Stephen Curry |One Shots & Im...

By Gl0balcam

49.5K 601 173

"steph curry with the shot, boy." book started July, 2015. More

'Switzerland Disaster' Part 1. |Abigail|
Switzerland Disaster Part 2. |Abigail|
warriors vs. lakers |andrea|
Sorry !
All for myself - |For Nia| (pt.1)
All for myself Pt. 2 ❀️

Part 3.

4.5K 78 68
By Gl0balcam

"Just a moment!" I hear a faint shout from beyond the door. Currently, Stephen and I are in front of his ex's hotel. No, we aren't here for me to pull her hair out or for me to give her a black eye while Stephen is holding me back, although those things sound very appealing at the moment; we're here because apparently she Ayesha is a nurse and knows how to fix his head injury. After Wardell iced the speed bump located on the left side of his head, he said that he complained that he felt dizzy moments later. I didn't believe him considering there was no blood leaking, but what do I know? We has no idea how to fix this and didn't want to go to the ER for help so we thought, why not ask the nurse across the street?

"Hi, no I won't be needing room service right-" She says, pausing short, surprised to see us standing there. "Oh, come to visit so already huh?"

"I kinda bumped my head on the headboard, and I'm not quite feeling like myself," My husband explains.

"He says he's feeling a little dizzy and out of sort." I finish.  "and threes a little blood"

"Oh well come right in; come take a seat, both of you." She opens her door, leading the way into her enormous suite. "Would like anything to drink? I think they're still serving free diner, downstairs, If you want me to go grab something for the both of you. The pasta here is amazing, "

I nor Steph caught ourselves gazing at her amazing room she'd been staying in. Everything about it was amazing, it was like she was living in a upscale house rather than a hotel.

"Hello?" She waves her hands when we didn't respond. "Sit Here, sit let me take a look."

"Sorry," Wardell apologizes, taking a seat in front of her, following me to take a seat on the side of him.

"Oh, Stephen," She scrunches her face. "Well I mean, it's not that bad."

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yeah, I mean I could tell it swelled down a little, so the only thing I'd tell you is to put more ice on it and it should heal up by the time you leave. As of for the way you're feeling, you know, dizzy and all, I recommend you get some pain killers. I would normally tell you to get some rest but since you and Abigail are only here for 3 days, you probably wouldn't want to do that."

"Yes, I'm sure you know Stephen is very adventurous." I joke. At the moment I forgotten why I even hated Ayesha in the first place.

"Haha," she throws her head back in laughter. "Yes our adventurous little Steph.. I'll get some more ice for your head." Our?

"Yes, thank you. This one is sort of melting." He pouts.

"This suite is huge, Wardell." I say the thing that's been on my mind since we've walked in here.

"I know right. This must cost a fortune a night. I mean just look at it. I'm started to wonder why I didn't book this hotel myself, it's not like we don't have the money," Stephen agrees and I can't help to think how weird we both are, sitting here as grown adults, admiring the hotel suite like two little kids.

"I hope we can still take her up on the offer for that amazing pasta she said they have here," I started.

"Or we can just find some place to eat if that's okay with you." He adds after he sees my frown that I'm gladly wearing on my face.

I have mixed feelings about Ayesha. One minute I hate her, then another minute I'm happy she's here. I strongly feel like we're spending way too much time with her and it seems like I'm the only one who has a problem with it. It's supposed to be about me and my husband... Not me and my husband and Ayesha. I just wish she'd tell me that she's not in love or have and feelings towards Wardell anymore so we can move on with the this trip.

After she went into the kitchen to get some ice, she placed it on Steph's grad. He was swearing up and down that she 'wasn't holding it the right way, or applying the right amount of pressure' to his head. This caused her to physically hold it there herself, which earned an eye roll from me, and of course Ayesha caught it.

"Oh, no. This- I can imagine how awkward you may feel right now."

"I've felt awkward this whole trip so far to Be honest." My mouth speaks before I can process what I'm saying, for one of the several times today.

"Wait, do you think that I'm- That I still have- I," she fumbles with her words..

