The Innates (Book #1)

By HockeyPuckell

852 113 9

I HIDE, SO I CAN BE MYSELF Why ask yourself, why, and just worry about keeping up in motion? Every person is... More

Prologue: Five Years Ago
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34

Chapter 33

7 2 0
By HockeyPuckell

"Good thing I smacked you at the right time." Alice said. "By the way, your skull broke my hand."
"Thank you, I've been working really hard on that." I said.
"So..." Ace said. "what now? We can't be stuck here forever."
"There has to be some way outta here." Sarra said.
"We also have to do it quick, Jackson and Robert might be in danger. Mr. André would've made a million copies of himself by now." I said. "I have to go."
"You can't leave us here." Zach said.
"Dude, we're coming with you." Martin said.
"How?" My voice radiated inside the solid bubble. It sounded like a howl when it echoed.
"Don't worry, guys." Martin said. "My shockwave cracked the wall so the water can seep through."
"Thank goodness." Zach sighed in relief. "I was worried that some
meat-head was gonna take us to our doom." Dominick cups his mouth and snickered as he walked away to the other side.
"So we just wait here until all the water is gone?" Alice scowled.
"Alice, calm down. The water level's lowering--see?" Sarra said calmly while holding on to Alice's shoulder. Alice angrily shook it off and walk in circles.
"I can't calm down, all right?! There has to be another way out of here!" She throws violent and rapid punches at the forcefield but didn't make a scratch.
"Should I do something or--?" Zach said.
"Or what?" Said Martin. "You can't stop that tsunami or the flooding outside the forcefield." He whispered this time. He didn't want to be the next thing that gets punched. I looked through the barrier and the water almost reached below half. I chomp on my dried and bloody lower lip and waited until the flooding and the pounding stopped.
"Well... we're all out of marbles." Sarra said.
"No, really." Alice said sarcastically, repeatedly bumping the back of her head against the walls as she sits with her knees on her chest.
"I'm bored." Ace said. "I wanna save Jackson and Robert now... if necessarily needed."
"They'll be alright." I said. Ace rests his head on my shoulder and played with my prosthetic pinky. It was getting annoying but, I wouldn't dismiss it. I'd rather refrain from throwing rocks at the river.
"Can we get out now?" Sarra asked, rolling her eyes. I checked the water, looks good to me, I thought.
"Yeah." Zach answered. He ties a small piece of cloth around my classmate's bullet wound on the back of her shoulder. "What is it?"
"We can get out of here, it's only up to our shins."
"Yes!" Alice exclaimed. While the barrier vanished, the cold water rushes towards our legs. All the foam soaked our shins. It pushed us down but we stood back up.
"Jess, look." Martin points to my right side. "That's gross, dude." He's right, the wet corpses float and drift closer to each other, the pale veiny skin, dilated eyes, bloody severed parts and broken bones. They were dilapidated, I told him I was smart, I guess they shouldn't have underestimated me.
"The first question we should ask ourselves is, "How are we getting out of here?". Seriously, no one could even bash the doors open." Zach said.
I lift my knees up to my stomach and walked over to the wall filled with firearms and explosives. I grabbed a handful of grenades and tossed them over to my classmates. They backed away before they were even touched.
"Clam down!" I said. "That's how we'll open the doors."
"That's not enough." Alice said as I reached for two ar-15's.
"Heads up!" I tossed the guns to Dominick and Zach, which they caught in one snap of their arms.
"What are we getting?" Sarra asked. I know she's implying to me, Alice and Ace.
"Alice gets the shotgun she used earlier."
"Sweet, I get to keep it." She said.
"Sarra gets a rifle and Ace receives a revolver." I sink my hands down to my toes and into the water so I can grab the guns off the floor. We all stood 5 feet away from the door. My classmates went first by throwing multiple bombs on the door. I shielded my companions right before the bombs went off. A small wave of water hits us, but the door was still unbroken, it had a lot scratches though.
"Again!" Zach said. He angrily points his gun at the door alongside Dominick. "Fire!" We covered our ears as Dominick fired his gun first. The bullet-hurling was unstoppably continuous, anything to get out of here.
"Here we come, Jackson!" Zach yelled.
"And Robert!" Alice added.
"Right." He laughed.
"This door just won't open!" Dominick shouted, he stopped shooting and I realized that his bullets are gone. He throws it down the water and kicked the water to us.
"It's alright, you did your part." I said. Zach eventually stopped shooting.
"Ran out?"
"Nope... it's impossible."
"You did not just say the i-word." I said. Zach sighed with a frown.
"Jess is right." Alice said. "Maybe it's just one little detail we missed."
"Yeah!" Sarra said excitedly. "I mean, how bad can it be?" As the water only touched our toes at this moment, Alice walks to the door and exhales through her nose as she raises her fist moderately.
"Here goes nothin'..." She said anxiously.

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