The Klutz and the Speedster

By Kole_Stilinski24

9.7K 299 49

Hey there! Lillith, well Lilly, Wilson. No not as in Slade Wilson. Believe it or not, Wilson is a common last... More

Chapter 1- Knight Takes Queen
Chapter 2- A Depressing Tub of Disappointment
Chapter 3- A Fairly Descriptive Robber
Chapter 5- You Are Their Me
Chapter 6- Return of the evil Butterflies
Chapter 7- That Damn Lion
Chapter 8- Sweetheart?
Chapter 9- Tachiyons
Chapter 10- I Know Your Secret
Chapter 11- Ear Worms
Chapter 13- Cry Baby
Chapter 14- 1 Step Forward 2 Steps Back
Chapter 15- Reservation For Two
Chapter 16- Who's Smashing Adams?
Chapter 17- Spivot's Got Spunk
Important announcement

Chapter 12- Explosive Chibis

468 11 0
By Kole_Stilinski24

I sat there doing nothing like the entire few months I had been here. March was almost. Cisco had gone missing after a while of Barry acting odd. I could see where they were taking him, but Wells was stalling them and I had been getting frustrated. Wells is distracted now I can test my theory. I stood up and raised my hands using the outside to shift the door up. I lifted and I ran sliding under it just before it faltered and fell back down. An alarn went off and I ran slipping into my suit checking servailence to see them all check the pipeline. They were headed to Rainbow Raider's first and I grabbed my black silk which I had hidden in STAR labs. I flew to where Cisco and his brother were being held. "You're a good brother," Snart said. I rolled down pulling out my bo staff extending it as I stood as a barrier between Snart and the Ramons. "Not to mention his immaculate taste in friends," I said kicking the gun out of Snart's hand and whacking him upside the head. "What kinda people do you hang out with," his brother asked. "The Central City vigilantes," I said cuffing Snart. "Not so big without your gun," I teased. His sister came in and I swiped my hand making their guns fall to the floor. I weighted their feet down and cuffed them. I turned on my coms syncing it to the overhead which Hartley actually taught me, saying, "Don't trust Lilly Wilson." Cisco looked at me confused and I lifted them all flying us to STAR Labs.

I took off my mask putting down the tranqued rougues. Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco looked between me and the clone. Wells was tensed up ready to attack me. "Step away from my boyfriend," I said sternly lifting the bow we left for Oliver which I had used my powers makeing it fly into my hands. "That was so badass," Cisco said and the clone took out one of my bo staffs. "How the hell did you get out of the cell," She demanded. "You mean the cell you put me in," I asked making Wells sit back hiding the smug look on his face. Got you right where I want you. "Fun fact I couldn't open it from the inside but gravity is outside the cells too maybe you should check next time when you close the cells that they're closed fully," I said releasing the arrow and it sunk into her head. I lowered the bow setting it on the tabel and lifted the rouges putting them each in a cell. I closed off the vault. It had actually been a bit lonely without the sarcastic little douchebag.

I walked back to the cortex and Barry just poked me. "Explain," Dr. Wells said. I sat in a spinny chair. "A month ago I had gone to check on Jason and Roy when there was two streaks the reverse flash, but there was your streak even though I'm positive you were still checking on Joe. Then the red streak with yellow lightning went into this blue field and suddenly I was in one of the cells. The Reverse Flash sped away as my clone said how she planned on getting close to you guys so she could destroy my life. She was grown by the Reverse Flash who she worked for. I was able to see everything on a projection she had set up to drive me crazy. Didn't work I'm tougher than she thought. I also had the 'pleasureable' Hartley to keep company. He actually was the one who helped me get out," I said. "That's ironic," Cisco said. "Well it's good to actually have you back," Caitlin said hugging me. Cisco was next and Wells squeezed my shoulder wheeling off to do whatever. That left me alone with Barry.

