The Elf and The Dragon (Fairy...

By tastefultrash

58.6K 2.3K 373

A Fairy Tail FanFiction~ Princess Lucy. King Natsu. Both had exceeding power. Both were after the other. When... More

Chapter One- Fates Intertwined
Chapter 2-The Servant
Chapter Three-Only Eight
Chapter Four-Forbidden Nature
Chapter Five-Deception
Chapter Seven-Past: Part Two
Chapter Eight - Escaping Demons
Author's Note
Chapter Nine-A Drunken Mistake
Chapter Ten- Fleeing His Own
Chapter Eleven-Consumed in Flames
Chapter Twelve-Forever Despair
Smells Like Honey & The Mafia's Giver
The Dragon's Hatred
Rewrite is Out!!!

Chapter Six-The Past: Part One

3.7K 177 10
By tastefultrash

Thanks so much for Reading you guys.

This time I'm gonna dedicate this chapter to everyone who reads this. If you're reading this, then you are part of this chapter. You are now stained into this-

Sorry, sorry. Went a little overboard there. Anywhoosies.



Wendy cupped Romeo's face. "Romeo!" She cried out. "Wake up! Please!" She begged, tears rolling down her cheeks.

A giant blast had sounded around them, darkness enveloped Wendy as something shielded her from danger. She felt strong arms wrap around her. "Wendy." She heard someone whisper in her ear.

She ignored whoever caused the blast, keeping her attention on her companion. "Romeo..." She rested her forehead against his chest.

"Wake up, Daughter." A melodic voice echoed in her head.

Wendy's head snapped up and she found herself somewhere else. Floating in a dark galaxy, she held onto Romeo. Her dark eyes were full of confusion, sadness filled her gaze. "Who-Who's there?" She asked, her voice cracking.

A woman appeared before her. She had soft, light blue colored hair that fell down to her waist, she wore a royal blue colored gown that pooled around her feet, the last detail made Wendy gasp. Shining silver chains were wrapped around wrists, seeming to keep her in the odd galaxy type place.

She smiled, wrinkles forming in the corner of her eyes. "Hello Wendy. I'm Grandine."

Romeo suddenly began to violently cough up blood into the void. Wendy began to panic. "Romeo! Are you okay?!" She frantically, examined his face.

Fresh blood covered his bottom lip. "I-It just hurts a l-little..."

The woman named Grandine shook her head. "Don't lie, Child." She scolded. "Wendy."

Wendy looked to Grandine for a moment. "W-What is it?"

"You have the sky inside of you." She knelt beside Wendy and smiled. "You know you do... just look inside of yourself. I believe in you." She leaned down and softly kissed her forehead. "I believe in you, my daughter."

Then she was gone, the sound of the chains clattering echoing around.

Romeo began to shake fiercely. Wendy's eyes widened. "Romeo!" She cried out and tried to do as she was told.

She looked inside of herself. She closed her eyes. She could feel something changing. She kept her hands hovering over Romeo.

Romeo's eyes widened as his vision began to clear. Wendy's once blue hair had turned pink, she was glowing and he couldn't help but blush. "Wendy..." He whispered.

She opened her eyes and he got a glimpse of pink before she was back to normal. Blue hair and brown eyes. Still beautiful.

"Romeo?" She said, her voice soft.

I reached up and rested my hand on her cheek. "Wendy." He smiled and kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

Tears escaped her eyes. "I-I'm such a c-crybaby..." She mumbled as tears fell down her face.

Romeo hugged her. "Thank you so much, Wendy. You saved me."

You saved me.

☯Natsu's P.O.V☯

I stared down at the sleeping princess. I folded my hands together and rested my elbows on the side of the bed. I'm going soft. I closed my onyx eyes and let my memory play out.

I huffed. "I'm running away." I muttered to myself

Mom and Dad were being mean, they grounded me. So I decided it was time to runaway. "I'll go to the Forbidden Nature and live with the nice god." I declared, stuffing random objects into my pack.

"Prince Natsu? Are you alright?" Sting, my best friend at the time, called through the door.

I scowled. "I'm fine. Just leave me alone!" I shouted, angry at everything.

I heard a sigh then footsteps walking away. I grinned and opened the door. "Here goes nothing!" I exclaimed and jumped from the room, out the window.

Forbidden Nature was dangerous. I knew that. But I didn't think the Goddess wouldn't protect me. Was I not pure enough?

I screamed as I ran through the trees, hoping to find someone to help me before I get eaten by whatever creature was chasing me. I tripped over a root and fell against grass that was soft, not like the grass that I was running on.

I frowned and looked up.

A girl with golden colored hair and a white dress looked down at me. Her eyes were wide and she had her hands over her mouth. "Why are you in Forbidden Nature?" She asked, kneeling beside me.

I groaned. My entire body was sore. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia and this is the Elven Kingdom."

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