"Yeah she does," Stephen sighs, following Ayesha to throw her head back, for the second time today, in laughter. I knit my eyebrows, trying to make out what was so funny

"Look, Abigail," She looks down at me. "When me and Wardell were together it was amazing. But him and I broke up for a reason. Once my family and I moved, I changed and found new people. I missed him with all my heart but it was time for me to move on.  He did too, with you, obviously. I will always have love for Wardell, as a friend, but I will never let that interfere with you and his relationship. If it did you should've told me because that is not my intention. Especially, girl, I know if someone tried to flirt with my husband, all hell would break lose. I mean it's only the first day and I miss that man like crazy," She laughs.

'You have a husband?" I question her, giving her my full attention.

"Yes, I do. I figured Wardell already told you, that's why I paid no mind to when you had that resting bitch face every time you saw me." She jokes. "Oh, come on, you thought I didn't notice that?"

I look down ashamed that I gave her such attitude the first day of this trip. The first day. From all that went on I couldn't believe we still had two more days to go in Switzerland. It was bittersweet because I really wanted to explore this amazing city of Zürich but I was already beginning to feel a bit homesick. Hopefully the two days we have left will go by better than the first day that's started.

"But my point is," She continues. "I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable or jealous or anything of that matter. I will admit I did get a little too excited when I saw Stephen, and I deeply apologize for that." She stares at me and I can see how sincere she is about her apology.

"I should be the one apologizing honestly, to both you and Wardell," I say.

"No need to apologize to me-," Stephen quickly says.

"No," I interrupt, "I've been a complete bitch to everyone since I got here, Wardell. I was being over sensitive about everything."

"And to you Ayesha," I turn to her. "I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you, I haven't even gotten to know you; instead I just judged you from the beginning.I accept your apology and hopefully you accept mine."

"Of course I do." She says opening her arms for hug. One thing I could say, is that Ayesha gives very warm hugs.

"And so do I." Stephen adds in. "Now that this apology party is over, let's go get some food."

Ayesha and I share a laugh while Stephen playfully rolls his eyes rubbing his stomach.
After we left Ayesha's hotel, Stephen and I caught a taxi, which I was surprised, that they even had taxis in Switzerland. Even thought we got a taxi, Stephen and I had no idea where we were going, but he taxi driver was nice enough to explain to us all the sights they have here, since he could sense we were tourist. He, also, caught me by surprise because he surprisingly didn't have an accent and spoke fluent English.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I couldn't help but notice that huge bruising on the side of your head." The taxi drivers looks in his rear view mirror. "What happened?"

"I bumped my head on the bed stand." He shortly explains. I could tell that he was getting tired of people asking the same question over and over again since we've left Ayesha's hotel. Everywhere we went people would either stare at Wardell, or knit their eyebrows for a short moment at him. Or they would run up for autographs.  When I saw how annoyed he'd gotten I tried to tell him it was because he was the famous Stephen Curry. 'I know' was all he said with a drained face.

Unexpectedly, the old taxi driver started laughing at him. "Um, is something funny?" I asked, wanting laugh.

"Oh, sorry, I just find it hilarious that while you two were getting it on he happened to bump his-"

"That's not what happened, though." Stephen's green eyes darkening; I can guess that he is getting annoyed easily because he was very much like that when he hasn't eaten.

"Oh sure, look it's okay. You were enjoying yourself a little too much, got carried away and now you've got a scar to prove it. Or may be there's more scars to prove how much fun the two of you had." The taxi man says in a deep voice.

"Excuse me?" Wardell leans forward from his seat, and knowing that he was sitting directly behind the taxi driver, I was worried that he was going to reach around and give the taxi man a scar of his own.

"We're really just trying to get something to eat." I blurt out trying desperately trying to defuse the situation.

"Well then you took the right taxi, because I'll show you all the best sights in town." The old man said.

"Sure you will," Stephen mutters, leaning back, looking outside the window.

We, well I, trusted that he was going to do what he said..... But, not much to Stephen's surprise, he didn't.

Instead of taking us to the best places in the city of Zürich, he took us to the worst. It was an horrible experience riding there; whenever Stephen would ask the man where we going he would just shrug it off saying, 'you have to go through the worst places to get to the best.'