"What I don't get a hug," I asked. "Sorry I just. I don't know," he said sitting against the tabel. I faced him tilting my head concerned. "Share," I said. "Not only could I not tell the difference between a clone and my girlfriend, but I watched a version of you die. I- I know it wasn't actually you, but seeing someone who looked like you, well was, I guess I don't know,  it's alot to process not to mention even though I knew you had killed before I could never see you actually killing anything and I guess it just kind of threw me off," he admitted.

I sighed looking away before looking at him taking his hand in mine. "I never wanted to ever revisit the killer I was or to kill anything ever again, but the thought of something that was me potentially hurting the people I care about, the people I love, I acted on instinct because I trusted myself a little too much," I said, "If you need time that's absolutely fine, but I'm still me and I will always be here for you Barry." He looked at me confused. "You're not upset," he asked. I shook my head answering, "Of course not. Bar, I get it. I have been where you are now. Not to mention I just want you to be happy. Seeing you like you were after I had disappeared killed me so if I can ever do anything keep you from feeling like that ever again I will do what is in my power to do it, because even though you are my boyfriend you're still my best friend too no matter what."

I hadn't realized how far on the edge of the chair I was until I tried to shift back and landed on my ass. "I'm good! Safe! No harm no foul the chair was just done with my ass. Pun unintended," I babbled. I saw Barry laugh for the first time in a while and couldn't help, but smile. "That's the Lilly I know and love. Alright defitely not a clone again. By the way I kinda lied about not being able to tell like you with the shape shifter, acting," he said helping me up. I rested my hands on his shoulders and he rested his hands on my hips. I leaned forward as he did and we kissed. Suddenly Cisco screamed, "AH! HE! HE! WAIT 'TIL FELICITY SEES THIS!" We broke apart laughing. I was blushing like crazy and burried my head in Barry's shoulder. Cisco's brother looked confused. "He's a major fanboy and has shipped us since we met back up," Barry informed. "Sounds like my brother," Dante teased.

"Oh shit! I'm the one who sucks at hiding my identity now," I said. "That's like one to twenty," Caitlin whispered as she walked past. "Yeah bro you can't speak a word of her identity," Cisco said. "Your secret is safe with me," Dante said. "Thank you," I said. "So are we really keeping them in the cells," Caitlin asked. "No, but I used alot of my powers today after not using them at all for a month so I needed a rest," I said. Suddenly Barry was gone. A few minutes later he was back and said, "They're now being transfered to Iron Heights," Barry said smugly. "You are such a show off," I said laughing abit. "Oh yeah Dante that never happened," Barry said. "What never happened," Dante asked. "Me doing the whole...," Barry said trailing off as I interrupted saying, "Sweetheart it's a joke he knows what your talking about." "Ohhh," Barry said rubbing the back of his neck, "Good one that was... clever. I'm just gonna... go." I laughed and said goodnight to them before walking with Barry to my apartment.

I was on my stomach my head, facing Barry, rested on his arm. I had my left arm under me my hand under his waist and my other hand rested infront of my face with his free arm wrapped over back with his hand resting on my waist. My nose was on my pointer finger with my hair covering most of my face.

He kissed my hand wich in turn made me chuckle, "Still really cheesey." "Only 'cause I love you," he said smiling. "Of all people you chose me," I asked. "You're brilliant, strong, kind, not to mention you beat the shit out of puberty," he said. I laughed saying, "What about you!? When I last saw you as kids you were an awkward dweeb. I didn't recognize you when I saw you again because you became like hot. Especially when you take your Flash hood off and you have your cute little messy hat hair." "Oh really," He asked. "Don't get full of yourself Allen," I teased. "Oh I wouldn't dream of it," he said, "Besides you are way cuter when you do the little nose scrunch thing." "What nose scrunch thing," I asked. "I can't tell you," He said. "Fine kiss up," I teased my eyes closing as Barry kissed my forehead. "Barry," I asked sleepily. "Yeah," he asked. "How are you so damn comfy, and lean," I asked yawning before actually falling asleep.

