Lies (Denis Stoff)

By twitchyghost

11.7K 436 195

Alice thinks she's 14 but is really 16. Her parents have been lying to her about her age. Warped tour is ov... More

What the Hell?
Off to California
Denis Likes To Cuddle
They Will Never Have To Know
Movies = Cuddle Time
Ooh, Kinky...
Im Sorry...
Wedding Plans

The River

1.7K 51 56
By twitchyghost

(Picture of Alice)

Alice's POV

I laughed at Denis I who was spinning around on Cameron's lap while singing the lyrics to a Rhianna song that I couldn't remember the title to. He's so weird, and yet I have to marry him. This might not be too bad.

I just really hope he doesn't hate me. My dad had explained to me that since it's an arranged marriage, we don't really have a say in this. But there's still the proposing, and then at the altar or whatever. However, the wedding has to be before next year.

They are giving us a little bit of time to get used to each other first though, so a good thing. I've never really been in a real relationship, so I could seriously fuck this up.

I don't think that Denis knows this but, I actually do have a crush on him. I have ever since I found out the Asking got a new singer. I mean how could you not? He is a very attractive man and has an amazing voice. Then just to top it off, he's a giant man child. That in my book is a massive plus. Then there's the fact that he's really tall. Compared to me though, I'm only 5'2" and he's 6'3" so he's literally a foot and 1 inch taller than me.

And if his house is made for tall people, he better not get annoyed easily cause I will need him to get things off the top shelf. Either that or get a damn ladder. It's rather strange for me to have a thing for tall guys.

My mom had a day off of work today, which I didn't even realize. She walked into the living room to see me sitting on James' lap and Denis still spinning on Cameron's lap.

"Hey, Alice, Denis." My mother called.

"Hm?" I hummed my reply. Denis stopped spinning and payed attention.

"So Papa Bob wants to meet Denis, so Alice, you, me and Denis are going to the river. Collin might go, but Justin has work so he's not going. I hope you don't mind Denis, and Alice, knowing you; you probably don't have anything better to do." She explained.

"That's true, I don't have anything better to do other than pack up to move." I admitted.

"It's fine, other than I don't have a swim wear with me." He replied

"We can go shopping, and when are we leaving?" I asked my mom.

"2 days, and we're staying there for 3 days. Papa Bob is picking us up with his truck and trailer for the Four-Wheelers. So either today or tomorrow if you're gonna go shopping then go. And Denis if you buy anymore clothes while you're here, that's fine we can wash them." She replied. Denis nodded.

"Alice, what do you wanna do? Today or tomorrow?" Denis asked.
"That's up to you, you have all the energy in the world." I answered.

"Well, get your stuff and don't even bother bring money cause I'm paying. Just get your phone." He told me.

I nodded and grabbed my phone and slipped on my Vans. My mom handed Denis the keys to her car.

"Don't crash my car, and don't have sex in it either." My mom warned. Denis chuckled and nodded.

We walked out the front door. About an hour later we arrived at the mall. Denis slipped on his sunglasses and shortly realized that he didn't have any other form of disguise. I opened the armrest that was between us and handed him my dark green beanie. He thanked me and slipped on the hat.

We roamed around the mall hand in hand, a few hours later, the mall was going to close so we left. It has been a long day and we were exhausted.

Walking back into the house, not saying anything, I went to my room, took off my jeans and my shirt, slipping on my skeleton AA tank top and crawling in bed, plugging in my phone to charge. Denis walked in shortly after. He stripped down to his boxers and crawling under the covers next to me. The lights were off and Denis pulled one of my headphones out.
"Meh." I groaned. He chuckled.

"Are you even wearing shorts?" He questioned.

"No, I'm too lazy to go grab a pair from my laundry basket in the back porch and this tank top is like a dress anyway." I mumbled.

I felt 4 familiar little feet on the pillow behind me. They had walked on top of my ribs and later down on top of Denis.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" He exclaimed. I giggled at his jumpiness.

"Calm down, if just my cat." I reassured him.

"Oh, hello kitty." He said calmly. I put my head on Denis' chest and petted the purring cat.

"I think she likes you." I muttered quietly. "She hates everybody but me."

"Well then, that's good." He stated. Put my headphones back in and shortly after fell asleep.