"Sounds like a Nike quote you'd see one of my shirts." Stephen huffs under his breath, making me chuckle.

When we finally got to the 'best restaurant" of the city, we felt nothing but.....disappointment.

The sign 'Léo's Diner' was written in big bold black letters looked very convincing but the building itself looked dirty, with its white paint peeling off showing the mold growing beneath it. It seems the cab driver had dropped us off in the middle of no where with this little 'diner' in front of us. This seemed to be the only building that showed signs of life than the ones that weren't already abandoned.

Stephen sighed and turned around, in hopes that the taxi driver was still there but the time he looked the shiny yellow object had been already down the road. He then looked down at me in disappointment and I can feel my facial features throw on my favorite 'bitch face' mask.

"I guess, this is it. I mean... Do you wanna-,"

"Stephen, baby, I don't think we have a choice. I mean look around there's not another non-abandoned building in sight." I try my best not to have an attitude. "But, the one thing hat matters, at least, is that we have each other."

"Alright," Stephen side smiles."let's go see if they have anything good to eat in here because i am starving."

And so as I, for the last time we ate a full meal was last night. Yes, there was food at the airport but Stephen insisted on not having a full belly, for there was much more other foods we needed to try instead of airplane food; which I was kind of upset because he was the reason we were so hungry now. But on the bright side at least we're getting some type of food to cure our hunger.


"Stephen are you ready babe?" I say grabbing my suitcases and heading to the door.

"Yeah, I'm just stealing some of their towels."

"What?" I ask.

"They felt so clean on my skin when I took a shower last night; you took a shower right? Didn't they feel like a giant panda bear was hugging your skin?" My husband explains.

"Stephen, what on earth are you talking about?" suddenly I realize that Wardell's pain killers must've been kicking in.

"Come here and look at how clean these are though."

I do what I'm told, not to see the towels, but to get Stephen down from cloud nine and back to reality.

"Oh, they're really soft...." I lie,  "But we gotta go Wardell, our taxi could be coming at any minute now."

"Let me grab two more." He pleads, stuffing the white, fuzzy towels into his huge Nike duffle bag.

After Stephen and I had left 'Leo's Diner' (which turned out to be a disappointment as well, considers half of the food was either over cooked to undercooked; no in between.) ((we also had to walk almost 5 blocks around the city until another man in taxi pulled up and asked us if we were lost. He offered to take us to our hotel claiming he knew exactly where it was, but of course not to our surprise he didn't.)) and after it took us a while 2 hours to get back to our hotel, Stephen had gotten an urgent call that caused us to cut our trip short. I wanted to be upset but I honestly was relived that we could finally go back to our home in the bay after everything here had went nothing as planned. Wardell was extremely sad that the trip was such a downfall and apologized again that this wasn't anything him nor I wanted.

"It's okay," I had said. "At least we have each other and honestly this trip has made our relationship much stronger."

I realized that after we said goodbye to Ayesha. After every pointless argument we had we found a way to forgive each other and move on and even the little things that Stephen did made me realize that we've gotten so much closer not only physically in our actions, but in our emotions.

Now as the taxi driver loads our suitcases in the car, I look forward to continue my old life with my old routines back in L.A.

"I love you, Abigail." Stephen takes his hand in mine. "And I know I've said this at least a million times but I'm so sorry about how his trip turned out; from the beginning arguments to the over reaction with Ayesha, to the diner, to even now, us having to go home early."

"I love you too, Wardell. It's okay! Maybe we'll get to take another trip soon and maybe that one will be-"

"Hey, can you two love birds get back into the car, my shift ends in after I drop you two to the airport and I'm in a hurry to get home." The cab driver with an extremely thick accent commands us.

So much for a great trip huh?
The Switzerland series (idk what else to call it 😂😅) has come to an end. I hope you (Abigail) enjoyed every part of it. sorry for any grammar mistakes, comment & vote.

Songs of the week:
Hotline Bling//Drake
She's Kinda Hot//5SOS
Jealous Type//Bahja Rodriguez
Holding on// Disclosure
Flower Remix// Kalin&Myles
Talking Bodies (Remix)// DJ Taj

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