My Killer Boyfriend

By Redhoodisbae

10.4K 313 31

Brooklyn Grace is dating Jason Todd. The only thing is she feels he is keeping secrets from her. Will these s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Author note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

1.2K 35 6
By Redhoodisbae

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a really LONG time just a few things before the chapter
1) thank you all for reading, voting, commenting on my story. You guys are what's making me keeping writing I honestly never thought that I would have like over 300 views because my story sucks
2) I know I haven't updated in a REALLY long time but I've been super busy and I'm having writers block so please feel free to give me ideas

Okay so I'll stop talking now and give you your chapter cause everyone hates authors notes so enjoy

~ Gabby

Piper's POV

I woke up to the sound of running water. The sun was making its way into my room. I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw......Brooklyn? I rubbed my eyes again thinking I saw it wrong, since when does she get up early.
"What are you doing it's only 8am you never wake up this early," I stated annoyed that one of the few days I sleep in I'm awoken.
"I know I know but I couldn't sleep Jason asked me to the gala last night and I keep thinking about it," Brooklyn continues before I could speak," and I don't have a dress to wear so I need to go shopping for one before all of them are sold out."
"That's great," I tell her.
"Wait you're not mad at me for waking you up?" She says shocked by my expression.
"I was but see I didn't know how to tell you I'm going to the gala too. My dad is good friends with Bruce and he invited our whole family so I'm going with them. I didn't want to make you feel bad or leave you alone so I didn't tell you I'm sorry Brooklyn. But now that your going come we're going shopping!" I answered truthfully. It felt really good to let that out.

At the mall

"Oh come on let's go in this store," I say as I drag Brooklyn into Century 21. We've been in almost all of the stores and I already have my dress but Brooklyn still hasn't found hers.
"Can't I just like use one of my old dresses?" Brooklyn whines for the umpteenth time.
"No now hurry up you walk slower than my grandma," I tell her. We walk to the dress section and while I'm looking I see this adorable strapless navy blue dress. The dress is covered in glitter it's tight up to the waist and flows down to the floor is absolutely beautiful.

"Brooklyn look at this dress its gorgeous it would look great on you," I tell her.

"It is really nice but it's just not my type."

"Fine if you're not gonna get this dress I am it's just to good to not get," I say. And I know this is the perfect dress for the gala.

"Pipes look at this dress this is the one." I turn to look at the dress and it is really pretty it's perfect for Brooke. It's her favorite color, it's dark red with long sleeved which is good considering its winter and high low.

After trying on the dresses and liking the way they fit we payed and went to go get lunch since it was already noon." Where do you wanna eat?" I ask.

"I dunno as long as we eat something shopping can really make a girl hungry."

"Okay well I saw a Chipotle on the other side of the highway on the way to the mall, we could eat there," I tell her.



Brooklyn's POV

I finished straightening my hair and slipped on my black heeled booties. Jason would be here any minute. I made sure that I have everything ready and then lay down on my bed waiting for Jason.

"I'm leaving," Piper yells from the living room.

"Okay," I reply as I hear the door open.

"Jason's here," Piper shouts.

"Alright I'll be right there," I yell back as I do one last check in the mirror to make sure everything is perfect. I grab my purse and my phone and head to the living room to meet Jason.

"Wow Brooklyn you look amazing," Jason told me.

"You don' t look to bad yourself," I say. We head out the door and I grab my keys to lock the door. We walk to Jason's corvette its black with red leather seats inside. We talk a little but mostly sit in comfortable silence as Jason drives. As we pull into Bruce's mansion Alfred opens the door for me,

"It's so good to see you again Miss Grace."

"You too Alfred." I reply honestly. It really has been to long since I've seen him or been here and I love this place so it's good to be back.

"Brooklyn you look beautiful i'm glad you came its been to long since i've seen you, we've missed you around here." I hear behind me, as I turn to see the one and only Bruce Wayne.

"Thank you. I know i've missed it around here too, i've just been really busy with work and stuff."

"Well if you'll excuse me I have to greet the guests but I will talk to you guys later enjoy the party though and merry christmas."

"We will, merry christmas Bruce." I tell him. We walk around a little stopping to talk a little and say hi to some of Jason's friends.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna go get a drink you want one?" Jason asks.

"Sure just don't take to long," I tell him. As he leaves I just stand there awkwardly for a minute because I don't know anyone.

I hear footsteps and turn around there is a really cute guy walking towards me. He was tall with jet black and beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey, I'm Dick" he says smirking.

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