I woke up to a phone call. I answered it, "You got Lil if this is Cisco or Caitlin please call back later if this is Iris or Joe what's up if it's work, who died and how soon do you need me?" "It's Barry I need you to get down to the the park as soon as possible also technically work related. "Be there in like 30 love you," I said hanging up not giving him time to reply. I was not a morning person. I took a literal five minute cold shower to wake me up. Five minutes of cursing at myself later I dried my hair curling it as I pulled on my white v-neck on with my black deconstructed jean shorts and black suede booties. I quickly put on my usual make up and made a smoothie and took a granola bar to go slipping on my bag and stuffing my phone in it's own little compartment. I slipped on my bracelets rushing out taking the elevator and hailed a taxi. Were I realized I didn't shave and pulled out my galaxy tights which I kept for emergencies like today and somehow got them on in the back seat. I payed the driver slipping my booties on as I walked over to the crime scene.

"Hey Lil," Barry said. "Hi," I said covering my mouth which was full of gronola making my scentence sound a bit incoherant. "Rough morning," he asked stifling a laugh. I swallowed the gronola saying, "Putting it lightly. I haven't slept in a legitamate bed in months." He chuckled becoming serious again, "Okay well witnesses say presents came floating down in parachutes and started exploding." "Sounds like that wack job twenty years ago the trickster," I said. "Funny you said that this guy sent out a viral video of the bombing and stated that he was the new trickster. Guy's a bit... exccentric, but I wanted to show you the crime scene before nicely asking if you could maybe hack CCPD status server to trace his location," Barry whispered. "That's hmm illegal, so yeah of course," I whispered. "You're the best I love you," he said showing me the crime scene.

I looked around and saw one of the exploded ones slipping on gloves and lifted it. "We might be able to trace him with this," I said. They all looked at me curiously. "Well if he is the new trickster then maybe he makes his own bombs find the trade mark see anyone knows his mark or where the base of operations. However, if I can get my hands on the video I could use the 3-D face module to fill in skin where his mask is and run it against face recognition through the CCPD data bank and the state age liscencing records because anyone capable of something this intricate has to be what atleast 18 clearly not an ameture," I said. "I wish I could give you access to the video, but it shorts out any device that so much as finds the video," Joe said. I nodded, "Okay definitely older than 17 to be that advanced with technology."

We took a look at the suspect sketches and Joe said, "That's the guy in the video." I took the paper and sat in the spinny chair cracking my knuckles, but it hurt more than I thought it would, "Ooowww." I started making the face and followed their directions on the coloring. I ran it through and as we got a match I caught the name before a photo of a laughing chibi of himself with audio saying, "Tricked ya!" The computer showed my face now and I looked confused at it as it started to short out and Barry tackled me out of the way as it exploded. "Are you okay," he asked sitting me up. I nodded, "Yeah I'm okay are you?" He nodded and we stood up. Joe was aiming a gun at the glitching computer and lowered it as I said, "Trust me it's dead it comitted suiced." "Another dead end," Joe said disappointed. "Actually the guys name is James Jesse Junior. He's literally changed his name to his idol's back '08 as birthday gift to himself," I said recalling my information. "The actual James Jesse is locked away in jail," I said. "Detective West you should have a word with the original," I said. Joe nodded and I filed the cases before meeting Barry in STAR labs.

As soon as I stepped through the door way there was a blip. I suited up and was filled in on the fact that Iris was in danger. I flew out after Barry and entered from the roof he ran on off and I took tranq darts knocking the guys out and heard over the head piece that Barry had a bomb on him that was hooked up to a speedometer that would detonate if said speedometer fell below 60 miles per hour. "I got the civillians you worry about not exploding," I said over the coms. Wells proceeded to talk Barry through phasing through solid objects. I took the antedote giving it to everyone. "All set over here," I said tying the crooks up leaving them hanging for the cops before flying out the way I came. I flew back to STAR labs and watched Barry phase through a wall. We all cheered as he said, "That was weird! That felt really weird." I took my mask off laughing.

