave please I do love you and cant believe your leaving  your my other half you whore who am I going to call when I want to sneak out and go to a party and talk to       "  she hold me titter and cried on my shoulder Bella wasn't one to cry unless she cared 'Bella don't cry your going to make me cry" and their it goes my tears we both were crying so loud that even my brother and mom came into the room

"maybe next time you guys will think of what your doing and maybe this wont be happening girls" and with that my mom left the room but not before telling us "and hurry up we need to leave to the airport"  thanks that really helps I mumbled to my self to make sure no one heard but my self but I am sure Bella heard because I heard Bella mumble yeah thanks MS roads

"hahaha sucks to be you Nicole" my brother told  me more like my twin brother he was a pain in the ass he was also part of the prank but we all agreed that if you get caught you cant say anything about who was also part of the prank.

"yeah shut it Nate go text your fake ass girlfriend Nataly or some shit" don't worry  I do like my brothers girlfriend she's one of my best friends its just how  I play around with him  "and don't worry I wont really miss being around your annoying ass" me and brother were close but were always fighting so we don't really show it but when I need someone to talk to or he needs someone to talk to his always their and yes he is over protective over me.

"Nicole lets go you can say final goodbyes over by the car i will be waiting outside , so hurry up" my shouted from down stairs.

"come one guys lets go' I had on last look at my room i sure was going to  miss sneaking at night and going o parties with the party girl Bella. Everyone was already waiting for me outside. I guess this was really happening,

"Bella please do something I don't want to go " "ooh come one think of all the hot, sexy guys you will" "hold up you are not going to date any douche bag Nicole  I wont allow you sis" my brother told me and the reason being that was because he has seen me at my worst because of guys and he didn't want that to happen "yeah I know and can you guys tell Max ,Nataly  and Mason that I will miss them and talk to them soon ok"

"yeah we will' Bella told me and gave me one last hug and she whispered into my ear "don't change  I will be waiting with a joint and a party to welcome you promise" I just laughed to my self she was all about that party and high life that's why I loved her she new how to party like it was her last'

"ooh sis how much I hate love you. I must admit am going to miss you a whole lot because you sure are a pain in the ass but always had my back. lets  not forget you are my little sitter and one last thing don't fall for a guy ok"

"I know I love you to big brother" I rolled my eyes at him because we were only born a few seconds apart "and don't worry  I would never fall for one  does rich kids or any of them because I am over boys for the time being , so  you don't really have to worry about that" 

and with that I walked to the families car witch was a black rang rover. yeah we had money  that our grand parents left use  and because my dad was a big business man so we never really had to worry  I about money. I never really cared about the money I just liked to be treated normal that was one of the reasons why I liked Bella she didn't care that we had money or like other people like to say rich. I waved goodbye to bella and my brother as we drove away from our house.

"ooh come one baby girl you always wanted to go to California"

"yeah I know mom but with my friends not to go to a private schools I wanted to go and have fun party like you would understand "

"good thing you brought that up" "you cant go and start problems because you are giving our family bad images ok specially your father you know he doesn't like having unwanted attention us"

"I get appearing like the perfect family roads is way more important I get lets just go"

"Nicole Isa roads you did not just say that you know i was feeling bad that your father was sending you away but know I think its going to be good for you and some time to change that attitude of yours"

I didn't response because she was right I was always getting unwanted attention to the family but I did not agree on being sent away to private school in California. I guess if I couldn't get attention from parents I guess I always did something to get of my mind from it.

The trip to the airport witch was 25min away from my house was quite we didn't talk to each other we just listened to the radio witch was turned enough just so we could both hear. We finally arrived we got out and  I graved my care eon . I held my bag on my left side an my mom walked on my right and she finally spoke up.

"Nicole I know your not the happiest person right know with me and your dad but I know this is for your own good baby girl I still love you" she hugged me tightly and I did to "Mom I know I  love you to" "ooh and your dad will pick up from the airport in California since he is over their doing business I love call me when you get there" she gave me a quick hug before I could response 

I loved my dad but he could be really tuff on me and always gives the speech about how he told me so and why cant I be more like Nate and that was because Nate never really got caught lucky him

Flight 459 TO CALIFORNIA KNOW BOARDING I guess here I come California be ready for me because I never made any promises to mom and dad. with that I walked to the gate gave my ticked and walked in.


Fist book please tell me what you think any feedback helps thanks hope you enjoyed more chapters coming soon promise.

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