adopted by one direction

By caylie200236

147 11 8

a 12 year old girl named Alyssa has been abused by her father and mother since she was 3 years old and she wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

48 3 2
By caylie200236

Louis pov
Simon told us that we have to adopt a girl from the ages 10-14. I'm so exited to see my new daughter. Because I'm the oldest I'm the one who is going to be the legal guardian. I'm so excited and so are the other boys.

Alyssa pov
I was in my bath room floor crying and cutting myself when my roommate called me saying that some people are here and want to adopt girls from the ages 10-14 years so I cleaned up my cuts and put a white long sleeve bad idea and some blue jeans and ran down stairs. I lined up with the rest and waited until the people pick the kid and I know it's not going to be me like always.

Louis pov
I saw the most beautiful girl who looked like she was crying and then I look at her white long sleeve and it's the summer so I go and talk to her but then I stop myself because I see red stains on one of her sleeves and one of her pant legs I wonder what happen. So I walk over to her and say "hi I'm Louis what's your name?" At first she looked scared and then sad again. She finally said "hi Louis my name is alyssa." And she whispered the whole thing so I couldn't hear her that well all I heard was 'hi' 'name' 'alyssa' so I'm going to guess that her name is Alyssa. So I say "well Alyssa can I ask you something?" "Yes." She said that and she said it right after I finished my question. "1. Why are there blood stains on your shirt and pants and 2. Would you like to come home with me?" She said "1. I fell off my bike and 2. I would love to." "Okay let me go talk to the other boys ok?" And when I said other boys her fave went white like she just saw a ghost but then I said "don't worry I'll be your legal guardian ok?" She said ok and I walked over to the boys (conversation between the boys louis=L niall=N liam=l zayn=Z and harry=H)
L:hey boys come here and form a circle.
H: hey what's up lou?
N: Ya what's up
L: I found our girl you see over there in the white long sleeve shirt?
l: ummm... Lou why are there big blood stains on her pants and her sleeve?
Z: Ya if we are adopting her we should know the truth
L: ok she just fell off her bike but I don't believe it so I'm going to go talk to her some more ok you guys stay here please
The end of conversation
Alyssa pov
Louis came over and asked me again what happen to my arm and leg so I figured why not tell him cuz he is going to be my new dad "um Louis can you keep a secret?" "Yes I can." He said. I said "Icutmyself." I said that really fast so he didn't hear me so he asked me to say it again but slower so I said "I cut myself." "Why?" Was all he could say and he had some tears rolling down his cheeks so I wiped them away and I gave him a hug and told him everything that has happened in my past and present so now he is just in shock and he went over to the boys they all nodded there heads and they ALL came over to me and the blonde one I think is kind of cute tho. All of a sudden his cheeks turn beet red and everyone is laughing so I'm like "Louis why are you laughing?" I guess I sounded scared and he stoped laughing instantly and told me that I said niall I think his name is, is cute out loud and now I was blushing I feel the heat coming off my cheeks and then I heard Louis say "go pack y like our stuff Alyssa we are going to go sign so papers okay?" I nodded my head and RAN up stairs like someone was dying and I was walking in my room and then I started packing up my stuff. Wich I may add is just one small carry on bag I had when I was first put here. I was done packing and ran down stairs to see the boys waiting by the from door and I scared them by saying "hey can we leave now?" "Yes we can and where do you want to go shoping?" Louis said "American Eagle please?" "Sure let's go" the curly haired boy said and I reached out for my dad's hand and he looked shocked I told him that I haven't Benn outside in 2 years so I was scared he just nodded and grabbed my hand and we walked to the car and when I got outside th Sun was so bright and the air was so refreshing. All of a sudden I hear a loud BOOM! I got scared so I jumped and my dad picked me up and carried me to the car and about half way home it started to rain really bad and then another big BOOM came and I squeaked and my dad was driving so I climbed on the one with a buzz cut I think his name is Liam I don't know but I snuggled my head in his chest and feel asleep to him rubbing my back and going like "shhhhhh." Like you do with a baby and that always makes me fall asleep like right away.
Liam pov
Alyssa heard thunder and climbed on to my lap and rested her head on my chest and I was rubbing her back and saying shhhhhh like you do when a baby crystals like five minutes of rubbing her back I looked at her and she was out like a light. So I passed her to niall very carefully. When we got home Louis picked her up and put her in his room and I got her bags. As soon as I lay down on my bed I was out like A light and so was everyone else.

___________________________ Hey guys ask me questions on the book that you need to know or tell me things you think that should be in the book first one to comment on it will eather get there question answered or they get their idea in my book remember No hate and if I get more then 100 hate comments on my book the I'm not going to make anymore chapters ok hope you like the book bye my penguins

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