He Changed me... // Sam Potto...

By ChasingMoran

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"oh, sam? he changed me." More

Author's note!!
Chapter 1: That's my locker...
Chapter 2: My name isn't Natalie...
Chapter 3: Did he really?
Chapter 5: Lost in your eyes...
Chapter 6: You know them?!
Chapter 7: I don't need your pity
Chapter 8: Ricky Minaj to the rescue!
Chapter 9: Fan girls be trippin'
Chapter 10: What am I doing?
Chapter 11: I think I love you.
Chapter 12: Together forever?
Read my new story?

Chapter 4: No more...

8.7K 253 221
By ChasingMoran

Here it is!! :)
The picture is who I imagine Naomi as.

After I finished explaining the plan to Rachel, she immediately agreed. This plan was in action and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. Sam Pottorff was screwed.


"Naomi, are you sure you want to do this?" Rachel asked.

She was holding a bottle of dark brown hair dye.

"Yes I'm sure! Just do it," I said.

"Aye, aye captain!" Rachel shouted and put the dye in my hair.

I was honestly very worried. I've never done anything crazy to my hair, let alone dye it, but I had to do this. This was part of my plan to make Sam Pottorff fall for me. I was determined to make that happen. And once he falls for me, then I'll reject him to show him how it feels. I know I sound like a complete bitch right now, but this is how I feel.

After about 10 minutes, Rachel was finally done putting the dye in my hair.

"How long does it have to stay in?" I asked.

Rachel lifted up the box of dye, reading it. "About 20 minutes."


We finally finished rinsing my hair and blow-dried it. Rachel wouldn't let me look in the mirror until she was done with it, so it'll be more of a surprise. Once my hair was completely done, I examined myself in the mirror.

Once I saw my reflection, my jaw dropped. My hair was perfect! It's never looked this good before. I smiled, satisfied. Then I jumped on Rachel and hugged her.

"Thank you so much! It looks amazing!"

She chuckled. "Whoa, calm it down now, Harper! It was no problem! I just wanted to make my best friend happy."

I smiled and hugged her again. Suddenly my mom walked by and saw me. Did I mention that she didn't know that I was doing this? Well she didn't. She looked completely shocked.

"Honey!" My mom exclaimed.

"What? Do you hate it?!" I frantically asked.

"No! I love it! You look a lot more like me now!" She ran over to me and hugged me. "Oh, and sweetie, here are your new contact lenses," she said and handed me them.

I smiled. "Yes! Now I can stop wearing these dorky glasses!"


Now that my hair is different and I no longer have to wear glasses, I think I look a lot better. Rachel and I went to the mall and my mom gave me $200 to spend. Rachel helped me pick out some new clothes. Now I can ditch my cardigans and unflattering sweaters. Rachel also made me wear one of the new outfits I bought.

After spending all of my money on clothes, Rachel dragged me to some weird makeup store and paid for me to get my makeup done.

"Rachel! You don't have to do this! You're just wasting your money!"

"Why don't you calm your tits, Naomi, sit your ass down and let me spend my money on whatever I want to spend it on."

"Well damn, okay," I said and sat down.

The makeup lady took her time doing my makeup and when she got done, I looked in the mirror and was absolutely amazed at how good I looked when I actually tried.

I couldn't believe that the girl saring back at me in the mirror was actually me. I was having doubts that this plan wouldn't work, but I'm confident now.

Rachel and I walked to the food court together to get some food before we left. I sat down alone at the table, while Rachel went to order our food. While I was waiting for Rachel, I saw a cute blonde guy approaching me. He sat down across from me and smiled.

"You're really cute," he said with a smile.

I blushed. A guy has never called me cute! Never!

"Thanks! You too," I said. Whoa! Where did my shyness go?!

He slid a piece of paper over to me and winked. "Here's my number if you'd maybe want to call or text me or something."

I gladly took it and smirked. "We'll see."

"Before I go, can you tell me your name?"

"It's Naomi," I said.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. I'm Connor by the way. I'll see you around."

I smiled to myself. Well that was fun. I jumped when someone tapped my shoulder. I sighed in relief when it was just Rachel with my pizza.

"Thanks, Rachel."

"Mhm. So who was that guy you were talking to?! He was cute! Did you get his number?!"

"He said his name was Connor or something and yes, I did get his number, but I'm not sure if I'm actually going to talk to him."

"And exactly why not?! You could make Sam Pottorff jealous! He can finally pay!"

"Rachel! You know how I feel about using people. People have always used me and I'm not going to bring poor Connor into this!"

Rachel rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah, you're right."

We both finished our pizza in silence.


I woke up and sighed. It was yet another Monday morning. I climbed out of bed and went into the shower. I came out 15 minutes later and changed into one of my new outfits, that consisted of black, ripped skinny jeans, gray Vans and a gray "Soft Kitty" Big Bang Theory t-shirt.

I combed my hair and put my contacts in. They felt so weird, I was still getting used to them. I did my makeup the way that Rachel showed me and got ready to leave. I sighed when I went downstairs and saw that my mom was already at work. I barely ever get to see her.

I ate a bowl of cereal and drank a glass of orange juice and then left for school. This seemed to be one of the longest walks of my life, when in reality, it was only about 5 minutes. I really wanted to see Sam's reaction.

Soon enough, I was opening the door of the school and walking inside. As I was walking toward my locker, Kian, Sam and 2 other kids were blocking my locker talking. I'm not sure where my shyness went, but I am perfectly fine with it being gone.

I slowly approached the guys to ask them to move.

"Hey, I'd really appreciate it if you guys moved so I could get to my locker," I said with a big smile.

Kian and the 2 random guys with them quickly moved and their eyes widened. I glanced over at Sam and his mouth was wide open in shock.

"You alright, Sam?" I asked.


"Yeah, Sam?"


"Oh! I just went shopping. Do you like it?"

Sam violently nodded. I smirked.

"Well I should probably be getting to class now!" I stated.

All Sam did was nod again. I hugged Sam and walked away. This plan is now in action. This is only the beginning Sam Pottorff. It's only the beginning.


Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors. I'm waiting until the end of the story to edit. Anyway, I hope you liked it! Vote/Comment!

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