Times skip to 2pm.

I woke up to Denis poking me all over. He poked my nose one last time.

"Meh, why?" I groaned. "What do you want from me??"

"Get up. It's 2pm." He stated.

"I dun care, being in town tires me. I can only take so much." I mumbled before rolling over. Denis sat up and continued to poke me. I lied there and didn't do anything.

I figured he had gotten bored of poking me. He pretend to play the drums, and eventually it was the bongos... On my ass.

"Why are you doing this?" I groaned before flipping onto my back and stretching.

Denis patted my stomach continuously. "Cause you need to get up. I'm hungry!" He exclaimed. I rolled and slid off my bed, landing on my feet.

He cheered and followed me to the kitchen.

"Alice are you at least wearing shorts?" My dad asked.

"No, and I dun wanna." I grumbled. He sighed and went to his office, making a bunch of phone calls. He works from home.

"What do you wanna eat this time?" I asked Denis.

"French toast?" He replied questionably.

I shrugged and got everything out, making the food. I handed him a plate with French Toast and bacon. The others had gotten up when I finished cooking.

I didn't want any food, I just returned to my room and played on my phone.

Roughly 20 minutes later Denis walked into my room.

"Are you gonna eat anything?" He asked.

"Not hungry." I mumbled.

"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday at Starbucks when we went to Costco." He stated.

"Just not hungry." I waved him off.

"Are you anorexic?" He questioned.

"No." I lied.

"You're beautiful, you don't need to starve yourself." He told me.

"Im not anorexic or do I have an eating disorder. I'm just not hungry." I lied again.

"Fine, but you're eating later." I noted before grabbing my laptop. I typed in the password for it and let him mess around. A few hours later we somehow ended up watching YouTube videos off of my laptop and cuddling. It was nice.

"Awe, look at the love birds, even though they met about 2 days ago. It's adorable." Ben cooed from the door. "You might wanna wait till you're at least married before knocking up you lady Denis."

Denis paused the video and flipped off Ben.

"Awe guys look, Denis is sticking out for his girl, how cute!" Ben called.
"I'm so putting this on Instagram." James said snapping a picture. Denis hopped out of be and pushed them out of my room. After shutting the door he got back in bed. We resumed our previous position.

"I think this will actually be pretty awesome." Denis muttered.

"Hm? What's gonna be pretty awesome?" I asked.

"Oh I said that out loud? I was meaning us, like the whole marriage thing. I might not be too bad." He smiled.

"You're right." I grinned. "But one thing..."

"And what would that be?" He asked.

"I can't speak or read Ukrainian." I admitted.

"Oh, is there anywhere in particular you wanted to move to?" He questioned.

"Um, Alaska? I wanted go live someplace that wasn't boiling hot during the summer. I heard it's mostly ice. And I love cold weather." I told him.

"City or country?"

"Country duh. I don't like the city, it's too loud." I replied.

He nodded. "I should mention that I currently live in the city in Ukraine. So after the wedding and our honeymoon we can move to Alaska or wherever if you change your mind."

"Okay. So we'll be there for a few months?" I questioned.

"Yeah, it's only a few short months, but we'll be at Ben and Girl Sam's place for awhile, just to finish our album."

I shrugged and continued watching videos with Denis.

"Alice, Denis, dinner." My mom called.

I cringed, I don't want any food. Denis got out of bed. "Come on, time to eat." He told me. I groaned at lied there.

Denis picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Alice, you're so light." He gasped.

"I'm tinier than you Denis, you're over a foot taller and you limbs are longer than mine. Plus you're much stronger than I am." I stated.

"True, but I've lifted up girls your size and they were heavier than you. And you're eating, and that's final." He asserted.

I groaned as he walked into the kitchen. Denis set me down in the center of the kitchen. We were having cheeseburgers.

"Alice, bun or no bun?" My mom asked.

"No bun." I replied.


I took the cheeseburger patty and put they the toppings I would usually put on a burger and grabbed some chips and retreated to my room.

15 minutes later Denis walked into my room. I paused from eating and paused the video I was watching.

"Hey, why did you run off after you got your food?" He asked.

"Uh...cause I always eat in my room...?" I replied, it came out as more of a question.

