You Just Know (Diggy Simmons...

By shestheonlyonefanfic

6.6K 350 36

It's the perfect recipe for a disaster. Two different people, two different worlds... one thing in common. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

566 30 9
By shestheonlyonefanfic


Y/N- *grips the steering wheel as the song plays on the radio* *switches the radio off angrily*

I couldn't fucking believe that. You can't have me singing for you then just use my voice on a song.. how dare he! It actually pissed me off so much, I was pushing too hard on the acceleration. Driving towards his house, I called him so many fucking times, ringing off his phone, but rings and automated voicemail messages were all I got.

I was so angry at Diggy and I got even more frustrated the more i heard his voice on his voicemail telling me to leave a message. He didn't tell me, inform me or ask my permission to use my own voice for his song. I can't believe he fucking used me.

Y/N- *gets out the car* *walks upstairs into apartment block* *knocks on his dor and rings the bell repeatedly* *folds her arms and sighs*

*an hour and a half later*

Y/N- *sitting on the floor* *hears footsteps* *looks up at the stairs*

Diggy- *walks towards her and stops* Babe?

Y/N- *stands up*

Diggy- *walks towards you* What are yo..

Y/N- *hits him* How fucking dare you!!

Diggy- *looks at you Confused* What?! What did I do?!

Y/N- I called you a million times!!

Diggy- I'm sorry! I haven't looked at my phone since t..

You know what, I don't fucking care. The fucking song on the radio? That shit where you took my voice and used it for yourself? That's what I'm mad about

Diggy- *eyes widen a little* Oh..

Y/N- *shakes her head* You're selfish! How can you betray someone like that? You're just using me to get further in your career however you can, well you now what, I'm done. I'm not someone to be used like that. *grabs her purse*

Diggy- Well, quit leaving while you're ahead cause I have something to tell you

Y/N- *glares at him*

Diggy- My label wants to meet with you. Something about how the song is perfect and they want it to be a hit and.. they wanna make you a success

Y/N- *looks at him confused* So they just told you that they want me and that's it? *shakes her head*

Diggy- *holds your shoulders* They want to arrange a meeting with you as soon as possible, hoping you'd get a career outta this or something

Y/N- *stays silent* *thinks*

Diggy- Babe, what?

Y/N- I'm not sure

Diggy- Please, take this opportunity. *tries to hold your hand*

Y/N- *pulls away* I'll think about it.

*a few days later*


Y/N- *pushes him away aggressively* No, get away from me

Diggy- So I can't even talk to you anymore about this?

Y/N- You need to back off about it, get out of my house

Diggy- No, I'm not leaving unt–

Y/N- Just get the fuck out!! I don't want to talk to you about this anymore! I'm done!

Diggy- *shakes his head* It's a shame cause everyone is obsessed with your voice and it's been requested so many times on the radio across the country

Y/N- Yeah, well I don't care

Diggy- Y/N, you wanted to pursue singing and a career! You could make a serious career out of this, make some good money and be known for your talent, what is your problem?

Y/N- *looks at him* My problem is you right now. So leave.

Diggy- That's how it's gon be huh? You gonna be mad at me forever cause I put your on a track?

Y/N- *throws a pillow at him* Get the fuck out of my house right now!

Diggy- *points at you* Y/N, you're gonna regret this, don't.

Y/N- *shakes her head* Just leave

Diggy- Fine *walks out your house*

Damn, she's so.. angry at me. Really? When the world is in love with her voice? I just thought it sounded goon on the track and would be good to boost her profile as a singer. Show her real potential, you know? I thought she'd be happy. I was looking out for her. But I guess she'll have to see that while I'm not here.


*the next day at the Angel's house*

Cat- *blinks* He what?

Y/N- *rolls her eyes* I know, right?

Cat- Wait, so.. that's your voice?

Y/N- *nods*

Cat- I can't believe he did that.. he's a genius

Taz- *walking past the room* *walks back* Who, me? *smiles*

Cat- *looks up* No, Diggy.

Taz- *face drops* Oh.. Diggy? What'd he do?

Y/N- *slams her fist on the bed* He fucking went behind my back and betrayed my trust

Cat- Okay... I wouldn't go that far. He used her singing on his new single and now it's blown up all over the country. And she's annoyed that he did it. I think he's smart. He boosted your profile and saved you so much work and PR.. think abut it. Most people gotta start from the bottom with nothing but self promotion

Y/N- *opens her mouth and closes it again* Huh..

Cat- All you need is a manager. I mean, we'd do it for you, but we're all kinda tied up with the Angels and everything we're doing

Taz- *shakes his head* Not me

Cat- What?

Y/N- What.

