When Roses Collide

By kraftygal

1M 65.8K 5.7K

Steamy hot cowboys rule the Montana plains, in their molded to perfection jeans and scuffed up boots. Or so t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Five

21.4K 1.4K 234
By kraftygal

"Why don't you climb down off the roof sunshine so we can talk about this?" Travis coaxed. "Where did you put the ladder and we'll help you down."

"My name is not sunshine, it's Harley and I don't need your help down, thank you very much." She said in irritation, crossing her arms across her chest, she tapped her foot and gave them both an annoyed glare. At least she didn't stomp her foot this time, Travis thought. That's progress.

Brady and Travis were about to dismount when they noticed the dogs still surrounding them with nothing but pure bad-attitude. Deciding not to chance becoming their chew toy, Travis stayed with his ass firmly planted in the saddle. Kicking his mount into motion, he headed for the backside of the house.

Harley followed them along the porch roof line. "What are you doing" she asked after they made a full circle.

"Where's the damn ladder?" Travis asked.

"There isn't one."

"What do you mean there isn't one? How the hell did you get up there?" Travis was quickly starting to think his earlier thought of her being a few cards short of a full deck wasn't just a passing fancy.

"How do you think I got up her? I flew!" she said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Beings that I don't see a broom, I highly doubt that sunshine." A shocked expression passed along Brady and Harley's faces for a moment before they both broke out in hysterics. Even Travis found himself chuckling along.

"What do you know, Mr. Asshole has a sense of humor," Harley said still giggling. The sparkle in her eyes combined with the warmth of her smile, made Travis start thinking of things he could do to keep them there.

"Okay, okay...enough goofing off. Seriously, how did you get up there?" he asked gruffly, uncomfortable with those kinds of warm fuzzy thoughts.

What did he care if she was kept happy or not for fucks sake. He needed to keep his brain focused on the issue which was to get this little imp off this property and out of his life. Not to mention, whether or not if there was a need for a cozy white coat with lots of buckles and a paddy wagon when it came to her.

"Over there," she pointed to the old oak tree towering over the house and sprawling across parts of the porch roof.

"You climbed a damn tree?" He couldn't keep the shock out of his voice even if he wanted to. Time to call the funny farm, they have a new recruit, he snorted to himself.

She rolled her beautiful eyes. "Yes daddy, I climbed the tree," Harley mocked. "Haven't you ever climbed a tree or did you lose a Y chromosome somewhere along the way?"

For the first time in his life, Travis was struck stupid. The wheels in his brain kept spinning, searching for a comeback, but the hamster had died of shock. All he could do was watch while she walked back over the pitch of the roof and down the other side.

Travis kicked his horse into a trot to keep up and make it around the corner to keep her in his eyesight. For her safety, of course, it had absolutely nothing to do with the way her ass swung back and forth. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that buddy and maybe one day you might believe it, he scoffed.

Brady soon joined him. "You need some salve, boss?" His smile grew large at Travis's obvious confusion. "Because you just got burned man."

"Shut up."

His attention reverted back to the roof. In a blink of an eye, she jumped up and swung herself on the lowest branch that hovered just a few feet above the porch. It was pure delight to watch her wiggle and waggle down the limb and his pent up frustration of being insulted quickly was replaced with a totally different kind of feeling. Never had Travis wanted to be closer to nature, as he wiped the sweat off his brow. Her tank top snagged a bit on the trunk as she made her way down and he was blessed with a generous view of cleavage.

His dick sprang to life and slammed into the saddle horn, making him groan a bit and squirm backwards. Finally giving up the idea of trying to make himself comfortable, he dismounted in time to put his arms around her waist and ease her down his body. He held her close to him, leaving her toes dangling a few inches off the ground.

The feeling of her sliding down his chest was pure heaven. She was everything he imagined she would be. Soft, delicate, and luscious. Her sweet smell of jasmine floated through his senses making his mouth water. It was enough to drive him over the edge.

