Just Another Beauty {~Sequel...

By suGar_Twinkles95

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How will you like it if every man fell in love with the sound of your name. Julia, is the princess of the Kin... More

Just Another Beauty
Just Another Beauty {1}
Just Another Beauty!{Ch.2}
Just Another Beauty Ch.3
Just Another Beauty Ch.5
Just Another Beauty Ch.6
Just Another Beauty Ch.7
Just Another Beauty: Ch.8
Just Another Beauty Chapter 9
Just Another Beauty: Chapter 10
Just Another Beauty Chapter 11
Just Another Beauty Chapter 12
Just Another Beauty Chapter 13
Just Another Beauty Chapter 14
Just Another Beauty: Chapter 15
Chapter 16: A Compromise
Chapter 17: Time
Ch.18 Hard times call for heavy measure.
Just Another Beauty Ch.19
Just Another Beauty: Awakenings Ch.20
Just Another Beauty-The Curse- Ch.21
Just Another Beauty- Twisted Fate~Ch.22
Just Another Beauty-Open your Eyes~Ch.23
Just Another Beauty-The Apple~Ch.24
Just Another Beauty-Hard Memories~Ch.25 (Part 1)
Just Another Beauty~Breaking Point~(Part 2)
Just Another Beauty~Happy Endings Come At A Price~(Part 3)
Just Another Beauty~True Beauty~

Just Another Beauty Ch.4

914 14 1
By suGar_Twinkles95

Danny set me down on the grass. I looked around trying to catch a glimpse of a carriage, but I couldn't see one. I stood up. Danny was leaning over a tree and smirking. “Hey?! This women is in need of a carriage.” I cross my hands, stomping the ground.

“This lady is in need of a diet.” he laughed as he walked toward me slowly, with grace.

I huff, “Not funny. Say's the one who ate five cheese cakes all at once when we were little.” he stops midway, his eye level narrows at me. I gaze at him.

 “You promised me that you would never bring that up.”

“Oops, must have slipped out.” I say innocently. I gasp as strong hands grip my waist, “Let go of me!

“Never! Not unless you apologize.” Danny swirls me around and I feel like puking. “No! You deserve it for calling me fat.” I shout back.

 “Fine then.” I notice him walking towards a small pond. The same pond Danny and I would throw rocks across. Something tells me that Danny didn't bring me here for throwing rocks. My gut was telling me the rock was me.

 “Okay, okay.” I say, as he pulls me closer to the water.

 “Say it.” he demanded.

“It.” I muffle a chuckle. Okay I couldn't resist the joke. He pulls me closer to the water, making a scream escape from my lips. He smiles, “Say it.”

 “I'm sorry.... “

"Was that so hard-

 “Sorry for doing this.” I pull him in the pond with me. I felt the cold water hit my body. I gasped for air as I came out of the water. Danny was completely wet, and he looked pissed.

 I laughed so hard! “You think this is funny?” He said, but I could see the smile inching his face. He stood up, extending out his hand for me to get, but when I was about to grab his hand, he let go making me fall again.

 I groan, “You little jerk.” He smirks, while slipping out of his shirt. I could see everything, and he had perfectly nice abs. I look away from him, a blush peeking out of my cheeks. “So, how far away is the fair?” I ask, trying to get my mind off of his sculptured body. “Not that far. Just got to get my clothes dry because of one certain person.” he replied, almost laughing himself.

 “Hey! You started it!” I yelled, but I know it was no use bringing it up, because he gave me the look, “Okay.”

 He sat on the ground, patting the empty seat next to him. I went over and sat next to him.

 “So, hows your mother?” I ask.

“She's doing fine. Hanging on strong.” He smiled weakly, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

 I know how Danny loved his mother and would do anything to keep her safe. She caught a cold last winter, but she's been holding on. The Doc had told Danny that it wouldn't take long before his mom would eventually lose her mind. Luckily, his mom hasn't lost it yet. Were also hoping that it wouldn't come any sooner. I bite my lip, “Well, tell her, I hope she feels better.”

“I'll be glad to tell her.” he wraps his arm around me. Holding my breath, I look up at him. His eyes were closed. With his blonde, short hair messed up, he looked angelic. I blush as he opens one eye and see's me checking him out.

 He moves a strand of hair from my face, “Julie?”

 “Yes.” I inch forward, seeing his face so close to mine,

 “Race to the Fair!” He jolts right up, grabbing his shirt and running. Shocked, I scream after him, “Hey! That's cheating!”