Taz- I can be your manager. It's easy, I've done it for these girls and I'm doing a good job of it. Being your manager should be a breeze if this is so stressful

Y/N- No, no I'll look for a manager thanks, I'll go through someone else

Taz- What about keeping it in the family and paying your money to people that you know? People you actually fuck with and have known you more than anyone else?

Cat- *looks at you*

Taz- These other managers out here, and I know some of em, they dont' care. They want your money and their cut and don't care what they sign you up for to get it. You could be in New York for $20 and they wouldn't care unless they got their 25% cut at the end. I ain't like that Y/N. If me and Cat made the Angels successful, we can do the same for you.. maybe more.

Y/N- *sighs* Fine. Fine, can you shut up about it now?

Taz- *smiles and shakes your hand* I'll handle this business, talk to the label about this single and get the legal stuff going.. *leaves the room*

Cat- *watches him leave* He's real serious huh?

Y/N- *shrugs*

Cat- So.. you gonna thank Diggy or nah?

Y/N- *looks at her*

Cat- *raises her eyebrow* He got you this.

Y/N- *sighs* Yeah.. whatever.

*a few days later*


Diggy- *hugs you* I got us this to make up for it.. if we did another collaboration or something, it could be good. I love your voice with mine

Y/N- *smiles a bit* What you got?

Diggy- My producer and he has some tracks for me and you *sits down*

Y/N- *looks at the producer and smiles* Okay.. show me

*half an hour later*

Taz- *walks in the studio*

Diggy- *looks up at the door*

Y/N- *pauses the track and smiles* Hey

Taz- Hey, you working hard?

Y/N- *nods*

Taz- I've been talking to some people.. you'll be getting your cut and the cheques soon. I made it easy for you

Diggy- *looks at you*

Y/N- That's great, thank you

Taz- I booked you some radio and promo next week and the week after, so be prepared.. *phone rings* *looks at this* Ah shit, I gotta take this *walks out the studio*

Diggy- *looks at you* What's going on with him? What the...

Y/N- He's my manager

Diggy- *eyes widen* Him? Taz?

Y/N- *nods* What's wrong with that?

Diggy- Nothing just.. something doesn't sit right with me. Like he has an ulterior motive.

Y/N- *shakes her head* I know him, he doesn't. Don't worry about it, he said it's good to keep it in the family, and he's right. We're pretty close.

Diggy- *mumbles* Too close..

Taz- *walks back in the room*

Producer- *turns around* You wanna harmonise for a bit?

Y/N- Yeah, sure.. *gets up an goes in the booth*

Taz- *looks at Diggy* Diggy..

Diggy- *looks at him*

Taz- I'm warning you.

Diggy- *confused face* For what? Why?

Taz- You and Y/N.. I want you away from her. Let her focus on her career, let her do this. You stay out of the way. Don't distract her

Diggy- *looks at him crazy* Who says I'm distracting her? What if I wanna see her succeed and do it with me?

Taz- What if I told you, that's not gonna happen while I'm here?

Diggy- *stares at him*

Taz- Stay away from her. Let me handle her.You don't know her like I do and I don't want another of you niggas messing her up.

*hours later*


Y/N- *in the booth* *whines* My voice is tired..! *takes the headphones off* Urgh, I dont' wanna do this right now

Taz- Y/N, you gotta work harder, you're not putting the effort in like I want you to

Y/N- *pouts* I feel like I've done enough!

Taz- Y/N! Stop complaining! You want this, you gotta work for it, you have to go hard or not at all. So it's either you want this or we can go back to before

Y/N- *sighs*

Diggy- *gets up and sighs* I'm gonna go grab a drink.. anyone want anything?

Taz- Nah, I'm good.

Y/N- Water, please Dig.

Diggy- *nods and leaves*

Taz- *gets up* Look, Y/N...

Y/N- Taz, I'm tired. I just wanna go home and work on this song tomorrow

Taz- *walks in the booth* Well you know what this track needs? It needs you at your end, when you feel ike you're gonna give up. It needs you to be vulnerable and feel as if you're used, tired.. that's you right now *brushes hair behind your ear*

Y/N- *looks at the ground* It's just so hard..

Taz- *brushes your cheek with his finger* It's gonna get harder. It's how it is. You have to keep proving yourself to yourself and everybody else that you're worth it. And you are. *lifts your chin with his finger* *looks in your eyes and cups your face* I believe that.

Diggy- *walks in with waters* *looks up and sees you both* *stops*

Y/N- *looks up at him* *licks her lips*

Taz- I gotchu. Always.

Diggy- *leaves the studio*

Taz- *pulls you in for a hug*

Y/N- *hugs him*

Taz- I'm here to help you, okay?

Y/N- *nods*

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