He knew he was holding her for too long, but for the life of him, he couldn't relinquish his grip. He wasn't sure if he pulled her closer or if she moved closer, but there was one thing he was completely certain about and that was he wanted to kiss her. He never wanted anything so badly and decided he had to have a taste.

One teeny, weenie little sip off those pouty lips surely couldn't hurt. Could it? One look into those luminous violet eyes and he lost whatever inner battle he'd been fighting. He couldn't stop himself, which he had no intention of doing anyway. As he slanted his lips over hers, all sane thinking disappeared as soon as they touched.

Oh my God! Adonis was kissing her! Woo-boy...could he ever kiss. He licked nibbled and nipped his way across her lips making her moan and clutch at his shoulders for support. As she guessed, he was as hard as steel under her finger tips and she pressed herself further into his incredibly wide chest. Shouldn't she be protesting? Trying to push him away instead of nuzzling closer? Her mind went into a tailspin of sensations.

He smelled of pure clean brawn and she breathed him in as he lavished her lips. Harley's heart started to crescendo out of control as the heat of his kiss stole her breath and blazed a burning trail down to the juncture of her legs. A throbbing tempo began, creating a pool of wet warmth and made her wiggle even closer.

Travis groaned as she crawled further into his embrace. She was a perfect fit. This was what he'd been missing. Who knew the warmth he'd so desperately searched for would turn up in this pint sized hotheaded hellion. One touch of her lips created such an inferno inside of him, he didn't care if it burned him to cinders and left nothing of him but a pile of ash in his favorite boots.

Her little mewling sounds drove him crazy, making him grind his cock against her, leaving little doubt what he wanted and intended to make happen. Hot, and getting hotter, Travis allowed his revved up sex drive to take over, throwing it into over drive. Her soft sighs and groans added high octane fuel to his libido. His mouth worked its way around her lips across her cheek and back; skimming every inch of her face.

He licked her lips and slowly skimmed his tongue from one side to the other. "Open for me Harley, let me taste you," he demanded on a deep husky whisper, urging her lips apart with the tip of his tongue. She finally parted and let him in. Her sweet taste was like nothing else he'd ever experienced and he drank her like a man dying of thirst.

His tongue delved deeper into her mouth, searching, exploring and learning every inch. At last, Harley's tongue touched his with a tentative stroke and the passion exploded into a fire storm.

She could barely make out his rasping breaths over the pounding of blood in her ears. Adonis's tongue swirled and devoured her mouth much the same way she savored the succulent taste of chocolate. Each sensual swipe caused need to lick along her body, making her whimper. Never had she been this hot, this out of control and so profoundly wet.

Harley finally understood how those other women in her books felt. If her feet were on the ground, she was positive she would have done the clichéd leg lift. This is what it meant to be kissed senseless and what it felt like to be "flowered" in readiness. If she flowered anymore, she would be a freaking botanical garden!

How was it possible for a man to make her want him to rip off her clothes so she could put her fevered skin to his with nothing more than a kiss? An onslaught of desire made her mold her body even closer, rubbing , wiggling...doing anything she could think of to feel every inch of his hard muscled body against hers. Whatever it took to ease the burn building inside as his lips and tongue scorched her.

Her body had a mind of its own and yearned to be nearer. His searing kiss started a full blown four alarm fire, warming her belly and spreading down until its heat engulfed her throbbing clit. For the first time in her life, Harley was so on board with getting naked and rolling around right her in her own yard with this Adonis of a man. Now please, she thought as she launched herself into his kiss with zeal.

Holy shit! She was hot and Travis had saddled up to a grass fire a time or two in his lifetime, but he doubted dipping a toe in lava would compare to the sweet torture he was enduring from this little sexpot moaning and wrapping herself around his body. Her hands gripped his shoulders so hard he could feel the slight sting of her nails. His dick throbbed hard against the backside of his zipper.

The pain he endured was worth every zigzag mark he knew he would have when he finally got her naked beneath him and he could bury himself deep into her honeyed warmth. He pressed himself against her gorgeous body, rubbing his erection against her belly needing to make her aware of just how much he wanted her. Hell, he didn't just want her; he was overwhelmed with the need to be surrounded by her.

