Dancing in the Flames

By WhiskeyMouth

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Dancing in the Flames


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By WhiskeyMouth

Dancing in the Flames


Epilogue – Eternity

Twenty Three Years Later – 2078


            “So, do you think you can do it?” Emmett asked me, playing with the wedding ring on my finger.

            “I’m sure I can. I just don’t think I want to be a human for that long,” I sighed. Emmett nodded.

            “It doesn’t mean I won’t, Em. I want this as much as you do,” I smiled up at him, getting a smile from him as well.

            “You sure?” He asked. I nodded, and then his face brightened, the twinkle in his eye returning.


Four Months Later

            “Emmett, stop freaking out,” I said softly, holding back laughter at the way he was acting. He’d brought in five glasses of water, several towels, and a super comfy pillow that he stole from NASA or something like that.

            “You’re going into labor! I can’t NOT freak out,” He wailed, flitting around the room to make sure I was comfortable, checking the IV that I had to put in myself, and fluffing the pillow. Again.

            “Emmett, I’m fine. Don’t worry ab-” I stopped, tensing up as another contraction hit. I couldn’t wait till I popped these little bastards out, so I could shift back into my vampire body. I hope I didn’t have any damned stretch marks.

            “ARE THEY COMING?” He yelled, rushing in between my legs to check and see. I laughed.

            “I think you’d know if they were coming because I’d be screaming my ass off,” I smiled at him.

            “Alice should be here any minute. I’m sure another female in here would help,” Emmett assured himself, finally calming down.

            He was ecstatic, at the least, to find out that it was possible for me to alter anything about my body. So, I could ‘change’ back into a human, though the venom and need for blood was still present, for as long as I wished, therefore giving me the ability to have children.

            “Here I am!” Alice sang, marching inside like she owned the place.

            “Thank GOD!” Emmett boomed, pulling Alice into a hug.

            “Um, guys, the babies are coming,” I groaned, and the room blurred into motion. Emmett would have fainted if he could, and Alice flashed around the room, putting a towel under my legs and forcing me to drink water. She stood in front of the table, waiting for the little bastards to fly out.

            “I see a head!” She yelled, beaming at me. Emmett was watching with horror, covering his mouth.

            “I’m in PAIN here,” I yelled at him, and he backed away, sitting in a chair. “Come here, you idiot!”

            Emmett ran and stood next to me, taking my hand. Too bad I couldn’t rip it off.

            I pushed as hard as I could, like I see in all the stupid movies, and then heard an annoying crying sound. If it was like this all the time…

            Alice handed me a little bundle in a pink blanket, and all the pain was worth it when I saw her face. She was beautiful, her brown eyes wide in fear as she gazed at me, sucking on her lower lip.

            “She looks just like you,” Emmett whispered, taking the little girl in his arms. I could already tell he was attached by the look of adoration on his face. I crossed my arms and huffed. I just spat the thing out, so shouldn’t I be holding her?

            “Here comes the other one!” Alice trilled. I groaned as another wave of pain hit me, tossing my head back. Alice began to tell me what to do but I tried my best to growl at her, but it came out as more of a grimace and a groan.

            I pushed painfully, again, and Alice wrapped something up in a pink blanket.

            Another girl?

            “Alice, did you bring any blue blankets?” I asked. She shook her head and removed the towel from under me, urging me to sit up.

            “Hold on,” I said, swatting her hand.

            I closed my eyes and concentrated, then I felt the need to rest fade away, and the warmth from the blood cause my skin to go cold.

            “It feels good to be back,” I smiled, taking the little baby away from Alice and holding it in my arms, rocking it gently.

            “This one has your eyes,” I told Emmett, showing him the bright blue eyes of the little girl in my arms. She wasn’t as pale as her twin, but I could already tell that she didn’t have Emmett’s curls.

            “What do we name them?” Emmett asked, at a loss.

            “Scarlet,” I smiled, thinking of the human named I used so long ago.

            “Scarlet. I like it,” He said, smiling at me.

            “What else?”

            “I like the name Samantha,” Emmett offered. Alice beamed at him. Apparently it was the right choice.

            “Scarlet and Samantha,” I smiled, liking the sound of it. “Scarlet and Samantha McCarty.”

            “Perfect,” Emmett grinned, throwing an arm around my shoulder and kissing me. Scarlet burped, an amusing glint in her eyes as she watched me and Emmett kiss. Samantha giggled, a beautiful blush rising to her cheeks.

            “I could get used to this,” I sighed. A nasty smell then permeated the room, and I unwrapped Scarlet’s blanket to find quite a surprise.

            “Maybe the nice parts I could get used to,” I sighed, again, and handed Scarlet to Emmett while I took Samantha.

            “You can clean that up, daddy,” I giggled, and then followed Alice out the door to go shopping.

            “Wait, no!” Emmett called from the room, causing Alice and I to laugh as we got in her car and sped off to go shopping for baby clothes.

            “You think he’ll be alright?” Alice asked me, smirking.

            “Is he ever?” I asked her back, smiling to myself.

The End

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