I heard him walk through the door and I ran jump hugging him. He lifted me spinning me briefely as I exclaimed, "You did it! I knew you could!" He laughed setting me down and kissed my forehead saying, "And you took care of those guys all by yourself." "Pfsh that? Oh that was nothing," I said. "Lets take a picture this time with Lilly," Cisco said. I smiled nodding and lifted the camera keeping it still in the air and Wells was in the front center. Cisco was in back on his right, Caitlin directly behind him and was the back left. Barry hit the button and ran he was now behind me with his head on my right shoulder as the camera took the picture. I brought it over to Cisco. "That's way better," Cisco said. We all started to pack up when I noticed a blip. "I got it Barry you rest you just phased through a solid object," I said. He nodded knowing better than to argue with me when I was in parently mode.

I put on the mask and took off to Iron Hights being that's where the blip went off. I heard over the talkies as I landed that Jesse James was broken out by his mini me. "Son of a-," I cut myself off looking at his cell and it was empty. "Lil what's going on," Barry asked over the comms. "The new Trickster broke out his idol," I answered and walked to find Henry he might have seen something. I froze when I saw his cell was empty. I turned off the comms asking, "Where is Henry Allen?" "That fruity little bitch broke him out," said one of the inmates. I took off and flew back to STAR labs sitting in one of the computer chairs hacking into the servailence cameras at Iron Heights. The annoying chini came on and I contained the blast in a feild before slamming my fist on the tabel. "SON OF A BITCH," I fumed dropping my head in my hands. "What the hell happened," Cisco asked. I looked at Barry saying. "I so sorry I was too late," I apologized. "I don't understand," he said. "They took a hostage when breaking Jesse James out. I'm sorry Barry... they took your dad," I explained. His expression dropped and all their faces fell.

"Is there anyway to track them," Cisco asked. "Not until the next viral video I have a minute window at the most from while it's streaming to after the stream before he sets up the bug to turn the device into a bomb," I said. "By then my dad will be dead," Barry said. "No I am not lettimg that happen Barry. This is on me and I am getting your dad out of there. The next stream is going to be for some sort of ransome which gives me time trace them so we can get your dad," I said. He was on the verge of tears and nodded. We left and as soon as we got outside he broke down crying. I hugged him stroking his back as he cried into my shoulder.

"I can't lose my dad," Barry mumbled his voice hoarse. "And you won't if I have anything to do with it," I reassured. He lifted his head and I wiped his cheeks removing the tear trails. "You need sleep," I said standing on my tip toes to kiss his forehead before we walked to my apartment. I had fallen asleep immediately.

I looked saw on the projection from my cell Cisco finding out about a hologram in the field as Barry went to Stop Mardon who had taken Joe. I lifted the cell door finally testing my theory and ran grabbing Oliver's spare bow. I skidded to a stop as Cisco fell dead. I shot all of the arrows at Wells getting angrier each time and he ran out so I ran to Cisco's side taking his pulse. "C'mon Ramon you can't be dead. Cisco I need you to wake up," I said tears streaming down my face as I tried to jump start his heart. "Cisco wake up man. Wake up," I said raising my voice. "You can't be dead," I practically shouted and rocked back in my heels sobbing. I heard Wells chuckle and I turned putting the gun he was holding between my eyes. "Any last words," Wells asked. "The last time I heard that I laughed so hard that I fell off my dinosaur," I said chuckling and the gunshot sounded.

I shot up gasping for air air crying. I bit my lip trying to stifle the sobs. "Hey what's wrong," Barry asked concerned and his arms wrapped around me as I sobbed into his chest. I finally calmed down enough to tell him about my dream. "What," he mumbled. "It's just a nightmare, but it felt so real," I said. He just combed his fingers through my hair. I layed back down resting my head on his chest. "I love you," I mumbled. "I love you too," he whispered.

