The Beast Inside (Unedited Ve...

بواسطة dreamer37

1.9M 47.9K 3.5K

Cherryl Carter is a normal, shy ,reserved girl. Like most of the girls out there She's a nobody and she loves... المزيد

The Beast Inside
Chapter = 1
Chapter = 2
Chapter = 3
Chapter = 4
Chapter = 5
Chapter = 6
Chapter = 7
Chapter = 8 (part - 2)
Chapter = 9
Chapter = 10
Chapter = 11
Chapter = 12
Chapter = 13
Chapter = 14
Chapter = 15
Chapter = 16
Chapter = 17
Chapter = 18
Chapter = 19
Chapter = 20
Chapter = 21 (part -1)
Chapter = 21 (part - 2)
Chapter = 22
Chapter = 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter = 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter = 29
Chapter - 30 (Unedited)
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32 (unedited)

Chapter = 8 (part 1)

67.5K 1.5K 45
بواسطة dreamer37

Chapter = 8

Cherryl Carter groaned and turned over when she heard the shrill sound of the clock, coming from her bedside table. She hit the snooze button to kill the irritating noise and buried her head in the pillow. She closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep again. After the zero sleep she got last night she was in no mood to get out of her comfortable bed. She sighed and tried to relax.

"Cherryl! Its seven thirty already. Get up!" Her sister's loud voice invaded the silence of her room. She frowned and covered her head with the pillow.

"Cherryl! You are going to college today and I am not taking no for an answer!" She heard her sister yell again from downstairs. She ignored her and fully concentrated on her mission to go back to sleep again.

"Cherryl Carter! Don't make me come up there!" She groaned at the last statement of her sister. She knew that Claire won't stop yelling till she answer her back. She still remember the last time when her sister came to wake her up, five years ago. After she ignored her first few calls, she ended up drenched in the ice cold water. Winter season was on its full bloom that time and she ended up with a flue afterwards.

She heard her sister's angry footsteps coming closer to her room and then there was fierce knocking on her door.

"I am up!" She said and threw the covers aside.

"Good for you! Be downstairs in twenty minutes, fully dressed or I'll be back and trust me if you made me come in there I'll drag you to your college by your hair!" She heard her sister's final warning as she grabbed some clothes and made her way to the washroom with her eyes still closed.

She managed to take a bath and got dressed in some blue faded jeans and a navy blue t-shirt, in the duration of just ten minutes. She fiercely brushed her tangled hair and tied it in a ponytail finally after a few failed attempts. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes were puffy and red due to lack of sleep and few  stubborn strands of hair had also managed to escape the grasp of the rubber band. She tucked them behind her ear but they fell back again. She let out an exasperated sigh. She was about pull out the rubber band when she heard her sister stomping her way upstairs. Cherryl cried out in terror and grabbed her side bag and opened the door before her sister could have knocked.

"Good, you are ready." Claire said staring at her from head to toe. Then her next question caught her off guard .

"Cherryl, do you have a boyfriend?" As soon as the words left her sister's lips she choked a bit on her own spit.

"No! Of course not!" She replied shaking her head fiercely.

" Oh! Then do you mind telling me why is there a guy named Damien Richards downstairs to take you to the college?" Claire asked her with an accusing glare. But the name 'Damien Richards' shocked her to the core. She stood there staring at her sister in horror. How did he find out where she lives?! Is he stalking her?! Her heart was beating loud and fast and the idea of locking herself in her room was more tempting than ever but instead she stood there motionless opening and closing her mouth like a fish.

"D....D..D-Damien R-R-Richards is here?" She finally managed to ask her sister.

"Well that's what he said his name was." Claire replied in a monotone.

"Why is he here?!" She asked, staring at her sister in pure terror.

" As I told you already he said he was here to take you to college." Claire said in a bored tone.

" I can't go with him! Tell him I am not here!" She said in a desperate tone.

" Cherryl I told him already that you are upstairs, getting ready." Claire said in a monotone completely oblivious to her sister's odd behaviour.

"Then... t-then tell him that I ran off or something...or that... I..I-I  Just disappeared.." Cherryl said looking around trying to find a way to escape. Claire finally noticed the way her sister was terrified and trembling.

" Cherryl, calm down. Is this guy giving you a hard time? Stalking you or something? Wait right here, I'll go and give him the beating of his lifetime. Nobody messes with my sister." She said in a serious tone and rolled the sleeves of her shirt up, getting ready to throw a few punches at the guy downstairs.

Claire herself was surprised when that guy showed up at her doorsteps asking for Cherryl. She knew her sister a bit and she was sure that the way she dressed and the way she behaved, she was trying to chase away all the guys. If she would just dress up a bit she would have guys falling at her feet. 'But then again maybe she was wrong. Maybe Cherryl has finally started showing interest in guys. The guy standing downstairs and the way she entered the house last night, all flushed and messy, could be considered as live examples. But if this guy was giving her trouble then he's in for a lot of beating.' Calire thought as she turned away from her sister to go downstairs.

Cherryl looked at her sister in shock.

'She can't let her sister get into a fight with him. What if he changed into that beast and killed her?! She can't let him harm her family!"
With that thought she grabbed her sister's arm before she could have taken a step towards the stairs.

