The fourth hemmings

By taylor_grace98

136 1 0

Luke has a half sister who visits in the summer he is over protective of and if any if the boys touch her he... More

About me

Plane ride

72 1 0
By taylor_grace98

The plane ride is always the worst part 20 hours lay overs in places i don't even speak the language in. Sitting next to people who hate to talk or even look at me. Then a 4 hour train ride from the air port to Sydney. And then i get home and sleep for 32 hours strait. Its almost like a tradition nobody fûcks with taylor for the first 32 hours of being home and then once she emerges from her death we all hug and love her.


As I walk out the gate i see Luke and a neon pink sign say "welcome back bitçh " i covered my mouth While laughing. I ran up and hugged him super hard because missed the fuck outta my brother.  Then liz hugged me and i turned to ben and jack who both give me wet Willis like the "little" assholès they are. I can only say i hate them because i love them so damn much. On the ride home they told me they have a surprise for me when i get home right before i go into a 32 hour coma. As we wait in the then minute car ride we finally get home where i take a burning hot shower and go to my room all three boys are waiting by my door with evil smirks on their faces. Witch worries me a lot . As I walked in a see a huge cage containing a snake. I screamed but not out of fear out of happiness. "I LOVE IT" i screamed me and Luke played with it for about an hour until i crashed. 

I woke up with sun pouring into my room blinding me. I find my phone on my bed to unlock it but its dead just like how I'm feeling. I slowly get up and sprinted to the bathroom and peed for like 3 minutes strait. Then took a shower brushed my teeth then my wet hair put it in a towel hat thingy. And walk out of my bathroom into my room put lotion on and sweats and a baggy t-shirt with wu tang clan on it . As i walk out to the kitchen to find food i see the time 6:00pm
"jesus what day is it" you say to yourself .
"Wednesday, you slept all thru Monday and Tuesday and most of today." Luke says behind me "i would make you food but i have band practice. Would you like to come. Gotta be ready in 20." Luke asks
You went blow-dried my hair strait put on some light natural makeup black shorts black vans and a t-shirt that says "girls just wanna have Fundamental rights." And a beanie that says "*idgaf*" and i was ready. We got mcdonalds on the way there. Soon we arrived he opened and closed my door for me.
"Calum taylor, taylor Calum , mike taylor, taylor mike , and ashton taylor ,taylor ashton.
"I see you all you dressing her with your eyes and you better stop, back the fuck up before i beat an ass this is my baby sister taylor you have all herd of her and seen her photos in her house i have tried to keep you fuckers away from her she is sweet and innocent and I'm super protective. I love her to death and she is my favorite sibling . Nobody try anything stupid. " Luke says sternly.
"Well you herd Luke I'm off limits apparently " i jokingly state
The all start asking me questions and about myself i can tell i have some new friends they are funny sarcastic like food music and Calum is my favorite because he likes animals so much. Im an animal lover to the max . They where working on songs when my best friend called me i went to the other room she told me all about how she has gone full rebel she use to be so innocent. I made a comment good girls are secret bad girls and the boys just all stared at me and started writing as fast as possiable. That night we all went to dinner at some old diner in the middle of bumfûck no where.
While we where eating ashton kept glancing at me and i didn't even react because I'm the awkward. When you got hope you laid in your bed and the all the sudden you herd. Knock. Luke pops his head in.
"Hey tay i wanted to come a catch up its been two years because you and dad had that fight last summer. Skype is not enough  so spill sister from the same mister." Luke says

"Well me and trish are no longer friends she had sex with my boyfriend because i would not . Like sorry the virgin thing offends you. Then i got a new best friend megan she is my best friend. I no longer hang with the nerds i switched to stoners cuz ya know i like getting high. I got my license and my motorcycles license.  My mom. you know Georgia?she got me a motorcycle i just had to pay for half. Every Time I log in on Facebook a new girls pregnant that super fun. I graduated early so I'm taking a year off before college."
"You should move here for that year i mean you basically live here in summer what about regular year? I will ask mum and you cant say no" Luke says then runs out of the room.
Later that night
This time it was a soft knock on the door so i knew it was liz

"Come in"

"Hey love so Luke asked if you could stay a year. I have thought it over and you can but since you are taking a year off i would love for you to get a job for a source of income and you mom is sending you your stepdads old truck by air travel it should be here in 2 weeks. Does this sound good to you?"'liz says

"I would love this. And liz. Thank you for being there for me and being a parent to me when you didn't have to i was dads mistake not yours."

"Oh hon you where never a mistake and plus i got a little girl out of it. Someone to take me to the nail salon and get hair done and shopping together." Liz says
Them she kissed me on the forehead and left the room.

(The photo above is what her room looks like )

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