I woke up to a call and Joe told me that they couldn't get the signal. I shaved my legs and pulled on my jean shorts which had a pryamid like gap on the side of the shorts. I walked to my room questioning all my life choices and second guessing my mindset in which I bought all of my clothes. I laced up my black converse and grabbed the black lace cut off sleeve tank that I wore to Coachella as a junior in college. I fixed my make up and left with my bag, phone and Barry telling him to clock out early and go to STAR labs. We went to the precinct and I stayed with Joe and Eddie waiting for the video.

"He took Henry," Joe said as Barry walked up to the lab the anger building up. I shifted my gaze from the lab doors to the detective. "We know," I said. Barry came back down sometime later saying, "I'm clocking out early." I nodded and he walked out." "Why is he leaving," Eddie asked confused. "He didn't want to, but I told him this morning to leave early he's too attached to the case personally and we all know how Barry gets angry," I covered. I stopped as the video came on. I used the program Felicity showed me and traced the signal. Too easy. "There's no way it was that easy," I half mumbled to myself and continued searching as I caught a glimpes of a reflection in the mirrors. "I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE," I said and ran my hand through my hair actually turning on my com. They're at the local theater's prop room. When I was little I spent alot of time there my mom worked for the theatre I can see the candle that was used at her leaving party. I bought that candle it's used for a warm up," I said. They sent out a team and I looked back at the screen seeing Barry run in as the flash his face did the fuzzy thing again and he vibrated his vocal chords. "C'mon Flash," I said routing him on. I watched anxiously unable to do anything being if I left it'd raise suspicions. I made my costme fly in with the full mask and the hood. "I" helped keep the bombs from hurting anyone. Alchemy and Barry left as the team got there to the tied up tricksters. I stopped controlling the costume and called Barry acting as if he didn't already know, "They saved your dad the vigilantes! Joe's unit is locking them up." "I know," he said confused. "Okay, I'll meet you there," I said and hung up. I finished the paper work and ran off to STAR labs clocking out.

I hugged Henry and then Barry. "That was brilliant Lil," Barry said, "thank you." "Hey it was my mom's candle that gave them away," I said. "Your mother's still looking out for you," Henry said with a warm smile. "Yeah," I chocked out smiling and swallowed the lump in my throat keeping my calm as Henry admired STAR labs. "This is far more advanced than anything back in my time," he said. "When you get out I'd be happy to give you a crash course," Cisco said. I smiled at them the images of Wells shredding Cisco's heart ran through my mind and I took a sharp breath. "You alright," Barry asked. "Yeah I just- I haven't thought about mom in a while," I lied smoothly.

I have to convince everyone that I genuinely don't believe Wells is the Reverse Falsh because the last time I let on that I knew he tried to turn me into a weapon who's to say he won't actually try to kill the other scientists. I was tiered and Henry had to go back to Jail unfortunatly. Barry waited til his dad left to show pain. I hugged him as he just burried his head in the crook of my neck. He didn't cry and just stood there trying to keep calm. I took him to my apartment and we were curled up in my bed. I had one hand under his head the other combing through his hair. I could tell he had fallen asleep, but it wasn't much better. He's going through alot and he won't talk to me. I kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

I woke up after having the dream again this time waking up around six in the morning instead. I managed to calm down faster and Barry got up concered. "Are you okay," he asked softly. I nodded answering, "Yeah just the nightmare again," I said adding, "I'm grabbing water want anything?" "No," he said shaking his head. I felt his eyes on the back of my head all the way out. I took the water bottle and took a sip. sitting at the counter. I burried my head in my hands and just wondered why did it have to become so crazy? Why couldn't we just use our powers for the metas and petty crimes like before none of this Reverse Flash bull shit. I sighed dragging my hands down my face as I heard Barry quietly walk over and sit next to me.