He swallowed another one of her glorious moans as he raised a thigh between hers, parting them slightly. Tucking his hands under her thighs, he lifted her legs up until she wrapped them tightly around his waist. With her latched snuggly against him, his hands were able to freely roam. His fingers itched to get under that tank top. The need to feel her naked skin against his palm made his hands shake. Not even as a teenager had he been this eager to round second base.

Soon his tongue would be following the trail his trembling hands were and he would be able to taste every inch of her. He could smell her fragrance, the heat of her desire made him groan deep in his chest and his body shuddered in anticipation. The thought of tasting her sweet pussy about dropped him to his knees.

"Ahem," Brady cleared his throat and tried valiantly to look at anything but the two making out under the tree. Despite his subtle clearing of his throat, they continued feasting on each other like it was their last meal. "AHEM!" he coughed louder.

This time the sound registered in Travis's lust crazed brain. With great effort, he slowly released Harley's supple lips, barely containing a growl toward his soon to be in a world of hurt, ranch hand. He gazed down into her eyes pleased to see them alight with passion. Her desire mirrored there resembled fireworks on the Fourth of July in their vivid depths.

Her pupils were wide and dilated, her sweet breath came in short little pants and he could feel her heart pounding into his chest, matching the same rhythm his was galloping to. He laid his forehead against hers, slowly running his nose up and down hers in a soft caress.

"Hi," he whispered, flashing her a grin.

"Hi," she managed to breathe out with a sensual smile, if not slightly dazed.

"I'm Travis."


"Harley, I know. Pleased to meet you, sunshine." He was about to claim her swollen lips for another taste when Brady interrupted again, loudly clearing his throat.

Travis sighed in annoyance at the second interruption and leaned his forehead against hers wanting to lose himself in those passionate violet eyes.

"Do you need to cough up a fur ball?" he growled at Brady.

"No boss and it ain't my fur or balls you should be concerned about at the moment," Brady whispered with alarm. "As much as I hate to break up your...ahem...introductions, I would think you would prefer it from me rather than the chunk of ass you are about to lose from them."

Travis turned to where Brady was pointing and sure enough, four black masses were moving in unison with identical sets of your ass is grass canines in full view. Now that he was back on the ground, he could appreciate their massive sizes, not that he cared to this closely.

"Shit!" Travis couldn't help but do a bit of a butt crunch. "Harley? Harley, honey?" he gently shook her to break her trance. Damn, but he like the idea he had managed to kiss her speechless. His male ego began to gloat. That could only mean she was just as stirred up as he was, but now was not the time. He really, really needed her to speak...and now as he felt one of the mammoths hot breaths warm his thigh.

"Hmmm?" She looked up at him.

"Your dog's sunshine, can you call them off honey before I start missing some vital body parts?" He leaned down closer to her face so he was just shy of being nose to nose with her and whispered for her ears only. "Parts that you may want to enjoy sometime in the very near future," he chuckled.

Harley's eyes popped wide open and a slight O formed on her lips, which turned into a bashful smile. A warm blush appeared on her pixie face and Travis was very interested to find out how far that blush went down.

"King, sit baby," Harley spoke softly to the dog who immediately sat on his sizable haunches staring up with utter devotion. Brady's sigh of relief matched his own when he was able to relax, realizing his manly bits were safe for another day.

King looked over at him when he heard Travis's sigh of relief and gave him a look that said... You just wait buddy, when she ain't looking, I'll be using your shin bone for a tooth pick.

I wanted to take this time to thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this installment of When Roses Collide, and that you'll consider giving it a vote. I can't tell you how much your support means to me and how much it motivates me to keep going.

If you find any errors along the way, don't be afraid to point them out and I always enjoy any recommendations or critiques you may have. As always, I will try and update once a week, but if you don't see an update here, check out my other story Bending Steele. Thanks again!

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