I slip out of my shoes and hold them. I start running, feeling the grass in-between my toes. I haven't run like this  since I got stuck in study hours and meeting Princes. I could practically see the fair. The sounds of screaming people, the bright colors that swirl into a beautiful rainbow, he smells of candy and greasy food.

There stood Danny, at the gate, with a grin, “Beat you.”

“You cheated.” I pushed past him, but he got good hold of my waist. “Did I?” he asked, raising a brow. I could actually feel my face heat up in embarrassment.

“Julie?” a voice questioned. A voice I heard not that long ago. I turned around seeing Issac. He had his arm around a beautiful girl. She smiled warmly. “Issac, and this is?” I tried not sounding mean, but I failed miserably. The girl tilted her head down, looking ashamed of herself. I felt a rush of guilt, so I smiled.

“Hannah, this is Julie.” The girl, Hannah, picked up her head and smiled sweetly. “Hello.” She curtsied. I hate it when people did that. “No need of that.” I smile. I felt a tight grip on my waist. I mentally forgot about Danny! “This is Danny. Danny, Issac. Issac, Danny. Hannah, Danny.” Hannah blushed heavily when Danny flashed her a smile.

 “What are you guys doing here? And most importantly, why are you guys wet?” Issac's icy blue eyes narrowed at us. “None of your business.” I said, “Right now Danny and I are going to go have some fun.” I could feel the glare he was giving Danny, so, I decided to end it here, “It was nice meeting you, Hannah. Come on Danny.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me, “See you guys soon.” I smiled, but really, all I wanted to do was to go hide in my bedroom and cry.

Once we reached one of the roller coasters, Danny tugged my hand making me spin around and make contact with his eyes. “What was that about? Issac is the guy that has feelings for you? Wait, if he has feelings for you, then why did he have his hand around that girl?” that grin I saw a few minutes ago vanished, replacing it, was a cold glare.

 “They're getting married.” I whispered.

 “Oh that's right.” he mentally slapped himself, “I totally forgot you ever mentioned that to me.” He said sarcastically. His face softened a bit when he saw the tear escape my eye, “I'm sorry, I shouldn't be yelling at you. If you didn't want to tell me, then it's none of my business.” He pulls me into a hug.

 “No-no, I should have told you he was getting married.” I look up at him. “Ah, forget it. Well, talk about this later. Right now, were going to get your mind off Issac.” he pulled me near one of the rides.

 “You ready?” He asked me.

The truth was, I've never ridden on a roller coaster before. Danny, of course, had no idea. He thought because I was a Princess, that I had done everything. Which I have, except for riding one of those scary rides. I squeeze on Danny's arm and he saw the expression on my face.

 “Let me see, your scared?” he looks amused. “No- yes.” I lower my head, “Why don't you go ahead? I'll ride on those.” I pointed directly at the bumper cars. He shakes his head, “I told you I would take your mind off of him. I'm not going to leave you alone, silly!" he said. I'd start to protest, but it's useless. When Danny makes up his mind, there's no going back with him.

I hesitate, hating the idea of making him come with me, but also thinking it would be nice to have some company. I nod my head as we make a run for the bumper cars.


Today was the most fun and the most adventurous time I've had in my whole, entire life. I haven't even seen Issac or his soon to be wife, Hannah. I close my eyes and lay my head on the grass. Danny's on the other side of me. Danny had convinced me to ride the big roller coaster and eventually I did, but he had to buy me cotton candy once we were done. He kept his promise. Now, were laying here eating our cotton candy and looking out at the moon. A smile stretched across my face.

 “This was one the best days in my entire life.” I say. “I know.” Danny replies.

 “Thanks, I don't know what I would do with out you.” I say, “Your life would be a living hell without me.” I chuckle at his response, “Let's not go so drastic now.”

“Come on! Tell the truth.” He pulls his body up, laying on his right arm and gazing at me.

“Okay, I'd die without you.” I say, laughing.

“That's right. Respect!” He pumps his chest.

I roll my eyes. Then I close them. I feel heavy breathing on top of me, “Get off, Danny.” I say calmly. “Your beautiful.” He whispers. “What?” I open my eyes, but Danny is already off me and looking at the direction where my house was, “Time to get you home. Your parents would be worried sick.”

“Danny?” I start. “What?” He starts walking, and so do I, “See you around Handsome.” I wave bye as I race home.

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