He shut the door, grabbed the footstool under my desk and sat in front of me.

"Alice, what's really wrong? You've been acting weird all day." He asked.

" doesn't matter." I mumbled.

"Alice, you can tell me." He reassured.

"I have difficulties eating in front of new people. Even around family..." I admitted.

"Why? There's no reason to be." He asked.

"It's just a weird anxiety that I picked up from my mom.."

"What about the whole thing about you not eating?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm anorexic. There's history on both sides of my family with eating disorders. My grandma has it, and my mom has it, then I have it." I admitted. Denis picked me, sat in my chair with me on his lap.

"It's gonna be okay, you're too beautiful to starve yourself. Please don't do it anymore." He begged.

"...I'll try my best.."I muttered.

"Good." He he said quietly, kissing my temple.

Denis unplugged my laptop from my monitor and speaker. He picked me back up, grabbed my laptop and lied down on my bed with me.

Denis plugged my laptop in to charge and grabbed my tv remote, turning on my tv and started flipping through Netflix. We lied there and cuddled for hours. It's quite strange to me how fast we can get used to each other. It only been about 2 days, we already have shared a bed and we already act like a couple.

It was 3am until we decided to go to bed. Denis shut off the tv and plugged our phones in. Didn't even bother putting on music, I ended up walking asleep to Denis' heartbeat.

I woke up to my mom telling us to get up and pack up. I grabbed some clothes and took a quick shower. Denis waited patiently by packing his stuff then waited for me to get out of the shower. He went in and I went to pack my stuff. Denis came back soon and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me, kissing my cheek.

I blushed. "You about ready to go?" He asked. I nodded. "The guys are leaving, come say goodbye." I walked out of my room with Denis.

"Ey' love." James greeted.
I waved to all of them. We chatted for a bit then said out goodbyes.

"Bye guys!" Denis and I called in unison to the guys.

The guys had left and my bother, my mom, Denis and I had loaded our stuff into my moms car.

3 hours later

We had arrived at the river and now it was time to face my Grandpa. He had apparently brought his girlfriend Shawn. My gramma had died a few years ago from lung Cancer that had spread to her heart. The treatments didn't do shit.

I'm really angry at myself for not being able to say goodbye to her. Ever since she died there's been a weight on my shoulders that gets heavier every year. And it's all because I never got to say goodbye.

Denis and I hopped out of the car with our stuff in hand. We all approached my grandpa and his girlfriend.

"Hey Alice, Collin, Dawn! How are you guys?" He exclaimed.
"And I don't think we've met before. Hi I'm Bob, this is my girlfriend Shawn, I'm Dawn's dad."

"Hi I'm Denis, I'm Alice's boyfriend. And later this year, husband." Denis smiled, shaking my grandpa and his girlfriends hand.

"So you're the infamous Denis. I've hear a lot about you. Do you hunt?" My grandpa asked.

"I haven't yet. But Ali wants to move to countryside Alaska. I was assuming I was gonna have to start eventually." Denis mentioned.

"Well we are a hunting family, you can get a hunting license. Alice just got her license last year, shot a big massive male moose, a bull elk, and two bucks. She defiantly brought in the most meat this year. She's a natural born Hunter." My grandpa stated proudly.

"I didn't know she hunted." He admired.

"She's good with Bows, rifles, shotguns and pistols."

"I specialize in bow hunting though. It's easier, quieter and more efficient for me. And there's less damaged meat." I stated.

"Okay, so, I'm assuming that you two are good to share a bed. There's 7 of us, we have a bed, the couch turns into a bed, the bunk in the back that either Dawn or Collin will take for sure, then there's what we all like to call 'Alice's spot.' Which is the table and the benches. But then there's the fact that Denis is so tall." My grandpa explained.

"I'll take the bunk, it was nice there." My mom confirmed.

"I'll take Alice's spot." Collin declared.

"You guys can take the bed, Denis and I will take the couch, it turns into a decent sized bed." I offered. Denis nodded in approval.

A few days later-

We were finally going back to Washington. Well more of me packing up the remainder of all my stuff and preparing to move in with Denis but crash in Cali with Ben and Girl Sam.

I was fucking exhausted.

End of chapter- thanks for reading so far.

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