I rested my head on my hand looking over at him. "Do you wanna talk," he asked. I just shook my head. He nodded quietly and pecked me on the lips before walking back to my bedroom. I grabbed my clothes quietly as he was already asleep. I just smoothed my hand over his forehead brushing his hair out of his face. He looked so peaceful asleep right now. He's only 25 and already he's dealt with so much. It was hard to imagine just last year I had been living with mom working in the Bertinelli's resturaunt.

I walked to the bathroom taking a shower. I put on my In This Moment playlist and litened to Beast Within, Scarlet, Big Bad Wolf and Sick Like Me on loop. This would so terrify Caitlin. I was in my baggy faded tiger tank top that I tucked the front into my black highwaisted shorts which were over my black sheer tights with the bows and my converse. I blow dried and curled my hair before I put my usual make up on. I just hit a random song and Nobody's Home by Avril Levign started. I brushed my teeth before putting on the chapstick. It was around eight now and I checked in on Barry who was still asleep. I put his phone on do not disturb as I sent a text telling him I was going to Jitters before work and if he needed me to call. When it sent I turned off do not disturb incase he had an alarm set. After grabbing my bag I left. They no longer had the apple cider and it was rather warm so I instead grabbed a lemonade that was like a slushie. I walked to work after checking in with Felicity.

It was mostly paper work and I decided to start early. Barry walked in a bit late and seemed completely out of it. "Barry," I said looking at him as he almost put the DNA sample in the chemical shoot instead of the Calcium Hypochlorite to sterilze one of the water samples. "Yeah," he asked paused in mid air. "That's the DNA sample," I said. He brought it to his eyes saying, "Good eye." He put it in the holder grabbing the Calcium Hypochlorite not saying another word. "Barry what's wrong," I asked. "Nothing," he lied rubbing the back of his neck. I tilted my head giving him a look.

We were interrupted by Eddie walking up. "I need to tell Iris," he said. "You can't," Barry said. I sat back my legs on the desk being Eddie hadn't seen me. "It's driving a wedge between us and she's your best friend how can you not tell her," Eddie said. "I can't risk getting Iris in the cross hairs. Her Joe and my dad are the only family I have left," Barry said. "Joe and your dad both know. Cisco, Caitlin and I know. Digs, Lyla, Ollie, Felicity and Roy know. Now Eddie even Snart knows. Why are we not telling Iris at this point its more dangerous for her to be unprepared not knowing than to be able to defend herself knowing. I have said this since day one," I said. "Fine," Barry snapped raising his voice. It shocked me making me jump my legs now on the floor as he took a second to breathe before speaking again and softer, "Fine, but let me do it." I sat there shocked as Eddie just nodded leaving.

I thought back to my job at Bertinelli's . Before Jimmy I had dated this douche Blake. He was so sweet and charming and kind, but it was all an act. I hadn't realized it at first I thought he was just over protective. It wasn't until I ended up with a black eye and a broken rib that I saw him for what he was. I ended it one restraining order and two near death experiences later. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap it's just," he said trailing off. I smiled a quick tight lipped smile before filing more cases. I jumped later feeling a hand on my shoulder and mentally scolded myself being it was just Barry. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," He mumbled. "It's okay what's up," I asked facing him. "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tomorrow night," Barry asked. I smiled. "That sounds awesome," I said smiling like crazy. "Alright then it's a date," Barry said smiling. I bit my lip still smiling and Finished last chart. I finally found a good guy. Well like not as in superhero good guy like nice guy good guy even though he is both. Wow Lil babbleing to yourself. I looked at a file from the bottom that was from last night. Dead body multiple bee sting in the car. I glanced over asking, "Hey Bar?" "Yeah," He asked. "Were you late because of the bee case," I asked looking up. "Yeah," he said with a mischevious smile. "Meta," I asked. "Maybe," he said smirking. I claped my hands together digging into the file.

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