"No..n-no he's not stalking me or anything." She said and gulped down her nervousness. She even managed to smiled a bit to convince her sister.

"Wait..! Is this the guy you made out with in the darkness of the forest last night?" Claire asked with an accusing glare.

"What?! Of course not! I wasn't making out with anyone!" Cherryl shriek yelled at her sister over the accusation.

"Oh! Really!? With all those dirty clothes and your messy hair it sure looked like you got hot in the forest." Claire said with a smug grin on her face.

Cherryl opened her mouth to defend herself again but Claire cut her off.

"Anyways, I don't want any details. Just go downstairs and you both better be out of my sight and on your way to the college before I get back downstairs. You have got ten minutes so please just hurry up." Claire said in a voice devoid of any emotions and walked inside her room, slamming the door shut.

Cherryl looked at her sister's closed door. She felt like her sister was throwing her in front of a hungry lion. But she couldn't just stand there and strike up another conversation with her sister so she cautiously made her way downstairs without making any noise.  She was on the last step when she spotted him. He was standing there with his back towards her looking at some family pictures.

'He definitely looked like a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was probably here to take her to some far away abandoned part of the forest and  then would eat her alive in a one single bite. She could either go there and let him drive her to the end of her life or she could make a run for her life.'

She knew what she had to do now. So without another thought she made a dash towards the back door. She saw him running towards her but she slammed the door in his face and ran towards her car. She jumped inside the safety of her car and locked the doors. She pushed the key in the ignition and her car roared to life. She heard a tap on her door. She turned towards the door in shock only to see Damien's face glaring down at her. She hurriedly backed her car and made her way to the road. Only when she was a few feet away from her house did she dared to look at the rare view mirror, only to see Damien Richards angry glare still focused on her car but she was glad that she was far away from him. She sighed and felt a bit relaxed.

Damien Richards was already driving towards his college when the clock hands hit the seven. He was a bit excited today. He reached the parking lot and parked his black Volvo at the usual spot. He made his way to the corridor which was becoming his favourite part of the college with the passing time. He leaned against the wall and looked at the students passing by. He stood there for fifteen minutes waiting for his beast's girl but all he received there was unwanted female attention which was getting on his nerves for some unknown reason. As the time passed he felt his irritation increasing. He knew he was waiting there in vain. She wasn't coming today either. He let out a frustrated sigh and walked back to the parking lot. He got inside his car and grabbed the steering wheel in a death grip. He knew if he sat there for another minute his beast will take the control. So he was left with no other choice but to go to her place and be near her.

After fifteen minutes of driving he reached the now familiar house.  When he parked his car in front of the house he felt a bit lost not knowing what to do. The feeling of unease was making its way into his system. He managed to ignore those feelings and stepped out of his car. He knew he has to do this for his beast's sake. He made his way to the front door and pressed the door bell. He tapped his foot impatiently waiting for door to be opened. He was about to press the door bell again when he heard the lock of the door undone. Door opened and revealed a brunette girl. She looked at him from head to toe and raised an eyebrow.

Damien gulped down his nervousness and smirked.

"I am here for Cherryl Carter." He said suddenly feeling nervous and sweaty.

" Why are you here for my sister?" She asked, piercing him with her accusing glare.

"Well... I am here to take her to college. She wasn't showing up from last two days so I was a bit worried." He managed to say and let out a nervous laugh.

"Oookkk.... come on in." She said still not believing his words and moved aside to let him in.

He walked inside and instantly relaxed when the flowery scent engulfed him. The girl closed the door behind him and led him to the living room.

"My name is Claire by the way. I am Cherryl's sister. Just wait here I'll go get her." She said still seeming unconvinced about his reason to be there.

"Nice to meet you. I am Damien Richards." He said with a warm smile and extended his hand for her to shake. But she just nodded and walked up stairs.

Damien let out a pleased sigh feeling complete. He was in a state of pure ecstasy and her scent was the reason for it. He felt normal again. He felt alive. His lips were turned up in a full blown smile. He was finally at peace. He was surprised at the effect this girl had on him and his beast. She was like his personal sanctuary. The only reason she was born was to be with him. She belongs to his beast and he was not letting her go anywhere.

His moment was broken when he heard the soft pads of feet and the scent becoming stronger. He turned around only to see Cherryl making a dash towards the back door. He ran after her but it was a bit late. She slammed the door in his face. He ripped open the door and sprinted outside but she was already in her car. He ran towards her and tried opening her door but she had it locked. He was angry at her for running away from him. She looked scared when she spotted him. But she hurriedly backed her car and drove down the road leaving him behind fuming in anger. But then he immediately relaxed when he realised that she was going to the college. His lips turned into a smug grin as he made his way towards his car.

'If she thought that she could get away from him just like that then she's in for a huge surprise.' He thought as he drove towards the college with a self satisfied smirk on his face.

Sorry.. for the delay. I was unable to write form last three days as I am not feeling well... I would try to upload the second part soon...its almost complete...

Thanks to all who have commented and voted for my story.. I am glad you people are enjoying it..

>lots of love<


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